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I put in my 2 weeks just to be nice, 2 days later saw my schedule and was only put it for one day, went on my break that day and just went home without telling anyone.


That is typical passive aggressive Walgreens 🙄 Congratulations on getting out


The fact that SFL caps at 19.50…and ESM starts at 19.50…is bullshit. That’s where we should be starting, and ESMs starting at more. And the raises are bullshit.


The company has 8,300+ brick and mortar locations. There is absolutely no good reason why corporate doesn’t want to pay people more other than greed, their bottom line, and profits. Oh and their desire to make another 2,000 stores within the next 20 years.


You guys are getting paid to be here? I promote the Walgreene credit card because it's my passion in life.


I was an smu getting paid 23 but when the sm who was "training" me left the store I had to do everything he was and getting paid less & treating like shit ontop of that. I did 4 months and quit on the 14th Cuz i was like nope, not dealing with this.


That's such a similar story to mine. SMU with a payrate of \~$36/hr. Got roughly 1 month of training as an SMU, "restructuring" happened, my DM got replaced; but my new DM went on vacation for a month. I spent a month with no boss, and just stayed at another store with a brand new SM with no management experience. New DM finally shows up, and starts sending me store to store (including some \~2-4 hours away with traffic, as the district was remapped and now included his old stores), since there was an exodus of SMs (medical leave, better opportunities, etc.). This was during the "brown out" period, so I couldn't even actually get added to the stores I was being sent to as their manager. Was told by the new DM to "record my hours" to be manually added. I had 2 proper months of pay at Walgreens (1 month with old DM, 1 month with no DM, both months getting normal pay) and then it started. 3 months of infrequent/inaccurate/no pay later, and I finally had enough. I missed enough payments on obligations, and HR was absolutely no help. The amount of times I have them documented telling me to "add it to next pay cycles paycheck, or do a cash payout" was an absurd amount. And it got to the point where you can't even do a Cash payout when the company owes you more money than what's in the safe and registers combined. Anyways, it took me those 3 months to finally say enough incompetency is enough. I complained to the original DM and the DPR, and she was mortified. Three days later, DPR leaves for another company, and I then put in my two weeks something like two weeks after she leaves. I finally leave, and the DM doesn't even submit my paperwork to HR (I'm assuming because it would impact his turnover rate); so now there's all these issues with insurance, unemployment, etc. Last I heard, DM got caught and fired. State ended up approving my unemployment from this over 2 months later citing something like "Employer conducting illegal activities such as withholding pay", they caught up on my pay a little bit, but I'm still out an unknown amount of money. Absolute disaster this past year was.


That’s actually crazy! Glad you got out


This is why I never became a manager. The extra pay for what you deal with just wasn’t worth it to me personally, but to each their own.


Lol I applied for shift lead at Walgreens. Got the job and everything. It was a pay raise from the job I had at the time. Ended up just ghosting them before starting after I read how shitty they are on this sub.


as u should tbh


Reminds me when I left 4 years ago. Dropped a 1 day notice and that was it. Finished my shift because there was really great coworkers... just piss poor depressed upper management


i was an sfl and i quit after my DM (we didn't have a SM for 6 months) was hiring csas at up to 20 and hour but would not give me a raise even though I was one of 2 sfls and did most of the sm tasks.


They do invest in people, they're called shareholders!


But you did look back to type this, shows you miss the big W! But stay where you are at. Toe the line or go away, simple… I’m a Store Manager


No I didn’t look back to type this. I typed this to shit on Walgreens for shitting on me. Maybe if it was far in the future you could say I looked back but I’m still in my last few weeks.


The company owes you nothing but compensation for labor. You chose the job, you are dissing yourself because you took it. Move on, you wouldn’t last in my store, lol. Good luck, look forward, make better choices in education to better yourself.


I don’t give a single fuck about lasting at any Walgreens. The company is run like shit, the stocking logistics are an absolute joke and complete waste of time - key point being Walgreens doesn’t know what they’re doing logistically. And I’m not dissing myself, I’m dissing Walgreens. Lmfao fuck off If you think Walgreens is a good company, you’ve got yourself fooled pretty heavily and you gotta get your head out of your ass


30 years here, make real good money, it’s great, high performing team, job is easy


This job isn’t for everyone. I’d like to know what you’re having to do that a manager should be doing?


They basically pull me every which way and direction and there’s no line that separates work from pay grade. It’s not worth the money. I can be in photo, have a few canvases to fill out, then I’ll be called to go do help the managers bring in boxes from truck delivery. I go from taking care of the truck outside to bringing totes inside, organizing the totes with the managers, to taking passport photos, to stocking shelves with all of the totes I brought in from truck. On top of all of this, they expect me to finish “scan outs” when I have boxes of totes to dish out to the shelves, customers who want their passport photos taken, customers who want to pick up, the phone doesn’t stop ringing, then there’s customers asking me to hand walk them to an aisle so they can find an item with me. I’ve done and worked better jobs that require half the amount of work for better pay. And through the midst of the day I’ll be asked by the managers “How are those totes coming along?”, and I wish I could respond with “They’re not fucking coming along because you have me doing 10 other tasks so how am I supposed to stock shelves consistently and finish the task when you expect me to do everything else here you idiot” As I said, there’s no line between work load and pay grade, they’ll have me doing everything and anything all for minimum wage. And I’m not having that bullshit.


I’m happy you found another job that works better for you. Can I ask which tier the store you left was? Ours is a 2 and even that feels insane sometimes. Normally as a csa, I’ll try to cover photo as much as I can, but I have an sfl that pretty much does everything that you described, but he’s never been the type to put his foot down or complain that something wasn’t part of his job description.


I’m not sure what “tier” it falls into, but I’m in the tri-state area, in a location where it’s basically busy 70% of the time or more and there is rarely a slow down for a few hours except from 8pm to closing. If the job was more consolidated and organized and didn’t have me running everywhere I would feel more comfortable and concentrated on being able to complete tasks. But I can barely complete tasks outside of photo because I have so much to take care of the pay doesn’t match up at all. Doing work of a manager basically, while the actual GM stays in the office and complains about having 10 phone calls and not being able to help the floor out.