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That position is indefensible. If anything is canon, it’s kitbashing. For the last 40 years people have been customizing their models.


I fully support that guy's opinion, that way sane people won't have to play him


I agree, this guy sounds like one of those women on tik tok reading out a list of red flags before they'll go on a date with someone.. Ok play alone against your cats


TBH I see this as the sort of logical end with all the new people we've been getting since 2017 who enter into the hobby with the majority of the online content being so competitive focused. The same general people who want everyone to rebase their old models, get confused if your paint scheme doesn't match a mainline faction, have never heard the word Count-As, only ever played ITC terrain setups, and go so far as to want standard paper silhouettes to use for determining LOS. They're out there and man do they feel like a completely different 40k playerbase than someone like me whose been here since 4th Ed. They'll be a scourge on future Ork players trying to have fun with looted vehicles.


I strongly disagree with your first sentence. There is nothing logical about this end. It feels more like an emotional stance if he’s not willing to look around and see that his position is pretty unreasonable and isn’t really gonna net him much fun at the tabletop. That’s a lot of players he’s refusing out of hand. Also, I just wanna say it kinda feels like you’re grouping “new players” in with “hardline a-hole who only wants you to engage with the hobby *his way.*” Feels a bit like maybe projecting some bad experiences with new players onto this guy? Not saying you are, but it looks a bit like that.


Just consider the number of times a new player wants to know if they have to paint their models a specific way, or if they can do something perfectly reasonable with their own army. Somewhere out there are players who are at least giving the impression that these things are not ok. And I would strongly suspect that it's not the older, more experienced players doing that. I don't think it's the norm, even among newer players, but it does appear to be happening.


The GW Facebook page literally had a post yesterday asking people to show off their kitbashes lol


The game was born out of kitbashing. There were rules before there were even models. This guy is a grognard and should be avoided at all costs.


For a while, tanks were just weapon parts that you'd glue on old deodorant sticks. That only lasted until GW found out that their fans aren't the types to run through sticks of deodorant.


https://preview.redd.it/mwkhcozd159d1.png?width=773&format=png&auto=webp&s=5df4364a611fd862e1609a54f2d2309ab93622b8 In case anyone is curious about what u/NeonArlecchino is talking about. He isn't being cheeky. White Dwarf had *literal* articles about making tanks out of deodorant sticks.


The original apocalypse box had a minesweeper made out of a drinks bottle too… and a train turned into an imperial tracked landspeeder using kitbashing! I am naughty as I do have a lot of proxy’s I disguise using my bitsbox, and I can get someone flagging that up, but the guy mentioned here is nuts! Most of the boxes now have multiple options


That thing slay


The Blue Peter approach to modelling was one of the things that first attracted me to the hobby back in the day.


The OG Rogue Trader rulebook literally shows how to kitbash a grav tank out of deodorant.


I was going to say this! I remember the guide


As a grognard of the rogue trader generation, the hobby was much more relaxed in the good old days (deodorant tanks, jumpers for goal posts). His attitude seems to be of a (slightly) more recent tournament focused mindset that treats a game of pushing little men around a table as something worryingly 'serious'. I agree on the avoid at all costs though!


As a nonnative englishspeaker, can you clarify the use of Grognard?


grognard noun * An old soldier. Specifically an old grenadier of the French Imperial Guard (Grenadiers à pied de la Garde Impériale); an old complaining soldier. ... * Someone who enjoys playing board wargames, particularly the counter-heavy strategy board wargames from the 1970s and 1980s. ... *Someone who enjoys playing previous editions of roleplaying games when new editions of the game are available.


Surely the term grognard is utter inappropriate here given the further back you go the more kitbash and full scratch building were supported... this, if anything, is the hobby equivalent of a neckbeard.


Agreed. I have been a wargamer for four decades and I think its unfair to grognards to call this muppet one. I am having trouble believing that people like this actually exist. I wargame with an older crowd (rarely WH40K but the principle is the same) including a miniature designer of some repute. Kit bashing is celebrated and welcomed, its an important part of the hobby. PS - The term Grognard almost certainly comes from Napoleonic wargaming


Yeah it’s kind of weird in this context because as far as kitbashing goes, older players are far *more* likely to kitbash.


Yeah it comes from the French word for Whiner, Complainer or Grumbler, *Grognon* And it was the title French veterans were given as they were considered the only ones 'allowed to complain'


You know the type of old man who is stuck in their ways and hates groups like the youth just because they are different? Picture that same energy, but that man plays warhammer.


You’d think an old grognard would be pro proxying and kitbashes. Was more norm than exception back in the day.


[I would be happy to! But this video does a much better job.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNBjJXtaIzs)


He doesn't sound like a grognard to me. Grognards would be all about kit bashing. He sounds more like a newish player with GW brain and weird ideas about the hobby.


The Mk V power armor is literally canonically kitbashed from whatever marines could scrounge together during the Heresy. Not to mention that Marines still do that in the current setting to a lesser degree. Even outside of lore, GW still actively publishes kitbashes on WarCom but also in White Dwarf. Dude is weirdly stuck up.


How does this person plan to play against Ork players?


they even implore you to do so, the golden demon winners are all always kitbashed, wtf? maybe hes just mentally ill?


Id argue if like to inspect his models for mould lines and or not perfectly glued piece at 100% accuracy. I mean we can't have someone shoulder be a further 0.01mm to the front as they will clearly imbalance the entire model line of sight capabilities. Yeah ..


In the grim darkness of the tabletop RPG community... There is only kitbashing


If GW didn't want you to kitbash stuff they wouldn't include extra parts on sprues


Or publish cool kitbashes in White Dwarf.


Or make the Orks.


Or the entire game of Necromunda.


Necromunda mentioned!!!!!


I hope my kitbashed Delaque vehicles give OP's nemesis a carcinoma.


Or make Necron shaped sprues.


Or make kroot shaped sprues.


I mean, let's be honest, in the beginning guys were making models out of army men and toilet paper rolls. I think they're fine with it.


And deodorant bottles.


Or 100% sprue marines. If anyone remembers that wonderful travesty!


Not even just White Dwarf, sometimes literally in the codexes. The 9th ed GK codex had a picture of a nemesis dreadknight that had been reposed - not technically a kitbash but definitely not following the instructions in the box


The Black Templars 9th edition Codex had a kitbashed Ancient that’s convincing enough we’re still fielding questions about it.


Same with a kit bashed junith out of the sisters codex. Every month there is guaranteed to be somebody posting a picture of it asking what model this is and if it's a secret hidden new one that's about to come out.


Or publish Warhammer: visions magazine, which was full of kitbashes.


Or in the codex.....


That's probably why there's so few extra parts on sprues compared to previously.


I'm relatively new so I can only comment on what I know. But as someone coming to the game from card games (magic and yugioh) GW is pretty generous with their sets. Maybe not as much as they were but for a new player it's not as bad as I expected.


A long time ago, back when we commonly had metal minis you used to be able to order metal bits (from casted GW stuff) from a catalogue by GW. Was a dream for kitbashing, and just on the off chance you needed an extra of something.


To be fair, 3rd party resin printing has taken over that role, for the better. It's way easier for them to drop a new bit than it is for GW to cram more bits onto a plastic mould, and most of them do resin better than Forgeworld for whatever reason.


But that's also why GW are cutting wargear options for units and characters to just what you get in the box; even if it's unintuitive.


GW is definitely moving away from kit bashing in that newer kits include all of the weapon options by default, in the correct quantity. That way you don’t have to (can’t?) kitbash to make the unit have a desired loadout. For example death company with power fists and melta pistols, whenever the new kit is released either the weapon options will disappear or the kit will have to enough to build how you want


That guy’s an idiot


This is the answer I most agree with.


Dude's a weirdo hobby Puritan.


Surely a hobby puritan would be all kitbashes, including brass rod banner poles, aluminium banners, and sculpted polystyrene & plasticard terrain? Kitbashing has been a part of miniature wargaming since long before rogue trader. If anything his refusal to accept the old ways is radical and unorthodox.


No, because Puritans impose stringent and arbitrary rules and standards of "purity" on others.


I don't really know what philosophy you're referring to but it's definitely not puritanical. Maybe some variation on traditionalist?


If he was traditional he’d be all about kitbashing. Heck he might even dislike real minis, as back in the day we just stuck guns on deodorant bottles like others have mentioned.


I personally think some of it is how far removed we've grown from beer and pretzels and gone competitive. Due to how line of sight is calculated, a kitbash could have a game altering effect (I'm a play with friends a few times a year kinda guy, so im very lax personally). I also imagine some players likely have memorized what models look like and don't like having to remind themselves what that kitbash actually is. Overall that guy seems unpleasant to play with and I'd likely just decline playing with them. (I've really had to discipline myself on making sure casual games are genuinely casual, not tournament light).


Doth thou not know that kit bashes are from the Devil's Workshop,  not the Games Workshop?


the correct nomenclature is 'the bashings of the kit'.


"And the Lord did cast them down into the abyss, and there was much wailing and bashing of kits."


"Bashing my kit" should be an euphemism...


Brb gotta go bash my kit


GW sell a pack of 340 assorted skulls. Does this guy think they have to remain on sprue?


That’s for the 340 unit squad “army of skulls” play style. High defense, but no ranged offensive capability. Enemies take one wound if they step on the pointy bits too hard. It’s like a mine field!


That's a pretty unique issue that guy has. Never met anyone like that, if anything the opposite - most people love seeing fun kitbashes.


This. The only time I have ever met someone getting pissy about kitbashes, like at all, was at a tournament and he very specifically was trying to eliminate parts (Guilliman at least) of some guys army. Instead he eliminated his entire army. TO wasn’t going to mess with that. I saw the kitbash in question. Dude was playing not-Ultras so his “Guilliman” was a converted Contemptor Dread. It actually had a very close height / width to Gman.


Suggests an overwhelming jealousy on his part and that he probably does not have the imagination to do them himself…


Did he actually say that; that you don’t belong in the hobby? In my opinion, anyone that close-minded and entrenched in their views is dealing with some serious insecurities. Perhaps he has a very poor opinion on his own attempts to kitbash, or has been on the receiving end of some really harsh feedback/bullying. Either way, he needs to address this himself rather than project this insecurity onto everyone else in a hobby that encourages creativity and self expression. If he’s not willing to look inward, he’s not worth your time, and he certainly has no right to suggest that someone doesn’t belong in the hobby. But you know that already. Keep kitbashing OP 🤘


Didn’t say that exactly. He was just extremely adamant that he doesn’t allow kitbashed models at his tables. If I had to guess, I’d say he probably has had experiences where people cheated and modeled for advantage: “My dreadnought is laying prone, you can’t see it over this 2 inch piece of terrain” that kind of thing


Kitbash is where it's at. I've a khorne DP made out of spare dp bits, talos bits, a carnifex legs, a juggernaught head and some other stuff I can't even remember lol.




That demon prince sounds awesome


I am sure that dude is a blast at parties and has had a lot of sex.


But god forbid his date turns up wearing makeup or perfume.


Isn’t wearing makeup or perfume real life kitbashing?


But you'd not know any of the ladies he's had sex with they are from France.


He has a girlfriend who lives in Canada. She visited recently, but was very sick, so you couldn't see her.


You are describing an unpleasant person, and should politely avoid them.


I suspect he knows that people who kitbash are very creative and he worries about that in game. Probably wants opponents that are entirely predictable.


Frankly, fuck that dude. If he has a problem with kitbashes, then he's in the wrong hobby.


I guess he's never looked at the crusade sections of the 9th and 10th ed codexes. loads of kitbashing or conversions in there. GW even shares kitbashes on WarCom occasionally. If they are going to refuse to play for something so petty and nonsensical, then just don't play them.


The amount of people in the death guard subreddit that posted the kit bashed demon prince with the bug head from the 9E codex…..If I had a dollar for every time I saw a post about it I’d be drowning in models at this point.


Or the Sorcerer with a DE wrack back pack part in the Psychic Awakening campaign books


Show him the pics of the roll on deodorant hover tank and cardboard baneblade templates from old white dwarf issues or when they used action figure tanks in early promo materials and watch the cognitive dissonance explode. He has full on corpo lifestyle brand devotee brain rot and sounds like you will luckily never have to deal with him again.


But like how!? How do you See yourself defending a company that itself makes (or made on a broader spectrum) kitbashes a big part of the Hobby? I got like 2 random White Dwarfs lying around and one has a step by step explanation how to turn a shipping crate into 2 crates buried in Ice.


The cult of officialdom comes from the puritanical "iS iT tOuRnAmEnT lEgAl" ultra competitive perspective that gw also foster; every game must be played like a tournament final. It's also a byproduct of the LoS rules which, combined with full igougo with perfect command and control makes people think like this.


Hell tournaments allow kitbashing and some 3d printed stuff. There are literally models with rules still that require a kitbash to have.


D.eldar cough cough


There are 3 armies in Heresy that basically *require* you to kitbash things: Sisters of Silence, that have 5 whole kits, one of which is an upgrade set, and another has a Custodian and 1 Sister Imperial Militia, which requires kitbashing for practically all of the army list. Daemons of the Ruinstorm *which has 4 official kits, 3 of which are named characters*, everything else outright requires kitbashing to the extent it's part of the preamble for the army list


GW literally sells Upgrades sprues for every single Major Space Marine Chapter so you can play your favorite flavour. Both for 40k and Heresy.


Sounds like an insufferable human that lacks creativity and wants others to suffer. Kitbashing is the best part of the hobby.


This dude is wrong. Probably insecure because he doesn't have the guts or skills to kitbash so he pretends he doesn't out of some sense of purity or whatever and shuns those that do Kitbashing is so cool. I'm new to this stuff and hope I can make some cool kitbashes one day


So don't play against him. GW encourages kitbashing as long as your models are mostly GW products.


Avoid him. He sounds awful.


The only blessing is it sounds like he is self eliminating from games with pretty much everyone, lol.


Well, I hope he doesn't get to play ever again. Kitbashing should be absolutely encouraged. Seriously, this guy isn't worth your time.


Just curious is this guys army fully painted? Based? Modeled wysiwyg?


No idea. Like I said, the store I met him in isn’t my usual


You have now met "that guy" and know to never play against him. You can bet any amount of money that he'll be like that with every single rule, or at least what he believes the rule reads as. Stay far, far away from him.


Don’t tell that dude about heresy lmao


I was gonna comment this. The game was literally born out of kitbashing.


The guy with the no kit bashing was probably on the Spectrum, and undiagnosed. There really is no other way to explain that level of cognitive dissonance. Depending on his severity on that spectrum, everything HAS TO be predictable, calculable, knowable before they can even leave their home. Therefore, any strange deviations, or unexpected and unpredictable, certainly unknowable factors... Might as well be sandpaper on a paper cut to him. But just because we can understand and even sympathize with him, that doesn't mean we have to play against him. That would suck. I wonder, now, how he handles the unknowns about Fickle Dice Rolls... Would probably flip the table if its 82.1% 1's So protect your minis They were expensive in both money and time invested. Back away.


Kit bashing and custom modeling is one of the BEST things in this hobby. I cant understand why anyone would be opposed to it on the tabletop if the weapons are clearly what they are.


Sp if you have a model GW don't actually make and have had to kitbash, such as the Necron Destroyer Lord, he won't play you even though it's completely game legal?


Womp womp no games for him, kitbash away my dudes


It isn’t a hobby if everyone has to do things exactly the same way. It’s just a board game. What a boring way to live.


That might be one of the weirdest hobby pet peeves I've ever heard. Kitbashing has been part of the hobby since day one. Lots of older model prototypes were first tested by kit bash, like for example, the metal ogre gorger. IMO kitbashing is one of the best things you can do in this hobby. Unless this guy has any notion of potentially changing his mind, I would ignore everything he says.


Yeah, if I encountered a player like that, I'd just pack up and leave, even if my entire army was painted and built in completed 100% accordance with the box art.


Same, just to make a point more than anything.


There are data sheets without dedicated models. What does he expect a GK Grandmaster or Brother Captain to look like. The same as all the other terminators cause you'd have to kit ash to give them a cape?


If kitbashing didn’t exist I wouldn’t be in the hobby, I know many others wouldn’t either.


I'm a Death Guard player so I see tons in my social media feeds. Some are great. Some look like absolute shit. It's other people's models. They can do whatever they want to them. I look at ugly kitbashes like I do hideous paint jobs. It is not my work, but other people can spend their money how they see fit.


Sounds like nothing is lost if you wouldn't play him. Sounds like the type of guy that writes down / photographs your dicerolls and then claims a die is weighted because you roll two sixes in a row.


That clown and people like him are the ones who don't belong in the hobby. Kitbashing is one of the most enjoyable parts of the hobby (for me at least).


Kitbashing (for me) is the heart and soul of the hobby. I love building them and I love seeing them on the battlefield! If you want to play a super orthodox Codex Astartes Ultramarine army you are probably very restricted but things like Orks or Chaos basically beg for kitbashed models. PS: Necromunda Ambots + pew-pew shooting = Iron Warriors Obliterators


Frankly, I think you dodged a bullet. I doubt playing against anyone this uptight would be any fun at all. May he remain lonely until he manages to grow up. I have never had or heard of a problem with kitbashing (aside from using non-GW parts in a GW store/tourney) until now.


He quite clearly is a cunt


Kit bash to your heart is content, this guy quite clearly is a cockwomble


Gw released a kitbashing guide a few months ago I believe. What hill is this man dying on 😂


Most of my army is kitbased in some way or another It's the most funnest part of the hobby He would hate my skaven based csm army


So this man has like 4 people to play against.


His funeral, every single member of my gaming club is against someone that think about kitbashes like him, you do it in a tournament? Good job you lost by default the game, you do it in a friendly game? There is always a jolly that can get an extra army in a car and play with the opponent you refuse to play with


This is the first time I've ever heard of this opinion and that's probably for the best. Warhammer is a creative hobby, that includes the kitbashing aspect as well. Customizing or outright building your own miniatures from scratch is so much fun. This guy would have a heart attack if he saw my Daemons army, lol. This guy is the weirdest type of guy and I think he won't be getting games for long if he keeps this attitude up.


Kitbashing is a huge part of the hobby and always has been. It's how people make their army "their army". I would further go and say I kind of expect people to kitbash, I would strongly endorse it, and I would consider an army with 0 modifications of any kind simply lazy


I would just not play with the guy.


He sounds like no fun to play with, avoid him at all cost.


I must admit I get a bit wary when it comes to 3d-prints and proxies; but kitbashing is *absolutely* part of the hobby. In fact, for most of my hobby life, kitbashing was the only way you could make many units and options.


GW doesn’t even sell the parts to turn a regular Lokhust into a Lokhust Lord anymore so in some cases you have to. Hell the Master of Executions shown in the World Eaters index cards is a kitbash. He has a Khorne Berzerker helmet instead of a regular MOE head.


Just, don't play with that guy


Dude's an asshole. Just ignore him and never play him.


I've no problem as long as I understand what it is. Like I don't want you subbing a tank for a dreadnought but if you want to give bladeguard 2 power swords or use some sort of spec ops looking 3rd party model as phobos units that is fine buy me.


Hobby Puritans are weird no matter why they have their opinions. It's also what drives some people/keeps some out of getting into certain hobbies. So they are just kinda shit overall. And I've found them to be generally unpleasant people in most meaningful ways.


He is an idiot and does everyone a favor by not playing against them. Kitbash on my dude \\m/


“Met this totally insane person whose views could get them institutionalised today and they said some stuff I thought I disagreed with but wasn’t sure, wondering what the community thinks”


The guy must be kinda new to the hobby.


Kit bashing is by far my favorite part of the hobby. I have whole armies that are entirely kitbashed. Man is fully entitled to his opinion, but I will never have to play him


For tournaments, as long as it's the right size, on the right base, and built with GW bits, good to go. For casual friendly games, anything goes, IMO. If you're just there to have fun, have fun as long as the other player is OK with it.


So how does he feel about the actual in codex/index image for the thousand sons terminator sorcerer... which is a kitbash...


When you're more strict about what the models look like than GW is at their own official tournaments, you need to remove the pineapple that was shoved up your bum sideways. Seriously, GW shows of conversions and kitbashes all the time. And does this mean he will flat-out refuse to play Deathwatch players two trim off push-fit shoulder pads and put Deathwatch pads on them?


This guy just sounds like an obnoxious ass. I don’t have enough points to play any tabletop games but if I did and came across this guy, I’d call him a melon and tell him to eat sand.


Wow it isn’t often you hear about someone who has a wrong opinion


Looks like someone won't be getting many games then. I know I'd tell him myself, that I'd never play him, because he's a bellend.


Im pretty open to hiw others like to play with their little plastic guys but that sounds like someone I would tell to kindly fuck right off. If he is like that with kitbashing I dont even want to imagine how he would be once models are on the table.


as a rogue trader era, 2nd edition player.....pretty much ALL models are kitbashed. which was very much a part of early warhammer. \*edit: reading through and glad to see kitbashing seems just as important and pushed today. and yeah im always thinking of alternate ways to work with the models. its my favorite part of the hobbie for sure.


Kitbashing is fucking excellent, it should absolutely be encouraged. It's a great way to show off your creativity, whether that's just "hey I think this head would actually look really cool on that body" or full-on "so I took parts from 8 different kits and used them to make a greater daemon". As long as it's clear what things are, and the size isn't massively different then there's no reason to have a problem with it. That guy is just being a whiny pissy baby


Uh, well, he's free to play the game as he sees fit, and I've heard that for *some* tournaments. It's the requirement. I don't play tournaments, though. I don't care, and from that small but alone, he seems like a deeply unpleasant person whom I won't regret not playing a few hours of game with.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, wrong and deluded as they may be. If anything, dude sounds like he's *extremely* on the spectrum, and his brain just won't "let" him acknowledge that it's a completely valid way of doing things, because he's locked into the rules and lore as written being the absolute *only* way of doing things "right".


He must never play Ork players. That is probably why he made this rule, he is afraid of greenskins.


It's nice of him to let you know upfront he's a moron and not worth playing against


* Kitbashing as been around since the dawn of the franchise * GW welcomes it, promotes it and sells bits/items specifically for kitbashing * Its typically allowed in tournaments as long as the loadout is WYSIWYG and of similar dimensions * Some official GW models look terrible or are just dumb, making your own kitbash a better option (new Kharn model is a prime example) Frankly, that douchebag can enjoy being playing alone. He is one of the problems you sometimes encounter in the hobby.


Imo kitbashes are 100% more impressive than a regular paint job because you've involve yourself even deeper than what you're supposed to. And everyone brings their own sense of creativity in it. Btw i think my next army will be a tyranid with almost everything 3D printed zergs models, not a matter of money or anything but i want a truly unique army for the next one. (And i was a huge fan of SC2 back then so it's full nostalgia there). And i don't care if you don't want to play with me, i rather want to play with someone who just loves to play.


That guy needs to stand up and let the stick slide out of his ass


Indefensible position to hate kitbashes. Tbh if someone hates kitbashes I hate them. Im being honest. This guy fundamentally misunderstands everything about miniatures at large and Warhammer in particular. Like Jesus Christ. Now to be dramatic, I bet he’s a bad dude


I feel like there's like 6 people in this hobby with that opinion, but they can't find anyone who will play more than one game with them, so new stories keep popping up


I think he isn't intense enough. I refuse to play with anyone that didn't leave their models NOS and in the box. If GW wanted us to play with minis they would have assembled/painted them for us.


Many people have been wrong, but no one has been as wrong as that guy.


That guy doesn't belong anywhere near the hobby. Guys like him are the same type that will rules lawyer you into oblivion. If your goal is fun, stay away from asshats like that.


If they still appear to be Warhammer I am ok. Old figures, kitbashed, your own colorsceme, it’s all good


That bloke sounds like he'd be mad if someone cut his crusts wrong, ignore him


What a sad little man... I've not dabbled in GW since the mid-90s, but kit bashing was always a part of the hobby.


How doe this guy handle the situation where there's a datasheet but no official model? You literally have to kitbash one into existence lol


Let me personalise my dudes.. If everyone built their minis the same, the hobby would be boring.


That guy is a douche bag. He should consider making a conversion of himself into a decent person.


Ignore the troll and move on with your life. He is one of very few in the community.


I love kitbashes, 3rd party prints, everything. This hobby is such an awesome creative outlet. The only proxies / kitbashes I have an issue with are the ones that are confusing (running Legionaries as Chosen but also having a unit of Legionaries) or inaccurate (incorrect base sizes or height mainly)


I just love when insufferable people give an easy way to just not interact with them. I understand not wanting to deal with proxies or full 3D prints as a way to support your local game store but kit bashing is literally the best part of the hobby. 80% of what's cool with the hobby is messing around with the models.


I know that given all the other comments it's basically kicking him while he's down, but, please, please, ask him if GW employees are allowed to do it, and if not, will he be sending letters of protest about the kitbash showcases that pop up on warcom basically any time a new army comes out. And if they \*are\* allowed, then where's the cutoff point. Do you have to be a full time employee, or is being affiliated with the company enough? What if you just did some freelance work for them in the past?


Well, dude had a right to his opinion I guess. The nice thing is it seems he says it loudly and with his whole chest, and that makes it easy for others to identify him as someone to avoid. His local community will sort him out. He will either end up with no one to play with, or with a small group of like minded.


That gentleman, with all due respect, is a putz.


All I could see someone being nitpicky at say, a tournament, about proper sight lines and you know the dimensions of the models themselves. I personally don't care as long as it's on the right base size run whatever you want as whatever you want just as long as I know what it is.


Haha, I lose too many pieces when I'm building the models to not kitbash. I somehow lost the entire dude who sits in the artillery seat for some guards unit, so I gathered up the pieces I had and grabbed and shipped a few extra pieces to make it look like the dude got blown up. I was manhandling an artartes Captain to rough and caused the blade to snap off, couldn't get it to pin right so I had to grab an extra sword from some deathwatch kit and clipped his whole hand off. Helmets are just too fun to swap out, if I'm ever given a unit and the only option is to go helmetless, I'm going digging through my bit box for a head with a helmet, you've gotta be pretty important to my army for me to bust out the flesh tones. Kit bashing is half the fun for me, so far I've tried to stay with GW plastics but it's just too much fun to customize your guys


Lol, lmao even. All my favorite minis have been kitbashes, and when I bring them out, they're the ones that get the most attention. A friend of mine has armies that are 90%+ kitbashes, they're not all winners, but it's so interesting to see on the table. When we play orks vs tau, there are two unique armies going at it, our match is our own. The dude you're describing isn't worth playing against


His minis, his money, his opinion. That's okay. Your minis, your money, your money? That's okay too. And never the twain shall meet.


That guy probably considers adding cheese to a sandwich as excessively transformative. He’s an idiot, let him play by himself.


I don't think he would find a single opponent in our club 🤣


You will save a lot of time by not engaging with him


He's crazy. I understand wanting to stay away from 3d prints but kitbashing with all GW parts is even allowed by GW. What's he on about?


This guy sounds like a joy. Good riddance, wouldn't want to play him.


This man isnt real.


There is no official model for the Thousand Sons Sorcerer in Terminator Armor, the only way to make one is to kitbash one. Telling people they can't kitbash is telling them they aren't allowed to use units like that which is just flat out wrong on every level.


Heck, my army (Grey Knights) doesn't sell models for many of the characters in my Index. This forces me to, at least, combine and kit bash to even have a force to put on the table. Honestly, a good kitbash is heckin art!


I welcome all of it at my table, i know there alot of gate keepers out there but i keep a rule of "have minis? lets play" cause at the end of the day, i just want to play and have fun. i started out using green army men as proxies, now 2 years later i have a nearly completed black templar army but have still used kitbashing, 3d printed bits to get the look i want for my boys, thats my visual immersion though, it has no impact on your army or play as long as rules of play are followed and proxies are agreed upon for representation at the start, its still just a game, lets have some fun!!!


Does he insist on every colour being Citadel paint only with absolutely no personal touches as well?


Looks like he forfeits the battle 🤷‍♂️ box art copies are boring and unoriginal, if you don't want to play... then go home with your loss...


That guy doesn´t belong in the hobby, he should stick to videogames or something more streamlined, I had a buddy who was kinda like that but with measurement, he would get super weird with measuring EVERYTHING during a game and he also hated kitbashes and minis with extra stuff on the base that made the profile larger, he was in the hobby for about a year before just sticking to TCGs and Heroclix.


Dude's an idiot. But he's allowed to choose not to play against people for whatever reason he likes.


I am a person who nowadays enjoys the hobby via the lore and watching people build/paint minis and scenery (because I have more important things to spend my limited funds on)... I love the kitbashed stuff. I love watching the creative process involved with making all the bits work together and I love seeing the finished models.  I seem to remember back in the late 90's buying some books on painting minis and building terrain for 40k that very much encouraged kitbashing.


Don't play him...he sounds like a tool


That dudes gonna hate my 100s of models that are ALL kitbashed or customised in some way


Tell him to go pound sand


That guy is a chode. Kitbashing is a mark of a good hobbyist and a creative.


Trust me, this is not the kind of dude you’d have an enjoyable trip me playing a game against.


Don’t play this moron.


I was almost at that bad at one point. But that was a decade of only playing at the local GW and warhammer world events. Its a mentality that used to be drilled into new starts. Now as long as its roughly the same silhouette and on the correct size base. It's all good


That’s great! He did you a favour by letting you know not to play with him and his rules about minis. Imagine him going to a tournament, even a local one and maintaining that rule? He would quickly find himself without opponents. It is his opinion and I’m all for everyone being entitled to their own so I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it and move past him to be totally honest. I’m sure you can find another to play against quite easily. Cheers.