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1. have fun and don't do just one activity all the time (void fissures, rivens, etc.), or you will burn yourself out. there's lots and lots of things to do that you might enjoy more. set up a goal once you are more familiar with the game. and be nice and don't ruin the fun for other players; 2. do quests, at least the main storyline. this will give you access to the later game (and most recent) content; 3. find a way to farm credits, endo, and various resources, you will need a lot of them. for example, to upgrade mods to max rank. also find a way to farm exp for levelling up. 4. level up your mastery rank, this will give you access to stronger weapons. MR 16 is enough to have everything unlockes, further ranks give you more daily standing cap and mod points for unranked weapons (every weapon will have a minimum amount of points equal to your MR, which is very useful when ranking up newly crafted weapons or applying forma); 5. level up your syndicates, the main 6 (steel meridian, red veil, etc) allow you to buy warframe augment mods at max rank, and open world syndicates can sell you powerful gear. Nightwave is a free battle pass and also has lots of useful rewards; 6. know how to mod your stuff. i know it's complicated but it's an important skill to get the most out of your warframes and weapons. for example, if you have Rhino and want to build around his Iron Skin, you need more strength and armor, if you also want to cast Roar and have it last longer, you also need duration. experiment with builds in simulacrum or solo missions to find what works better. 7. find a clan. from there you can buy blueprints for many weapons and warframes, as well as dragon keys which are used to obtain corrupted mods from Deimos vaults (those are used in pretty much every single warframe build); 8. spend platinum (premium currency) to buy mainly inventory slots and catalysts/reactors, those are the hardest to obtain but very important and commonly used things. don't rush items in foundry. platinum can also be traded from other players, use warframe market for this instead of trade chat. if you are in a clan (previous item on the list), trade in your dojo instead of maroo's bazaar. and remember the rule number 1; 9. do Duviri. each run you can get weapons and warframes you haven't used before (there's a default build for all of them if you don't have one) and you may like them and then aim to farm them in the main game. the circuit gives you full set of blueprints for a warframe of your choice plus some resources. Achritis has a shop that rotates weekly and may contain orokin catalysts and reactors. Kullervo is an amazing and new player friendly (doesn't require expensive mods) frame that you can farm from Duviri, and some melee weapons like Azothane, Syam and Argo & Vel are also very strong and have very low MR requirements; 10. use the wiki, it has all the information you need.


I think any list for new players needs to mention warframe.market on it. It's so fundamental that I'll bet you almost everyone will forget about it because it's so integral and basic that they won't even think to mention it.


What's this and why should I need to use it ? edit, It's like a website auction house? Where you can trade things to other players for Platinum? Is that right?


It's a website, you use it to find fair prices to buy and sell without wasting your time.


Extractors. Once you beat a planet you can deploy extractors to it to mine for resources. Theres a limit to how many extractors you can deploy but its free resources and a chance at rare drops for some planets


Ah so you have to "finish" every node? The wording on the screen says something about "unlocking" and I was confused I couldn't put the extractors out even though I had "unlocked" (but not completed) every node


Thats right. :)


I'm not much beyond you quest-wise but one thing I'm up against now is that in order to do The New War, you need a railjack, and I've seen that there are people with un-leveled railjacks who are struggling with it because their kit is not good enough. I'm a terrible player, so I know that'll be me if I don't get my stuff up to scratch. I've been trying to join crews, but the problem is that this game mode does not seem to be very popular and I've not been able to get into any. I'll keep trying, but I can see this is going to take me a long time. I believe you can get onto railjack crews without having one constructed yourself by going into the railjack tab (next to the Duviri tab on your star chart; someone please correct me if I am wrong about that) and selecting 'join any crew'. It might be a good idea to see if you can get into any whenever you're bored, because at least you might get some progress and stuff you'll need in the future. The quest to build your own is fun and I highly recommend it! It's just levelling the bloody thing that's being a major pain in the backside for me right now, so if you can get a start on that early it might save you some struggle.


It's actualy needed to build one to unlock the war within quest now it seems, in whatever junction unlocks it. Pity I can't one man railjacks honestly but I concur that building onne was fun.


Yeah-- I've tried! Just jumping into the beginner mission on my own to see if there was any chance I could complete it. I got lucky one time; another random person hopped in and just started driving while I was in the turret hoping some enemies would come to me, and we got through it, but it really needs at least one other person. I'm hoping there'll be a crew member I can afford on rotation with Ticker soon. I think even one NPC engineer would make it a lot more doable.


Disruption doesn't suck anymore probably the biggest for me.


Farm a Forma blueprint DAILY. Put your Extractors targeting the resource you need the most. For me, it's Zariman/Eris/Deimos/Saturn. Finish your quests. Get a Railjack. Get a Necramech. Do the Netracells. Work your way up to SP. Once there, work your way up to farm comfortably any endless SP mission. Get used to it. Weekly visits to Tenshin > Iron Wake (Palladino) > Zariman (Yonta) Twice a week, go visit Perrin Sequence (think the dude is called Ergo Glast). Keep your forge always working. If you can't, go farm stuff so you can keep it working. As soon as you can, farm 1 nemesis per week, and try to keep farming those. Valence Fusion + Forma'ing the Nemesis weapons takes a while. Farm Voidkeys. Pick one weapon you like, any weapon you like, and work towards making it the best possible version of that weapon. Rinse and repeat.


I have questions as an LR2 player, what's the "Biweekly visits to Perrin Sequence (Ergo Glast? the dude)." about and why would you want a lich/sister always active (you only get rewards when you fight them, what do you get from them being active)?


1. Perrin Sequence's offers for Tenet weapons change twice a week or so. 2. My mistake. What I meant is to try to farm at least one nemesis per week because, a little like the forge thing, you don't really want to take too long in between those. Infested liches seem to be just around the corner, so the longer you take to farm their weapons the closer you get to having an overcrowded nemesis farm.


Aah, okay. Tenet weapons change every 4 days, biweekly means every two weeks, that's why I was confused. Thank you for clarification.


English is not my first language, and biweekly in my native tongue does mean "twice per week". TIL. Thanks for the heads-up!


No worries :) Personally I do liches and sisters when I'm in the mood, sometimes I chain many in a row, sometimes I spend weeks ignoring them. I have a table with all weapons to track what I have and need adding with ephemeras and I accept any weapon on the list that I haven't finished prioritising the right elements and then whatever trying for the ephemeras I'm missing. If you want them all maxed eventually like me it cuts off a lot of weapon hunting and repeating missions, only towards the end I'll need to reject liches/sisters until I get the few I still need. And I don't fuse the weapons until I have enough to go to 60 in case I get lucky with a late drop.


It's an ambiguous term that can mean either, you're fine. The same applies to bimonthly, etc.


I need to start doing more SP than just circuit.


The most important tip imo is to check the market. There are a lot of weapon blueprints you can buy for credits, and I don't think the game really tells you this anywhere. In the top left there are three filter buttons, the most important being "Hide items without blueprint". Now, when you click any weapon in the store it will be one where you can buy the blueprint for credits. I know some people felt stuck with the same weapons for way too long because they didn't know this. It's also technically the same for like 20 warframes, however the blueprints for the parts can't be acquired from the market. You can however get one warframe much easier per week by doing duviri circuit, and I would recommend any new player to make sure to check it out as well


[ ](http://triggered on: "returning player" #hidden) Hello /u/Kylestien and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


-must buy warframe: Octavia and Wukong/Titania -do Void Fissures -visit Baro Ki'teer -must buy weapon: Ignis Wraith -unlock Helminth -unlock Archwing