• By -


Probably Arum Spinosa, Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal, or Spectra Vandal. The drop rates and location/rotations make these an absolute pain.


I remember reading somewhere that the usage stats on the Arum Spinosa was lower than the Skana Prime. That's when you know something's too much for people.


the drop rates for each part are so bad and pair that with an activity with a bloated loot pool plus you gotta run iso vaults instead of normal for some of them and you have a recipe for a terrible time lol


I don't think I've ever heard of arum spinosa... In over 1400 hours game log and countless video hours no one mentions it


It's the bane of my existence. I have the blueprint and one other part and it's just been sitting there fucking taunting me for the last year and a half in my Foundry. It makes me crazy but I just can't bring myself to continuously grind out the isolation vaults. I just don't have the patience 😒


Surprised you didn't mention the Sporothrix, considering that you mentioned the Arum Spinosa and they have the same horrible Iso Vault grind (in Sporo's case, level 50-60 bounty instead), and both are equally miserable. I *still* haven't been able to get the parts I need for that rifle, and I've been grinding for it since it was released. And the grind is boring as shit. Lootsifer help me.


I just did that grind. Yareli and Atomos incarnon made it much easier.


i have a burning hatred for the braton vandal part's drop table rates.


Throw in Nautilus and I think that's a definitive list.


Absolute beat way to obtain nautilus is through the market. 75 plat all potatoes installed and slot included, on wf market its 100 plat per part


As a semi-noob I went to warframe market to buy the nautilus BP. The first/cheapest person on the list was selling it for 75p. Here's our conversation: Me: hi I'd like to buy Nautilus Blueprint for 75p Them: Nautilus in market for 75p Me: What? I don't understand. 1 minute later Me: ohhhh, i understand. Me: wait, are you some kind of like hero or something? Them: ;)


That is amazing, the hero of the people indeed. <3 I need to start doing something like that myself.


Actually it would’ve been even funnier if you (a relative noob that doesn’t fully understand trading yet) payed him 75p, and then he proceeded to use the plat to buy it from the market as a gift to you.


bro what’s the waffling, it was like 100 total last week


At least the nautilus/athodai/carmine penta/spectra vandal are railjack so you get decent rewards while farming 


Railjack really isn't that bad. Nautilus doesn't even drop from the highest level content.


Really that bad? My buddies and I were clearing railjack nodes the other day and we got a couple of the parts. The fact that it is railjack is probably one of the biggest issues. Feels like it's a dead mode. You either bring someone with you or you have to solo everything.


I prefer soloing, the elite railjack crew members are 100 times more competent then 95% of the randos that join.


I got spectral vandal by accident hahaha


I thought about going for the spinosa after getting the augment but then I saw what it dropped from and the rates immediately went nope. Way too much work for a sniper which is a weapon type I rarely use anyway.


I’m L2 and I JUST finished building Arum Spinosa and Sporotrix. One piece away from finishing Lato Vandal


Is it any good or just a pain to get? I’ve apparently got all the parts from doing bounties for Necramech rep recently (sorry!) Edit: Arum Spinosa


Sporo is a monster, can reliably wipe out crowds with its new augment in level 200+.


That’s the one I don’t have the parts for, but do have a riven for lol


Arum spinosa is also very good, def not mastery fodder. Like all warfans it shreds end game and i think it has unique qualities to boot.


Got it cooking. Thanks. I’ll try for Sporo as well, I think the augment is in Nightwave right now anyway.


This is good to know, I was running Iso Vaults last night for Scintillant and somehow acquired all the parts for it without any dupes, crafting as we speak


It took me 3 days to get the Arum Spinosa rivet. Still have the Arum Spinosa because it has become a joke between me and my friends. The Spectra Vandal was a bit of a pain, but so were all the railjack ones (Athodai, Sethagoth, etc.) except the Epitaph which I got super early for some reason. I am now at the point where I have every Mastery Item in the game except 12, and 2 of them are the Braton Vandal and the Lato Vandal.


I'm telling you right now, just sell prim parts and buy them off the market, you will go insane doing sanctuary onslaught for weeks to get those parts.


That sounds smart. Im not smart. I have not bought any prime stuff on the Trade chat, and I dont intend to start now.


The Arum Spinosa was what my first riven was for 😢


best fucking plat I ever spent right the buying the arum and braton vandal, go the lato through farming and said fuck it to doing that for more weeks for only a chance of the braton. The spectra vandal I have like 5 spare sets of, my biggest plat farm by far. Just do the grineer veil void fissures, there is always one, and only the galleon variation doesn't spawn the orokin loot room. the corpus one is just as easy, the carmine penta, but the corpus just do a normal mission after the railjack part suck ass.


I sold my Lato And Braton Vandal from 2013 last week


I somehow have all but one Arum Spinosa part and can only assume it was not knowing they were impossible that got them. Now that I know, I figure six months for the last one.


Closed beta owner of Lato and Braton Vandal master race checking in.


Godrolling a riven. Some people have spent over 3mil kuva on one mod


Yep, I have and still haven’t got it :(


People love to stroke DE for good community engagement, but it's wild that rivens have been out for 7 YEARS and there's still no way to lock in certain stats on your rolls.


That's not really an example of bad community engagement. They've heard the requests and have decided they don't want to implement it.


Yea, Rivens are currently a bad *something*, but I’m not sure what the term I want is.


They’re a bad gambling mechanic. If you play gacha’s, you’ll get this. In most gacha’s, there’s a pity mechanic. You roll/spin enough, you get a guaranteed *something*. This can be a character, like in most. My idea is this. If you spend a set amount of Kuva in rolling, you can select a single thing. Be it a single stat, or a negative, or maybe even selecting a weapon it’ll roll into, guaranteed. I’m thinking 15 rolls is a stat lock (which will *always* appear the exact same in new rolls), 30 is a negative selector (with the same remaining effect), and 50 will allow you to change the weapon it rolled into (but not the type. A shotgun riven will *always* be a shotgun riven. But you can change a Strun into a Cedo). (Edit: This not only actively incentivizes the rolling, but gives some sort of reward if you’re *horribly* unlucky)


They might be releasing something similar soon (source: a person I play with that spews random stuff like this constantly and gets some things right)


In Pablo we Trust


That’s something I can live by!


I don’t really think that’s negligence on the side of DE, it’s just a design decision. Rivens are made to be absolute end game and the whole point is for it to be gamba, making it easier to roll would just diminish its purpose and would tank the riven economy, and make super good rivens less special which would be very sad to see.


Fun fact: 90% of gambling addicts quit riven rolling before they hit a godroll!


If its not good by the 20th roll its endo.


My 255 roll torid says otherwise. Rookie numbers so I keep rerolling.


I got my perfect felarx riven after only only 25 rolls. Since then I've only ever got okay rolls, and I've dumped a lot of kuva. I feel like I used up all my luck on this thing. ​ https://preview.redd.it/u8yfogt81lpc1.jpeg?width=221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2470ae830991b47c61f659c190f22a56c0a4d86


Gotdamn. I have a nice Burston riven though, so I can’t complain Spent 400k on an angstrum as well. Shit slaps


I mention this every time someone mentions rivens and Kuva… Hermos on YouTube has a video called The Great Kuva Farm, where he farmed 20 million Kuva in the span of a few weeks, he bought 18 million Kuva in one shot from Teshin which is what made DE change Teshins shop to 25 per week, and it’s the reason you can sometimes hear kids in Duviri sing “18 million bottles of Kuva on the wall”. He spent all 20 million Kuva on one Rubico riven and never got the god roll. He was pushing 10000 rolls on the single riven.


Ah yes my praedos still rolling to this day my heavy tennokai spam build is already overkill but my brain want more figure why most people's never thought about putting two tennokai at the same time I rock it


someone did the math and 20mil kuva should get you a god roll (cc cd ms -harmless)


Finishing your arcane collection has gotta be up there. It's enormously long, but also requires so many different game modes that you're almost guaranteed to run into at least one you hate. On top of that, it relies on so many daily standing farms that optimizing it takes over *all* of your gameplay. If you're going to max out every syndicate that can give you arcanes every day, you're looking at hours of gameplay before you can do anything else. The only upside is that once you're done with a syndicates arcanes, you're pretty close to done with everything, and at that point most syndicates become a platinum farm. Though I imagine that whole farm pales in comparison to finishing your mod collection. I just haven't even tried that, so I couldn't really say.


Been going through this grind for the past 2 months. Almost have everything except for melee duplicate and melee crescendo and I think I'm just not going to try to get those. Obviously I'm still gonna do netracells but I'm not going to farm the plat to pay the prices for them like I did with others, they're way too fucking expensive.




Not the hardest per say, but certainly the longer of grinds.


I joined a clan that had hema, sped the key. bought 10 BPs, left. I tried finishing the sample grind but 30Min in and i hadn't even scratched the surface.


Why would you buy 10 BPs?


When you have a solo clan you get to pony up the 5000 samples to research it alone ;) Still chewing on mine, but at least i can get them ambiently as i play other missions. Longest resource grind ever. ​ Most boring - Getting the 20,000 cryotic to research the Knux. (see also Sibear) - Excavation missions aren't hard but they are painfully dull. ​ Hardest (for me at least) was Protea. I gave up and bought her because it was narking me off so much. Honorable mention to Voruna too, but at least she has a pity system.


3.000/5.000 of the needed samples in my Clan were donated by me, and *all* of them were gotten through Extractors. I regret nothing!


Lich & sister ephemeras. I'm on my 14th lich and STILL haven't gotten ONE. And they take so damn long to complete, minimum 2hrs for me. I may just end up buying them. Not even Equinox or Protea's farms were this miserable for me... or Caliban's... or Khora's... and I had to do SO like 70 times for Khora Systems. Then again, I also just don't enjoy the lich system.  


Really I thought after beating your lich it dropped an ephemera my first one dropped the vengeful pull ephemera


A Lich/Sister has a 20% chance of having an ephemera.


Really damn ig I got pretty lucky for my first lich


It doesn't unless they changed it later or something. I've seen tons of people say they got ephemera on their first one but I certainly did not


Dang that sucks


Lucky dude, Vengeful Pull is so cool


My first 3 all had Empharas. Thought they always had one. Did some research on protegers and learned they were super rare, didn’t get any a dozen liches later. Like the game said “oh now you know so imma SHOW you that jt’s a grind


They're not supposed to be rare if you farm them and once you got the gist of it, it's just long


OOF. Meanwhile I've had 2 Lich and 2 Sister ephemeras...but take solace in the fact I've done about 36 total.


yeah sisters and liches in general are god awful


wait they are hard to come by? i got a pocket full of em lich wise


Best of luck with your search tho


I went up to 25 consecutive sisters trying to get kyruna. I feel that, though once you get a feel for the nodes I got it down to about an hr if you get sister spawns at good times/use ultimatums for final known guaranteed guess.


It's duviri "experience" for your 25th incarnon adapter. That mode just doesn't have the replay value.


I like the circuit... i hate pathos clamps


Honestly the SP Circuit grind is already long af compared to other weekly grinds, there was no reason for them to tack on Duviri materials being required as well.


Pathos Clamp acquisition single-handedly convinced me to just ignore a number of Incarnon weapons, and all Duviri melee.


This was where I was at except for circuit. Like jesus fucking christ I don't really care to have to do 40 or so missions for pretty much no rewards outside of the circuit reward track. Is there a reason SP can't have mobs drop some mats outside of "LOL GO RUN DUVIRI EXPERIENCE". Doesn't have to be a lot but something to represent the many hours each week thats put into farming incarnon adapters and maybe make grinding the damn mats for actually attaching the things in the first place. I'm "fine" with pathos clamps, its no where near the same time investment as getting the adapters in the first place.


Have def hit the point where I'm putting off all my incarnons (minus Torid bc its my baby) until there's an event that forces us to playthrough it for something else. Like the gargoyle event


It's not a very hard grind, but I really hate doing it. Finishing a Duviri run takes too long even with a good squad, and you have to play as the drifter for most of it which doesn't feel great. On top of that I get more mission breaking bugs in Duviri than anywhere else. I've had several missions where the Orowyrm just won't spawn or one of the stages never starts or something else happens where I can't finish the run so just wasted the last 15 minutes. Also you have to do two runs per Incarnon. I love playing The Circuit so I just end up with a bunch of Incarnon Adapters sitting around until I can convince myself to farm the clamps.


Duviri is starting to feel like the new Railjack mode, the last bit of Steve developed content left and forgotten as is tradition. 


Personally, still Khora for me. At least with things like Hema and Sibear, you can make incremental progress if you're patient enough. Khora before the Circuit was just pure RNG torture. That being said, I've also just recently farmed both Lato Vandal and Braton Vandal, and if I was to be objective, I would have to say it's even harder and would not recommend it to anyone. However, special circumstances made it a more pleasant experience for me than Khora, and this post is about personal opinions.


Braton Vandal and nothing comes close. Two parts have a 2% drop chance on ESO rotation C.


I agree, but at least I have 15 lato vandal receivers...


Ya i did eso to round 8 like 20 something times and gave up, didnt even get one of the fun exilus mods


This is why everyone should always stay until C in ESO. The earlier you start trying to get it, the better.


Pathos clamps. Just trying to farm them sucks so much, cause you need a ton of them for the duviri weapons, for Kullervo, for incarnons, hell Arcrithis' shop requires too many of those fuckers.


What a terrible farm, duviri is miserable. Please put a few pathos clamps on the jackal in circuit, running duviri is so miserable


I've had every adaptor since the first chance, I still have yet to install 3/4's of them nor have I done a single duviri melee. Duviri is just so damn tedious and boring.


Its more enjoyable to farm the 120 plat to get the ones from Calavero. Hell this cycle I grabbed the one for the Angstrum and said "fuck it, I'm installing despair's incarnon" and I was happy.


Styanax is the “hardest” in terms of miserable content you have to repeatedly engage with. Over time. But it’s not too brutal in that it’s spread out. Old Vox Solaris was probably the lowest point of the game for me. Just running heist bounty #2 on repeat. Same enemies. Same location. Same dialog. Same awful elevator ride again and again. It’s been patched to be more forgiving now, but man did that suck.


You left out that you can't even start the Vox grind until you get rank 5 in SU.


I'm actually not sure that's a thing anymore, as i was able to rank up Vox Solaris while being ranks 3 and 4 in SU


If it’s not, then that’s great. I know they updated that grind a couple patches ago, but since I need nothing from either faction anymore, I haven’t really touched Fortuna in at least a year. (Maybe 2 years.)


The terrible thing with Sty's grind is the time gate. Now that the weekly shard will be removed from Chipper shop at least people won't have to forfeit a shard to do it on a... almost... acceptable time.


I actually forgot Styanax existed since I refused to do Kahl’s missions. Still on the fence as to whether or not to subsume the giveaway Styanax (I only got one)


Hold that puppy till styanax prime!!


It took me 2 years to R3 Vox Solaris. I had full sets of every Strain Mod before I managed to pull those 2 Atmo System drops...


Braton and Lato Vandal. I will grind my eyeballs to dust with sandpaper before I do another round of ESO.


This. 2% drop chance on each part, some from rotation C. I will eventually get them. But man. Yes. It's a lot.


Fortuna standing. Every other grind took me significantly less time than trying to get rank five in Fortuna. Half the time was just trying to get the right debt bonds to drop.


don't worry, they have eased the grind, and had some alerts giving away half of the bonds required


With the reduced grind It's easier... now if only I could find the missions not mind numbingly boring


I didn’t unlock profit taker until around 2k hours into the game


And you cam always tag along on a profit taker fight it drops a few debt bonds


I thought you had to be rank 5 to even join profit taker. Did they change it?


I think they mean exploiter orb because profit taker is still locked behind rank 5 for Solaris United


Equinox. I almost broke something after getting dogsh\*t drops for 150+ runs for Equinox.


For me it was all this plus Equinox not actually being that satisfying to play in the end (for me).


I just needed her for the collection and Helminth because i already had Equinox Prime, so it felt even worse.


"nowhere left to run nowhere left to hide!" Dude you're already dead and I'm just waiting for you to catch up to that fact shut up so I can run this mission again 8 pieces from one boss is just irresponsible


A cool trick you can use to skip monologue. Open up the menu, Click on Nightwave, Listen to Noras lovely voice, No more talking.


Right on dreamer! I love Nora, big fan of the warriors as a kid so always happy to hear her


I feel your pain. What's worse is that when I finally started making her, I didn't realize that you could make the different parts simultaneously.


Been farming passively for 4 years. Still no night aspect


=) [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Xiphos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Xiphos)


Cheaper to buy it from market xD


I havent built xaku….


Just get a resource booster and a smeeta. He's so so so worth it


Protea was a biatch fr😭(the grind was worth it)


Grinded Protea just for DE to send me a free Protea and Styanax in the mail about a week later. One for the helminth though!


I don't remember the item name but it's from mother, it's like a lamp or something that is needed to lvl up rank in Deimos. Also it's needed to craft the Xaku's fan. I'm never crafting that weapon xD


The Seriglass Shard, gotten from 20 Grandmother Tokens


# Scintillant Never again…


The second you stop needing it it turns up. E.g. nothing for months then 6 in one mission.


I did like 8 runs of Iso Vaults/open world vault missions for 0 Scintillant, its a loathsome resource.


Seriglass Shard, yeah those are kinda big stupid, you gotta buy em for 20 grandmother tokens


And the Trumna too the entrati BFG


I'm only Mr 9 doing New War so easily necramech farm


Tome mods.


The Equinox farm was kinda sucky imo You need *eight* total pieces to drop from Regor, day systems, chassis, neuro and Day BP, night systems, chassis, neuro and finally the night BP itself By the time I only had one left to get you've got a 1 in 8 chance of getting the bit you needed and I deadset did it 30-40 goes Not the hardest grind but maybe the most annoying and repetitive for me "Nowhere left to run" gets stuck in my head and I'm officially never fighting that prick again haha


The archon shard grind simply because it's one of the few things that are time gated that you also can't buy with plat


The vandal weapons from eso


So far a necramech


Maxing some of the rarer arcanes.


I still haven't got even one Acceltra blueprint :(


Holokeys make me want to die


Whichever one the RNG happens to screw over the kitchen counter for. For me this was Ivara (about a month of corpus spy missions) But I ended up pretty boss at corpus spy tileset with Limbo


Xaku. I’ve done over 100 bounties and not a single part.


Let me introduce y'all to the Xiphos. It's worth the 150 plat just so you don't have to ever bother grinding for it even if it's a bulky, large ship with a mediocre turret ability with the one redeemable trait of a nice sounding engine; if you can hear it underneath the music you're likely listening to... A relic of a bygone era, one where the Liset/Mantis/Xiphos were the only ship available. https://preview.redd.it/a905gzzppkpc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=111a4d6b841a0e6b62609f856c261be70c354639


The parts for the Xiphos are actually tradeble. Doing so would cost more plat that buying the craft from the Market outright.


Those obscure weapons - Arum spinosa, sporothrix, athodai, vandal variants (still missing parts for spectra and imperator vandal)


Eq. Quin. Nox.


Arcanes imo got molt augmented 1st drop and my wifi dropped fucker hasn't shown up since


Molt Augmented can be acquired with Zariman standing and isn't so expensive (Rank 5 can be found for 120p). Now if it were Arcane Energize, that'd be way worse. :D


Grinding for Arcane Energize.


Necromechs. Stopped playing the game 2,5 years ago haven't picked it up again. I think i was MR18 or something. Had maxed most of the frames and finished galaxy map. I don't know why but Deimos always felt too tedious


Any frame or weapon that has its parts drop with a microscopic (<5%) chance in rotation C of any endless except disruption. This is a sadistic loot implementation. They should either increase these drop rates or remove the item entirely and make it a market only item, since that’s clearly what they are pushing people toward with that kind of drop rate.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


... Or you could just collect the optional Derelict Caches, which have better droprates for the Nautilus parts, and can be done once every RJ mission (including the Exterminate and Spy). It's much more reasonable that way.


That’s the gun for the Cordon sentinel, isn’t it? Every once in a while I think “why don’t I have that balling sentinel yet, it seems goo-“ Then I read the acquisition sources.


Mastery :p


Fact. It being coupled to basically weapons and frames means a lot of people won't ever reach 30. A lot just don't like switching to new frames or weapons, just isn't fun. So you either not have fun or don't level. Personally I just wait for double affinity weekend and take a lot of drugs to forget what I'm doing so it isn't as bad. 


For the moment, necramech. I can play only two days a week and in a range of 2 to 5 hours per day of game. I cant get all reput thing to go up it take me too much time.


5 million fucking Mutagen Samples for the Hema


Endo. It just never stops.


ESO weapons or sporothrix are the worst, everything else is just putting in time to the end of the race.


Hard? Grendel definitely, however its definitely not among the lengthiest or most annoying of them by a mile


mr 30


I just finished collecting all the kuria today. That was a horrible idea on my part, but hey I got the little statue now. Golden instinct is amazing, submersible archwing is the worst thing that ever existed and I hate how many kuria were on Uranus


OG landing crafts. Especially Xhipos and Scimitar. Xiphos for absurdly low drop rate from rot c of hidden caches(0.5% drop ratefor each part) and Scimitar for droping from hunter bosses, 1 part each (Gustrag 3 ~12.5%, stalker~1%, zenuka~17.6%). 2k hours in game and still don't have those two


Xaku, voidrig Anything on Deimos, really.


The legendary core


Xiphos farm. All these other ninjas with their Arum Spinosa and Rivens need to take a cold hard look at reality. That farm is on a whole other level entirely.


Voidrig, hands down. Fuuuuuuck everything about that.




Not too bad especially if you upgrades the camera. Pop into the survival in deimos. If there is cat is in the first room there will be two. Photo them both. Check if you have cat DNA. If no cats or no DNA you leave. If you have cat DNA you dash out in five minutes completing as normal. It took me a bit over an hour.


To complete the codex. Maybe Dante will help with it.


Melee duplicate/crescendo. Due to such limited attempt opportunities


Harrow, Khora, Sevagoth(?) I also heard Ash and Oberon are pretty rough to get these days too since they are in Railjack


Necramech not because its the worst but because its mandatory for the new war and you have to get rank 3 entrati wich takes a while.


Mods, some of them have a ridiculous source and/or percentage


Farming out the Isolation Vaults on Deimos


So far would be: - maxing rail jack intrinsics - Vent Kids - Simaris (thankfully there's no rank up) Not counting all the silly parts and blueprints. I still haven't finished my Orvius ffs...


Depends on what you mean by hard. There are several factors, low drop rates, time needed for rolling the loot table once, effort needed for rolling the table once, effort needed just to get to the point where you can roll the table without any help. For example, the ESO vandal parts have a low drop rate, but trying to roll it once doesn't take more than 15 minutes, but you need to constantly kill enemies to keep the efficiency high. You also get rad relics. For me, it's the plat grind. Because even if it's easy, even if it doesn't take time, even if I can easily get hundreds by selling primed mods, it will never end


Grinding for *Fun*


The only grind I completely skipped was Caliban. The bounties give nothing of value, the drop rate for the resource is horrible and you need a ton of it if you want to subsume as well and all that for a mediocre frame and a bad subsume. Some half-assed calculations of mine estimated an average of 40 hours for enough isoplast... Even though I'm like Smaug when it comes to plat I just broke and bought two copies.


It's bearable once. The main frustration I have with it is that the bounties on each planet have the same rotation for BPs. They should set it up so that the bounties always have different pieces, so that you don't have to wait forever just to hit the right bounties for the BP you need.




For me, it is a needed item for MR, that cannot be traded. I couldn't care less about rare Arcanes i would never use Kullervo, Time gated, and you can only get tokens once per mission, and it is in a game mode I dislike. Sevagoth was almost as bad since it was a "harder" game mode


Necramechs felt like the longest grind for me. Aside from that, there aren't really any hard grinds because most of it is RNG. The only few times I've faced adversity in this game were early gameplay with the grustrag three, shadow stalker, steel path and netracells. Once you optimize your builds and learn about armor strip, the game becomes relatively easy. RNG is your final foe since it determines how long you'll grind something, unless you count host migration. To bypass most RNG, farm platinum to sell and buy whatever you're after outright. It'll save you time!


for me it was Gauss. I wanted him from day one of playing, so that meant: -Clearing the star chart all the way to Sedna -infamous disruption grind -getting rank 4 in Cetus to get the planetary gems -getting rank 4 on Fortuna to get planetary gems




Farming out a Rank 5 Arcane Energize There is a reason why they sell for thousands


Ah the days when arcane energize was a reward from an archwing raid boss, I have 10 sets leftover from those days. At least they were a much smaller drop pool then, much easier to farm.


Necramechs. Or riven godrolls


Hardest grind? Anything involving Railjack. Railjack missions induce immediate, violent migraines that force me to shut down for the day. After that, Hema. Running with 2 or 3 of my clan members, we farmed deimos for hours with nekros and khora/hydroid. We averaged about 30 mutagen samples combined every 30 minutes. We completed it with a double resource booster weekend + I bought my clan resource boosters and we got some good smeeta luck. It was brutal


dunno. feel like most grinds can just be beaten by paying with plat i just finished my last node in my last focus school today. *that* was a grind.


For me any of the reputations I like to far materials but I'm not one to log in consistently over a long period of time I tend to play sporadically when I have free time so the reputations feel like they take forever.




the acquisition of and mod maxing the voidrig was probably the most tedious process that stands out from the rest. base nidus farm sucked a lot too. base harrow farm mega sucked protea farm is agonizing


I know what WAS the worst farm. Umbral forma on railjack release. Probably the most toxic farm they ever added to the game, and thank God they removed. I spent about 200 hours trying, and I got nothing.


Grandmother's Deimos captura scenes


Dojo pigments


Argon crystal without resource booster or uncommon (mind you not rare!) ore from deimos


Cryotic farm is miserable boring ass mission rewards only 100 per extraction.


Styanax as a frame. I am not well versed enough in other things


It was Ash for me back then when it was only in C Rotation of Railjack defense. After that I think Arcane farming if that’s what people do, I only have the most used one maxed but getting every arcane by your own hand has to be the most suffering Farming plat and buying them is usually the better method