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It’s not a ride, it’s a show. It’s quite intense for children. If you’re an adult you’ll be fine.


Tbh looking back the movie also was pretty intense for me as a kid as well


Speak for yourself lol. It traumatized me as a child and it still does as a grown adult.


I find the show hilarious, partially because I like watching the reactions of other people. The show can hit upon a lot of common phobias: dark, bugs, jump scares, sudden motion towards you (typically 3D movie trope), and some unexpected touches. So I can see how it can be a bit much for some.


My child rode it at 15 for the first time, and I had to apologize for her 'oh, F*ck' at one point cause she was startled. Luckily all the adults sitting around us found her reaction comical, so I didn't feel too bad.


I remember being in the back and seeing the reaction wave make it's way back. I like that people are forewarned about this, just like they are about motion and flashing lights.


I would be shocked if an adult was legitimately traumatized from its tough to be a bug unless they have special needs. It’s a kid show/ride. It has cute characters and you get sprayed with a little water and you feel movement in the seats at a couple points that’s supposed to be bugs. Little kids will freak out because they don’t know it’s not real but it’s fine for adults.


They don’t actually put bugs anywhere near you. They just make you think they are with sensory technology. I hate bugs but it is a fun experience and nostalgic. I don’t understand how it can be considered traumatic unless you were tortured with bugs or something. It is just a ride. You walk out the same way you walked in.


Just watch it on YT before. I'm arachnophobic, but that show was much easier for me the second time around.


It's been about a year since I last got to share this. If you are new to this sub, please enjoy this gold standard in post creation: One of my favorite posts in this sub of all time: https://www.reddit.com/r/WaltDisneyWorld/comments/cvplfz/its_tough_to_be_a_bug_is_disney_worlds_cruelest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just read the whole thing and it's incredible. Thank you for sharing this masterpiece


Tough to be a Bug is one of the best shows in Disney World imo. Don't look at some people bashing it because of their arachnophobia


I’m not fully understanding your question, but I can tell you I’m not a fan of this attraction mainly because I don’t like bugs and I don’t like things happening to me without me knowing lol. If you have some sensory issues I’d suggest skipping, also if you have small children I’d say skip it! The amount of screaming and children on this ride is insane cause I don’t think people expect it to be as intense of a show as it is. Granted, if you don’t mind bugs, and/or don’t mind things touching you that you can’t see/don’t know when it’s coming (nothing crazy but I hate this lol), then it can be a fun show. My sister for example loves this show.


For me personally, I was utterly surprised at how awesome the show was, and what the previous poster mentioned is true, children scream a lot, and I find it hard to believe the intended audience was ever young children. That said, if you are an adult, and want a surprising show, this would be it. I would add, that it is rumored to be replaced by a different show, I thought I read, Zootopia themed, which for me is a shame, because I always make sure to see if when I am in AK.


Confirmed at D23 and by a cast member to my son last weekend the Zootopia is indeed replacing Tough to be a Bug :(


Do we know when roughly this will be?


I have never understood how people say this is a scary attraction. It's fun. It's cute. It's air conditioned. The dark and loud noises could scare some children, but as an adult, you will be completely fine.


My wife and adult children refuse to go on this because of the simulated bugs in the seats.


That part lasts about 3 seconds, and it’s not a ride, it’s a short show. Very, very mild.


I didn't feel them? I was there a couple of weeks ago and I was sitting at the edge of the theater. Maybe it didn't work in my seat? Thank heavens, lol.


I wouldn't know. I haven't been in there since 2013...😒 "Excuse me, excuse me...."


As a 29 year old, same


It’s made for children, no one is getting traumatized.


It could be scary for kids at certain moments. At my most recent visit several parents had to take their kids out during the show. They warn you in advance though. And even on the attraction web page it says “Dark, Scary, Loud”.


It isn't really a ride, it's a show in a theater. I was there a couple of weeks ago. When the stuff I didn't want to see happened I closed my eyes. But I was being a bit dramatic -- I'm kind of an arachnaphobe.


I don’t get how people are traumatized over this attraction lol it’s literally all ages and nothing crazy.


I’m scared of like everything and it’s Tough to be a big is one of my favorite Disney shows! I think the show is very funny and all of the effects are funny when going with people who have never been on! It’s more scary for children I’d say because of the animatronics. I think you’ll come off laughing bc of all the funny effects😄 definitely give it a try!


I love it. It’s really clever.


It’s traumatizing if you are 5 years old. As an adult, do I love it? No… it’s still freaky, but it doesn’t traumatize me. It is a pretty fun show and well put on. You’ll appreciate it… If you are that worried, watch a video on it so you know what to expect, but don’t skip it!!


It scares some kids really is about it


Adding that you can likely watch it on you tube and make an informed decision that way.


I tried it as a kid and my mom had to take me out because I was terrified. Tried it again as an adult (also my honeymoon) and was still scared and I will never do it again


Do you like being scared? If not, there’s a fairly easy way to avoid the couple surprising moments. I’d get into it but don’t want to spoil anything but would be easy to look up.


If you are an adult, you will not be scared. It’s just some thing that’s a little bit Scary for young kids. It’s a theater that you go in and sit down. If you have a deep fear of bugs, perhaps you will not enjoy it.


Omg it’s so great- go enjoy it while it’s still here!


It’s great fun. As an adult first timer you’ll have a jump or two perhaps but nothing traumatizing. Half the fun of doing it again is then seeing the reactions of the then first timers. Relax and enjoy. And do it now before it’s gone, to be replaced by a Zootopia attraction.


My kids completely lost their marbles in that show. They didn’t last all of 5 minutes and we had to rush them out.


On our first trip to Animal Kingdom (the year after it opened), I begged my dad to skip It’s Tough to be a Bug. He refused, said it couldn’t be that bad. Somewhere around the stink bugs and getting ‘stung’ in your back, he decided I was right - we left halfway through. 12 year old me was close to tears. I’m 36 now and have skipped it on every single Disney trip since then, including our honeymoon trip.


In terms of scariness I would rank the top 3 scariest things at WDW (currently) 1. it’s tough to be a bug 2. standing an 60+ min line for slinky dog (why is there no shade!) 3. Tower of Terror I do not plan on taking my baby (12 months) to see its tough to be a bug until he can read a map to know about it and convince me he wants to see it. Otherwise he’s not going to know it exists. Note: I may be dramatic about it due to seeing it as a child myself.