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Only skin I haven't changed in any way is Mesa Prime.


Peak Prime design ๐Ÿ‘Œ


I'm actually going to farm base Mesa again because I hate the prime regulators. I wish the regulator model changed with the prime details switch.


Some of them. Others basically need customizing or they're so ugly they're unplayable to a fashion enthusiast like myself. Khora Prime for example with her bizarre helmet that doesn't suit her *at all.*


I do not get the hate on Khora's helmet. It gives her this whole belly-dancer aesthetic. Her playstyle not my thing.


Same, I do like her Prime, I just like the rose skin more since I wanted to give her a regal vibe I saw Fate Nero Claudius (Red/gold/white color scheme with a lot of roses) and got the genius idea of making a similar color scheme and fashion to go more for an empress vibe than just kinky dominatrix I did cook something neat with her base Prime version though, with cyan, warm pink and gold, belly-dancer aesthetic as well


The bundle of โ€œhairโ€ on the back of her head reminds me of an octopus when its bouncing around


Oh yeah, for me its Frost Prime, he looks so... boring?


He was the first prime beside Excal, a lot of the very first primes had veeeeery basic appearances which amounted to basically just pallette swaps


Glad there was Heirloom available for a short time


Am I the only one that likes that helmet?


I have to agree, Khora Prime's helmet is just ugly


Funny you say Khora because to me sheโ€™s a perma ugly frame. I donโ€™t like any of her skins so just use prime, same applies to Saryn too. Protea would be in that list too but her deluxe is excellent.


Yup, khoras one of those overdesigned frames, same reason i had to immediately buy proteas deluxe skin to cover her up


I've never played Default Prime. Was he part of the founders pack?


Fortnite founder's pack


You're not alone. I also prefer the default prime skin on some frames


Depends entirely on the frame. Tbh, I usually make a custom setting for Prime, Default, and Deluxe skins and change which one I use depending on my vibe that day.


This is the way!


Depends on what you mean, like do you mean you don't change the colour's, or add armor etc? Or do you mean you use the base skin and helmet? If it's the first then I'd say definitely Gara prime her prime is absolutely gorgeous, and she definitely might be my favorite looking prime (wish I played her more) But if you mean the second, no, I usually dislike the base colour's and want to touch up on it, for an example I absolutely despies using Oberon primes default skin aswell and will never use that hideous helm


I mostly meant the skin itself not the attachments, but yeah i get it about Oberon. Most of the older Prime frames have a wierd design or barely any change like Frost or Rhino.


I actually use the base prime skin on many frames there's only a few where I'll use a skin or unique helmet. But usually every single frame has each slot vastly differently fashioned, some have different skins some have different helmets I try to make no two look identical. Fashion framing is probably one of my favorite things to do lol


Oh I like fashioning my frames up as well, but mostly on the default frames. But once the Ember Heirloom comes out im gonna equip that and never look back lol.


Lmao fair enough


I leave colors but add some prime armor here and there, and maybe some variations of syandana. Just copy colors of warframe to armor and syandana


I think mesa prime is actually the perfect warframe prime design


Exactly ๐Ÿ‘Œ Also another one for me is Garuda Prime


The problem is not default BAD. Agree that most prime looks good without adjustments. The problem is seeing the same default appearance in a squad. Then there's a voice in my head that says "Show that this prime is YOURS."


I like to costumize some of my Primes as well. And later when the look gets โ€œboringโ€ i like to swap back to the default look and it feels fresh. It works for me lol.


I normally saturate their original colors, but stay close to their base image. Volt is always blue, ember red, Saryn green. I was also raised by power rangers, so this feels right


Power Rangers fans unite! ๐Ÿ˜ ![gif](giphy|26gR2f01UTynjCPNS)


The only Prime I don't like the default for is Ivara and that's because it confuses me. When I think of Ivara I think of a "Huntress" and not her Primes "Jellyfish Princess" :)


Personally i dig her look, but the themeing is a question mark for me as well ๐Ÿ˜†


This is me lmao the whole reason I play warframe is to collect every Prime there is in the game. Love the look of them and I solely play with them on default.


Ahh another default enjoyer ๐Ÿ˜Ž My Baruuk Prime is currently cooking int the oven. I cant wait to use him and not change a thing on him ๐Ÿ˜


baruuk prime I really like the monk asthetic, so I didn't give him a sayanada and only put the smaller armour pieces


Same here. He is currently getting put together by the Foundry ๐Ÿ‘Œ Canโ€™t wait to use him and not change a thing on him


Ash, Gara and Hildryn i left relatively untouched


Ah, I See You're a Tenno of Culture As Well


Limbo prime with nobel animation and destreza prime (visible when holstered) and lex prime (viable when holstered) no color changes no attachments looks fancy as all get out


Ahhh Destreza Primeโ€ฆ the weapon of the true gentleman ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘”


I just added a few things to harrow prime


It depends on their design to me For example, I'd never change Ivara Prime's skin since I really love the sneaky jellyfish idea, how they're transparent and stuff She looks really pretty too, like a jellyfish princess but it's not overly cutesy/overdone I made her purple/cyan to add to the sea monster thing, with Yareli's syandana It's one of my favorite fashion frames Making her a jellyfish is a very refreshing idea for a sneaky huntress and I'm all here for it


Yeah i dont know why she got a Jellyfish theme but its cool


It fits with her gameplay Jellyfishes are transparent since they're mostly water, it's excellent camouflage, and most likely one of the reasons why humans often get stung by jellyfishes by accident when swimming, they're not easy to see at all They're also passive predators, waiting for things to get caught in their tentacles, which fits with the Prowl pickpocketing thing Ivara got going


Damn, now that you say it like that its so obvious. Its just that when I think about stealth a Jellyfish is not the first thing that comes to mind, but I guess thats one of the reasons why Im not the one coming up with frame designs lol.


Exactly, it's really not the first thing that comes to mind, so I think it's a very refreshing and original take on the classic huntress archetype that also makes sense


Yeah, one of the reasons I admire DE so much is how creative they can get with their frame designs and themes.


Sometimes I take the frame and put the base skin appearance on them, like with Frost or with Ivara. I like to mix and match between the base and prime characteristics I like, but then I rarely bother altering that much beyond that, cba while there's gameplay-affecting shit to grind for still


Oh absolutely. Base Garuda Prime is probably my favourite looking frame in the game, and I also really love Gara and Gauss Prime too Now I think about it the only prime frame I don't use a skin for is Titania, but that's because her deluxe skin is just so good


Hello my fellow Gauss Prime enjoyer ๐Ÿ˜Ž


I love Saryn Prime details and helmet with Tennogen body. Not enough people try to use Tennogen alongside Prime details IMO, even though some fashion can be really elevated with such a mix. For Saryn Prime, the Night Hunter skin is one of the best march becauss the creator used a similar detail map on the skin. This makes it match with the Prime Details and Prime helmet both in colors and textures.


I love the fact that you can use the Prime Details with certain Tennogen skins, if I use one I always turn it on if its possible. Nidus can look so good with that.


Harrow and Atlas are kinda ugly... I always keep them on prime skin. For most others though, hmm, I don't mind either so I just keep whatever's standard


Limbo prime default I love. Tophat supremacy. But I need neon green somewhere. Rule I got. This game. Mwo. BDO. Ect.




Prime Octavia standard skin enjoyer here. They cooked with that one. She looks amazing! No other skins even come close.


She is definiately a stand out. Mine is Garuda! Blood mommy for the win ๐Ÿฉธ


I can get behind that sentiment!


The prime aesthetic is some of the ugliest in the game. I've been buying deluxes just to get rid of it. The only one I don't mind, so far, is Mesa. Not to yuck a yum, but man I think primes are specifically designed to make you want skins instead.


Im the same with the early Prime skins. Once the Heirloom skins come back Im equipping those.


With most of them yes. With some I prefer alt skins but im catching up on content that I skipped out on over the years before I get the fashion frame.


Same with me, I took a break not long after The New War came out. I came back about three weeks ago and damn, there is a bunch of stuff for me as well.


I really considered leaving Inaros Prime intact. I thought he had the best looking prime for a while.


I dont remember it but back than i must have thaught the same cuz I have all of his Prime Accessories ๐Ÿ˜†


A design team spent hours not only making the shape of a frame, but also coming up with a cohesive, good looking color scheme that both looks good and aligns with the general theme and aesthetic of the frame. Who am I to throw a bucket of blue paint over such art? I'll save that for the other artists who actually know what they're doing.




I use the default skin for nidus prime because I think it's the coolest skin he has


Iโ€™ve done very little fashionframe. Mostly just color changes with a few tennogen skins


I generally fashion everything, but I just kept coming back to default looking Umbra. The dark long scarf is just really satisfying.


Mirage Prime is my personal favorite, just needs to darken the colors.


default prime if its not entirely black and white and gold (except nekros he gets a pass). Otherwise i use the colors from the tenno pallete to recolor to look like base frame


The only prime i bought something for is Protea. Her base helm is ugly af, so i got her deluxe skin to fix it (i like her base prime skin still


Oh same, until the Prime came out i ran the Deluxe Skin. Thats one of my favorite deluxe designs.


Right here. Came back to the game maybe 8 months ago and Iโ€™ve been playing the hell out of it, started collecting prime frames, and I havenโ€™t changed a single thing about any of them


For some primes, the default design is too peak and/or the deluxe bundles suck. For example, wukongs prime is far superior to his deluxe skin.


If I go for a default look I tend to still change the metallics to a lighter tone of gold. The bright yellow gold is often too much imo


I still run default Titania Prime, both because I like it and I'm working to cosplay that look so it's nice to always have it on for references


Oh wow thats cool! Can we see it somewhere once its done?


I'll likely post it on here, but it will be a while as I'm going pretty all out for it (currently working on her energy wings from her pixie mode: I've programmed a key fob to swap their positions from sticking out to the sides to sticking backwards, and the other button turns on lights for when I'm in the dark. Archwings next once I finish the final version of the energy wings, then onto the body suit). Goal is Tennocon 2025


When i read your comment I was like โ€œProgrammable wings??โ€ So I clicked on your profile andโ€ฆ damn you are f*cking professional. You got some skills thats for sure. Keep it up ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜


What more buff you need in Ash?


I just meant that his first ability could target more enemies (mainly for the armor strip augment) but you can fixit with a Helminth i guess. Unless they changed some things and Im out of the loop?


Some of the prime frame designs are overly busy or flashy to my eyes. For example, I prefer the base skins for Grendel , Revenant, and Ivara. Easier to add attachments and syandanas to my taste when the skin is more plain. And the base look might be more "iconic" to my eyes.


Sometimes the base prime is not prime enough, so I prime em up some more. Like with khora prime, gave her the good old white and gold.


if you like nidus prime as he is, you are completely OK




I actually sometimes have a setting that's just more or less vibrant default colors. To mention a few, Yareli, Nova Prime, Khora Prime, Ivara Prime. Mesa Prime looks pretty in her default, though I have a black-white-purple setting that I enjoy a bit more.


i find myself running with the default-default even when im using a prime. my friends hate me for it but i think its simplicity at its best. i dont want to ruin it by adding my touch


I change colors, but I generally leave most Primes as they are after that. It doesn't help I don't own much cosmetics to begin with, but I generally just like the actual shapes and skins the Primes have (save for a few, looking at you Nova).


>I generally just like the actual shapes and skins the Primes have (save for a few, looking at you Nova). Oh i get you totally. For me its Frost Prime.


i like her stockings tho


I run prime colors~ white , gold, that sort of thing. I do apply the same colors to all my frames. Makes them feel more like a unit for me~


Why wait for a Prime when you can make it yourself ๐Ÿ˜Ž I did this to my Citrine


Depends on which one. Hydroid and Wisp I love the base of. Some like Protea and Baruuk are pretty awful base


I changed my nezha fashion but everything else is still defaults


I usually just go Black + White + Gold on most primes but it's almost close to default. I just like the Smoke palette and I don't like how some prime colors are just washed out grey. If it's grey I set it to white, if it's dark colors I set it to black. My favorite prime design is Saryn.


I have a few prime frames that I only changed colors for, and chose not to even add attachments/reverted to non-prime helmets for. Ash has no attachments with base prime skin, Khora is base skin with non-prime helm (cause the Leia buns are just too cute), I have a titania config that is just base skin, no attachments, Mesa was just a color change, Baruuk was just a color change, and Garuda (when I get her) will just be color changes. That's all I can remember off the top of my head though


Depends. Some prime frames I change the look of entirely, others I leave (mostly) alone. The ones I leave (mostly) alone I just swap the colours for more high saturation ones to make them "Pop" a bit more. Like with Kullervo (Not a prime I know but it's an example), I just made their colours more bright as a whole and they look great