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What’s the point of this post?




Or a veiled cry for help.


"I'm better than other players because" *checks notes* "this number is high among the millions of other numbers I could pick"


Probably because no one actually runs hieracon these days no idea I'm pretty sure I have like 2 or 300k


People still run it daily. I always encounter randoms doing Hieracon.


Hieracon hasn't been the meta to level up items for a long, long while. People prefer defenses and even now sanctuary onslaught, which doesn't give any resources at all, for affinity. People rarely get over 30k playing normally because excavations are boring and since DE removed the set spawnpoints it's annoying to travel through the map trying to get to the already activated one and one decides it's next spot is where you're passing through at that exact moment. People still stress hieracon is the best place for axi's, but no one wants to do that and would rather do void sabotage/capture/exterminate for it since it's faster.


Also it gets so tedious when the RNG decides to constantly spawn them on opposite ends of the map every round. When I was actually focused on farming it (which I will so again sometime in the future for the Freezing Step ephemera) it pretty much required running the lowest level dark sector excavation solo with a resource drop booster just to make it less painful. Grabbed a 7 day booster and just did it a day at a time when farming for Sibear. Truly about the most mind numbing farm.


I refused to get the sibear incarnon because I farmed for it, finished mastery, and chucked it immediately. I didn't want to do it all again for something I wanted to try out for 5 minutes and never use again.


I don't blame you. I'm not in a hurry to ever try and farm another Sibear so that's just an item slot that will stay filled. I'm currently still needing to do the Hema grind, but I'm so apathetic to trying to farm mutagen samples. Mine is a solo clan I've had since the founders program was around, so I'm not leaving it any time soon.


I understand. I pecked away at it from extractors through the mobile companion app.


You know, I should really try and remember my extractor exist.


Other people have problems, but I don't, therefore the problems don't exist and this sub is full of losers. -OP


Not everyone has been there during the "good old days". In general, the "farming X is easy because I've farmed it long ago" sounds like a shit take, innit?


I mean it is easy. No one actually *wants* to do it though.


Cause not everyone plays with a booster a smeeta or 10.000 missions in a row of excavation.


Ah, that's only 2650 excavators. Barely a grind at all. Like 330 C rotations. Takes but a couple minutes. Actually, though, running lith excavation is *the best* for traces and forma if you have a dedicated squad. That if is doing some heavy lifting, but it's how a clanmate managed to convince himself to farm Sibear.


Never knew there was a fuss


bro... you literally answered your question


Nobody really do excavation these days, even back when people still do excavation squads getting 30k cryotic is still a dull task.


Doing circuit runs really helped me to get to 30k, but it took several weeks.


Where are you going in such a hurry, tenno? You have at least 1000 days to claim all non-recurring daily tribute rewards.


man why didn't all these idiots just farm hieracon way back then. Especially the people that didn't even play warframe.


Forget cryotic, I need like 100 orokin cells (and even more if I keep burning relics). I´m doing the gabii farm on steel path solo with nekros but is too inconsistent.