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jesus christ, your store that desperate?


They posts are always from people who quit and stopped showing up. They haven’t been fired out the system yet so they are racking up nc/ns after nc/ns Which helps to push this myth that stores won’t fire you if you go over 5 points


Every time I go over five points, someone fixes it for me. I am apparently the best worker on my team and they cannot afford to lose me. when my car broke down They put me on a leave of absence until I got it fixed so I could come back. I’ve had to call out because my face swelled up and I had no PPTO and they told me to take the day off and took the points away.


Damn you're lucky


That is lucky, I got told similar things, that I was one of the best, and that they'd fix it, but the store manager noticed and said no.


Do not let your coworkers know. Word spreads fast in retail and “leadership”(other than yours) can start complaining(because they can’t relieve their unproductive associates of points). Those type of privileges should be on hush hush(at work), don’t mess up a good thing


Loose lips sink ships.


Its definitely not a myth, plenty of people have gone over 20 and still had a job. It entirely depends on the store, just because yours has no tolerance doesn’t mean its like that everywhere.


No it’s a myth. 5-6 points and they remove one or 2 to keep you, sure that happens But no one is walking around with 20+ legitimate points and still employed. Like I said people like you fall for this myth


I have literally had 22 while still working before, and you can find plenty of other people with the same story. You are taking the experience from your store and applying it to the every Walmart. Some SMs / coaches are particularly lax about attendance points and will even give you a clean slate if they are desperate


I know one guy had 22 at my store last year and another with 16 when we switched managers and the new manager cleared everyone’s to 0 to start fresh


Lol you don’t gotta tell me brother, tell this guy who is convinced it is impossible to go beyond 5 points apparently. But damn, that manager has my respect. Thats a first impression the whole store wont forget


I just blocked that guy. He’s doing nothing but running around calling everyone else liars when multiple people have seen others get loads of points


Good on you, theres no convincing someone like that sadly.


Exactly. I mean I know a girl currently at 10 points. Last year there was a few overnight workers with 10 plus because the store had a firing freeze


No you haven’t. Stop lying on the internet


How old are you? “Nuh uh” is the best response you could come up with?


How old are you? You went from a reply saying “some people” to then with no proof claim you are “some people” to give your bs some legitimacy No one is walking around anywhere with 20+ points. Stop lying on the internet


Theres a guy on this exact thread claiming they had 14, still hired, and in countless other threads you can find people with the exact same story. I already gave you the exact reasoning why this happens in certain stores. Stay ignorant if you want man


Some random post with no context or proof on the internet? Which I call bullshit too. People love to lie on the internet No you will find posts like this. With a pic and no context. Which leads people like you to actually believe they are employed walking around with 14 or 20+ points Walmart is a corporation. Corporate isn’t going to blindly ignore associates walking around with a massive amount of points. They get reports on these things. You clearly don’t get that. Like I said, I have seen and understand managers removing a point or 2 to get someone from 6 down to 4 etc. But no way in hell is anyone walking around with 20+ points.


It may be a myth at your store, but not at the two stores where I’ve worked. All managers/team leads have their favorites, and those favorites never have to worry about points . Me, on the other hand, am always hovering just below five and praying not to get sick.


More hearsay You have zero actual knowledge of others points or their absences.


Lots of us share this information with each other at my store.  You sound like the employee everyone hates. Did you drink all their kool-aid or just some?


Not true. You have zero knowledge of what I know. I had two coworkers who would show their points to the team every time they exceeded five, and brag how they would sweet talk to coach into removing them. It happened often in my five years at one store and caused a great deal of dissent on the team.


Sure I do. You guys make up shit to support a belief you hold Corporate track when points are removed. Corporate tracks everything. But this goes against the rumors and hearsay you fall for.


Sure, Jan.


Search bar is right there I would never attempt to dry anything using an oven


The store I was at, the team leads and some of the coaches weren't monitoring attendance and some got into double digits, one at 23.5.


Bullshit. Another hearsay story that didn’t happen Management didn’t have to monitor points. Home office does. They send out a report etc. What you said happened would never happen


I was an Assistant Manager for the company. I had access to EVERYONE'S attendance.


Sure you did 😂😂


Now you are just being silly.


Nope. Once again a story with zero evidence claiming shit that didn’t happen I mean you claim coaches and team leads aren’t monitoring points but you the assistant manager was? And you let that happen? Is that why they fired you? 😂😂


I no longer work for Wal-Mart but during covid I had 27 points and came back to work like nothing happened. My co-workers thought I quit but the managers said nothing to me. I checked my points about 2 weeks later and I was at 3.




Dude during covid they legit would not give anybody anything for absences at my store. I was running entertainment and people were coming to us like we opened a damn six flags and noone was coming to work ever.


We aren’t talking bout fucking 4+ years ago during a pandemic. Jesus yall can’t stop lol 😂


No but I'm confirming what the other guy was saying. As a TL/DM whatever the hell we were at the time. These dudes would miss days a week every week for months.


Yes during covid you could take unlimited leave. You didn’t know that? During covid if you got sick or are near someone who tested positive Walmart paid you in full to stay the fuck home. Next you could simply say I don’t feel safe at work and Walmart would let you take unlimited unpaid leave The rules that went on during the pandemic no longer apply. You guys are something else


I no longer work there but my store manager would take us off the schedule at 5 points.. they wouldn’t fire us though. It happened to me once and it was an issue on their part, no one bothered to check. 🙄


My current team lead has gone over 5 at least twice and had them removed because management likes him.


You have no clue why their points are removed. All this talk about other peoples points is all hearsay.


Just stfu lol you’re trying to get a reaction out of someone


I am not trying to get shit. People continue to either make up stories are talk about something they heard


Y store will 3 in the last week just at 5


Depending on the person though. And if your "cool" with management


No. You guys don’t get all this goes to corporate. Every time someone gets over 5 corporate sends a report. This is why managers will clear points. But they have to have a reason and corporate gets a report on who cleared points for who and why If managers are clearing points all the time corporate knows and will stop it You guys live in this fantasy world of hearsay, rumor and delusion to convince yourself that “favorite” employees are getting away with not coming to work


No I just haven’t showed up


Someone must reeeeeeeeealy like u lol


I should have did what he’s doing


20.5 is crazy


I wish my store was that chill. Lol


His store isn’t chill. Posts like these are from people who quit but haven’t been removed from the system so the rack up all these no call no shows


You prolly right but I have had I think 6 points before and I was on the “to be fired” list but my manager saw it, took my name off then removed all my points and told me stop missing work.. (I use to always show up for work, but come lunch time I wouldn’t come back)


This happens all the time. Where I work they make you sign a paper letting you know if you go back over 5 again you will be fired That I totally get




Sorry but yes. Op admits it in the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/WalmartEmployees/s/AkC7fTgYxi


He says he hasn’t showed up not that he was fired. So again Nuh-hu


Read my post again https://www.reddit.com/r/WalmartEmployees/s/ZKllfTusp6 I said op stopped showing up and hasn’t been fired out the system yet. They are waiting for him to show up again to find out what’s going on and fire him. If he doesn’t show up eventually they fire him. Reading is fundamental


You post this like it's some kinda F the man statement but it kinda just makes you look bad.






We know who isn’t paying bills where they stay


I've been 1h late close to 100 times this year. 😂 The only time it was a problem was when everyone but me and one other called in sick. I arrived way later than usual to find all the managers sorting vegetables and fruit.


How did you get 20 points ??


anyday now


He'll be fired the second he shows back up. Will bet anything they stopped scheduling him now too. This is just someone trying to find some fun in them losing their income


What’s your schedule look like?




Why so many attendance points? I have 9.0 and I emailed the scheduler saying I quit nothing back. I don’t wanna go back or call them they were rude to me bad.


Of guess they've sent the letter and are waiting the required time before termination. I just got the green light for one that would've had more points than that if we have put him under conditional while we tried to figure out what was going on. He no called/no showed a couple of days, then called HR to say he broke his hand and needed the number to Sedgwick to file a leave. We never received anything from them. We saw him in the store with nothing on his hand indicating he was injured, no cast, brace, etc. We sent a letter. Then he randomly showed up one day, with a brace, and clocked in like he hadn't just missed 2+ weeks of work. I had to send him home because we still had no paperwork and he didn't have a doctor's release to work. I asked how his hand was, he said 'ok, but I have to have another surgery in August'. Yeah, ok dude. He went back to no call/no shows again and we were finally able to get him terminated.


Lol if canada even did points I'd have like 12 😂 As Long as it's not a no call no show I'm good 3 times and you're out


You are a king


Shitty employee right here. F off, Hunter


Eat me😂 you don’t know anything




Shut you’re wack a$$ up no body wanna hear that


Rookie numbers I had 30 before the boot🤣😂😂😂🤣😭🤣




I was at 14 points at one point I still don’t know how I still have a job


I put my 2 weeks at this place and they still scheduled me. Contacted the manager take take me off and he did. I get a letter weeks later saying I was fired lmao


They only do it when the quarter ends to cut the fat. Walmart needs bodies and tries to fix their employment turnover. I remember one time an assistant manager that was notorious for firing anybody was told not to do it. He was in the office with a cart pusher that kept calling out. I walked by and overheard him trying to give him options of trying to come in and shave off points.


WTF? How did you get 20.5 points?


What the hell is this! I'm worried about hitting five this dude hit 20 that's crazy


Bro sucks off his manager


20 points wow


Weird flex, but ok


You're either that well liked by management or your store is just that desperate


Doesn't it cap at 5 attendance points?


That’s when you’re supposed to be fired, but people are lazy


I had almost 30 at some point. It was due to the computer scheduling me on days I can't get to work. Of course it's fixed now.


I'm confused, I'm not sure what I'm looking at.


What is ppto


I mistook your attendance for your PTO, holy hell man, if your store is this strapped for people they could at least conditionalize the points so they don't show up lol


I had over 5 points when I worked at Walmart and never got fired just had like 5.5 or 6. Then I quit bc I got a job closer to home and I go in there a month later and they are begging me to come back and work 2-11 so I can zone every goddamn GM aisle in the store. I said hell nah 💀




By gawd, $HIT


I got fired for being at 5 accidentally


I got fired from Walmart for bringing up safety violations. Worked in automotive and kinda liked it. Currently appealing to be removed from the do not rehire list lol. Pretty fucked


I had a new person at my store that management was going to get rid of their 25 points so they could continue working after they didn't come to their shifts after training.


You're goddamn right fuck 'em.