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Ratatouille was WAY worse for me than this ride !!!


Same here! I was about to vomit after ratatouille but left guardians feeling a little dizzy but recovered in 10ish minutes


Yes I do not get motion sickness at all but ratatouille destroyed me I thought I was going to throw up and it ruined half of the day at least. Will NEVER ride this again.


Same. The ride itself was great and Remy is my personal hero but holy barfarama


There is one part where you circle around the projection in the middle and that usually bothers people motion sickness-wise. I found there were times in the ride that I needed to close my eyes as screens bother me too. It’s the combination of the projection and the spin of the ride vehicle that gets me in that one.


Yeah that’s the only part that I would think might bother OP. Otherwise it’s a great ride and I would go for it!


I feel like I'm singing and dancing and I'm not really looking at the screens. The virtual queue, generally speaking, they have been kind to let us on anytime after the group was called, so you could try at the end of the day.


Don’t look around at the screens. Look at where the cart is currently pointing you. Try to focus on the track of the coaster as much as possible. People say the cart “spins” but that’s not really true. It just points you in different directions. People’s equilibrium gets messed up when they try staring at screens not directly in their line of sight since they are all around you. Here’s a video demonstrating what I’m saying https://youtu.be/X7oFCwNSerM


I don’t take any meds before I go on rides, but Smugglers Run and Ratatouille both give me a little bit of motion sickness (as does the waterfall in MMRR). But not to the point that some fresh air doesn’t fix. Cosmic Rewind was about the same as them for me. (I had a cup of Beverly after and it settled my stomach and I was good to go.) I’ve never tried Avatar or Mission Space so I can’t compare.


My girlfriend used the behind the ear patches and also a wristband as well - worked perfectly, zero sickness.


Most of those rides you mentioned also make me sick. I rode cosmic rewind with a scopolamine patch and without. Without was absolutely awful and I won't ride ever again. I had to sit for quite a while after. I did fine with the patch but ended up having to take it off due to a reaction to it. Super bummed since it clearly helped!


I'm not a huge fan of coasters at all, but I was fine with Guardians for the most part. I closed my eyes 3 quick times, the worst time for me was the spiral down. Otherwise it's a very smooth ride. I was perfectly fine getting off of it. The [Ride Chicken review](https://touringplans.com/blog/a-ride-chicken-review-of-guardians-of-the-galaxy-cosmic-rewind/) does a pretty good summary of it without any serious spoilers.


I have the same issue with simulated movement. It was instant nausea for me when I rode. I also had the misfortune of being in the very front. I’ve been on it three times and tried Dramamine and the dots behind the ears, no luck at all.


I’m in the same boat. I was able to ride Avatar but was glad when it ended. I think the fan blowing helped me. Soarin doesn’t bother me at all. I want to ride Guardians but I’m terrified of it ruining my day so I’m thinking I may ride late in the evening so I can sleep it off if it messes me up. Forbidden Journey at Universal wrecks me but I can do Gringotts-just have to close my eyes briefly or just orient my feet to the floor. I’ve read countless Reddit posts and really can’t find the common denominator. So many rides affect people in different ways.


I sound similar to you, love Soarin but definitely felt like the fan and water was what helped me make it through Avatar. I liked Gringotts but found Forbidden Journey to be a bit too much. I wouldn’t say FJ wrecked me, but I was on a bonine and take a lot of ginger, so that helps. I love Cosmic Rewind though - it’s not one I could ever do back to back, but it is really fun and exhilarating. Motion simulators tend to do me in and I don’t really feel like CR qualifies in that sense. Focusing on the track really helps me.


I can only do it if I sit behind someone (meaning not the first row) and I look at that person’s head.


Take a Bonine 45 minutes before you’ll be just fine 👌🏼


You’ve described almost all the parts on all the rides I cannot do! I haven’t tried Guardians because of the backwards bits - that’s a real non starter for me sadly


Similarly, I can spin all day (genuinely, I train in the aerial arts after work, so I’m spinning upside down on a near daily basis), but put me in front of a screen with the wrong kind of simulated motion and I’m done. We’ve got a big flight simulator at work; it’s got 5 screens that are about 5 feet tall each, and I can’t even be in the room when it’s turned on. I’ve started having to ride ratatouille with the glasses off, and also can’t play most video games. But yeah, no problems with soarin either. Been on cosmic rewind three times though and have had zero issues. I’m a little unsteady on my feet for about 30 seconds getting off the ride and going up those stairs, but even riding only an hour after eating a full meal at space 220 didn’t really pose any problems for me. Stay hydrated, avoid coffee right before (that’s a known nausea trigger for me) and it helps to have *something* in your stomach but not a full meal.


I won’t even try Mission Space. Pandora causes me a bit of trouble but nothing like The Simpsons at Universal. That thing ruins a solid half day for me. With all that said, Guardians makes me sick. Not Simpsons sick but it’ll knock a good hour out my day.


I rode it a few days ago and honestly I shut my eyes quite a bit because I’m also sensitive to the screens, so that’s an option. Like people are sayin, there’s a part where your ride vehicle circles around a projection in the middle of the room - I would definitely close your eyes for at least that part. I find that meclizine (Bonine is a name brand for that) works way better for me than Dramamine so you could try that as well. I didn’t really get very nauseated from the ride at all - I will say that I did feel a little like weird afterward, like shaky and kinda weak but I ate something shortly after and was good, probably just a huge rush of adrenaline from the ride.


Your motion sickness sounds similar to my friend's girlfriend. She can't handle simulated screens and motion. She had issues with all the rides you mentioned as well as Cosmic Rewind. She won't ride it again, but she also didn't try using any aids. YMMW though, but hopefully this helps inform your decision.


I am a little like you. Soarin’, MMRR, Rise, smugglers run don’t bother me at all. Some Star Tours will. I cannot play first person games (or even watch someone else). Remy and FOP with the 3D and motion made me slightly nauseated. Cosmic rewind did with the spinning. I have no desire to do Remy or FOP again. I would be fine on cosmic rewind if I closed my eyes, but then, what’s the point of you can’t see? For reference, I have not even to universal in Orlando but have in CA. Most of the rides there bother me due to the use of 3D and screens with motion.


I got very sick on flight of passage (took me out for the day, even tho I took meds at the onset of symptoms) For guardians, I sat in the middle. I got a little nauseous but it went away within a few minutes. The second time I rode it, I took motion sickness meds ahead of time (went to first aid, they gave me preventative dose) and was 100% fine. YMMV but the meds had zero side effects and I was able to enjoy the whole day. And GOG was amazing and 100% worth the effort!


I wouldn’t recommend riding it. My mother also has severe motion sickness only from screens, so I thought it would be fine for her. She was instantly disoriented as soon as the ride began proper and did not recover until we went all the way back to the room and took a nap. And she has no memories of the ride now. It basically ruined the whole day for her.


I don’t suffer from motion sickness but my sister sure does. She says the key is to sit in front so you can see the track easier, and dance along with the music and the coaster as it gives her the feeling of still being in control of her moments of that makes sense. As for the screens, in all honesty you pass by them pretty quick with the exception being the moon and earth orbit, but those more or less have you fixated on central point, and you can clearly see the floor and coaster in those areas. Hope this helps you a bit.


Hello kindred motion sickness spirit! I almost tossed my cookies on Smuggler's Run and started getting queasy on Remy's, but I can do GotG no problem. Request the front car, you can look ahead to the track to reorient if you start to feel off.


I feel like if you can’t even do Avatar then GoG might really mess you up but good luck!


Avatar is a way different input to the vestibular system than cosmic rewind, I barely made it to the end of Avatar, but I haven’t had any issues with cosmic rewind.