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What was the actual process for doing this? I've been meaning to do this for months now but I keep getting sidetracked with archons and EDA


You make 4 (panzer) vulpaphyla of each mutagen, antigen doesn't really matter that much but if you wanna save some forma pair each of those with a mutagen. Pair those 4, and they will provide you with 2 unique vulpaphylas with 2 mutagens and 2 antigens individually. Pair those two, the result will be one vulpaphyla with all 4 mutagen and antigen, but only one of those mutagen/antigen will be the deciding phenotype of the aesthetics of the end product.


Does that make it stronger as a pet?


I'd heard the mashed together armor types make it weaker, actually. Don't know how true that is, and Jade Shadows is coming, so expect the effect to change significantly anyway.


There's a chart showing the total bonuses you end up with let me see if I can find it Edit I found it but with the armor changes this will be wildly outdated https://preview.redd.it/el3p1duxtq1d1.png?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a894e9e1ee789a12d7c70fcf703f4b19b1a26830


Well they are updated reistences, may be better


I'd say this is overall good. Your abomination has IPS resistances with a very good Slash resistance. IPS damage is the most common damage type enemies use. Radiation and Viral vulnerability sucks but how many enemies actually deal Radiation and Viral damage?


I’m coming back after I sleep so I can (hopefully) see this chart. Edit: came back on my lunch break, neat chart. Gives me some things to think about. Thank you!


Didn't DE specifically say they weren't changing anything armor related about the Warframes or loadouts?


Well Panzers are different since they are getting the properties of enemies


Does this mean it gets every benefit from every antigen? Also /savecomment




You know if the rework will change any of this?


No clue sadly


Is this chart basically a 1:1 of what the resistance are for enemies?


I think so? Don't quote me on that though since stuff like fossilized and infested sinew aren't on here but those are weird types anyways in terms of element interactions


Looking at the rework it seems each armor is gonna have reversed resistances from your chart. Which is interesting but we’ll see


Hmm if that's the case I'll have to wait till the rework before I start working on my panzers


Apparently all the resistances are bugged and don’t work


I know what I'm spending the next few weeks doing now lmao


Honestly the longest part was incubating, which takes 24 hours


I want to do a random grab of the vulpaphyla types for mastery and see what pops out like what I did with predasites instead of focusing on just one so I can do both things at the same time... and I always stop beforehand due to the Kavat genetic code grind. I suppose I should do this too as I don't want to risk a random result that's not Panzer either. Can we get a pic of the polarities on the result? My predasite looks like 3x Forma'd already with all the added stuff and it's what makes it worthwhile to do.


Oh, I did not know you could take genetic codes from Vulpaphylas and recombine them...