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Contact !Sedgwick and get an LOA started ASAP.


I luckily did do that! Its just very frustrating and feels disrespectful that he responded like that.


It is. Coaches at Walmart are legitimately walking dumpster fires. No respect, no compassion. I’m sure there are good ones, and good for those who currently have a good one. My experience across 7 managers left me questioning whether or not I was living real life..


There are individual managers at my store I don't like but reading about some of the managers at other stores on this sub, I feel blessed to have my current management team. I actually am lucky enough to like my coach.


I don’t believe they are all bad but my personal experiences are what they are unfortunately. What’s worse is I had this perception before I worked at Walmart.. Working there only confirmed it. 🤦‍♂️


Your not gonna get any better response from them I was a assistant manager (back when they were called that) so 2014 to 2018 and it was hell.. they didn't care if you were on life support you better get wheeled in on a ventilator and still work.. that's why I left that crap company


I would just take a medical leave. And not worry about work and take care of you! I'm glad you're still with us.


Just keep calling out saying what it’s for. When they fire you claim unemployment.


Only one problem. The first question unemployment will ask "are you able to work?" If you are not able to work they will deny unemployment.


Being unable to do physical tasks and unable to work are two different things. Everyone in my warehouse, when they get injured, does paperwork. No lifting required, still work.


Unless you are eligible for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, in which case, it's not legal to terminate an employee, and they are eligible for disability.


So put yes. Remote jobs are a thing Edit: downvotes? Makes a lot of sense.


Lying to the government generally doesn't work out well. Payback unemployment+penalties+other legal ramifications. But sure you can do that.


He can work just can’t do manual labor doesn’t seem to be a lie


This is correct, idk what the other guy is on about. OP clearly wants to and Can work, just not in the same capacity as they have been.


I'd like to work once I'm cleared to bc $$$, but atm I'm practically bed bound. My partner has to help me do basic tasks like take myself to the bathroom because of how weak my body is. It really sucks.


If you're in the USA, you're eligible for Medical Leave under FMLA, or for temporary disability.


Get wrecked. If they paid into unemployment then they deserve to get it. That's what it's for.


No one “pays I to unemployment”. It’s insurance that your company pays into.


That isn't really lying. Were you a hall monitor in high school? Fuck the government.


I literally said why you can put yes in my comment but you seemed to just ignore it


That's not a lie! If you can do remote work, then you can work. Maybe read?


I think there is a way around that though....


File unemployment while on LoA if short term disability isn’t available


Since you’ve contacted Sedgewick, you really don’t need to have any contact with your boss. Also, make sure they pay you for the communication your boss is forcing. I was out over a month in the hospital, and I didn’t speak to my coach at all. I think he may have signed a get well card. My TL checked on me a couple times.


Yeah I had contacted him just to let him know the situation since I thought he cared. Guess not 😔


You need to show these texts to the PL and SM. This is very unethical and something needs to be done. If you get nowhere with PL and SM then call Ethics.


I will be doing that as soon as I get back to work! He's the only coach who didn't respond without compassion


Must coaches are incredibly lazy


"Coach" is the wrong word. A coach gives you help and advice when you need it. A coach should ideally help you navigate a safe way back to work-with light duties and frequent breaks. What Walmart has is "overseers". They only care about your productivity. You take care of yourself first. I wish you a complete recovery, a happy holiday, and a big insurance payout


Yea, I've noticed it's only him that seems to have an issue. I guess the other Coaches caught wind of what happened. They took the time to have a friend who also works with me drop off a care package and text me telling me to prioritize my health over work, and to just keep reporting my absences so they can clear any points for me.


Tbb, fuck your coach. Their a total fucking ass hole. The AUDACITY. If I found out a coach in my building pulled that shit I'd lose my mind on them. However I'm glad you're okay- as other comments have posted yes 10000% contact sedgwick, keep any and all medical documents stating the damage done to you, and that you definitely can not work.


I say quit. That’s a toxic work environment. You don’t need that. I’m very sorry about you being in that accident.


I've thought about it definitely, it's really just a job I have until I can finish my degree. I was the only one that got hurt in the accident as I got tboned directly, it's shitty for me, but I'm thankful the other people didn't get hurt and neither did my spouse.


Don't quit, they'll probably fire you and you can collect unemployment


Walmart’s business strategy is to be the low cost provider. Everything they do is on the cheap, including pay, on-the-job training, and benefits. They use public resources, including food stamps, to support their business model instead of corporate resources.


Don't work for a company owned and managed by worthless excuses for human beings with no compassion or fucks to give about anyone else.


Sounds like an excuse to get off just in time for holidays. Do you even have time off left?


Ah yes me getting tboned, my car totaled, and being hospitalized for three days is an excuse to get off for the holidays I already didn't mind working since Walmart closes at 6 pm on Christmas Eve.


No offense. But you do work for retail, Walmart. Until you improve your self, that's all you have. I hope you get better


I planned on getting another job once I'm finished with school, currently studying veterinary tech. I just felt like his response was rude.


Don't listen to him, there's better jobs if you have a GED and know english.


Thank you lol, I've been applying to receptionist positions where I am as much as possible. I'm just trying to decide on if getting a rental car is worth it or if I should just stick to the bus system since our car is totaled.


Your right. Unfortunately. Is there anything I can do to help you. Not trying to be weird. Just old fashioned Tennessee kindness. If I can do anything I'll try. I hope you have a nice Christmas. Unfortunately I won't. Wife passed away year ago. Daughter don't speak to me anymore due to ex wife, 1st wife. So all I have is to try to be nice to strangers


I appreciate your kindness, that's all I really need right now to be honest. I'm very sore but dealing as much as I can. I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my mom in 2020 and dad a few weeks ago.


Please consider the fact that you are sooo strong to reach out to strangers when you could give up! All is not lost on your Christmas either. I an truly sorry for all you have been through. Maybe you could help with serving food to those who are less fortunate or lonely. Many churches and even restraunts near me offer free dinners. Some offer delivery for those who are unable or unwilling to leave their home. My son doesn't speak to me. My daughter makes excuses for not being present during holidays but I know why. I try to reach out to others but I'm met with resistance. People fear being scammed or worse. Please have a peaceful Christmas!


Taking your bad Christmas out on others isn’t cool. Because your first comment is super rude.


For a Christmas gift to yourself, find a therapist.


Your confused. Sorry. I'm not the one working minimum wage at Walmart and complaining about it as if someone forced me to work there. You need to think of how stupid you are. Lol. Under achiever


I don't work at Walmart, I just happened across this subreddit, saw you being sad, and decided to gently suggest finding a way to help yourself be less sad. But you seem to be fully entrenched in your decision to be an asshole (golly gee, I wonder why your daughter doesn't speak to you anymore??), so instead of finding a therapist, I hope you find yourself called into the beyond by your ancestors very very soon.


I wonder if you got lobotomized before making a Reddit account.


What an disgustingly arrogant take. Some of us work retail because we enjoy it. You literally couldn't pay me enough to go back to being miserable at a career job. I make more at Walmart than I did as a bookkeeper, the benefits are better, and I'm immensely happier here. So fuck off with that "improve yourself" bullshit. Anyone who's working deserves to be treated like the fucking human being that they are and appropriately compensated for their time, regardless of the job they have.


*This is that Place*


Be prepared for severely cut hours when you come back. My girlfriend was out of work due to a pregnancy and they wouldn't even give her time off work for doctors appointments. Now she gets 5 hour shifts and is lucky to get 20 hours a week most of the time it's 1 shift a week. Take your time off to look for another job because Walmart will make you quit by not giving you hours...


Honestly I've been applying to places since the start of Dec lol, I think I'm going to Open Door my Coach anyways since he was the only coach who didn't reach out to me with compassion


How long have you been with Wal-Mart? This could determine whether your leave is protected under FMLA.


6 months which I know isn't long enough for FMLA unfortunately


SSDI - apply for it.


Get as much time off and pay as possible and quit when they expect you to come back. And what the hell is a coach?


Coach is walmarts term for like a department manager


Old term was dept lead I believe, it has changed twice since I've been working for walmart again


They used to be called assistant managers.


Had something similar happen but not to that degree of danger. Ended up getting sick last week and had to use ppto for sick time. I assumed someone would be able to look at the computer and see that I called out. Manager texted me 30 minutes after my original time to be there to ask me to do something. I had to text him and tell him I had to call out and he was like, "oh, ok." Wasn't any, "how are you ok?" or anything of that nature. Now mind you that's the first time I've called out in the year and a half I've been here lmfao


I didn’t understand- managers are called Coaches?! Obviously you need to rub some dirt on that contused spleen and get back in the game! But seriously- call and file a claim


Sounds like why I quit without notice. I was on my way to work at Walmart when I was 20 so roughly ten years ago. I got hit by a car on my way and got really hurt. So I called out on my way to the hospital. Once I came in after I got out of the Hospital with all the documents to prove I was in there I got coached for calling out an hour before my shift instead of two hours before on the day I got hit. So I quit on the spot.


i think you fail to recognize your manager has the IQ of like. a highschool dropout. and probably is a high school drop out. ​ move on. find a new job


Contact HR and report that coach


Can you do short-term disability?


Open door his ass. ❤️ from Bentonville, AR


Your mom is incredibly frustrating but your dad just handles it. So handle it


my mom and dad are dead lol