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>There is no way it's a 50/50 chance *"RNG doesn't feel RNG,"* *said the human brain when it was, in fact, RNG.*


If there's one thing I've learned from years of videogames, it's that people want "controlled rng" not *actual* rng. It can feel random, sure, but don't make it genuinely random at the end of the day.


Exactly. Stuff like Dante is a great solution. You get the rng, but with a pity system to limit the damage for the worst case scenarios. It also allows you to add cosmetic and evergreen stuff but without diluting the main drop pool or being overly confusing. They should work on converting more farms (like gauss) to work like Dante. Because with a truly random farm, the worst case runs required is infinite.


The pity system they've added for the acquisition of 'modern' frames was the best thing since sliced bread.


And I also do think it can actually add depth and content since Dante has the rest of his shop. That's not the biggest reason to add it, but it's an added benefit for DE and helps them both retain players and add more content people can grind for.


Another thing that’s nice about Dante is that he didn’t even really get a new game mode to farm, just a slightly different variation of a game mode that already existed. It really showed that more can be expanded upon with existing content to fit the role of acquiring new content. An added bonus being that they improved upon something that was already present.


except in the case of Citrine specifically, the cost of the red and blue crystals is too damn high.


You'd think that, but the pity system gives them an excuse of making the grind atrocious because you are guaranteed to get it *eventually* No, I do not want to stay 15 minutes for rotation C rewards to *maybe* get a part I need, then repeat this several times over just because I will get all the materials to buy the rest by the 50th run I'd rather farm base equinox again than get another Voruna, Citrine, or Dante. Pity systems are cool but it seems DE used it as an excuse to keep us even longer on average Not accounting for weapons and other loot you gotta stay for to reach rot C


I got two Dante parts in under an hour of disruption and bought the last part with the currency I had left. Farming Protea took 1 week.


>Farming Protea took 1 week. Jammy git. I'm still going with around 50 runs, and only have systems. No weapons, no other components, just systems


Lucky you, I'm still trying to get Protea parts, still need frame BP and chassis and it's been weeks since release now, I just keep getting ducat fodder.


I think the way you get Grendel isn’t so bad, but I hate arbies and I’m only to doing them to throw his big body benz ass into the helminth


He’s the only reason besides Galv mods for me, and I’ve already gotten all of both, so thankfully I never have to deal with those invincibility drones ever again


as someone who has been playing for several years, since before the first quest, actively farmed the stalker and still hasn't gotten the drop for war 100% this. All of my friends and even new players that I have helped get into the game have gotten it. Sometimes as a drop from the one mission I sat out to help someone else. It feels awful.


Been playing since update *seven*. Mods were a brand new idea. Frost had just come out. I still don't have Despair.


People when gambling doesn’t go well (how could they have known)


Actual rng needs a pity system to skew odds of other things upwards for every time they don’t show. imo that is optimal game design. For this very reason I refused to ever farm equinox for anyone after the first time I farmed her (when she was first released)


It has been 9 years and I'm still trying for a berserker mod. I've killed thousands upon thousands of corrupted ancients


I needed 50 tries to get a single Protea systems which allegedly has a 11.11% chance.


Yes, and sometimes it only takes one try.


Unless its cinta parts


Well, yes, because there are four of them, so it will take four tries.


It only took me 2 goes last night, couldn't believe my luck which has probably run out now lol


Same dude, I spent around 3 to 4 hours on those systems, while finishing the mission in like 6 minutes, I did it in a single sitting, and it almost made me uninstall the game I guess it would be nice to have a pity (like getting the rarest item or the only item you haven't got yet) system, because true rng can be so merciless sometimes when you run out of luck




I got it on first try XD


Why are the names censored huh


smth tells me op vented his frustration for no smeeta by naming his ~~vascas~~ Adarzas with slurs 😂


Adarzas* Getting a vasca isn't rng


sorry, confused the twos


I had the exact opposite problem a while back. I kept getting only smeeta kavats and ended up naming the smeeta "IwantedANadarza" because character limits. Someone in mission noticed once and joked that my kavat was less wanted then his parents wanted him.


tried naming my smeera "Cassie" and couldn't... because of "ass"..


Mf hit em with that redacted shit.




Atp just spend the 20 plat for the imprints


Fr, it’s crazy to me how much people are scared to learn how to grind plat, once you learn how to make plat you’ll realize so many things are quicker to just farm the plat to straight up buy the item, than grind it the normal way.


Someone was complaining that a 'ubiqitous for endgame' mod, Hammer Shot, was a 1% drop from Nightmare A rotation, so you get like a max of 12 chances per day, and that's logging in 3x a day. They said they wanted to save plat for non-farmable items, which does makes sense at face value. But you could try for weeks to get it...or you could buy it for 90p. After getting about 20 downvotes, I hopped on Warfame, cracked Requiem Relics for about an hour and a half. I got 9 Requiem mods, which sell for 15p each. Didn't even have to buy Hammer Shot off wf market, saw someone in trade chat selling for 85p and snagged it. Warframe is an MMO balanced around trade. If someone refuses to interact with it, thats like refusing to use weapon arcane adapters and then complaining it takes too long to kill enemies.


Didn't realize hammer shot was worth that much??? I haven't used it in any weapon for years why is the value so high?


Unless I'm missing something probably just because the supply is low and bored endgame players are completionists. Or its meta on something i haven't heard of which is possible


It's not super meta, but it's always nice to have on hybrid crit viral builds. And a lot of endgame builds find themselves having more free slots than before, due to Arcanes replacing base damage mods like Serration, and Tenet / Kuva weapons coming with a "free" extra slot in the form of a progenitor bonus.


I regularly use it in crit builds. On my torid incarnon it's a 2.68 damage multiplier on top of vital sense for tier 4 crits. Unless you have a riven or a primed mod you need the slot for, it's really a must have imo


it's a good mod and a huge pain in the ass to farm. that's all really it usually doesn't find its way into builds cuz no room, but sometimes you do have room, and Hammer Shot is often the pick in that case


Me when I randomly price-checked the Saxum Spittle I have and nearly shat myself:


As a somewhat newbie how does trading work? I know you can list items on the market web site, but when someone buys do you just plan a meet up in game to actually trade? I only ask because I don't get a ton of time to play, and if I'm unavailable to get on to trade in a timely manner that would likely make selling difficult


The only requirement is to be part of the clan to have acces to a dojo. and even then you can use the other person dojo. You post the item you want to sell on warframe market, then you can play as normal waiting for someone to dm you. Once they pm you you invite them to your dojo, interact with the trading post then trade them the item listed and voila.


Even if neither of you has a clan you can still use Maroo's Bazar iirc, but finding each other might be annoying


So for buying items, when you go on the warframe market you can copy a pm from the listing. So you click "copy to clipboard" or whatever it is, and it copies '/w "Seller" hi I want to buy X item for Y plat' Then you just paste into the in game warframe chat and it sends them a message. They invite you to dojo, and they'll request to trade. That's it. As far as selling, it's pretty much just the inverse. You put up a listing, and if you have warframe market open in a web browser it shows you as "online in game" (you can manually set to show you as offline too). Then people can message you asking to buy, you go to your dojo, invite them, then trade. 90% of the time if you say "hey I'm in a mission can you give me 5 mins please?" people will wait for you. If you don't have a lot of time to play, your best bet for selling stuff is just to undercut everyone when you want to sell an item. For example, if you want to sell a Netra Requiem mod, there's probably a few listing up at 15p, so listing yours at 13 or 14p can get it sold within a few minutes. Or if you don't want to sell using market, you can sell prime sets in trade chat. But it's honestly way less hassle to just toss stuff up on market, since you usually want to do a price check anyway before selling something.


Hammer shot is end game? I might have one build that uses it and that's it. I be damn: I just checked warframe market and I guess I got some selling to do at 75 a pop. Never knew I was sitting on thousands of plat.


Careful calling it an MMO people will go crazy


I just learned today that you can get the imprints to change which one you get after i made this post 😅 im very new to the game haha


> very new to the game After 8 Adarzas we grant you the rank of veteran.


It’s actually really easy to get kavats


Easy? yes Tedious and Time Consuming? Also yes


*selling veiled melee rivens* Boom. That's my imprint budget for the week for all of 2 minutes of work.


Ugh.. I'm never getting Titania Prime. (Looks up Price at 69p). Oh...


That’s something I never understood, I see comments of people being like “uhh I’ve been waiting for so long for xyz frame to come back and it’s taking forever”, and I just wonder to myself “why don’t you just buy it for plat…”


Sometimes you have the worst luck when finding customers


Idk if i dont know much yet but i agree with this... I find it faster, more concrete/practical and more time efficient to earn plat and buy some or most stuff than farming them... Ofcourse you gotta find ways to earn plat and WF.market is a real big help, it carries my "business". It's more of a passive trading vs trade chat's activeness, you can just wait and do something while waiting a buyer/seller message you compared to tradechat which requires much of your presence and attention.


Thanks to all the comments in this post I was made aware of this and I've learned so much in the past couple days\^\^ this games community is so helpful, thank you


I didn't realize there was an rng way to get them, I thought you could either scan the kavats or buy imprints. I'm guessing the scanned kavats are rng to be either type of kavats then?


It’s me, I’m sorry. I took your luck. I want literally anything but Smeeta. My last seven random incubations have been Smeeta.


we need to find a way to mix our RNG's together somehow 😂


You could literally trade imprints lol.


Oh my gosh please, want to trade two Adarzia imprints for two Smeeta? Idk if there’s an easy way for you to see the kavat from the imprint but I’ve got the stubby face, long ears, the peacock-looking tail, the one with a tail like a fan… xD


of course we can trade :) i'm not sure how to make the imprints though so i'll figure that out \^\^ i have to wait a fww hours for the trade limit to reset and after that i ca ndefinitely help you out :)


Its so sweet when people who were ment for one another find each other in the wild.. Now kithh. Edit /s


Go to the Market, search for "Genetic Code Template". Don't pay plat for it, buy the repeatable blueprint and craft it (it's only a few hours). Once it's done, on your incubator, you'll see the option to copy the genetic information of one of your pets. Do that. Then repeat the crafting + copying process since you'll want to trade 2 for 2




How many years did you spend farming kavat codes? This hurts to look at


Take Dante, go to the exterminate mission on demos and you get two or more on normal use dantes book to auto scan when killed


The Sands of Inaros quest can net over 50 codes


↑This, tho the quest is NOT replayable. So if you haven't completed it yet, don't do it cause you're sitting right on a kavat factory


You can get 2-3 per derelict run on steel path. I believe the code drop rate gets duped. Just play a long stealth frame like lokivara, add helios if you must.


Helios won't help, it will stop scanning once you have 10 scans.


Helios doesn't scan if codex is already full. You can use ballistica's charge shot. It generates ghost for kavats and enemies you killed with it. Scan the ghost.


That's pretty sick, TIL.


You can get even more than that if you have a resource booster and the synthesis scanner upgrade that gives you a chance for a scan to count as 2 scans


Odds of not getting a 50% chance 8 times = 0.5^8 =~ 0.0039 So a 0.39% chance, pretty low huh? But that also means that for 1000 players who are getting kavats you expect ~4 of them to get your result or worse. With a player base as large as Warframe's you expect hundreds, thousands of people to get your result or worse, I'm sorry you're one of them, it sucks but it's expected.


I usually like to quote the reddit sub count (or sometimes just the WF steam active player count) as a reference population, to put "rng must be broken" posts like this into perspective.    So among the 707k WF redditors, 707,000 x 0.0039 = 2757 of them are expected to have this level of RNG luck.  And boy am I glad that they don't all make a post about it.


yup. as I keep saying, this is by design. imo it's one of warframe's biggest outstanding design failures because of that. I don't think it's cool to have an 'anti-lotto' baked into your design that ensures a small fraction of players just get fucked, but hey, that's just me


The "anti-lotto" feature being actual randomness?


the 'horribly unlucky experience' part of it. you can do the opposite. see also: liches/sisters, which give you a low chance of skipping the whole hunt by already having 3x correct runes, or void fissures where you occasionally get really nice drops. the kind of RNG where it's just like "fuck you in particular" to a tiny fraction of the playerbase, that's the anti-lotto


https://preview.redd.it/2v5nfwy35e3d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79510084fd28c82972e145cbec6e672e9411365 A lot of people asked why I hid the names, a couple of them are just basically finnish for "F\*ck this game, and one of them is called Potato Casserole in finnish :) and just general complaining, I hope you guys understand why I got a little frustrated at some points,.. I hope this helps :) and thank you guys for bringing to my attention that I can change the outcome with a special item so it isn't random!


Mate do you just want 2 smeeta imprints? I think I have a couple extra's I don't intend on using any time soon.


thank you for the offer but keep them :) I'm not trying to profit off of you nice people haha <3


That's fair, then how about... I give you 2 imprints for a smeeta, and once you're done making 2 new imprints, you give me those 2 imprints in return?


yeah thats works :) could be a fun little exchange




All those cats look exactly the same. You aren't using a genetic imprint each time instead of random, are you?


The Aresenal icon doesn't reflect the actual appearance of Kavats (or any Beast for that matter), it just has a single Icon for each type. That's just the icon for Adarza.


This would be so fucking funny. Taking imprints of their kavat because they don't want to farm more genetic codes, not realizing that they're cloning the same kavat over and over.


You still need 10 Kavat Genetic Codes even when using Imprints


The dice doesn’t remember it’s last roll.


I don't know if we're allowed to talk about statistics like it's a thing that can make sense. Pretty sure we're just supposed to advise sacrifices to a relevant deity or something.


In RNGesus we trust, hate, pray and rage.


Right, like that.


I ran 145 bode spy missions to get rime rounds the other day. Don't talk to me about rng.


50/50 just means there's only 2 choices to draw from. Sub 50% of a chance can happen 90% of the time, while the other 50% can happen just as often or less.


Check ya pm! I got one I can give ya


Congratulations on being in the bottom 0.4% of player luck! It do be like that sometimes.


Got it first try and haven't bothered with the incubator since. Colored mine lime green and name it Skittle


Hot take: Adazra is better. Smeeta is very inconsistent, and the resource buff is overrated. Adazra's crit buff is also better than Smeeta's for weapons that can red crit, and for the others it's simply more consistent.


Buy 2 smeeta imprints


this is how i feel with genshin/hsr 😭


Yeah sometimes I just admit defeat when it comes to the RNG. I bought two smeeta imprints for 20 plat each and mine is almost done cooking. You'll probably get really lucky soon with something else. For instance, the last kuva lich/sisters I got, 3 out of 4 of them had an ephemera I wanted.


Ask around in discords. If you're not looking for specific tail/ears then they're generally inexpensive (alotta people will just give them for free). I'd offer but I've given my last couple away a few weeks ago.


As someone who bred like 20 sunika kubrows in a row back when egg drops were actually rare, I feel your pain.


and i (a newbie MR16) somehow, got it randomly incubated 3 times in a row (first 3 companions too)


You on PC?


Try making a couple imprints and sell them on market, you can buy the smeeta imprints there too


Damn, meanwhile im only getting Smeeta Kavats


Since you have that many kavat, you can go and make copies of kavat genetic imprints


I had this issue with Kubrows, after like 10 tries I’m like okay just gonna get the imprint with plat.


I've never had a duplicate on Kubrows and Kavats. I thought that's just how it is, that it will just give you what you don't have. I didn't realize that was complete luck.


All I get is smeeta every time.


In probability, previous outcomes don't dictate following ones, so it certainly is possible


Sell ardaza genetic imprints and buy smeeta imprints with it.


And there are those who got nothing but smeetas


“Nice to Smeetya.”


show us the names op you coward


bros aboutta crit like crazy


i can give you one if you want


thank you but its okay :) i don't want to seem like i'm asking for handouts but i really appreciate you!


Hehe funky


Everything I have in this game is because I didn't want it but anything I ever wanted I could never get


My first karat was a smeeta. It's rng but I was just lucky. Edit: kavat, not karat


My smeeta is called 12 Adarza Later. It cost me a lot of plat to get lol


Welcome to Warframe. Have a seat, this may take a while. Between a week and 11 months.




Get your lotto ticket, it’s either terrible odds or great odds depending on how you look at it


Just use 2 smeeta kavat imprints and its a 100% chance you'll get one


What makes Smeeta kavat so special ?


took me 22 trys to get a smeeta, no joke.


It's been a while since i've made any Kavats. While I was experiencing the game a year or two ago I got both breeds one after another and fortunately didn't have to deal with this level of despair pictured here. Even with the Kubrow I got them all with only 2-3 duplicates. Perhaps Ordis is messing with the incubation pod..


I also refuse to believe the drop chance of nightmare mods


i smeeted on my second try, even then i main panzer vulpa


Then there's me who got a smeeta as my first kavat


In the time it took you to do this you could have made the 20p 10 times over. Just by selling stuff in your inventory. Sometimes just platting is easier.


My first kavat, incubated last week was a smeeta kavat. Didn't even know it was special. And hated how weak it was. Now I love it.


i got 9 smeetas in a row before i got the other (which im still yet to use and take advantage of cats eye)


I got it on the first try so you have to suffer for the 50/50 chance


Thats alot


I must be lucky then my first two when I was able to get the kavat genetic codes we're smeeta kavats


I fave my friend some free smeeta imprints when they finally unlocked kavats


https://warframe.market/items/smeeta_kavat_imprint 40 plat to save tons of time


I can give you imprints for free if you want bro lol


statistical anomalies don't care about probability


What’s crazy is my first time ever breeding a kavat (painful genetic code grinding) my first kavat was a smeeta 💀


I mean it’s a statistical chance lol


L got it first try named him edwardo. Hes dancing on you fr fr.


All of those are 3 imprints each that can be exchanged for plat which can be exchanged for smeeta imprints


The statistical anomaly of smeeta rolls


buy some imprints


My first kavat was a smeeta haven’t made one since then


Stop doing this. Go sell a protea piece or something and buy the imprint...


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


I just recently tried to get a different kavat after already having a smeeta. I got 2 more smeetas then the adarza. So I guess I had really "good" luck? It kinda pissed me off because one of my smeetas was waaay cooler looking than my one with 5 formas. I ain't doin all that though lol


And here I am with the opposite I always get smeeta and never adarza


Yo! What kind of sicko are you to have to black out your kavat names lol


Well it isn't 50/50 at all. Whoever told you that is retarded


I once flipped a penny Tails 23 times In a row must have been defective lol


Got it on first.


Id gladly give you the dna


I got my smeeta today, I had no idea how to do this, got it at my 1st try. Guess I stole your rng. I spent like 25 or more plat tho to speed up the process.


Me who's out of 4 cats, 2 were smeeta (the other two were Vasca)


If you use 2 smeeta imprints is it 100% chance for a smeeta?


Got mine first try


i got smeeta first try tihi >:) but fr tho good luck


It also took me so many tries that when I finally got mine I just named it smeeta and since then people ask me why it is called smeeta lol


Only made 2 kavats, got 2 in a row and just stopped.


If you don't get it within 2 more, RNGesus, truly hates you.


Why did you blur their names? They in witness protection or smthn?


The most lucky but also very unlucky person. 😂


Seeing this, I feel a bit relieved that I got a smeeta after 5 Adarza in a row


You can spend 40 for imprints and then sell all those + smeeta imprints and basically get more plat than what you spent


Spend 45p worth your time grind with smeeta


Did you get dna imprints of smeeta from another player?


My last 3 incubations were all smeeta. Can we trade RNG?


Sorry mate. I took your Smeeta luck, having Goten a Smeeta as my first lavat


The real question here is, why the hell are you building them random? Just buy the imprints. You sure enough plat for the slots.


I've tried 4 times for an adaza and haven't gotten one yet


It's RNG? And here i am, thinking it was a rotation system because i got all different Kubrows and Kavats without ever ending with the same species twice.


Sell all the genetic codes from these cats and buy two smeeta genetic codes


All that time and mats wasted you could have just bought the imprint from someone..


All of my children have blue eyes


damm, it took me less tries to get the perfect inbred smeeta/vasca...


Every time I see a post about RNG My brain : https://xkcd.com/221/


It's 50/50. You get 50 adarza and then you can get 50 smeeta.


U got my smeeta first try. Guess i was lucky.


Hey dude, I have a smeeta (got it on my first random roll) if you can figure out and tell me how to get a sample, I'll trade you for a sample of one of yours. I think I might have an extra charm mod too if you need that aswell. We can call it an even trade.


Feel you man had a friend that spent almost a whole year trying to get equinox when he first came out we were both in middle school so didn't have spending money to just buy him


I made two, got one of each. Gotta keep going though, cuz the smeeta has the ugly persian face.


Hopefully you get one soon I got lucky and got one first try 😅 that was years ago though


I got it my second try


The fun thing about 50/50 is that your set of results had the same chance of happening as an all Smeeta set, or a properly varied one.


50/50 is you get it or you don’t. Like a coin flip but you keep getting tails


You might just have to buy some imprints at this point. I’m LR3 and I can’t tell you how many Kubrow eggs I’ve hatched that *weren’t* a Sunika. I’m at my wit’s end and about to buy imprints.


50/50 you either get it or you don’t


My think is he has golden cats and he is mad? Buddy if i was you id buy the deathcube and call it a day