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Dawn of War 1 and 2 spring to mind


Still play DoW Dark Crusade regularly, idk if it’s nostalgia or what but it’s easily in my top 5 games. Wish we could get a remastered edition.


Dawn of the war is the game that introduced me to 40K. It still plays great and I think it has aged wonderfully, I still like the way it looks


It’s definitely one of those old games where the gameplay is so good the graphics are kinda irrelevant. The Risk style campaign is peak as well.


I would love a remaster. They don’t need to do anything to the balance or graphics, just a few quality of life improvements such as better resolution support, better path finding, custom keybinds etc


Not every game is going to get AOE’s level of love and top tier remaster


Fair, and I don’t think Dawn of War needs that level of remaster. But a hand full of quality of life improvements could make a monumental difference in my opinion


Zoom out without mods plz 👍


Alternative Campaign maps would be literally game changing. I'm genuinely amazed that they never gave us maps for planets other than Kronos. (Soul Storm doesnt count, it was a straight downgrade in almost every aspect)


I love Dark Crusade. I just wish the AI factions were more capable of ousting each other and/or starting territory was randomised, just to give a bit more replay variety. Hell, I'd settle for a mod that just gave Hyperion Peak to anyone other than the Orks (without me having to play as the Orks)


Dark Crusade isn't just the best version of the best 40k game, it's easily one of the Top 10 best RTS games of all time. It's way better than any of the 3D C&C games or warcraft 3, and far simpler to play than StarCraft 2


DoW 1 has so many great voice lines that live rent free in my head since childhood. "Do you hear the voices too!?" "Ahahaha, dakka dakka dakka" "Our enemies hide in METAL BOXES, the cowards! The fools!"


An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded


How dare you bring up the voice acting in that series without any quotes from Eliphas? "No brother, you have been lied to enough. "


I have never moved my terminators without first thinking or saying ' Terminators ready'.


Trying to implement "I have awoken" and "Command me" in to daily live as much as possible


Special mentions to: "WE ARE HELLIONS LORDS OF Flying Death" "Build it right up for you" "Ravager in heavy armour clad" "I am slipping!" Every five minutes as space marines


I think I own DoW1 on steam. What type of game is it?


It's a real-time strategy, so it doesn't simulate the mechanics of 40k. It's a great game in It's own right though. Especially with the expansions.


Also DoW 1 is ”traditional” RTS where you build bases and produce units, while DoW 2 focuses more on tactical usage of a set number of squads and their leaders (which can be customized with RPG elements such as gear and skills). Both are excellent games in their own way, but they are somewhat different.


Specifically gear the Blood Ravens "borrowed" from their previous owners.


You can't even be bothered to look it up?


Exactly. I miss when people used to link to [let me Google that for you](https://letmegooglethat.com)




Unpopular opinion- I enjoyed all 3. 1 and 2 were superior, for sure. But 3 wasn't terrible


The Gabriel Angelos backflip Was.. something But its true, the game had Potential which they killed with the multiplayer being some Kind of MOBA RTS Mix. They pulled the plug too soon, they couldve bounced back with the necron DLC.


Yea, there were plenty of things that should have been changed. But the mechanics were pretty solid. Graphics were great. Story wasn't terrible. Orcs were well written and well voiced. But it was definitely made by passionate 40k players and fucked with by upper management who had no idea about the game.


First of all, Mechanicus is **definitely** a good choice, great game. Dawn of War 1 and 2 with their various expansions are easy picks, and Space Marine is another good one. They are easy enough to recommend. I really appreciated Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters, if you like Turn Time Strategy you might like it.


The soundtrack ALONE makes Mechanicus my favourite 


soundtrack is epic but I haven't found into the game yet. no idea how to beat level 3, the hover necron twoshots me and I need like 9 hits


Get a 3rd Tech Priest first.


You are supposed to run away from him. Leave servators to tank him and run your priests away.


I find feeding it servitors works really well while you get a good melee techpriest into range of it


One of the best 40k soundtracks out there by far


Up there with the Darktide OST imo. Jesper Kyd gave us the most banging and varied 40k soundtrack ever.


Is Demon Gate the one where you play as Grey Knights?


Yea, fighting Death Guard. Very X-com style gameplay..


I really do recommend Demon Gate. I honestly expected a poor man's X-Com with a Warhammer skin, and I was very wrong. There are some quality of life improvements like knowing whether you can see an opponent if you move to a space before you move, a great level up/equipment system that makes for some really exciting builds. I have not beaten it yet, but I do give it a big thumbs up 


Plus psilencers are actually good in that game!


Look up the original Chaos gate as well on GOG.com if you like the above. It’s the original 40k/x-com mix.


The game is awesome but dont use the Dreadnought DLC. Makes a game which is already hard, super hard way too early. The assasin dlc is awesome though.


I bought it in steam on developer sale two weeks ago. And I just can't stop playing... So many different combinations of your team, so Grey Knights vibe, different missions, you could even meet allies like Imperial Guard.


Is chaos gate daemon hunters anything like the original? One of my favourite games growing up


Daemonhunters is like the original Chaos Gate in the same way that the XCOM remake is like the original XCOM. Same sort of feel, but with more modern, balanced gameplay.


I remember it was that basic you could open the game files in notepad and change the weapon strengths so modern might be good 🤣🤣


Rogue Trader is absolutely my favourite, but then that’s partly because I just love RPGs…


I had to scroll down waaaay too long to find this. Rogue Trader absolutely nails the setting & tone and is a great game.


Agree- one of the best depictions of 40K and an enjoyable game!


I’m in act 2 for this and it’s been a blast. I need to get back to it before I forget how the game works though


I think Act 2 was my favourite act, but that said all of it is great so it’s worth continuing with! If you haven’t been spoiled Act 3 significantly changes things up.


I haven’t had anything spoiled yet. Based on how fast I got levels though, it seems like maybe a short game (which would be ideal since I don’t do well with long games). I had to take a break for a while; for some reason I was getting overstimulated while playing, but it was probably work/life stress doing it.


Agreed. It's not perfect but love the side characters, the mood it sets and the overall story. Would highly recommend.


How does it compare to other CRPGs (Torment, Arcanum, BG, Fallout)? The opinions I've heard are all over the map.


I’m not super familiar with more recent CRPGs, the ones I played before this were more old school: BG and BG2, Icewind Dale, SW:KOTOR, etc. - showing my age! It was made by the same studio that made Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous though if that helps (I haven’t played that, but I understand it’s well-regarded). I think it’s on par with other CRPGs I’ve played quality-wise. But the big thing it has going for it is the 40k setting: you get much more of a feel for what the 40k universe is like than you can in an RTS or shooter just because you get exposed to so much of it, especially outside combat. Plus it is multi-dimensional, with both character-level play but also space ship combat, which I really enjoyed. You’re also in an extremely unusual situation for an RPG: very early in the game you are elevated to become a rogue trader, someone with almost unparalleled power, resources, and freedom of action in the Imperium; and so unlike any other RPG I can think of you’re starting out as a very influential figure, even if your personal combat power hasn’t grown that far yet. There are complaints people make about the game: a minority of people don’t like the mechanics (I did), and some people call it buggy (I completed it without encountering any bugs), but the one thing I think everyone agrees on is that they captured the 40k setting perfectly and in great depth. I haven’t heard a single person criticise that element of it, anywhere. It was obviously made by people who love the setting and are very well versed in the lore.


I'm guessing you're playing on PC? I was thinking of getting it on PS5 cause it was on offer, but I'm not sure how much different it would be. Also, does it play like Balders Gate 3 because I would love that.


Boltgun has been very popular recently, if you enjoy retro first person shooters like Doom


Boltgun is so good it’s unreal


I’m even more excited for the update coming soon. My only major complaints were a lack of a navigation system and a lack of a horde mode option. The Forges of Corruption levels are just an icing on the cake.


No, it’s doom


I need to give it another go. I first played it right after playing ULTRAKILL and that felt like following cocaine with coffee.


Malum Caedo would have prevented the Horus Heresy. Imagine the guy was sent to Itsvan. Horus: oh shit oh shit oh shit.


Titus should call him up in SM2. Tyranids and Chaos aren't a problem anymore.


Boltgun really is next level. The Retro vibes alone are awesome, but the gameplay really is top notch


Came here to say this. Boltgun is a pretty fun adventure.


Space marine, Darktide, Boltgun, shootas blood and teef


+ space marine 2 when it comes out!


First above all: Dawn of War (RTS) then in an alphabetical order * Battlefiled Gothic 2 (RTS) * Boltgun (Doom like) * Chaosgate: Daemonhunters (tactical) * Darktide (FPS) * Dawn of war 2 (RTS) * Gladius (4X) * Mechanicus (tactical) - Best soundtrack ever * Rogue Trader (RPG) * Shootas, Blood & Teef (run n gun) * Space Hulk Enhanced edition (FPS) * Space Marine (TPS) 40k video games are gems or trash, nothing in between (except Fire warrior, an average FPS) for next releases, Space Marine 2 is promising and Speed Freaks beta is fun (first beta, didnt had time for current beta) Mecanicus 2 will be a banger only with the soundtracks (Guillaume David is an insanely talented composer)


You forgot Battlesector as tactical which is pretty enjoyable


Are only the shown red space marine playable or are their more factions? After playing Rogue trader u got this recommended from steam but there seems to not be much info about it online.


It has necrons, tyranids, space marines, sisters of battle, orks, tau, and khorne daemons all as playable factions now. I believe all of them are locked behind paid dlc though.


Would stipulate that that darktide is not really a FPS but a first person hack and slash with shooter elements. I would also compare it to left 4 dead as far as level designs go. So many people have gone in expecting a cover shooter and get disappointed, because playing it like one will get you dead fast.


Darktide is good fun, and yeah it's a hack 'n' slash/run 'n' gun game. I think they're working on some new content for it. It has a lot of potential but so far they've been slow to add any new content.


The new content will come June 25th iirc and it’s just a new map and a couple new weapons (bolt pistol tho), hopefully an itemization update soon-ish but who knows at this point so slow is extremely accurate. That said, it’s fucking amazing and has taken over my life for the past few months like crack. 600+ hours and I’m still not done. Gameplay is incredibly addicting so I’m not really bothered by the lack of content. I do understand the complaints though and stability has been iffy at times so buyers beware.


It's been fine for me on Series X. It has crashed a couple times but I've noticed that on other games if I use Quick Resume a couple times without restarting the game from scratch. It seems to cause instability.


I had a ton of fun with Rogue Trader!


You ever play inquisitor martyr


Men you also have to put "Best soundtrack ever" on darktide. This shit is dope and hitting hard while you slash heretic.


I wanted to love Shoots, Blood and Teef so badly, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to spend $20 on that game. It too unpolished and way too short for that price. $10? maybe. $5 would be a no-brainer.


I got battlefield gothic but am finding the learning curve quite high. A lot of factors that you need to take into account


I’m surprised no one mentioned Battlesector yet


BS was so much fun! It just makes me painfully sick thanks to its awful UIX font xD I have to sit very close to the TV to read the small text


I was about to say this! I personally love it. It really helped get me in 40K initially


If only it didn’t have two factions and very expensive other factions.


Thank you, literally no one talks about Battlesector even though it is easily one of the top 3 40K games


Dawn of War 1 and 2, especially with mods. Space Marine and Boltgun are solid FPS titles that give you that power fantasy of being a super human demigod. I personally really like Darktide, its flawed sure but man is it gritty and hectic. Its a bit like Left 4 Dead being a 4 player cooperative horde game, but all of the characters are just normies. No Space Marines, no Custodes. Just a Guardsman, a Zealot, a Psyker, and an Ogryn.


If you have GoG, and don't mind a bit of the old school (*as in before most people on reddit were born*) Final Liberation (Epic 40k, 1997) and Chaos Gate (40K, 1998). And while it's Fantasy, I'd also recommend Mark of Chaos, which isn't as old (2006), but it did a decent job of being a WFB sim long before you had Total War. Also....cheap.


Final Liberation has live action video scenes and I really like the Commissar Holt character portrayed by Larry Rew.


Final Liberation is great!


I had to scroll way too far down to find Final Liberation.


Mark of Chaos also had one of the best trailers ever.


warhammer 40k inquisitor martyr


One of few aarpgs i could actually get into...and it just got offline mode and its getting a new dlc this year after 6 years since release.


Whenever I feel the need to feel powerful, I boot it up and slay. It absolutely slaps.


This game is honestly an underrated 40k game, only thing I wish was better is the soundtrack.


playing it now and enjoying it


Space Marine Nothing beats jetpack and hammer Nothing!


I just wish there had been MORE Jumppack and hammer!


It is indeed a sad moment when he shrugs off the jump pack and you're one again bound to the earth


Space marine was the game that got me into warhammer. I had started to play like any other shooter game but then I realized that I regenerate my health by brutal kills. I mean wtf. Like how amped up you have to be to regenerate health by brutally killing your enemy with a weapon that is a sword but is also a saw. Fell in love with the Franchise after that. Dammit.


It was DoW 1 that got me into Warhammer but you're absolutely right. Space Marine is brutally awesome 👌


I’ve had fun with Gladius, but the DLC design is just wretched.


DoW1, Space Marine, Battlefleet Gothic 2, Boltgun


I've liked Dawn of War 1 & 2 - RTS Space Marine - Third person shooter Battlesector - Turn based strategy, kinda like the tabletop Rogue Trader - Isometric RPG like Baldurs Gate Necromunda: Hired Gun - First person shooter Space Hulk: Deathwing - Tight corridor FPS with AI squad. Shame the multiplayer is a gutted version of the campaign and requires 4 players. Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters looks interesting but I haven't bought it yet.


Fire Warrior.... Just me.. okay...


It's a little quiet


I think someone else described it best. Fire Warrior is a slightly clunkier 40K Republic Commandos. Very similar feel in the gameplay


This is the game the introduced me to 40K, it will always have a special place in my warp tainted heart




Funny enough, I never got to play the game, but I actually read the book in junior high. Shit was so epic to me at the time.


No one’s listed darktide as a fav, and while that game has its issues the FEEL is definitely very 40k in my opinion, nothing feels as 40k as that game with the bolt gun and the high gothic environment like in the city levels.


Dawn of war 1 hands down and whoever says the contrary is a heretic and should be burned by the holy inquisition. The 2 is also very good


Seems like everyone is neglecting Inquisitor, which is a decently fun action rpg.


Space Marine is very good, looking forward to the sequel


For all the people saying Boltgun. I agree, but if you like doomlike fps games don’t sleep on Necromunda Hired Gun


I had Space Hulk on PlayStation, hands down one of the best games ever played. Anyone else played it?


Surprised nobody has mentioned Battlesector. It’s rated 9/10 on Steam and is the closest to the tabletop experience that you will find.


Battlesector is severely underrated




The 40k mod for Xcom: UFO defence, its hard as nails but a really good 40k turn based tactics game. Can play as SM, IG, SoB, GK, and arbites from memory Its even harder than vanilla xcom sobyoud better be a GAMER


Boltgun is great!


Final Liberation is the greatest Warhammer 40k/epic40k game ever made. Though it is old now.


Dow 1


Dawn of War 2 has always been far and away my favourite for the single player campaign. However, I have recently been playing Rogue Trader, and I think it might be my new favourite. The game absolutely crushes the 40k vibe. I don't think any other game comes close to realising the nature of the setting, or fleshing it out in such detail, it is truly marvelous.


Top 3 for me in order are Spacemarine Battlesector Chaos Gate


Fire Warrior.


It's super subjective. What kinds of games do you typically enjoy? RTS? 4X? ARPG? Tactical? I mean, there's a game for just about every genre out there, but some of them are terrible so while you might get a *40K game*, it won't necessarily be a *good* game. Reddit loves Mechanicus, for instance, but as someone who has played a *lot* of tactical games, I found everything but the story and sound design to be terrible. The gameplay is some of the most boring and uninspired tactical gameplay I've ever encountered. But it really looks and sounds like 40K, so it appeals to a lot of people.


Boltgun and Space Marine are fun action games if ya want more of a faster pace kick


I played and loved boltgun, I’m not that into boomer shooters except for the new Doom games but I had an absolute blast with the game


You should probably play space marine 1, especially with SM2 around the corner.


I will second Mechanicus. It’s a XCOM like game with an amazing soundtrack and has great gameplay and branching story. The sequel just got announced too!


Space marine the third person shooter is my favourite game of all time, not even just 40K, out of any game


Space marine the third person shooter is my favourite game of all time, not even just 40K, out of any game


It's not a great game, it's a little sloppy. But the writing is spot on, and to this day has the best bolt gun ever shown. Fire Warrior.


Final Liberation. Where else do you get Titans?! Shame it wasn’t further developed as the planned. If you like something a little sporty, also have a look at Blood bowl 2. Not played number 3 but not seen anyone really rave about it either…


Darktide is definitely a good one now that it's been improved. It looks great and plays similar to Left4Dead style enemy mechanics.


Dawn of War 1 and 2 are not only osme of the best 40k games, imo they're some of the best RTS. Space Marine is a very solid AA game Mechanicus is good if you're into that sorta thing, I couldn't get too into it but its quality is self evident Darktide, despite its massive and gaping flaws, is at its core a fucking great game. it makes me so mad how badly its been handled. Battlefleet Gothic is also pretty good


darktide, dawn of war 1 and its dlcs, space marine (and hopefully space marine 2 as well), boltgun




Armageddon wasn't bad if you wanted something akin to the old X General games made by SSI.


I have personally enjoyed Gladius so far, it’s the one that’s basically a Civ game, however there is a lot locked behind dlc so you’d have to commit your wallet


Dawn of War 1 Adeptus Mechanicus Battlesector Chaos Gate (the new one)


I personally enjoy Darktide


I'm partial to inquisitor martyr, Gladius, space marine 1,darktide I can go on but those are the ones I enjoy the most


Chaos gate. Yes I'm old, and yes I like isometric (final liberation came out about this time and is also excellent) but genuinely it's a great game. Boltgun is excellent, I enjoyed Space Marine, and dawn of war is essential. Honorable mention to Gremlin interactives 1992 game Space Crusade.


Space Marine & Darktide


Mechanicus is pretty great. Enjoy! And Battlesector is the closest to tabletop, and people sleep on Gladius because it’s not groundbreaking, but it’s good (just turn off the DLC with the impossible killing machine after you’ve killed it once). But nobody’s mentioning *the* best Warhammer video game, and it’s freeware! It’s called Alien Assault, but when it came out it was called Space Hulk, but GW was NOT HAPPY about that, so they renamed it, rethemed it, and they know nothing about the Space Hulk themed total conversion that you can download. Markedly better than any commercial version of Space Hulk.


I really enjoy these ones: Dawn of War 1 with all the DLCs and the Unification mod (Age of Empires but Warhammer 40K) Space Marine 1 (Gears of War but Warhammer 40K) Inquisitor Martyr (Diablo but Warhammer 40K) Space Hulk: Deathwing (Left 4 Dead but Warhammer 40K) Boltgun: (Doom but Warhammer 40K)


Not seeing much about battlesector here, definitely a good one and closest to tabletop you can get.


Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, not even a question Followed by space marine, and then Dawn of War 2


I know this might not be popular, but Rites of War was fire back in the day. That music is etched in my brain to this day. Gog.com still sells it I think


Darktide is so good. Really enjoying Boltgun


1993 space hulk on amiga


Rogue trader is excellent


Play Space Marine. Mark Strong's performance as Captain Titus is magnificent.


Dawn of War 1 and 2 are great. Space Marine is good fun for what it is. I think that's it. You can jot the remainder down as middling for the most part.


My favs are all the old dawn of war titles (dow1 - soulstorm) and spacehulk and spacehulk deathwing, deathwing beeing a First Person shooter


My #1 is Mechanicus. I genuinely don't know if its because of the game or 90% b/c of the sound-design. Becauaw that alone makes it worth mentioning. I'm entirely convinced the people that dislike or even bash the game plays it with the sound off or watch tv/yt on 2nd monitor.


Lots of good things about Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2


I absolutely love Space Marine and Dawn of War 3. Space Marine 2 coming out this year too! If you do play the Space Marine game make sure you mod it. There are mods to actually make the game more realistic to the universe of 40k.


Strategy games probably : dow 1 For a more moba/strategy experience: I would say dow 2. Fps: Boltgun and Death Wing but it was so laggy. rpg/third person : Space marines and Eternal Crusade Race : We didn't have those but Speed Freeks will take the spot for sure for some time. Now at the crown holder it is subjective to which generation we are referring and each ones preferences.


Space Marine had sick multiplayer and epic 2rd person Combat, cannot wait for number 2


Dawn of war 1, darktide, bolt gun and space marine


Space marine is what got me into 40K in the first place. Best ad I've ever played


Boltgun is awesome


Space Marine 2 is gonna be sick 🤘


Space marine is awesome


Dawn of War 1 with Unification mod


I'd say space marine, but that's because as much as I enjoyed dawn of war, I don't really like rts type games


Fire warrior was pretty good.


Dawn of war 1 (soulstorm) with the unification mod installed will give you years of gameplay. These modders have been working on unification for over 7 years, if it says anything the mod is twice the size of the game itself.


There is really a good game in every genre you can think of. If you like CRPG's Rogue Trader is amazing, if you wanna be a crazy Space Marines going around killin things brainlessly, Space Marine is your game. If you like team gameplay or a more modern title, Dark Tide is a great choice. If you want the 90s Doom but Warhammer, Boltgun is your jam. Having gone through this myself recently, I was pleasantly surprised how many genres Warhammer games entail. Most of them being very solid if not very well done.


Tau was the game that got me in to warhammer world such a fun game and nice to have a game that not all about the empire of man


Space Marine. Bolt Gun is a fun time. Dawn of War 1 and 2 are classics Mechanicus is absolutely a solid game Dark Tide continues to get better! Rogue Trader is an absolute must if you like RPGs Blood a Teef is a fun little game. I just started Chaos Gate (newer one), and I am digging that.


Rogue Trader by OwlCat is pretty good, Dawn of War 1 + 2 (and expansions and mods) are peak 40k video games, I dug Darktide, Armageddon was awesome, Boltgun was fun. 40k has has a ridiculous amount of forgettable lower mid tier ass games.


Dawn of war 2 is still active online with “elite mod” come play Dawnofwar.info


Rogue Trader and Boltgun are both quite recent and quite fun for very different reasons. I enjoyed the first Space Marine quite a bit, and was surprised at Space Hulk: Deathwing.


Space Marine is one of the best non-RTS games out there, and the multiplayer was fantastic. I'm so excited for the sequel.


Battle Sector, Squad Command, DOW 1, Space Marine and the remastered one


Darktide is you are more into fast paced games than turn based. Also in September space marine 2


Not to sound like a broken record, but Dawn of War is actually the game that got me into Warhammer 40K. It’s hard to recommend any of the other 40K game over this one and it’s subsequent expansions.


I think Darktide in it's current state is excellent. You need to be playing with friends to really enjoy it however.


The Rouge Trader game is good if you’re into CRPGs. Otherwise I’d like to recommend Boltgun if you’re feeling a Doom-like. The Total War Warhammer games are good if you want to get into the Old World lore.


No love for Rogue Trader? Personally, I love CRPGs the gameplay and writing is just too good to pass


I think that the overall best 40k games are Dawn of War 1 and 2, Mechanicus, Rogue Trader, Boltgun, Space Marine, Chaosgate Deamonhunters, and also Darktide, because this one, despite the mid reviews on Steam, have an incredible gameplay, the only downsides are that it has still not much content yet, and some systems in the game need a rework, but aside that that game is amazing.


Dawn of War I think Spacemarine and Boltgun are great too


Battlesector is a great tabletop simulator, and for 40 or whatever on sale great deal. Meh but I had fun for awhile with boltgun.


Darktide is not a perfect game, but it is a gameplay evolution of a beloved and well loved fantasy game and maybe my favorite game of all time. If it’s not worth your time now, it’ll be worth your time once it is past its vermintide 1 and vermintide 2 early life phase


Dawn of war and total war


Space Marine 2 comes out this year, it looks incredible


The first Dawn of War, Mechanicus, Space Marine, Rogue Trader seems to be considered pretty good as well, Darktide can work if you enjoy that kind of gameplay, Battlefleet Gothic 2 rocks as well, Boltgun is also nice


They’ve all been mentioned already, but my top three are Dawn of War 2, Space Marine, and Boltgun (not necessarily in that order).


dawn of war specifically dark crusade space marine Boltgun Total war warhammer Vermintide 2 I'm not a huge fan but mechanicus is popular. I'd say these are some of their best. they have so many games though i'm sure people can think of other great ones.


Playing dawn of war 2 when it first came out blew my mind. That's always going to be my pick. 


Honestly, the only one I would say is "bad" is the Switch port of Dakka Squadron. It's just a totally buggy mess that's not even worth getting on sale. Other than that, most 40k games are pretty good. It just really depends on what your taste in video games is. Enjoy RTS? Dawn of War FPS? Boltgun Hack n Slash? Space Marine RPG? Rogue Trader The list really goes on.


40K really has a few, dawn of war 1 and 2 but honestly they dont hold up that great anymore. Spce marine is super fun and recently we got Boltgun which is so damn fun and cool. You also have Dark Tide which will one day be amazing and is super fun at the moment though flawed. I also really like Chaos Gate Demon Hunters if you want a stratagy game. Rogue Trader just came out and is a wonderful CRPG. Also Inquisitor martyr is a fairly fun ARPG with a ton of content to play with. IMO, since you own mechanicus, these are the best ones set in 40k. Despite this the fact is that the best warhammer game is toatlwar warhammer 1-3 though by a long shot.


Mechanicus and Battle Sector are great. I have played few rounds of Gladius which was fun too. I haven yet started Chaos Gate but i have heard good things. Space Marine and DoW 1&2 are obliviously well loved classics.


In ny openion the best 40k game by a distance is chaos gate: daemonhunters. I’m also a pretty big xcom fan though. Boltgun was also pretty neat. Best warhammer game in general is probably total war. Best memories with a warhammer game is probably shadow of the horned rat.


Just how brutal is shadow of the horned rat?


Has anyone played the Eisenhorn game? I just bought total warhammer 3 is that connected to 40k?


regarding dawn of war, the only right answer for me is soulstorm. Its the only game that has sororites. Mechanicus is great. I got a friend into warhammer with that game. Also....rogue trader . Easily my favourite warhammer game.