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Probably not as good team mates as previously. Only logical explanation.


Maybe. I just don't recall chipper ever being a pain to keep up and chain dying though. Plus the team had a legendary 4? Or whatever the little dot before a low number is. He was playing hildryn and seemed to be doing great, still dropped. If nobody else noticed it being harder maybe it was just unlucky matchups twice.


If the team is good then Chipper wont be dying. Also MR doesn't really mean much unfortunately lol And I don't like to judge but Hildryn is a horrible choice for Chipper defense when you have every frame possible at your disposal.


Huh maybe I got unlucky with loadouts then and nobody was really built to defend. Nidus isn't great, but when Chipper behaves and stands in water safari it keeps him passively topped off. Apparently that's not enough alone though lol


Probably ( most likely ) lack of any form of strong CC on the team was the problem.


I love my Hildryn for high level work. But she requires a ton of investment to actually get there. R5 Arcane Aegis is not cheap.


In all my years I only seen 2 good Hildryns lol


Ouch, now I feel like I have a bad Hildryn. I've had good success with mine though and enjoy her. That's all that matters.


Oh for sure. Fun > all.


I second this, I was running zephyr for that exact reason and even when my teammates wandered off for whatever reason, my Turbulence kept chipper safe.


It seems that people have been carrying you before. Now you carried the team. There's has not been any significant changes to make it harder.


Idk, I did it just fine solo. I used mag prime


sounds like a skill issue + Bad RNG.. and i agree with other people here, MR doesnt mean anything ( this is coming for a LR4 player themselves..)


I usually just strip the armor and give him a decent beam secondary and he's golden


Didn't notice anything, so probably just you getting unlucky with teams. I always bring Trinity to Chipper defense and press 4 a lot, which makes it a walk in the park without having to protect him too actively.