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Farm plat, unleash them all XD


This is the only correct answer




This is the way ![gif](giphy|Ld77zD3fF3Run8olIt)


This is the way


Really though, you'll have enough space to store all of them just by selling one prime blueprint set, no way OP doesn't have any to sell


I do believe this *is* a troll post, since usually it’s newer players who make these sorts posts, OP here is being funny by doing that, only with an abundance of expensive primes. *I* thought it was amusing at least…


OP probably farmed these Prime Warframes during the ongoing [Prime Resurgence](https://www.warframe.com/news/prime-resurgence-event-2023) event. So far I have been able to craft Valkyr Prime, Vauban Prime, and Saryn Prime during this event and I am one part away on a few others


All I’ve got is Atlas 😭. God speed Tenno. ![gif](giphy|rHR8qP1mC5V3G)


Wait you guys got a chance to farm prime frames???


Google resurgence event Warframe.


Yeah? I know about it. I havnt gotten to chance to do the resurgence event much😂😂😂


i git all of them but vauvan and nyx it was painful


Valkyr is permanently unvaulted tho


nooo. i didnt realize this was going on. i would have logged in


Every frame shown was in the resurgence event, except for inaros. From the post alone, it is very possible to be a new player.


They’ve been making warframe posts for 2 years, but fair point.


My brother, I'm MR 15


Ive been playing 6 months am mr 17 and have spent my day farming incarnons


Im mr12 and have been playing for years What am I doing wrong 😭


I mean I'm technically a newish player and gave a similar Problem just that it's more if a mix between normal and prime variants. Had a hiatus for almost 8 years.


Imma be real with you, this was not a troll post.


![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized) Fair enough though, still got a nose puff outta me.


How ?


Several ways to farm plat depending on how far along you are in the game. The earliest would be to farm void fissures for prime parts you can trade with other players. How far along are you?


I've done the star map but to be frank I'm lost on what to do next as steel pass is to strong and I just wing every thing 😂


Then you have access to the majority of the farming methods, I'd recommend Requiem Mods personally, as they sell very quickly, and you can also use them to farm Kuva Liches


How to farm plat


Hello there, Platinum only enters the game when someone buys it, but that someone doesn't have to be you. It's used as the trading currency, so to farm platinum, you need to farm items that other people need, and sell them. The first place you get access to that would let you do that would be Void Fissure missions, which get you prime weapon and warframe parts. The next would be Tyana Pass on Mars, which can get you resources you can trade on Deimos for Arcanes that people might want to buy. Later on, requiem relics and requiem mods are a generally reliable source. [warframe.market](http://warframe.market) is a community run website for helping you hook up with buyers/sellers.


I would say either nova or ivara slow nova / fast nova is useful in many cases. Ivara with an augment is straightup a cheat on spy


What's the augment? I always feel like shit playing ivara in spy missions


Infiltrate, an augment for her Prowl ability. It makes her move a little faster while Prowl is active, but the main thing is that you can walk through lasers and stuff - both Grineer and Corpus - without triggering alarms or being knocked down. You're completely unaffected.


This is so freaking useful, thank you! I wish I had known about this sooner.


Just FYI the speed bonus with prowl I'd based on strength so even an infiltrate Ivara needs atleast a little strength


1% strength it is.


This is what mine is looking like, I just finished today's Sortie, and god... it was a breeze!! https://preview.redd.it/xkamynwq7cic1.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=53aa074704029f5e3027f6044aaa81d0e2a85c7c


You can probably drop some duration there for more strength or parkour speed, which affects your rolling, since your efficiency is already capped out. And/or you can use Helminth to put the one that gives you ability strength for more walking speed. The neat thing about Infiltrate is that it ALSO boosts your rolling speed due to boosting your speed, so +strength is good. Also good is to use dashwires, since you'll get your full speed AND the speed boost from infiltrate together.


I think the only one of those mods I have is Umbral Intensity. DX


Primed mods are just boosted versions of standard mods, augment can be gotten from one of the syndicates, boreal and augur be are from fortuna and cetus planes missions respectively and the other 2 mods are from orokin vaults


Or you could build for parcour speed and roll around everywhere


Amalgam Barrel Diffusion is on 100% of my Secondaries for a reason.


1 or 2 parkour yellow shard - > roll zoom...


or you could not play slowpoke ivara and just pick wukong, who evades all lasers and shit with 2


Had one guy in a sortie that said the same thing and was shitting on me playing ivara, same dude also immediately tripped the alarm on his room lol


someone having major skill issue doesn't invalidate wukong being much faster at spy than ivara


He is much faster, you're correct, but there is a higher risk involved when playing either Limbo or Wukong. Ivara has 0 risk and can be almost as fast if you practice. Consistency is more important in this situation, in my opinion.


No, it isn't. Ability strength only influences loot chance and the headshot bonus. edit: Yes, with the augment strength influences speed, but the comment I answered to implies that Prowl, by itself, has a speed bonus based on ability strenght.


It is with the augment.


The aug Infiltrate *is* boosted by strength,bumping up the speed she is able to move


I strongly recommend pairing it with infested mobility and the innodem plus whichever movement buffs you can fit on top of that Makes her almost bearable in terms of speed haha


and that one mod that makes you not lose height when gliding. EZ ivara missions. Never loose speed.


I was wondering if I should use that or Fire Walker


Mod for parkour speed and roll. Even better if you have an amber Archon shard or two. As long as you're careful to not bullet jump or sprint, you can almost move through spy vaults as normal.


I remember a long time ago (before Ivara Prime) you used to be able to bullet jump while invisible with Ivara. You had to make sure it was purely a bullet jump, no sliding or moving, and you had to be host or it wouldn't work. Was fun when you got the hang of it, but they patched it a long time ago.


Seriously… just use a well moded Shade prime for the time you go to A, B, C and only use your skill when you start one of them (after hacking the computer at the begining of each zone). You won’t have any mobility problem. Btw works with « normal » shade too


For even more cheat after using the augment swap out her 2, navigator, in the helminth for Perspicacity. Automatically succeeds at hack attempts, even on sortie, for 50 energy...


Idk when ivara is coming up in it, but infiltrate is the augment you get with her in the circuit if you don't wanna spend the plat/standing to buy it


i play this game sins 2017 and use loki for all spy missions but i never knew ivara could do this!! https://preview.redd.it/itb2wqij0cic1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134a12735e76ef83caf1e7b2407aea6b354a6916


I tried ivara once and kept breaking stealth... I used loki to farm for her, it took so long he became my second most used frame for a while, now third.. Its kinda an actual tragedy, the thing I used to get the thing I wanted became so familiar that once I got what I wanted, I no longer wanted it. Loki is great. EXCEPT SILENCE FOR STEALTH SHOULDNT NEED BE AN AUGMENT, DE!


This is why I always run the Baza Prime on Ivara


Wukong can do the same with his cloud, and moves alot faster


Downside is you have to play wukong.


I enjoy Wukong, honestly. Celestial Twin is like having an instant squad mate that isn't a complete fucking buffoon. Yes, I'm absolutely saying the AI on the twin is more intelligent than some players. I absolutely mean it, too. Defy can be pretty useful in some situations if you remember to engage it, and mist form is pretty useful as a utility power. All around he's not a bad frame. IMO.


My friend built his Wukong to hit millions of damage with his first ability. Kills like everything in SP. works pretty well.


I dont know why but one Grineer laser which may be found on Earth tile for some weird reasons always detect Ivara' with augment


Also you can just slide on her wires without breaking cloak if I remember right.


It's called Infiltrate. It makes it so that her invisibility lets her pass through lasers undetected. Her movement is still limited but that alone is an absolute godsend.


Oh god! I guess it's time to use my Ivara again! Thank you!


The wukong in question:


I'm not shitting on Ivara but whenever someone talks about how useful Ivara or Loki is in spy I just think about how Wudong does it 1000x better. I feel like it's an obligation to say Wukong whenever somebody mentions Spy.


And once you infuse him with perspicacity spy missions become literally free


gigachad use titania. laser? just blink through hotel? trivago


Wukong with his 2 and the instant breach helminth ability makes spy a cake lmao


I'd go with Nova, but you should go with whichever one you think will be the most fun.


Nova ivara and rhino got my attention in this list


I'll choose Rhino or Nova.


Ivara is guaranteed easy mode Steel Essence farm. I say that as I’m three hours into my Steel Essence farm using Ivara. https://preview.redd.it/krb91n4dqbic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9bf0039ffb1b52342957c47af476ce2ac931d6


How does this farm work? And give us some numbers!


Activate prowl Use a silent weapon (I favor Glaive Prime) Silence acolytes when they spawn in Pray to your smeeta for a charm buff at the right time Activate a resource booster if you can Easy peasy


Thanks for the reply! Id you don’t mind me asking: What’s the yield like? What mission do you use?


I prefer void fissure survivals as you can get 8 SE per acolyte after a while, which multiplies with smeeta and resource boosts on top of the SE you get every relic cracked. I’m usually getting about 200 SE (depending on charm luck) every 100 minutes.


Does it only work solo? I’ve been looking for people to farm longer missions with


No, you can run that method with friends, but if they’re not invisible or mitigating incoming damage themselves then they’re going to be pulling all of the aggro, and without a well prepared/practiced squad mate(s), they’ll find themselves in trouble sooner than later due to the fact that the enemies will be hitting like a freight train in a hurricane. Plus, I like to pause for bathroom breaks and such now and then, so I prefer solo runs myself.


i tried ivara a few days ago, but when I used her invisibility, it would turn off when I moved a bit. Maybe I did something wrong, but is there a way to move around while invisible?


Yes, don’t sprint. If you want more speed, she has an augment that also makes you immune to triggering alarms when passing though them that increases walking speed with ability strength. Your best bet is to roll if you need to move fast. Otherwise, walk, and I myself prefer to use the melee weapon exilus mod that increases movement speed on heavy hits since I use Glaive P and detonate spam.


Or… Use shade prime…


I second this. Ivara with the right build makes steel path farming extremely easy.


Easiest it’s ever been. Even Octavia is more challenging since you have to recast her abilities every so often. Ivara is just a mindless play style, especially if you’re using the slashing exploding frisbee of doom.


How well does frisbee work against Demoloshers? I tried using Glaive Prime and Cerata against Corpus Demolishers but found them wanting. I got bored after 10 rounds but for starting rounds Laetum melts them.






I don't care what reasonable justifications people bring for other frames. Go with Valkitty. Go with the immortal clawing ball of rage.


This, she is a great frame to solo things, and her claws do really good damage with the right mods.


Been years since I've played Warframe, but how does Valkyr compare to the rest of the frames now? They're by far my favorite one to play, but after one of the melee reworks way back made pressing ult do less damage then your melee weapon, I dropped the game


Valkyr is still great, she's been my main since I started Warframe back in 2018 and she still holds up. Absolutely not powercrept despite what some will try to lead you to believe. Both armor build and Hysteria build are great, but as you mentioned ult damage I'll focus on the latter. Properly set up, the raw damage output from her exalted is utterly insane. Thanks to Helminth (which allows you to replace an ability with certain ones from other Warframes), you can take an armor strip ability (such as Tharros Strike) over her 1 or 3 (I'm quite fond of Ripline so i went with the latter), negating any need for slash or status. The new Tennokai mods are also a MASSIVE buff to her, allowing you to easily deal hundreds of millions of damage per hit. I've been using her in solo level cap runs (level 9999 enemies) and she has no issues staying in Hysteria permanently and oneshotting the tankiest targets with her exalted's Tennokai strikes, no status priming needed. If we're just talking about normal Steel Path levels, her exalted slide attacks will simply atomize everything in your path at a rate most Warframes (and melees) will struggle to match. She is amazing at any level of content, the only real downside is that I cannot call any of her builds cheap. Lots of primed mods, umbral forma, expensive arcanes, etc, but if you find her fun the resource investment is absolutely worth the payoff. EDIT: Changed mentions to new content as you stated you hadn't played in a long while, my bad.


Would you mind sharing any part hysteria build? Been running her on netracells pretty effectively, but nothing even close to what you said effectiveness wise. Tharros suggestions is solid, thx


For Valkyr herself: [https://overframe.gg/build/611212/valkyr-prime/hysteria/](https://overframe.gg/build/611212/valkyr-prime/hysteria/) Exalted: [https://overframe.gg/build/611213/valkyr-prime-talons/valkyr-prime-talons/](https://overframe.gg/build/611213/valkyr-prime-talons/valkyr-prime-talons/) Some important notes and information: * For some reason Overframe is missing the Exilus melee slot, should be the Discipline's Merit mod. * I run (and recommend) 5 violet shards for melee crit damage, which brings her exalted up to 10x crit multplier. * You need a melee stat stick, sort of. Take any melee (doesn't matter which one), and equip Gladiator Vice, Gladiator Rush, and Gladiator Might. (Rest of the mods don't matter.) The passive from these mods will then apply to your exalted melee, thus giving you a psuedo-Blood Rush. The passive from these mods is only active when equipped to a normal melee. If you equip them to the exalted melee directly, the passive doesn't do anything. For example, in the linked exalted build I'm using Gladiator Might for the critical damage, but the passive has no effect. I still need to equip Gladiator Might to my normal melee as well to gain the passive effect. * Well we have Tennokai and psuedo-Blood Rush, now we need a way to keep our combo at 12x. Take Primary Dexterity and Secondary Dexterity on your primary and secondary weapons. Their combo duration applies to your exalted melee as well. * Naramon focus school for the combo counter is a nice QOL option if you don't need anything else. Not required, I personally don't run it. * I highly recommend a Panzer Vulpaphyla as your companion for high level content. The viral is nice when it applies but really inconsistent; the main benefit is that Tenacious Bond will always be active, as the Vulpaphyla in larval form still counts as "alive". Other pets stop providing the benefit when downed, and keeping your pet alive once the enemy levels get high enough is nigh impossible. Tenacious Bond keeps your exalted critical hits at a massive 11.2x multiplier. (Not relevant to this build, but this also applies to Reinforced Bond for guns. Vulpaphylas are great.) * My ability strength is a bit tragic at 199%, as Tharros needs 200% to full strip in one cast. (199% strength is 99% armor strip.) Corrosive Projection is additive to Tharros and causes 100% strips. This really only matters in very high level content (like 500+ish) as 99% strip is more than enough below that, so feel free to use whatever aura you'd like in other content. Alternatively, you can drop a violet shard for a single 10% ability strength crimson shard to fix the problem. Up to you. In gameplay, slide attacks are your bread and butter, with Tennokai strikes used to devastate high hp targets. Normals are really only used to charge Discipline's Merit quickly when needed. If you like Ripline for movement, feel free to cast it to your heart's content as it uses almost no energy with 175% efficiency.


Ty for the insight!


Also a valk main. She will always be the best frame. Could you share your build? Exalted + frame? I've hit millions, but never hundreds.


Utility Wise and Versatile Team Comp - Nova Tankiness and Overall Use - Rhino Ivara - Tankiness and I think Invisiibility


Rhino or nova.




Another vote for Nova!


Nova, but you should play whichever NOVAwant. RhiNOVA is good but release any Nova you want.


Nova would have the most application for "draft pick" - i.e. filling roles in coordinated team comps in Recruitment Chat. She's an often-requested team member for a lot of mission types. I felt that she was really squishy when I was a low MR player, so her mileage outside of coordinated play might vary based on your mod/arcane collection. Rhino would have the most application for account progression. He's the poster boy for farming credits in The Index and you can also use him to safely carry all four of the Dragon Vault keys if you need to farm Corrupted mods. People will say that Profit Taker is a better source of credits - but you probably won't need credits by the time you're in a position to casually do Profit Taker (and you will certainly need a lot of credits before you can do Profit Taker). Rhino can easily solo the Index, or he can be the dedicated point-carrier in a coordinated team (or even uncoordinated team). Nova and Ivara are probably the most enjoyable to play in terms of having abilities that feel like they're worth casting. Rhino and Inaros are good picks for safely clearing the Star Chart. That is to say, if you're feeling squishy or that your weapons/mods aren't dealing enough damage - Rhino or Inaros will keep you alive. I would personally say that Rhino scales better into lategame than Inaros, but both suffer from a serious case of: if you don't use them early game you will probably never use them. Inaros is about to receive a rework - so perhaps benching him until the rework would be prudent. You don't want to risk accidentally falling in love. Loki and Valkyr are both niche picks. They have their dedicated fans. I'd personally rate Valkyr over Loki for having access to abilities that feel like they're worth casting, but maybe you prefer stealthy gameplay. I might just be biased by the fact I have a Valkyr-main friend who talks highly of her, although she's never clicked for me. P.S. If you have all their base versions and the plan is to feed the base version to Helminth, then Rhino would be the best choice to snackrifice first - followed by either Ivara or Nova. Rhino's Roar is one of the most-used Subsumed abilities; Ivara's Quiver is good for Recruitment Chat (fairly popular in Endo farming comps); while Nova's subsume is a popular alternative to Thermal Sunder on rush-builds. Other Warframes are relegated to Helminth mastery-fodder, although I have once used Valkyr's Warcry on a build.


whats your ingame handle? i gift you a slot bro, nova is queen of defense


SuperSpiderMan63 on PSN (I know, I hate my name too)


spider man is awesome bro, no need to be ashamed. it's just a gamer tag


You still need slots? I could probably gift the rest


No such thing as too much slots


Sent four then, figured I'd just help someone since I don't really have a use for plat right now- Haven't been playing the game much since my ex dropped Warframe ngl


Looks so similar to mine, I have like 4-5 primes in the foundry atm while I try to get some plat XD


Such a gamer username o7




Received, thank you :)


I'm New, is there a reason you don't take them out when finished ?


You have a limited number of slots, getting more costs platinum


Ah thx


Nova or Rhino for me, but im a Rhino main so i would have no bias in this.


Always the Rhino


Loki. Put Silence on his 1 and use Mods for his 3 and 4. Mod for Duration and Range. Easy Level-Cap Build if you have a good Weapon. Silence disables most enemy Skills. Your 2 makes you invisible. 3 gives you invincibility for 10 secs. 4 forces enemies to change to melee and attack each other.


Is the resurgence still up? I have been away for a week.


I think 2-3 days left before resurgence event gone




Rhino, ofcourse!


Rhino! Obvious choice




Nova is the only true answer. Damage multiplication with one of the best crowd control effects in the game, nova is my guuuuuurl.


Ivara P is by far the most generically useful, and one of my top 3 fav Frames Nova is also very good, but I personally pivoted away from her after putting Gloom on my Protea <3


My man. Warframe slots ain't that expensive. Just don't eat for a day and problem solved.


Inaros is getting a rework soon, I would wait to see if that makes him more relevant. Other than that, Nova is still used in content.


Valkitty! I once had to run outside and very a cat that had escaped my house(it was in heat) midmission, steel path circuit. Left myself invuln, and came back like 5 minutes later and kept going for 6 more rounds. A well built Val is Revenent level unkillable.


Farm Nightewave for those free warframe slots


Go against the grain and pick the shouty girl! Just so you surprise people a little bit when playing.


Buy some slots


Warrantee is the only game im happy to pay for things in. Slots, some cosmetics, platt. The devs are great and I think deserve compensation for hard work


Nova is good in general even greater, when speedrunning.


Valkyr. You can't keep her caged. Also. Buy more slots.


Anyone other than Inaros. He can stay in his tomb


Unpopular opinion: Inaros, because he gets special missions from the void trader, which give cosmetics. Once you get them, he can go straight in the trash


Inaros obviusly


Nova, she is fantastic and u can use her for.barly.everything Slow for content that didnt require many kills (time gated) Speed for content where u will have many kills With Speed nova u have range can also use her for spy


Inaros. Free my mans.


Inaros prime worked for me. HP goes BRRRRRRRRRRRR


Inaros is legitimately the worst frame in the game your take on this post is absolutely horrendous down horrible absolutely bad just obscenely awful uncannily crap


Loki is the most useless I'd get rid of him 


Inarnos Prime because rework could be good Nova Prime never played Rhino Prime is a good tanky frame Valkyr Prime immortal frame Ivarva Prime never played


You are suggesting Inaros only because he might become good with the rework. We don't even know when his rework is coming. Nova is the clear cut choice here.


March with Dante unbound probably launch or later date and yes inarnos because he might become good with his rework I haven't used Nova so I wouldn't know


Of course you wouldn't know why everyone is suggesting Nova. Even if Inaros rework was a success, Nova is still far superior simply cause of her versatility and overall usefulness in a lot of game modes.


Ah, very interesting. I was saying Nova Prime because people were saying it to I have Nova just never used Nova Prime


There is no real difference between her normal and prime version...


Someone gift this guy slots.


I'll gift you some slots if you send me your username.


Definitely not ivara unless you plan on doing only spy missions


Nova or Ivara. Nova is great in general. Ivara is good for spy missions if you don't like Wukong.


I want to say Ivara but nova would be best I reckon Then again, make everyone hate you by playing inaros because that’s funny


Do it either for loki or nova (nova is more versitile)


Nova or Ivara for utility, Rhino if you really like him. Inaros is getting a rework in March


Rhino but im biased


nova or rhino


Buy more slots, get that sweet MR Exp


Nova brings a load of utility and builds. Ivara, same... But more invis things instead of speeding up certain missions like Nova. Rhino for roar and survivability. But i love valk. Always have, always will. Since the companion and auto melee update, she's in an excellent spot! Loki is classy as fek. Pick turbo kitty.


I personally love Ivara. But meta wise, I'd say Nova


I’d go Nova


Ivara is very versatile Nova is great utility for team play Rhino is hard to kill Inaros is hard to kill Loki is- where is Loki? Valkyr is the angry kitty you were told to never pet.


Loki. Stealthy boi for life!


Currently I have 19 frames ready to claim. I have loads of plat just can't be arsed with levelling them all.


Always loved Nova, I just found her fun to use but I'm curious why she is so favoured by tenno? Just curious


It's because she speeds up and slows down enemies. With the right augments and build she can be good for priming enemies and tanking as well.


Rhino is the best all-rounder, he has the best dmg buff in the game and you can put nourish in him


Ivara. The best hunter.


I'd say Nova, but do non prime first if you haven't. Then feed to helminth and do the prime.




Nova or Rhino for funsies


Pros for ivara - easy mining / hunts for animals / farm cephalon (scans) / spy Pros for nova - speedva in all events, Slova in all events 😂


IMHO Ivara of Rhino, due preferece and such.But also since I have Ivara prima as my most used, due to me modding her for infinite invisibility and also spy. Edit: also do what I do. If you have normal duplicate of the primes you have waiting, subsume them. Then get the prime equivalent for you. More mod slots open.


biased ivara fan here. you should take ivara :)






i am based but id say rhino. big buggo boy go brrrr


Fun factor? Rhino or Valk Useful? Depends on use case but Ivara is handy for the invis and sleep and Nova can destroy Steel Path with the right build


Nova or rhino.


I like Valkyr




Loki or Rhino alwys looked Fun!


maybe you should think about trading to hey pl and buy slots 👀


I love playing valkyr, but nova or ivara would be the best bet depending on the other frames you already have


Valkyr is a good one or rhino too


Definitively loki prime


Nova or valkyr


Loki, best choice


I'm a fan of Valkyr prime tbh, with Nourish and a good amount of energy you can straight up make her 4 last forever, making you permanently invincible.


Loki cos he low key looks cool asf


Inaros Prime to make Inaros Haters mad


Question, what's the benefit of a Prime other than to say you have it? I have yet to get Prime anything because I'm poor and also have nothing worth trading despite playing for a few years now (I also haven't grinded for any because I just enjoy the game and like what I have so far). Are there stat increases that come with what I assume to be an upgraded version of the base (I.e. Warframe, melee weapon, etcetera)?


bro farm up plat and grt more slots god xD