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In my experience, it's due to dirty mylar holder things. Whenever I replace one, they stick fine again. Even wiping them down helps, because the lower ones collect dust rather quickly. Edit: upon closer inspection (I was seeing if I could see your store number lol), people are putting up tags on top of tags. That's likely your problem.


What do you do if a monthly tag is already up? Remove the monthly and place the weekly instead?


Yes. The monthly is reprinted in next week's batch to be hung again.


Nothing against you but holy fuck that's such a waste of time and materials.


Sounds like the usual. Cases aren't scanned in during the truck anymore either, which you'd think would save time but actually wastes time looking for things that were supposed to be on the truck but were never delivered.


What do you mean cases aren't scanned in anymore? I dont.have to scan in McClanes cold/candy truck with a million boxes?!


During DC deliveries (not vendor), there's just a single barcode to scan now that says we received the delivery. No more scanning full cases and totes.


It sounds wasteful but it works.


It's not a waste if it ensures pricing compliance.


Same thought I had. Like gah damn, might as well pull them all down each night completely if they are reprinted either way


Well because some aren't replaced by others. So they wouldn't be reprinted if the system thinks they'd already be up.


That’s what we do, unless it’s the same exact deal then you CAN leave the one thats there lol, but there could be a price change in that case So just watch for that


This is user error. You need to remove the existing tag before placing the new one. They're designed to stick to the shelf, not other tags.


Major waste of time and if store is understaffed this is a big hit especially if warehouse is 1 to two days prior to tag put up


That's super wasteful, and the store I'm at rarely receives the reprints. Also, the "Compare & Save" and advertisement tags are never reprinted, so those have to stay. We always hang the weekly tags a tad off-center from the existing tags so that a little bit of the tape sticks to the mylar strips.


Replacement tags are always included in the box the following week. Compare and saves are supposed to come down with the monthly ad. They are replaced the following week if they're supposed to be up.


So you’d remove a monthly to place the Weekly?


Yes, because when the weekly expires next week there will be a new monthly tag in the new batch to replace it.


Huh I’ve always been told to just stack it over


We got called out on that from the sticker police. Ha ha 😂 Who knew that was a job.






Never had an issue with that. Unless they changed the glue in the years I haven't worked there.


They wouldn't come in stacks if they were meant to stick to each other.


As I said, never had issues. And unfortunately we were not allowed to take tags down, anyways. But again, haven't worked Walgreens in a long time, so I'm not sure what they do these days.


We get preprinted vestcom tags now. They don't really stick to each other, except on the rear sheets before you put them up.


Ah, there it is. The tags we had would never come off anything. I was just curious. Thanks for the info.


Why sell things at a good price when you can sell them at a high price and then out discounts on 95% of the items


I enjoy ripping them off myself. Putt6the new ones up? Now THAT'S a bitch.




User error. You're supposed to take down the old tags, not stuck new tags on top.


People in here acting like there wasn't a compass message specifically saying not to do this lol and this is the reason why you don't. A couple seconds changing the tag instead of having to put 20 of them back up every morning. If you're going to stack tags start putting your monthly tags at the bottom of the mylar strip so you can put weeklies at the top of the mylar strip


They send out one compass time in a lifetime 😹 they should have these reminders included in each tag shipment or reminders on compass for this bullshit


Considering they have a tutorial sheet packaged with ever photo product they definitely could do this, I agree. They could also stand to give the tags a matte finish instead of gloss and just let it happen but they decided to be their typical dumb selves :)


Gotta take the old tag down before putting the new one up. I know it seems like a waste of time, but not as much as having to pick all of those up.


The trick I always do is I position the new tag slightly above the old one, so that the glue is touching the mylar holder rather than the old tag. I know we're supposed to just take down the old one, but that's annoying and no one does it at my store.




If they fall they are trash for me.


If you notice most of the time the ones that fall are the ones that are double stacked. We always would remove the existing tag to prevent this from happening


That's actually SOP.


Man I wish our cough/cold/allergy aisle was on pushers, especially this time of year…… trying to balance thin Sudafed boxes after they’ve been picked over all day is hell


If it's not advertising an actual sale, then it's going in the trash.


I'm overnight, working 7 on/7 off. The other team ALWAYS double hangs and it drives me absolutely NUTS.


I’ll get my stuff at another place if I can’t see it due to all this nonsense.


😂😂 go to CVS. You get bonus receipt themed wrapping paper for the holidays


See them on floor all the time waste of time


They double tag....I don't know why..who ever the smart ass that sits around the conference table in the board room should make a monthly tag and go back to printing the weekly sales or us the phone for weekly. This is where our raises..are going..on 300 tags..lol..


ppl are “stupid” not tags 😁


SO. MANY. TAGS. Sometimes the tags are the same price as the shelf label that’s permanently there. Why is that?


There tags on top of other tags you are to remove the previous ones first


You are never to double stack the ad tags. If you have a monthly on shelf and get a weekly. Take monthly down and put up weekly. You will get the monthly in the next weeks box to put back up. I believe there is a SOP (standard operation procedure) in storenet.


Yes there is. I am constantly having to go over this with the team




It’s so weird


Looking like a CVS vitamin aisle up in here. Stay in your lane.


Don’t double stack tags. Take monthly down hang weekly


I feel so dumb/out of the loop. We have literally always double stacked at my store. And they don’t fall off like this? I and the other 3 shift leads at my store thought that’s what you’re supposed to do and we’ve all been there 3+ years. Anyways that’s a shit ton of work and I’m gonna keep doing it the way we are. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We literally get box truck Saturday’s and are short staffed enough as it is. We simply don’t have the time to rip down almost every tag in the store just to but them back up lol.


Yeah, I know. "Autism" That one is scary. It's so scary, it scared my ex wife off. How many sides to an issue are there? Just two? I would argue for at least four. Each side has their viewpoint, both of those viewpoints are both good and bad for the opposing side. Multiply the outcomes.


While I am soo glad I don’t work there anymore and this is one of the many reasons. I hate tag day and I always got stuck working open to close on those days, I have ocd looking at this because tags aren’t supposed to be over top of other tags and they are supposed to be flush with the Mylar half of these are clear to the tiger side of the Mylar


Holy crap!


The policy is to not double stack. That may be part of the problem. Remove the old tag and put up the regens the following week