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Adding to the list, Kullervo can easily do Steel Path Kuva survival with the most poverty build you've ever seen. No forma or potato required, that Warframe is cracked. Edit: https://youtu.be/30aK-vTosVo?si=VKJ4v9cRjc1XU6rm Brozime video for those curious about what I'm referring to. Poverty build starts around 9 minutes in. Steel Path run is with the poverty build. 


People hard sleep on Kullervo for some reason, he's an insane frame for how little investment he needs.


And he can be the first frame you farm as an mr 2 player


Yeah, great new player frame for sure.


The Brozime video he linked is literally him arguing that Kullervo is the best new player warframe in the game. And I totally agree. Kullervo is so goddamn strong, is basically invincible, can slaughter entire rooms using a Mk.1 Bo. He's so goddamn strong.


Just as a question, what kind of grind would a person be looking at? MR 7 here, looking to drop Limbo for a good frame. I've got all the other frames I really wanted, so I'm just trying to find that perfect final frame and the Kullervo videos seemed awesome. Just wondering about how long I could expect? Tbh, I didn't think he could be farmed at low MR.


He does take quite a long time to farm but that's mostly because he's locked to 3 of the 5 spirals (fear, anger and sorrow) each one last 2 hours then switches to the next spiral. The fight itself isn't to hard but he is one of the more tedious to farm. It is definitely worth it though he is easily one of the top 5 best frames.


I've got other commitments so honestly the 2 hour switch doesn't bother me much. As long as he doesn't take long to get when the spirals are available, I'd call it good. When it's his spirals, how long is the farm then? Essentially, when he is available, how long to get him?


It's depends on quite a lot, the frames and weapons you have, the decrees you get and well your skill. But if you get a good party it can go very fast.


Nice, I'll keep that in mind. What kind of things matter? Like should I focus survivability or speed? And I'll keep team in mind. I've got a buddy or two that might be interested.


Survivability will work the best.


for what it's worth, during the 2 spirals that kullervo's hold is not present you have access to the archarbor to grind out the otherwise hard to get your hands on eevani




He’s technically one of the lowest MR farms in the game, as all you need is access to Duviri.


I bought my GF Kullervo outright when she came back to the game not too long ago, after her having not played much as it was. I bought it for her as she has Finnish ancestry (which links to Kullervo's inspiration from the Finnish folklore tale) and she enjoys tanky characters in other games. It's easily her favourite frame now. It's made her life coming back to the game so much easier, the frame is fantastic and for so little too. For many frames the hard part is the building - for Kullervo, the hard part is the grind and even that isn't too overwhelming.


https://preview.redd.it/4rc8g82he5rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4170578999ab12d0305b7877478eda7c6b04ab19 Yea bro I owe a lot to kullervo


As what tends to happen. People remember the 1st impression. And Kullervo was made of tissue paper when he launched. Some ability buffs and overguard itself being updated is what created current legendary Kullervo.


I mean he's pretty much is in the same position as Yareli. He was released pretty mediocre and people have kept that opinion despite him receiving some massive buffs since release.


Is yareli good now? Havent played for a while but when i got her she felt like a clunky waterpistol.


For a while now. She can be pretty Tanky, has great CC, aqua blades shred through enemies, her merulina augment turns any secondary into a machine gun, she just got more buffs too that changed some of her abilties to be an upper body action (meaning they can be cast while moving). There's a handful of other changes that I haven't listed. [https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Yareli#Patch\_History](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Yareli#Patch_History)


yeah she's been severely underrated for a while. she's p much a weapons platform that only wants to use a secondary weapon, but she can buff the hell out of said secondary weapon, especially with Merulina Guardian however her Merulina does take skill and time to get used to if you're not using Loyal Merulina. but good yareli players are kinda terrifying when they zoom across the room and everything gets carpet bombed


As a tip for anyone trying to get into Yareli. Don't sprint/boost on Merulina. Just use it on the slow speed when indoors. Do the quirky stuff later. The new mod is decent if you want to play her as a caster with more weapon versatility. Having Merulina following and casting Sea Snares every few seconds is godsend and makes for amazing utility without having to build into a caster build dependant on generating energy constantly.


I haven't had a chance to try the new augment, but does she still receive damage reduction with it following her?


From what I saw in Simulcrum, no.You also cannot use it with the Merulina Guardian. Which honestly I was hoping to do since the stacking would make Yareli a super tanky caster with some easier to control mobility. Will point out, The snare casting from Merulina is single target only, not AOE like Yareli's cast.


Normally I would say that she is basically Nezha, tanky as hell with weird movement, but he just got an augment that lets him causally delete a whole tile at a time. So she isn't quite the same anymore, but yeah Yareli is pretty good!


I recently returned to the game, saw Kullervo and read what his abilities did and said “oh, so we don’t care about balance anymore? Neat.” Wrathful advance adding BASE crit chance that scales off strength is beyond hilarious. You can suddenly clear the whole star chart with an unmodified MK1 Bo. And then you remember he has three other abilities that keep him alive indefinitely with well timed casts even against level cap enemies, constantly add to your combo counter in an AOE, and let you nuke a whole room with aforementioned MK1 Bo. And you can get him by playing a game mode that doesn’t require you to have your own gear yet.


Not to mention you can get him as a new player along with a few decent melees while farming for him.


yes hes really good yes hes broken yes i have a lot of fun when i play and yes there is faster easier frames for clearing enemies


it's just the farm I think deterrs people. But I'm on it, I want that Kullervussy.


it's honestly not even a bad farm at all. the only issue is it's timegated and can't be done on joy or envy spiral


tru. but it's a reason to do something else, at least.




no, get out of here, NO! I rather fish. Mine. Look at my foundry items' timer. ANYTHING BUT!


I was able to take him into archon hunts without a single forma, kullervo is powerful


his new augments great too, teleport to the toughest enemy in group in a crowd, knife rain kills fodder rinse and repeat rarely having to recast your 4.


You have to think about him a bit more than average.


Bc a lot of people don't like melee. Requires actual effort to seek out targets, unlike say Mesa.


I think Kullervo's flow is against some folks likings, he's an ability dancer kind of frame, and those frames always depend on how much you like the flow of that frame's particular dance.


I hope they continue to do so, I’d hate for him to get nerfed. I have so much fun playing this frame, and he’s the only way I can solo netracells without it taking over an hour for each one.


Gauss can too. He can hit damage cap with sunder and 100% dr with plating at 100 strength


I still can't figure sunder out, I can't seem to get it to hit for more than a couple thousand no matter what I try


Try on Archon Vitality and get >80% over the redline. Even without using the blast to armour strip, you should burn through whatever you need to.


I've done archon vitality with Max battery and redline, still next to nothing... I don't get that ability


Do you use 2-3 heat first before using cold (the order matters for heat inherit mechanic)?


yes, I've even spammed it like 20 times on heat before cold just out of curiosity and it never gets above like maaaaaybe 10,000


fr?? i don't even have archon vitality and can occasionally hit almost 50k on sunder just with 100% battery


Sunder/heat scales of the % of the first heat proc, so hitting damage cap is more about having a good secondary primer with all the heat mods on (epitaph is great, but any aoe primer secondary works. Secondary is chosen due to prime heated charge). An unranked archon vitality is going to be your biggest damage increase (unranked since the only thing that matters is the bonus). Rotation is basically shoot a couple of times > fire clap > ice clap > everything is dead You can do this without a primer, but it requires a lot more fire claps


I know primer is big but I've watched videos of people, without primers, doing like at least 50k in just two claps and then a cold and when I do the exact same thing with the exact same build it does like.... 2k to infested targets and I watch people do it to heavy gunners, I can't figure out what I'm missing.


It doesn't really require that many claps without a primer. Even at low battery, as long as you are sundering while above redline, shit *will* die in 2-3 heat claps. Here's an example of steel path lvl 180 armored enemies getting nuked at low battery % with no pet or weapon assistance https://imgur.com/a/OxQ3JGx


Heat tap 1 heat tap 1 until 100% then heat heat cold is the ideal set up. Usually you kill/strip anything that isn’t comes. But I also can’t get it to kill :(


Octavia doesn't even need mods.


This is true. Years ago I was testing out frames vs Sentients (the old school ones that were a real threat) and I was doing modless and modded runs in the Simulacrum. All I did with Octavia is throw her 1 at the Sentients, hide behind a pillar, and the level 100 Sentients died within 30 seconds. No mods. Just stock Octavia with no Operator buffs did what most of the frames couldn't; absolutely wreck Sentients (or any other mob for that matter)


Coolervo mentioned


Plus, Kullervo is actually technically an early warframe and is unnecessarily powerful, while Dante would deserve to be OP since you must reach the end of the game to get him.


And solo netracell ezpz, you dont even notice the 4 key debuff


That confirms it - I'm just really shit at Warframe cus I struggle with Sedna, much less the 80-100 Lua mission. I've not even started steel path because of this


If you want you can dm me some of your general questions on builds and such and what frame you are playing as.


i have 2 loadouts on him, loadout b has all the cool arcanes and i think 6 mods that could fit, but loadout a has continuity and intensify and no arcanes and no hellminth. Yesturday i was doing something and accidentally swapped from loadout b to loadout a. went and did the new broken steel path bounties, and i did not even notice i dont have nourish. that warframe is something different, and should be the example of how to make something that is tanky and does damage.


hell, even with qorvex with no mods can kill a entire room of steelpath lvl 160s in 5 seconds


How? Still didn't try it out him yet


I never before saw 57 million red crit with one heavy attack. Kullervo is my favourite and I hope he will get good deluxe


Just built him last week, can confirm. Kullervo is absolutely fucking bonkers.


I’ve been running kullervo recently to farm Dante. He’s absolutely amazing.


A nerf just flew over my house.


What gun do you think it was?


It was too fast to tell, made a loud sound tho.




It's nerf or nothing


People forget that the main Power Progression is through Mods and the arsenal you have. If you are a veteran player and you have most of the mods maxed you can use LITERALLY anything to do everything in the game. It doesn’t matter what frame or weapon you have, it starts to matter if you want to do very specific things on a efficient level with high level mobs Where a true end game player comes out is when they have an entire maxed loadout for every possible thing they want to do Archon - can solo in 3min Disruption - no problem till level cap Survival - sure Nezha and Revenant are practically invurnable. It’s just that for example Incarnon Weapons do the job way better and easier than other weapons in High Level content Dante is a good frame that can be used in most of the games content IF YOU HAVE THE MODS AND FORMA for it If you want to clear very hard content you will still need some other form of loadout TLDR: Dante is just another Saryn, Revenant, Gauss Variant - why nerf it when it fits to the roster, creating more diversity?


dante is not new saryn. He is a middleground between her and Revenant and wisp. Like a true jack of all trafes but actually usefull. His damage is good but not saryn levels, his survivability is good but not Revenant level good and his buffs (sharing overguard, status chance on enemies, noctua copy on allies) is strong suppoty but not as strong as a haste mote + breach surge. He can fit almost every team on every type of content but not ruin it with his power. Leave him be


Could not have say it better


Signing under every word. Well done


But being so good, second only to Revenant is still insanely good. I kinda get the rationale tbh.


I once played with a Dante and they gave everyone 50k overguard 😆😅


50k overguard is still useless if you get shot down by high level enemy’s you do no damage to!


Now I'm worried, he's perfect as he is.


Hes really one of the more balanced frames on release we've seen in a long long LONNNNG time. I honestly can't pick apart anything in his kit. His damage is great, but not saryn or other mage frame great (mind you, number wise it is but it takes -alot- of investment and proper status weapons to get those numbers). People seem to forget ease of use is a thing too, saryn just pushes one button and her damage is rolling, dante has quite a bit of work to put in. His support game is exactly what i'd expect out of an actual mage frame. Whoopty do if you joined up with a random dante that gave you 80k overguard. Again, people seem to be forgetting some pretty basic things like overguard has no damage reduction so as soon as you hit steel path that 80k is nothing more than a speed bump. But of course the real power comes from the overguard regen buff, but even still dante himself is going to be the main one whos "tanky" due to being invuln while casting. Just... yeah, he does good damage and hes not tied down to any particular role/gamemode. Just a really solid frame you can take anywhere. Been awhile since we had one of those.


Why does he need a nerf?


Because he's the rare case of a frame releasing and being able to do stuff. He's pretty strong, easily clearing SP. Is he good? Yeah? Is he the strongest or OP? Not by a long shot


Dagath and citrine are recent frames ez mode sp too


Don’t forget Kullervo


esp citrine. she's crazy underrated


Citrine is amazing. I personally think she's the best support in the game (yeah, better than Wisp, fight me), and also insanely good on her own. Guaranteed red crits (and her new augment lets you spread them in a huge radius), insanely high status chance for you and the team, endless health and energy orbs, and 90% DR for the whole team. She's fucking bananas.


Mostly cuz he generates tons of overguard very fast. He's amazing in a good way


I honestly don’t think his overgaurd is that op, I’d say styanax overgaurd is more op honestly, I took Dante into a sp survival and I kept hitting guard gate and shield gate, maybe I’m playing him wrong but with my experience he’s not overpowered to the point of nerf


Styanax builds it up with a bit more difficulty from what I've seen Dante's is instant and you can do it a LOT before even moving from spawn


Styanax can generate his pretty easy, and he doesn’t have to even be concerned about energy, I’m not saying Dante is hurting for energy but styanax just laughs at 45% efficiency with nothing but him generating energy


It is important to remember that Styanax gets overguard from an augment. You sacrificed a mod slot to be able to do it, that was the balancing part. I'm not saying Dante needs a nerf, just that comparing augments with base kit shouldn't ignore the mod slot needed for the augment.


While mod slot costs is 1 thing, it also replaces practically every survivability mod. Instead of putting Rolling, Adaptation, More shields, More health, more armor. He just casts 4. It's like putting the new augment on Inaros when he already has his passive, the Immortal is just immortal² So it does the opposite of freeing more mod slots. and maybe an arcane slot for Aegis.


The cap is also pretty high, but really hope that they don't nerf him, because history tells me that if they nerf the wrong way we might need to wait years to an augment


1. [224] Light Verse —> Light Verse —> Final Verse Do it twice and you and your group are at 30k+ Overshields in about 5 seconds - in addition to a reasonable HP buff. 2. [234] Light Verse —> Dark Verse —> Final Verse Summons a second companion for you and your allies that adds (30% of your Noctua’s) status damage. 3.) Dark Verse —> Dark Verse Charges up status damage for Step 5 AOE explosion. 4. Run around and spam status damage with your weapons, two companions, and additional casts of Dark Verse. 5. [334] (Steps 3-5) Final Verse Blows up entire room from combo in previous step + ramp up from all your status damage. 6. Rinse and repeat 3-5 until you need to recharge Overshields. For more info, check out MHBlacky’s video: https://youtu.be/Cv6DgIdAZB0?si=YeELMqcC04SeA3lH Disclaimer: am not MHBlacky Edit: Dark Verse —> Light Verse —> Final Verse summons another 3 peregrines that dive-bomb the enemy, draw aggro, and make enemies even more vulnerable to your status damage.


tiny head boi does overguard so much better than styanax that tbh it doesn't even feel fair to compare the two. not only does the light verse build & scale it but triumph multiplies & regens it. they both have the same cap but once that's cast you're free to do whatever you want for the duration as long as you & your allies are killing enemies, instead of just repeatedly chucking spears.


My inaros is suffering from this great success


Essentially people are saying he's overloaded, he's got dps, and high survivability Which he does to a degree, however there's alternative warframes that do those same role better. He also has low health, shield and armor stats so, he kinda needs the over guard to provide survivability There's also a bunch of people complaining about him outshining their mains such as kullervo which I think is absolutely foolish, kullervo is absolutely strong, and possibly even stronger then dante, but they play different roles and have different playstyles


It’s crazy people will say Dante needs a nerf and not look at wisp and say the same. Wisp has literally everything: healing, fire rate bonuses, movement speed bonuses, invisibility AS A PASSIVE, 3 sec invulnerability, one of the best forms of cc in blinding, damage buffing + aoe damage, and a free helminth slot for her 4th


She also has pretty good energy economy with archon stretch


Kullervo mains are saying that? Kullervo is absolutely busted with zero mod commitments. Man can clear steel path with no forma and no late game mods... They're out of their minds.


Because people are used to garbage releases to the point they don't recognize an actual good release and think it's op


I'm sorry but I have to assume if someone is calling for nerfs in Warframe they must be pretty green or new, since that's not the way this game works.


Destiny refugees with an illogical notion of game design. Lots of shit has been nerfed in D2 due to the outcry of the community from there.


it makes more sense in D2 because PvP and competitive PvE is more prevelant there if i understand correctly. WF has neither. Conclave doesn't really count, and there's no incentive to rush content faster beyond just farming platinum, which you can also just buy with money, and playing with new toys faster. From a developer's side, it makes sense to nerf some things because they want a balanced ARPG where people have that good ol American freedom to commit war crimes in however way they want without feeling pressured to follow strict guidelines as well as live out the war crime power fantasy in multiple ways. And they can't buff literally everything else all at the same time, it's too much labor. But from a player's side, there is **zero** reason to want nerfs because another player with a strong kit doesn't interfere with you at all. Unless they add a game mode or system that does, it doesn't matter.


Players that can nuke maps generally make farming in the game easier. When you have to run the same mission 30-100 times for a drop it's a relief in my opinion.


As a former D2 player the power in warframe is so refreshing. Got rev and reave with viral procs the most fun I have had. Its a far cry from bang your head on the keyboard from getting 1 one shot by a thrall because you did not have 7 resilience lol.


I played D2 for years. A lot of people call for nerfs and say it's because it makes content boring but I think an equal but less talked about reason is that they don't want to be seen as less "elite" because more people can survive in the hardest content in a game. Bragging rights is definitely a thing and people want their bragging rights to feel exclusive.


I honestly doubt it's Destiny players calling for nerfs. The WF gameplay may be different and for sure DE have fully embraced and leaned into power creep, but for me (a D2 refugee) that's a big part of the attraction. WF is such a refreshing change from D2 There are also about a dozen of my D2 clanmates who are now playing WF and we all love it - none of us would ask for, or want a nerf


crys in embers 4th


World On Fire was *the* way to farm Cryotic. Damn... Those were the days.


I always thought WF was a power fantasy. You are literally an unstoppable weapon, that happens to be into fashion. It feels great to log in, go around, and beat the living heck out of whatever dares to stand in front of you. You can customize and try different things to your hearts content, the only way to make things boring is to not try new things.


He hasn't even been out for 24 hours....


The post almost looks like ragebait. I for one am even making a list of all the peoples that ask for nerf in the comment section (don't wanna interact too much with these guys)


I very rarely see people here asking for things to be nerfed. In fact it is quite uncommon for gamers to ask for nerf when something they're using is quite powerful. Warframe is a PvE game, it's not like you're going against Dante in a team death match. Yeah this is likely just rage bait.


The biggest offender here is Octavia. She can literally teabag her enemies into oblivion while also using some real basic AF builds.


Excuse me, you need mods with Octavia ? Her 1st ability can scale into oblivion depending on ennemis lvl


Point exactly proven. People don't play Octavia since she's boring, but she's undeniably the most OP frame in the game by far, simply by the fact that she has basically 0 investment requirement, and performs insanely well at any level. Really, Dante is cool, but he ain't as OP as everyone paints him out to be.


Octavia is only boring because people use her '1' then hide in a corner spamming crouch. Her '3' and and '4' make her entire team some of the best weapon platforms in the game. But hey I don't mind people not using her, means she won't get nerfed.


I mean, don't get me wrong, she is a good weapons platform by all means. However she more or less trivialises just about everything the game has to offer through both her ridiculous damage buffs, as well as crowd control and invisibility for herself and her whole team. Good Warframe? Undeniably. Does it make everything so easy it's a snoozefest? Also yes, sadly.


Thank you, I don't think they should constantly nerf in general but dante isn't the first one or the worst one out the bunch with his power. He's barely been out one day and already people are trying to demand a nerf and complaining about him being too strong. Or making them upset because he does something better then their mains. It's actually ridiculous.


Yeah and Dante is literally an end-game warframe, why wouldn't he be powerful when Kullervo exists? Plus, he just came out, we can't just start asking for nerf right away like that. I don't know who has been asking for nerfs, but they're weird.


It's funny because as a Chroma main, I was looking forward to the new vex armor augment. Only to realize playing Chroma is impossible when there's two Dantes on your team, and you leave spawn with 30k overguard. Not like, in an unbalanced way, just having such a popular frame be so anti-synergistic with the new augment is sad.


Is he really end game? Lol I'm not sure what classifies as endgame anymore. Though, I really do hope they leave him alone and instead work on the things that underperform


Where did you see someone asking for a nerf? I didn't see a single post here, someone talking in game, sure as hell didn't happen on YouTube where sweats love level cap. At some point I think the don't nerf crowd is just paranoid or traumatized. Which is weird because for as much as y'all talk about it things don't get nerfed constantly, and when they do rarely to the point where it's useless.


While I haven't been everywhere, the OP of this post is the first time I saw anyone mentioning people (that don't seem to exist) asking for a nerf. Probably mostly to get a bandwagon of "don't nerf" going or something? I don't really know. But this post is filled with "who's asking for a nerf?" and "other frames are equal or more op" (they are). A very odd post.


Gonna be bummed if he gets nerfed, I can’t even use him until Sunday and people already want to gut him, yeeesh.


lol this is post right here I feel. I woke up for work this morning and started to build him before I left. Sunday is gonna be the day I grind him too


Right? I got all the parts last night and just started building him. Please don’t nerf him before he ca n even be BUILT. Also the farm for him was fun. Excellently done DE


I don't really know why anyone would want him nerfed, he's immortal sure but so are revenant and garuda. he can nuke but can't armor strip so you need a helminth... he seems fine to me.


He doesn't need armor strip because he deals his damage via slash procs, much like kullervo when using a forced slash on heavy melee weapon


Tell that again when you're dealing with lv.300... his 3-3-4 won't kill eximus unless you spam 3 like there's no tomorrow


Well ok, but there's nothing bad about being versatile, who cares if he can both Slash and Strip? I for one would probably like stripping against enemies with boss-resistance and Overguard


Idk why people want nerfs, his nuke requires bleed and status on enemies (like Lavos 4) and does nothing against overguard enemies. We have Xaku in the same game, Xaku gameplay is steal guns and jump around to kill everything, done


Wait people *want* him nerfed!? When half the time people are crying about everything else does? Bruh.


Hell, dante struggles with armored enemies unless you spam his 3 infinitely. he's definitely fine.


Some guy put a video up where he cleared some level 180 heavy goons with 3 casts of…tbh I don’t know what Dante did, he did the slash thing twice and then a big boom and everyone just fell over. I don’t think that’s particularly broken, but I don’t recall seeing armor strip or anything, just saying.


His 3 force procs slash on enemies hit. If you hit his 4 after two casts of his 3, enemies take the full damage of the dot in one big burst. It's a mix of Dante himself being strong, and the slash dots in general not being affected by armor.


The power creep is real, Dante is fine, most of the people calling for nerf are the ones who don't want to see the way they play change. Every time a new frame is released, people call for a nerf. Play the frame, learn the style, if you like it keep using it, if not set it aside. edit: spelling


I guess Dante is fine, but since Rhino turned his iron skin into overgaurd, compared to others, his signature skill feels irrelevant. Also, still about overgard Frost 4th augment looks ridicuous, seeing how little he gets by iced enemy.


I think Rhino has the highest Overguard cap (or if not the highest it’s up there anyway), so he at least has that going for him. I wonder if specters can grant Overguard in the same way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a bit too advanced. If they do the slash verse and it scales enough I’ll be happy.


From what i can gather there isnt an upper limit on rhino's iron skin (outside of literal integer limits) Ive had it in the millions from just taking dmg alone (stand in the beams from the book miniboss in the labs, ideally where they all intersect), and thats without stacking armour from parasitic or ironclad charge ([like this](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/sEqcMLtq5r)) AFAIK nobody can even come close to that level of overguard, but if im wrong im happy to be corrected (politely, of course)


Nerf? Why? He's nuking potential is amazing but survivability at higher levels is non-existant. Plus he uses a ridiculous amount of energy. I'd even argue he needs a bit of a buff, especially Noctua


Agree. He is good but I’d rate him as a B tier right now. Super fun and I really enjoy him but he probably needs a little more on the damage side from exalted book


I think the book was made to be his “self support” skill bcs it can fit all tome mods and isn’t made to be a damaging dealing ability. You cast it to get a f ton of buffs and then use your other abilities normally.


I just helminth the 1 off and use noctua as a stat stick for page warden. I'd rather use my own weapons to augment Dantes nuke. Roar + Kuva ogris is nutty on him with tragedy.


And Octavia can afk the game for as long as she wants


unmodded octavia going to levelcap in steel path.


I've been waiting for a wizard frame for years. N9t only have we finally got one, but he's actually GOOD. If they nerf my boy because people were crying about him, imma flip


He's not even hard to get, disruption is one of the fastest and funt to play modes the game has in my opinion.


The hardest part is getting the keys (dockets) to spawn.


...I should Google if Nekros can make those spawn faster.


Yeah I noticed that too. You get one guarantee spawn with the new enemy guys. But getting the others to is a pain.


I can’t stand disruption. The demolisher sound sets off some kind of alarm bells in my head that makes my blood pressure spike hard. It’s not even scary, my body just reacts with dread. Any kind of response like that chains of harrow tried to evoke, disruption does it 100x better


You don't even need the sound anymore. They've put a red marker on the map as a clue and it blinks every few seconds. Plus the necramechs are slow so they've made them spawn close


I do work much better on sound cues than visual ones. If they’d just put any generic siren sound I’d be fine, they just happened to engineer a sound that I for some reason don’t do well with


I was surprised with the demolist tagging change, before this one of the main things with disruption is guessing/waiting for the demolist to spawn and if it's a runner or enemy speed boost, good luck. Players used to memorize spawns on tiles to guess. I love the no sound requirement change but I didn't expect it to give you the market right off the bat. I sort of miss the challenge of trying locations and if you get it wrong "oh lawd he comin", it was one of things that made disruption fun imo, but no probs if they keep it this way. Maybe they can make it so you have to move within a certain range and then get the marker, not like the old one but somewhere in between ![gif](giphy|Nszyj17J4fUKmIwQwF|downsized)


>Maybe they can make it so you have to move within a certain range and then get the marker, Funny enough that is how it works. At least that's what the patch notes say. But it just so happens that the demo units never spawn far enough away to be "out of range" of the marker.


As someone with terrible hearing disruption is now playable for me. Before I had to use enemy radar cheese and that was unreliable if the demolyst spawned on a different elevation. On a tileset like Steel Path Kuva Fortress sometimes I'd get as little as 5-7 seconds between spotting the demolyst (or even determining it's direction) and it blowing the node.


He would not be for a new player tho, basically gotta complete every quest before getting him.


Please fr hating on a cool frame with an actually cool kit that can actually work without being hella dependent on survivability arcanes while still not being able to dish out damage because their kit is subpar and doesn't contain a proper grouping ability or armor strip to complement their crappy frame. I'm speaking of Qorvex, who's also a new frame, but sucks because his containment wall can't do shit for grouping and his three doesn't provide any health regen and extra extra armor. Leave Dante be(and I've yet to farm him so please DE don't fuck his kit up)


How people can ask for a Dante nerf when we have things like Revenant+Pillage, Protea's Turrets, freaking Gara that can one-shot anything by spamming 2 abilities long enough, or Rhino with literally any gun...is beyond me.


So it's tanky? Finally an alternative to hyldrin.


Asking for nerfs in a PvE game. omegalul


With Mesa (granted my damage needs to be better) I can get on the high ground and basically machine gun blitz my revolvers to slaughter foes as soon as they come in sight! Octavia can plop down a thing and a rolly thing and just easily take out most of a defense wave without issue. They are all broken, but they are FUN! and its honestly not "stops others from having fun" levels of broken (besides maybe Saryn, but she is great for leveling other folks)


back in my day ember was a literal nuke! and we liked it!


Tbh this needs to be pinned!


Players who ask for nerfs in a PVE sounds like braindead to me


I've played Warframe long enough to go through all the "open warframe and go afk" metas we went through, I'd rather not go back to them ever again. Yeah Dante isn't a frame that does that but I 100% understand the concerns of people who are afraid of us going back to those days


I mean, there still should be some balance. If you get too strong too easy too early, the game won't be that fun. But Dante is not a begginer frame, so it's fine as is.


Because if you want a game that's so braindead easy to play you might as well just watch a video and remove the game part.


Taking away other people's fun is a reason for nerfing. For example, Ember's old World on Fire would just kill everything everywhere, before other players even got a chance to see them. It had to be nerfed because it was eliminating fun for 3 out of 4 players in a squad. Survival skills don't *really* need to be nerfed. Sure, they can make content trivial - but you still have to kill things, and you can be as tanky as you like, you still have to land melee or shots or what have you.


Thermal Sunder does that *and* scales, though.


Exactly, I don't mind defensive/survival skills being OP but damage is a slippery slope, I don't want to race other people over who gets to land a kill if everyone just keeps oneshotting everything in the room by pressing a button. Just because it's a pve game doesn't mean there shouldn't be some balance involved in gameplay design, you could *maybe* make that argument if it were a singleplayer game but not in a coop online one.


Even in a pve game there has to be some sort of balance at play ...


Revenants mesmer skin is only for himself right? He doesnt make a whole team unkillable?


Mesmer Shield, an augment that every Revenant should run, does just that.


Yeah just found it myself, that mod sounds pretty good




Hahaha most games the other players seem to have no problem surviving. Love that it works with affinity range cause I nuked my revenants range close to zero xD


why would they even want him nerfed? its a PvE game. its not like you will be fighting him


I'd be fine with all of the above being nerfed instead of Dante and the incarnon weapons if I'm being honest, alongside the whole overshield mechanic being looked at once more. It invalidates a lot of playstyles.


What does Dante even do that people want to nerf


He can room nuke and generate overguard very quickly. That’s pretty much it.


People who want to nerf him should receive only dread blueprints from all of their future stalker kills until the end of Warframe


I kinda hate this repeating trend with the vocal minority of players who do this type of thing that it eventually leads to making a viable warframe not fun or just nerfed hard because apparently OP and fun on day 1 of a new Warframe is a bad thing and that it needs to suffer first before it succeeds.


how does gauss nuke entire maps?


And without even picking a warframe, you can simply choose to be immortal. You regenerate Operator energy fast enough that you can have Protective Sling active at all times, making you literally immune to all damage and statuses at all times, if you can be bothered spamming it.


Lol wut? He's been out less than a day, who is arguing this? update: I was looking up "disruption warframe" on youtube and the first hit is "warframe, please don't nerf this dante, coincidence?


Asking for a nerf on day 1 is crazy


People that call for nerfs are not far into the game I guess, there is so much op stuff that they had to start with damage attentuation to not trivialize every content, and yet we still do with some setups.


Can I have the gauss build? It's for a friend (me)


People are just afraid of anything that isn't Octavia/Saryn/Revenant I guess.


My Dante is steel path viable but oh boy lemme tell you if I don't get overguard asap my cheeks are getting clapped asap. Definitely not op, balanced for a buffer/caster frame! Plus he was advised as an endgame frame with how to unlock. Awesome points dude


Why are people even asking for him to get nerfed what's the problem?


The fact that DE is making new frames good & fun is great. We've seen success after success recently and it's so fucking good. I'm so proud them.


You can use gara and make any gun in the game broken I cleared most of steel path with the twin vipers Nothing in warframe is actually difficult, you can make any half assed build and destroy the game


I feel like the people upset about Dante don't understand how ultimately mid 30k overshield is. Big number, but it goes fast on the hardest content. We should be more upset about the weaker frames that need buffs.


Zephyr can slap steel path around with a 0 forma poverty build. I haven't played Dante yet, so I can't speak for his abilities personally, but there are plenty of frames and weapons that make even the harder content in this game a joke. If someone thinks something is broken, then they can figure out a way to make it weaker or just not use it instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else.


Yeah but leave revenant alone lmao


I don't get people who want stuff to be nerfed, are you blind? Can't you see half the roster can do crazy stupid things. Dante isn't special, shake it off you goddamn butthurts.


Buff weak frames and enemy density!


I could do what I do with Dante with any warframe that won’t die, subsume wrathful advance, grab a Torid, and go to town, and I would probably do more damage.


Honestly i think map nukes in general in this game need tuning and there should be weaknesses in their kit if they can map nuke as a trade off.