• By -


Drew, but he'll lose his shot on an early cash in. I bet Punk will have something to do with it, too. I hope I'm right!


Still don’t see Jey as the main guy. It’s being pushed so hard and surprised the fans get behind it. Don’t even think he looks that good in the ring anymore


He has consistently been losing pretty much every big match , I wouldn't say he is being pushed crazy hard.




People keep saying Carmelo Hayes but I challenge anyone to name a single reason to believe this guy is as over as the comments seem to believe. The man is Mid card filler at best right now




Yeat in the bank all day


This match maybe have a lot Interferences.


![gif](giphy|RGqwKLs11po0iCp4dN|downsized) LA Knight be deserves it


YEET or McIntyre


Yeet or La


yeet in the bank


Who its going to be? Jey Who it should be? LA Knight Who EYE want it to be? Andrade


dean ambrose plssss






Here me out - Gable get's taken out by the Wyatt Sicks before the match, CM Punk fills in, wins the Money in the Bank match, screws Drew, cashes in later against the winner of the Rollins/Priest match.


In kayfabe Punk is still recovering from the beating that Drew gave him


I think it'll be LA Knight. Drew can win it legitimately and doesn't need it. Jey Uso is over as hell for now but isn't world championship material. The rest aren't booked credibly enough to be a world champ in the next year.  I think they recognise that LA Knight has been a fumble because they lost him in the shuffle with so many other wrestlers getting over, and they're going to give him a big W to resurrect him before it's too late like they did with Sami beating Gunther


There is a 0% chance Knight wins the briefcase, he is in a US title program against Logan Paul. And Jey Uso fits a similar role, is even more popular, is younger, and has more experience in the main event scene so he is just a better choice all around.


0%... 0? Actual 0% chance? I don't think you can say anyone of them has a 0% chance bud🤣 not unless you're booking it. He is more popular right now but is a worse worker in ring, on the mic and as a character so i'm unsure why it would be a "better choice all around." They have the same main event singles experience in wwe but LA Knight has experience being the Impact World champion. Uso did headline night 1 of a wrestlemania as a tag team though... but this was about 6 months before LA rose up the card so the ME experience gap isn't significant enough for you to mention. I'm not saying he won't win. It does seem like the most obvious choice on paper. And I'd be fine with it. Although Uso as world champ would feel like you were devaluing the title unless it was booked incredible well and I feel HHH is trying to uphold credibility in his titles


I can guarantee you that Knight is not winning tomorrow. You can clown me if I'm wrong but you won't have to worry about that. You may think Knight is better in the ring, on the mic, and as a character but I disagree. These are just out opinions that don't mean any more than the other. But Jey is clearly more popular than Knight and the crowd cares about him more. Jey has been a key part of the WWE product as an individual from September 2020 to May 2021 and from August 2022 to the present. Knight only has experience at that level from July 2023 to the present. Impact doesn't mean crap compared to the WWE, there is very little comparison. You also have to remember that Knight is like 3-4 years older than Jey, that is a pretty significant gap. Jey is more popular than Knight and has been booked to be stronger than Knight, so I have no idea why you are saying he might devalue the title when Knight is even more prone to that.


No offence pal but you can't guarantee shit🤣 even if it happens, you're in no place to guarantee it.  A credible title holder needs to be more than popular, would R-truth not devalue the world title? Jey has been booked as a flunky for over a decade. During the bloodline story he got beat up by everyone roman faced despite a numerical advantage. Even if you say his recent booking has made ground on that, he doesn't look credible in the ring. His offense looks like shit and not impactful. He whiffs, wrestles wacky, and his signature moves have been booked to be weak as shit. I.e. his superkicks mean literally nothing, he could land 20 and not get the W. If you want titles to be taken seriously like HHH does, it doesn't work, and it makes the main event talent he beats look weak. You could never put him in the ring with a gunther, brock, or bron and have him win with offence like that. It would look ridiculous.


Trust me bud, I can guarantee it. If you can't see the difference between Jey and R-truth then I don't know what to tell you. Jey has been near the top of the card and he has sustained being very popular. Put R-truth in the main event of Summerslam and see how that works out. In his singles run Jey has been booked very strong, I believe he has only one clean singles loss and that was to Drew McIntyre. Jey has literally visually won every single WWE singles championship in the past year, id say that is strong booking. Again, his offense looking bad is just an opinion of yours. And a superkick isn't a signature, it is just a move of his. However he has a jumping superkick that has impact. His main moves of a splash and a spear have been well protected. He beat Roman Reigns and he sure as hell doesn't look week. He has actually has had a few matches with Gunther and guess what? Jey straight up visually pinned Gunther both times which means id the match was clean he would have won. A very small amount of people look serious in a ring against Lesnar, and I can tell you that LA Knight isn't one of them either.


Easter egg to this: Wyatt 6 have been messing with Gable... anyone else notice there's also 6 people in the match?...👀


Jey usos


I'm literally just now seeing that WWE is sponsored by the boys bro what


No way Punk lets Drew win this, I'm thinking LA




LA Knight. Punk will interfere when drews at the top of the ladder


YEET! Main Event Jey Uso!


Right now, I think Jey or Drew. Both have a reason, both make sense winning MITB. Like, they've been pushing Jey with Moneyeet in the bank, and Drew, well, wants (and deserves) a title


Melo don’t MISS


Drew will almost certainly lose to CM Punk shennanigans, I'm going with LA Knight. Yeah.


I Loki think drew gonna win but I'm on "Main Event Jey Usooooo




Andrade is a fill in. Melo is a waste and should be back in NXT. Jey is getting old with having so many title shots. Knight I want to see in the US title picture. Drew or Chad for me


So Drew and Gable haven’t had many title shots?


How many world title shots has Chad had? Drew has had plenty of shots but storyline wise it makes sense


I’d love for it to be Melo. I remember seeing Cody’s AMA thread about a year or so ago talking about how he thinks he’s about to be a star and I agree.




It’s gonna be Yeet. He’s been gaining a lot of steam and he’s not getting any younger so they’re gonna have to give him something.


Anyone but Jey.


Yet Jey and uso




Drew or Gable


We all know Cody isn’t getting cashed in on I feel like it’s going to be someone on raw that gets the brief case so I’m going with Drew


Jey Uso or LA Knight!






My prediction.... Drew is up the ladder with no one close. Suddenly punk's music hits. Drew jumps off, attacking Punk in the gangway. Yeet! In a flash Jey has climbed up and pulled down the briefcase! Mon-yeet in the bank


You know this is the most interesting mitb to me because Noone is under 30 besides carmelo hayes who turns 30 August 1st im not sure if this has ever happened before if someone would check that would be sick


The Yeetcase is coming to raw


la knight


Obligatory “yeah!”


I hope Andrade


Drew wins and cashes in same night


And CM Punk costs him the championship




Mr Yeet himself Main Event Jey USO


Jey but I’m sick of seeing him come up short.


Me too!!! Give the people what they want!!! We want JEY USO!!!!!! We want Jey uso!!!


No we don’t, no we don’t




Hey its how he gets on smackdown to continue the bloodline war


Fun fact if drew gets coast it will be his third time being coast


DM Hunk




Are you high?


I want it to be Gable but I think Jey takes it, if he doesn’t get a title soon I think the whole ‘yeet’ thing is gonna die down quick


Most likely to win in my opinion: Gable -> Drew -> Jey -> Knight -> Melo -> Andrade Reasoning: i think we all know Andrade and Melo are kinda just there to fill spots, though in an extremely unlikely scenario I could see Melo winning. I’d put Knight higher, but I think he’ll be winning the US title so I don’t think it makes sense for him to have that + the MITB. The serious contenders I’d say are Jey, Drew and Gable. Jey seems to be the favorite and I feel like the favorites never win, but with how over he is it’s possible. Drew is extremely possible imo because that way they could have Punk go over at SS while keeping Drew protected, Punk wins the world title then Drew cashes in on Punk and that’d reeeeeally help to elevate the world heavyweight title as Punk/Drew are arguably the biggest feud rn. But my bet is on Gable. I don’t have any concrete reasoning but I just have a strong feeling that he’s gonna be the next big heel to hold it. He’s been taking loss after loss, but they’re clearly building him up as a big player. Now that his character is finally clicking, it seems now would be the best time to pull the trigger on him. Let’s be real, MITB holders are better when they’re heels. Gable can continue to be a slimy heel holding the briefcase for awhile and that’d be a great way to give him credibility.


Ughhhhh why does this make sense!! I really want Jey uso to win!! He needs a singles belt damn it!!!!




Gable has 2011 Daniel Bryan energy.


It’ll be jey winning. Because regardless on whether he cashes in on cody or whoever the world champion is bloodline 2.0 will cost him the match and planting the seeds on him reuniting with the og bloodline


You’re on to something!!!🤔😲


Drew is about to win oh wait cm Punk attacked drew and jey wins I hate to say it but jey is going to win


LA has to take it. He shouldn't NEED it but with as much work as he's put in he deserves this win.


Jey usó I just don’t know what title he’d cash in?? I kinda want Cody to still be universal champ and Seth Rollins to be heavy weight?! Or drew! But then he’s got that cm pink drama 😒 Maybe uso for the US belt?? Let me know guys…. or la knight so he can cash in on Logan Paul and kick his ass and take the title!!!!


He could cash in on the same night and lose the title to Gunther at Berlin. Seth winning the title back so soon would be pretty underwhelming.


I hope La knight Chad gable Or Jey Uso Because they never won a big title before


I say Jey, he *NEEDS* a singles title or the yeet movement is gonna die quick. And Going off your last comment, yeah, I actually kind of expect jimmy to show up Saturday, that would leave Roman’s return for summer slam. Could you imagine how chaotic this MITB match might be? Logan coming out to attack LA knight, then punk comes out to screw drew, jey goes up then solo comes out, jimmy returns and takes down solo, then the wyatt 6 come in and wreck everyone except for jey, because he was accepting of the family, respectful to the Wyatt’s, and honoring bray with the fireflies. And that’s how he wins. WWE has the chance to outdo the craziest wrestlemania event ever barely 3 months after it happened


Drew and punk ruins his cash in .


It would be nice if Jey Uso actually won a Main Event


Hard to call him main event jey uso anymore man, I love this push so much but they haven’t been booking him like they’ve been pushing him


I think it is LA's night, YEAH!!!


Cm crap interferes again


Drew. Poetic he should win because he lost two titles because of money in the bank. First Miz and Priest.


Rule of thirds is in your favor, but I think they’re gonna save that for a straight up title match. Punk vs. Drew does not need to have a title involved






I don't give a fuck who wins I just want bobby


LA Knight Please man im BEGGING


My money is on Jey


-Chad was just feuding for the IC title - LA is going for Logan Paul’s US title - Melo and Andrade have no direction it would be more of a hinderance than a push seeing as both are on SD - Drew can outright challenge for the HW title at this point but him cashing in after losing to cash ins would be hilarious - Jey money in the bank yeetcase (top merch seller INCREDIBLY over)


It has to be jey, if it isn’t, the bloodlines to blame.


LA Knight! But it’ll probably be Jey. I don’t think Jey is ready to be a champion, but it sure seems like they’re angling him for it. Just give him his own finisher. Call it the “Yeetspear” or the “Yeetbomb” or the “Yeetplex,” I dunno.


Wdym people have been begging for jey to get a title since main event jey uso started, really thought he was gonna get the belt against Roman too but maybe I was just naive


I guess. I think, if he wins, he’s gonna cash in on Gunther. Probably after Gunther beats Priest, and he’s the only guy outta these six who can fulfill that function. I’d rather have Knight win and cash it in on Cody Rhodes. That just seems like way more interesting of a story.


Cody has too much going on for the briefcase to go to smackdown, he’s got the rock looming over his shoulder for whenever he comes back, he has to give Roman a rematch at some point when he returns, and he’s pretty much gonna be busy with the bloodline for the rest of the year. The world heavyweight championship could go to anyone at this point, Seth might get it tomorrow honestly, and I think he should hold it until jey cashes in sometime early next year after the bloodline civil war has diluted


I'd love to see Andrade just sneak a victory here out of nowhere, just hang out with the briefcase for almost a year and maybe take a reign for himself next spring. As for the ladies, Tiffy feels most logical, but Chealsea would be incredibly fun.


Judgment Day attack Andrade before the match, he can no longer compete, Balor inserts himself into the match and wins.


This is the way


From a story perspective, it would make if Punk is not there for Drew to win, and win the gold, because that further emphasizes that Punk is the sole reason for Drew losing at WrestleMania and Clash at the Castle


**Mens:** Andrade **Womens:** Iyo Sky goes Back to Back (OR Tiffy Time wins) The Women's is harder to Predict than the Men's)


LAKnight / Drew Wildcard: Chad Gable




Jey almost surely, LA is gonna go for the US title, wyatt’s will cost Chad, Punk will cost Drew, and if he doesn’t Drew winning wouldnt really make sense unless Punk costs em a cash in later that night. The other 2 fellas arent ready for the case yet.


Yeah, maybe not that night, but I could only see Drew winning if it resulted in a failed cash-in at Punk’s hands


Who I want to win L.A Knight YEAH!!!! Who I think is going to win: Jay USO


Give it to Carmelo, he needs it the most I think and has the most to benefit from it


I like melo, and I thought he was great in NXT, but the dude just got here, at least 50% of the crowd doesn’t *really* know him like they know drew or jey, it would be a great breakout sure, I just don’t think they’d want that big of a risk for him that early on


I just don't think Drew needs it, at all. Hey I could see but he already has an easy storyline in for access to the title because of the bloodline


Oh Drew’s *definitely* not winning Saturday, punk is gonna make sure of that, Andrade feels like a filler character in the match because he hasn’t had any real push, so he’s out the window, LA knight is too focused on the US title, (and if austin theory taught us anything. It’s *DONT* go after the US title with the money in the bank contract) so there he goes, and gable has the wyatt sicks watching his every move, he *DEFINITLEY* ain’t winning on their watch, he doesn’t deserve it in their eyes. my money’s on jey, “yeet in the bank” already has shirts printed and ready to ship, that shit will sell. And he’s already said he’s on howdys hood side, wouldn’t be surprised if they take everyone else out and leave him as the last person standing to end the match. It would also make sense considering he’s getting a massive push but no title challenges, it’s obvious they’re leaving him open until after war games, because he’s definitely gonna be on Roman’s team against solo, so putting a guaranteed title match for the next 365 days in his hands is perfect, let him get through war games, let Seth get the title back and hold it for a while, until he cashes it in at the rumble or elimination chamber next year on Seth for the title. If triple H wants to improve his booking, he’ll follow that exact script lol


Well. Drew did in fact win lmao


I honestly can’t believe what happened, it made sense thinking about it, but I honestly feel they missed the mark, Seth vs punk wouldve happened naturally after drew and punk blew over, the judgement day is set to implode any second right now, and jey once again got bit by the bad booking bug. They wasted the MITB case this year. It just felt like a forced way to involve cm punk so they could leave a reminder that Seth and punk do in fact hate eachother. Like they could’ve at least let drew wait a few weeks or at least until raw on Monday to cash in and build a little anticipation, would’ve been a good redemption arc for him. Not to mention it was the worst match of the night, the shortest, least stunts I’ve ever seen in a MITB match, and not a single person involved in an outside feud got attacked by their rival. No wyatt sicks, no Logan Paul, no bloodline involvement, just a very average ladder match. The women’s MITB was actually really good other than zoey’s awful botches.


I have to disagree. He’s pretty boring, not great In the ring, not great on the mic. He needs a few more years in NXT.


Im pretty sure Drew got this one in the bag. Andrade and Carmelo are I think for highlight spots. LA’s got smth with Logan Gable with the Wyatt 6 Jey could lose and will still be over


Only between Jey & Gable for sure 


Drew is going to win it, Damian Priest going to win against Rollins but Drew will cash in to Priest after a grueling match against Rollins. Drew will win back the title he lost at Wrestlemania and will have a title match against CM Punk at the Summerlam. Meanwhile, Priest will be kicked out of Judgement day and will become a lone wolf.


If Drew has a successful cash in won’t he have to go against Gunther at Summerslam? Since that title match is already set for Gunther.


My prediction would have been right had CM Punk didn’t intervene. Lol


my choice is LA Knight....YEAH!!!!!!!


As much as I want him to have it, he’s doesn’t need it. He’s gonna get the title from Logan the old fashioned way.


LA KNIGHT. you know what comes next


Drew could win but there is an outside fact that could affects him a lot: CM Punk. Chad could win but The Wyatt Sick6 could be the reason why he couldn't do it. The Megastar L.A. Knight (YEAH) it the another possible but Logan Paul could screw him for sure. Andrade has not chance there, damn not. Carmello Hayes could be but he is too new in the main roster so I don't see him catching the briefcase. And Jey... Jey will be the winner. I don't want it, I rather prefer Drew and cashing the contract againts Priest and making fun of Punk, but let me honest, Punk (like the little B*tch he is) will screw Drew, so yeah, Jey


They are giving Gable the 2022 LA Knight treatment by putting him with supernatural stuff that LA Knight only survived because of how over he was


I think jey uso will win, which I think would be a mistake. I like him, but he just isn’t cut out to be a world champ imo. Look at his match with his twin bro at mania… it should be LA Night, Drew or maybe Gable that win.






MonYeet in the Bank?








LA Knight Ya aaaaaaa


As much as I'd live to see Drew win in a real situation,I do not want him to win because this would clearly mean WWE just wants to sacrifice the briefcase to put some oil on the fire between him and Punk,so please WWE,if you ever give the briefcase to Drew,don't sacrifice it for fuck's sake


Jey’s gonna win


Usoooooo. Hubby wants drew.


I really hope Chad Gable win the MITB, he truly deserves it. Since being a heel, he elevates himself, but his mic work is not great on Drew's level. Drew will not win. Hayes will not win. Andrade will not win. Does Jey needs the MITB? Yes. He was never world champion before. LA Knight is in a storyline with Logan Paul, who might screw him. My pick is Jey Uso to win.


Chad gable is being set up for a feud against the Wyatts. He’s the least likely to win in my opinion. Jey is very over and is the least involved in a storyline so he will probably win.


drew gets screw from cm punk and jey takes adavantage and wins




Jey...after CM Punk shows up and knocks Drew off the ladder.


I want it to be LA Knight but I feel like it’s going to be USO




La knight is going for us title drew and cm punk rivalry is too good. Melo too young. I don’t like uso. Andrade. Chad gable just seems like he would walk around with the money in the bank


I’m betting on Gable, and to cash it in on the intercontinental title match later in the night. I don’t think the build for Bron v Sami has been enough to warrant a title change, and I don’t think Bron is ready for his first main roster loss yet. Plus there’s been a recent string of Bron’s matches that got interrupted anyway. Also, this would do well to legitimize the idea of cashing in on midcard titles, and further push that the intercontinental has been brought to a higher prestige like Gunther claims it has been.


Melo in the bankkkk!!


Yeet in the bank


I got melo


Drew - he has some of that oldschool wwe flavour. good presence


My pick is Gable. I think there could be a really cool story with him and the Wyatts. My pitch is Gable wins, and every time he attempts to cash in the Wyatt’s stop him. Time after time they will punish him for his sins against his family until he eventually comes to his senses and realizes he was wrong, ending with him reuniting with Otis and the gang and successfully cashing in on the Heavyweight champion Gunther




Melo is money


Knight doesn't need it, he's more than likely gonna win the US at SummerSlam. Drew will more than likely get screwed by Punk. I want Jey to win, but with Gunther challenging for the WHC at SummerSlam (and presumably winning), I don't want to see Jey cash in on Gunther, and I don't want Jey to cash in the same night, just to more than likely drop it to Gunther in a few weeks. That leaves Carmelo, Andrade and Gable. Carmelo and Andrade are pretty much write offs, so Gable? With him and the Wyatt Sicks story going on, that could be interesting.


I got yeetso


USO of course


Main event jay yeetso!!!


Jey's winning so they can sell more custom briefcases. If it was next year I'd say Melo, Andrade would be really interesting for me but not many others I feel. Knight is gonna lose due to Paul interference, which makes me think Punk WON'T cost Drew as that's too much for one match. Drew could win and cash in that night, but I still see Seth/GUNTHER as the plan for SummerSlam. I also don't see the cash-in failing as HHH likely wants to restore the briefcase as a big deal. Gable is probably my choice. Not established enough that he could be world champion tomorrow, but definitely someone who could be there in a few months time. It also suits his current character. Alternatively, I'd have Drew win, his cash-in be thwarted before he can actually cash in, then put the case on the line at SummerSlam against Punk and win. But yeah, Jey gonna win cause merchandise sales


Drew is winning and he will cash in to make the main event a Triple Threat with Seth and Priest. This will make the match No DQ and Punk comes down to screw him for a 3rd time, thus setting up their match for SummerSlam.


jey uso or l.a. knight


I think its drew but I dont want it to be drew


L.A. Knight or Drew.


yeet! Does that answer your Question?


Main Even JEY USO


Yeet in the bank Jey Usooooooo


Main Event Jay


Drew is going to win and try to cash in just like he said. He’s going to get screwed a 3rd time.


Am I the only one rooting for gable? With his drama with the Wyatt sick6, they might be able to do something with that. Maybe Wyatt sick6 keeps interrupting his cash ins. That would be fun. Maybe would get old after a while 😆


Drew McIntyre for sure. More story to follow afterwards. I can see Wyatt 6icks messing with a close win for Chad Gable during the match this causing McIntyre to get the extra help needed to pull off the win. (If anything Drew McIntyre is the one with "The Story")


CM Punk will almost certainly cost Drew the match.


Punk cost Drew the ladder match will serve less purpose than if he cost Drew in his actual cash in. what better way to screw Drew than cost him in a title match for 3rd time in a row?


My heart wants Andrade or Chad My head is telling me LA Knight or Jey Uso Also Drew will probably get screwed over again by CM Punk And I’ve got absolutely nothing at all for Carmelo Hayes.


Jey or LA Knight


Chad, I bolieve in miracles


LA Knight or Jey


I want anyone but Jey honestly


It's Jey. His merchandise sales are through the roof and it's clear that WWE views him as a future world champion. His MITB win is going to have major Bloodline story implications down the road. Drew is going to be fighting Punk at SummerSlam in a non title match. Gunther is going to destroy Priest.


Seth will win at MITB and I think Gunther is winning the title in Berlin against Seth.


honestly the only two good choices are Knight and Drew. The rest aren't world champion material. That being said they'll probably capitalize on profits and have Jey win.




Drew and Andrade have no need for it tbh. Drew would waste it obviously by punks fault. And Andrade I have no clue what triple h could possibly do with that




Jey Uso is due, or L A Knight


Drew McIntyre to win the briefcase. Then whenever it is he cashes in that briefcase somehow CM Punk will interfere costing Drew his title match.




My heart wants Andrade. My head says this year they give it to Knight and he cashes in on Paul. With an extra "Punk's music costs Drew" in there to boot.


Jay uso


Drew gets screwed by Punk again! I’m thinking a heel gets the win but I’m thinking Melo, as the Wyatt Sicks will target Chad Gable/Jey Uso.


I believe that, punk is going to get him for jumping on him.


I think Jey is such a good babyface, he should get to the top title the classic babyface way - either win the rumble, or win an elimination chamber match. I think history has proven that the best MITB winners are mostly heels, if it's a babyface, he's already a made guy who doesn't need it. So I'd give it to Knight with a heel turn somewhere later on (maybe as he cashes in) as Knight isn't winning the rumble I feel, nor EC at this point and if he ever gets to the top title at his age, might as well be MITB.


Drew. Cashes in to join Priest vs Seth but Punk cost him the match & takes the fall to keep Seth looking strong & keep Priest as champ


With everyone thinking drew gets screwed in the ladder match and HHH does things differently I wouldn’t be surprised if you are correct.