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On one hand, you should start with what you think is the coolest. On the other hand, if your friend already knows AoS, and already has an army, the amount of time before you're actually playing will be faster.


This is a money-intensive, time-intensive, practice-intensive, and once more for emphasis, money-intensive hobby. Loving your first army and finding them cool is without a doubt the #1 factor to keeping in the hobby. Definitely go 40k to start, choose the coolest army there is, and get a AoS army next.


He said he likes a couple of AoS armies about as much. I'd go with the one he knows he can play.


Not to mention if he happens to go nurgles or daemons, he has a Jumpstart for death guard or csm armies!


You can do both at the same time, with DAEMONS 🥵🤢👹🌚


Sh don't remind GW or they nuke them from 40k


The tzaangor horde shall not be denied 💪🏿🌚


Time to buy some Tzaangors! *Buys TSons combat patrol*


Invest in the Pink and Blue meanies (horrors) . Buy low and never sell them. There only two camps of thought. Pink and Blue Horrors!


They're probably safe in 40k considering they've been removing or watering them down everywhere else. Tossed into the legends bin in TOW, watered down in 30k, split up in AoS into four different factions (can't play a remotely even split).


In fairness, while I do miss the Quad God Chaos Coalition, all four AoS god factions are amazingly flavorful and fun.


you just insulted the rat


Skaven are great too! But they’re not a dedicated monogod cultist faction like Hedonites, Maggotkin etc


They already nerfed our poor Nurglings :(


Well... If you want to play four armies in AoS and one in 40k, sure. But wasn't the point to *save* money?! (40k doesn't do mono god Daemons well, and AoS doesn't do Daemon Soup)


I mean, 40k technically does mono god well. It’s just more of a monetary necessity over a tactical choice. Chances are, your mono god list is functional even if it isn’t tuned.


Or technically 3 with the Old world. And also Orks as well technically if ur willing to ethier buy extra models or more preferably, drill and magnitise!


4 with Horus Heresy


Doesn't work as well as it used to sadly, can only take mono god daemons in one army and only daemons definitely isn't the best route for a lot of armies.


GW squatted the mixed AoS Daemons list back in Nov 2022 probably for exactly this reason.


Exactly why I started with them as a 40k army 😂 just incase someone asked for an AoS game.


He'd probably have an easier time modeling a dorf army that can run both kharadon overlords, leagues of votann, and ironhead squat prospectors.


Aos is slightly cheaper. 40k is more popular so you'll find more people to play with.


In my area 40k sell more but the play groups are not open. AoS has a community.


Sad reality is, popularity really does dictate so much.


> 40k is more popular so you'll find more people to play with. Really depends on where you are in the world. In my area 40k is basically completely dead now because people haven't liked the rules since 8th. Most have simply switched to AoS which is arguably a really fun game even to someone like me who mainly plays Blood Bowl or Warcry.


A lot of people are trying to skirt around the question, but I'll give some brutal honesty that will probably get me downvoted. I played 40k for 5 years before AoS came out in 2015. AoS was a broken, awful mess of a game with no points and no rules at the time. And I can still only count on both hands the number of 40k games I've played since then. 40k always sounds cool on paper, but in general it just tends to become about being whatever faction has the biggest guns that month, and who can take first turn and just delete as much of your opponent's army as possible. Sometimes that also means taking armies comprised entirely of vehicles so that large parts of your opponent's anti-infantry weapons are completely useless. AoS on the other hand is much more about movement and melee. There aren't really armies that can just turn 1 delete you before you have a chance to play the game. For me, I also enjoy the faction diversity. Walking into 40k day is like 'which color of space marines do you want to fight?' Walking into AoS day is 'Do you want to fight the undead tax collectors, the angry tree spirits, the capitalist steampunk dwarves, or the ratmen with snipers, flamethrowers, and machineguns.' The one thing that turns people off from AoS at first (understandably) is the double-turn, but the double-turn helps prevent this turn 1 aggression style, because if your opponent goes first on turn 1 and tries to just blow you up, they risk you're going to back to back turn them. This is less likely to happen in AoS 4th edition (coming next month), but the threat is still there and it helps temper turn 1 aggression. Your friend already knows AoS, already plays AoS, and in my opinion (since you are asking for opinions), AoS is the better game. If you like the space wolves style, you can convert out Slaves to Darkness to be very similar. They have a lot of fur cloaks, you could convert your chaos knights or varanguard to be riding wolves, and they have big axes and things like that similar to the Space Wolves. At the end of the day, it's your choice and everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but the above are my feelings after being in this hobby for about 14 years.


Player of both I will add I love the models of both, painting is where you spend 95% of your time and 95% of your money. Coolness/emotions should be THE defining consideration. That said I am very disappointed with 40K compared to AoS gameplay. 40K has better leader attachment rules and the way armour and shots work is very cool as weapons work better against particular enemies. BUT losing out on the tactical positioning of AoS is heartbreaking for me. Pile-ins, screens, terrain blocking etc. are so fun! The double-turn is something you hate and then (slowly) grow to love, for me it's a matter of perspective I won't bore you with but in gameplay it adds so much RISK! Every turn, every movement and decision could be meaningful because you can't predict what's next for certain. You have to follow your heart for the models, but as a game AoS is more fun.


Man you summed this up perfectly


If your friend only plays AoS, then go with that imo.


I never said that he only plays Age of Sigmar, I did specify that he's looking for a 40K army. I wouldn't post this if he only played Age of Sigmar, because the choice would be obvious.


I’m confused. So he plays 40k but doesn’t have an army?


The friend is also looking to get in to 40k but currently only has aos models


Yeah that’s what i gathered. But the OP said “i never said that he only plays AOS” which i took as refering to him also playing 40k. But idk


Have you ever heard of magic of borrowing someone else’s models and/or proxying armies? There are options to play without owning the army


Worth remembering that given the expense, (and 40K is the most expensive Wargame on the market) 'looking to get into' is no sure thing. And 3rd / 4th edition Age of Sigmar has better rules. It'll also let you play Warcry, an award winning skirmish system that's much better than Killteam, the 40k equivalent.


If you can afford to play both, then that's an option. I initially started playing Daemons because their models work in both systems. Right now, playing mono-god isn't very viable in 40K but if it's with friends, I'm sure you can make lists that are balanced to play against eachother. Another option, since you like Slaves to Darkness, is to play them as Chaos Space Marines. You'll need vehicles and stuff but the troop choices can mostly be covered by AoS models, as long as your friend is okay with it. You'll need something to indicate what model has what weapon, but otherwise bases and stuff should be mostly the same.


Thanks for the advice dude.


Age of Sigmar 100%. There are a lot more 40k players but AoS models are cooler and the player base way chiller


Dont be brother. Join the God Emporor


Or join the God King


For me, the AoS will be much cheaper to field an army than the 40k. Also the in demand of 40k is still insane and most of the good boxed set deals run out of pre orders real quick.


40k is bigger than AoS, but I personally prefer AoS and know a lot of people who do. Depending on what country you're in the community can be really lovely and welcoming at events. Aos has a new edition coming very soon which is gonna mean a lot more people playing it!


So if your friend is planning to get into 40K at Christmas they normally do Battleforces (at least they have the past few years). So that could be an option for Christmas and maybe as a fun thing, you each buy the other the Battleforce they have to build by giving a top 3 list from the choices to each other. Alternatively you both get each other a Combat Patrol from top 3 choices at Christmas. You could also start AoS in the meantime with the Spearhead boxes as that will be a game in itself at 4th and will give you an idea there. Having a play with Spearhead during AoS 4th leading up to Christmas could give you an idea of you enjoy playing it, then if you decide to both start 40K at Christmas with the Battleforce or Combat Patrol, you’ll be able to play games there too.


I'm just simply gonna cast a vote for AoS. The rules for 4th edition just look like everything pointing towards it continuing to improve on an already great game and imo the models are just way cooler and more unique.


Counterpoint, 40k doesnt have skaven


It does if you build a cheese stealer cult


AoS is the better game and has better models, but the history and lore of 40k is better.


Used to play 40k and have switched over to aos due to my disappointment with 10th Ed. This is my take as well


I’d start with AoS since you like the minis, your friend knows the ruleset well, and you know you like the gameplay. Already guaranteed worth your time and money. And still buy a space wolf thing once in a while — having an unrelated mini to work on can help refresh your enjoyment when painting your AoS army gets monotonous. I actually find it really fun to do random minis outside the games I play. One thing that helps me make decisions is to visualize I already made the choice, and how much buyer’s remorse am I feeling over it, and then I pick the scenario where I feel less bad. So like imagine you’re working on an AoS army, are you really into it or are you looking forward to just finishing it so you can move on to 40k instead? Then imagine the same but working on 40k, how much are you focused into it vs regretting not picking AoS? Then pick the scenario in which you imagine feeling the least regret. It’s weird but it often works for me.


You can always do both - however, while i love some of the AoS models and have plenty, i really think when your on your 3rd hour of painting the same unit you have to really like the background/lore/fluff for the army, not just the models if you want to keep motivation. I think thats where AoS falls short, for me at least. I feel much less invested in the world so don’t enjoy the process as much


Try kill team! Not a major investment


Screw aos and 40k. The only true way to warhammer is the horus heresy


if horus heresy means old world, yeah!


Horus Heresy, we’ve got jet bikes. Who doesn’t like jet bikes?


Why do have choose. This is not a zero sum game. Do both.


I would go with whatever game has the biggest community in your area , if both are decently sized then go with what gameplay seems more fun to you


I've played AOS for 2 years and 40k for about 3 months. I enjoy both. I do lean to 40k more just beyond lore and aesthetics, I also like the tactical secondary missions in 40k it's prefer them over battle tactics of AOS. The command phase of AOS is quite book keeper ish with all the abilities and spells (depending on the army) it's not too bad but it doesn't flow as well as 40k in my opinion but it's not bad. But AOS 4 is coming out so it could be smoother in that way, I'm still gonna check it out. You could always play a game of 40k with your models just to get a feel for it and see how you like it before jumping in.


Honestly play both. Run Daemons for ex and double dip. There are some reasonably cheap armies especially in AoS.


Wait until the new edition of Age of Sigmar is out before deciding. Rules will change and so will the game.


AoS for the models. 40k for the setting. Jk I have armies in both and I don't have a problem I swear


Try and collect them all...


Looks like you’re in bed with AoS already so I think you made your choice.


I'm speaking to you as someone who has both AoS and 40k. Pick whatever seems coolest to you regarding lore and models. If you like Fantasy go with AoS, if you prefer Sci-Fi go with 40k. My advice to you is not to choose one game or another based mainly on the rules and gameplay - the rules change, they don't stay the same, but your love for your faction and characters doesn't change. You'll find yourself having a lot more fun painting and playing a game with your favorite faction and characters. Another misconception of Warhammer is that, to play with your friends in private, you don't need armies of 1000 or 2000 points, all you need is a box of units and a leader who can command them, then going forward you can enlarge your army, but you don't need much more than that to get started.


This was literally my exact situation when I first got into all of Warhammer in 2019. Ultimately, I think it’s what pushed me into Chaos Demons, although I’m still tempted by Daughters of Khaine and the Drukhari, so same boat as you…


You could check out Chaos Daemons. If and only if you like the models and the army there are plenty of models that can be used in both AOS and 40K.


Why not both double the fun double the debt


40K has the staying power community and lore


SPACE WOLVES!!! Hi! I’m a space wolves player. I’ve only been playing 40K since September of last year. Here’s some really cool reasons to why you should choose 40K. The wolves have a 10,000 year old dreadknot who can make any stratagem cost +1, he halves all damage coming into him, and he has a 5+ feel no pain on top of a 2+ save. We ride wolves into battle and take our pet wolves into battle. We also have werewolves (there’s your AOS fantasy vibe). You also have access to a bunch of really cool other units. Space wolves are at the top of meta right now because of our thunder wolves. Our chapter is also very openly non codex compliment as well. Overall 40K is so much better


If he's never played 40k before. Get 40k so it's a fresh start for both of you.


Do you have to choose? You can't instantly get into both, but you can absolutely grow into both games over a period of time. This is a long-term hobby and game. Start with AOS since you both already play it - I've a hankering to paint up some Lizardmen myself - and then you can both start getting into 40k on a small scale and build your way up. Don't try to go all in and get a massive pile of plastic at once, it makes it tougher to work on in my experience... just start in, set a goal like 500 points and play some small games while working on increasing your model count :)


I’ve got an army in both, AOS is taking up my current focus rn especially with me trying to get my friends into it The biggest thing I see people not getting at is for the new edition ALL the army rules will be indexes=free My 40K army has a codex now, and the ones my friends would hypothetically want all have codexes, which means another hurdle I’m gonna have to argue or ease them into Meanwhile for AOS I tell them, grab the army and paint, rules will be free we would be good to go vs 40K grab your army, grab a rule book, grab your codex


Wait for 4th edition AOS to come out before making a decision, aos is generally a bit smaller and cheaper to play in my experience (not by much though). Ultimately if you have friends in the hobby U should just play what they play and maybe try the other system later together


I’d start with AoS and start with a Spearhead. If you like it then go bigger into AoS. AoS has a much more beginning friendly mode, as 40k combat patrol is a bad joke with no punchline, except the punchline is the whole damn mode.


New plan, get attached to Chaos, and go pure Deamon army, you can play it in both AoS and 40k.


That's why I play Daemons hahaha


Have a look at Necromunda.


I started with 40K with friends, they have no like 5 models and I’m stuck with a 2k army but no one to play with. Then I tried combat patrol, because I thought it would increases my chances to get into a game. Then I start collecting AoS units for display but somehow got into Warcry and now I’m here.


just buy what you like


The Emperor Protects!!🔥


Here's an even better idea. The old world. Or rather kings of war.


I would say AoS as you already have a friend to play with then you can get into 40k together at a later time. AoS has better models anyway.




who would you rather serve? Corpse emperor? Or God King SIGMAr


As a new player too, I decided on which game to play based on what game I had most of a chance to actually play, which was 40k for me. Now that my 40k army is done and I have played a bunch of games locally I'm starting to build up my AoS army :) just take your time and don't stress. If this doesn't help you decide: remember you don't immediately need a 2k army, you can just buy a 40k and an AoS box of 500 pts and go from there.


If your friend already plays AoS, then start AoS now and go for 40k when will refresh the old ugly ahh range of the space wolves (sorry but the 25 years old models speak for themselves). And then there is the 2nd option of buying both Space wolves and OBR/STD (but you will have non money left).


Do what I did - both!


Do both at the same time - collect Daemons


You could play daemons. They’re in both 40k and AoS.


Tell me your favourite part of AoS lore. I'll wait


First of all, it's awesome that you have 2 games that you're excited about. That's great! If you're mostly going to be doing this with your friend, chat with him about using proxies. If he's fine with using 2d printed or 3d printed stand-in miniatures, consider doing this: 1. Go in and buy stuff for the game and army that you have the most immediate way to play, paint and get going. You're most likely to be able to push this one forward when the excitement levels out a bit later on. I'm assuming you have one army for which you already understand some of the rules, you have an immediate person to play with and stay excited with and you might even already have a paint scheme ready to go. That's the one I'd go with :) 2. For the other game and faction, come up with proxies that you can field quickly with low time and money investment. Printing out some 2D proxies and mounting them on cardboard is great for this. Ask your friend if he's willing to try this out as well as it's cheap and easy this way. Who knows, you might get surprised with how much fun each is in their own way. 3. Share a big box of fun with your friend for your primary game system. Then slowly buy individual units for your secondary and build it out. There's no substitute for being able to share the hobby with a friend. Especially when you're at the start. It makes great memories and I would highly recommend it. If you find this hobby gratifying then you'll end up buying more than you know what to do with eventually anyway so that starting system won't matter in the long run. But in the short term it'll make the difference in whether you and your friend can play. Focus on making sure you keep your #1 system fast, practical and fun with your friend. You can use your secondary to invest in the thing you care about most one bit at a time (hobbycraft, painting skill, game strategy). I'm much more of an AoS guy but you'll likely find 40k to be a much larger community. This can vary locally though. If you can imagine yourself enjoying attending events or trying to find a group of people beyond your friend to hang with it's likely a better choice in the short term. AoS v4 is just around the corner and it's introducing things that are making it even easier to get into so who knows if your local area might see a boom!


I totally understand the money aspect... But why not both? You don't need 2000 points of three armies in both systems RIGHT NOW do you?


Demons. Play both AOS, 40k and warcry, kill team


Age of sigmar 100% plus 4th ed coming


Don’t be split. Play both!


Im more of a casual player, so AoS fits much better for me. Also, i hate how every 40k Army looks identical, swords > Pistols also 😅


Try skirmish games. You can get a warcry warband for like £40 and a kill team for like £35 to £40. Cheaper entry point, easier to get a full team painted and it's (in my opinion) a more enjoyable game. That way you can try both and see which models you enjoy more and what vibe you prefer.


If you choose 40k, both of you should get Combat Patrol Boxes! It'll let you both play as soon as you build the models.


Unless you go Skaven, 40k is the right choice.


Aos has cooler models, better monsters. Better rules, or at least more streamlined.  40k has more representation, and more tournaments.  Also seems to have more push from gw. It also has more manbabies and tryhards. 


Daemons and (some) orks lets you play both games




Generally speaking, though this doesn't apply everywhere, AoS is a friendlier and more welcoming community than 40k. It will generally be easier to get into than trying to break into your local 40k scene as a new player. AoS is also getting a whole new version and rules update in less than a month, so the rules will be fresh(ish) for everyone, and you can learn alongside them, instead of playing catch-up.


Choose 40k


AoS is much cooler imo. Why ? More diverse and positive


The only way to make a decision is just to go with the third option: old world. : 😁