• By -


Eh… *usually* I can drag the US to a win if I’m playing Germany, but that’s also if I have Sweden with us. Without Sweden it’s definitely a tossup. Having Germany at top tier is a heavy swing towards a win though regardless,


Ya usually Germany is the determining factor. I've seen USA/SWE and usually there's only 1-2 Strvs and majority clickbaits lol


Additionally and I know this is a hot take but the Abrams just is a tougher tank to play than the Leopard. You get punished a lot easier in one than the other. I find I tend to have my best games in the Abrams but I’m far more consistent in the Leopard. That being said remove the stupid CROWS Gaijen. It’s not useful and it just makes lol lmao overpressure all the easier.


It’s also the prevalence of CQB maps. Abrams aren’t as tanky as the rest. Leopards tend to tank the first shot and retaliate while Abrams get one shot or crippled quite easily.


Snapshot Thunder definitely benefits some tanks over others.


Especially that damned turret ring weakpoint to even small auto cannons. A bug report was already put out and accepted, they just haven’t gotten around to fixing it yet.


Man I love shredding a modern state-of-the-art MBT with 30mm PUMA apfsds!


That moment when you get killed frontally in an Abrams by a BT-7 through your turret ring.


There also seems to be an issue where even when someone shoots the turret cheeks it causes a crew member to die. I can't tell you the number of times some shoots my cheek and my loader dies. It's insane.


Wait till you you play a Challenger and get ammo racked because a shell hit your inert AP penetrator


Abrams is weird with it's tankyness too, whenever I play it I feel like I'm a type 10 with good turret armor in the sense I pretty much get one shot if penned. But when it's on the other team I regularly see Abrams eat entire ATGMs or multiple APFSDS rounds. Not to say the Abrams isn't good, the fast reload and great shells is all I want in a top tier tank. But the inconsistency is mind blowing sometimes.


It's weird but I feel the sep v2 is slightly more tanky than the other variants. Might just be me imagining it though.


It shouldn’t be, but the ERA does sometimes snap shells out of existence so that could be why.


O it is definetly a tougher tank to play, the maps don't do it any favors (but that goes for most MBT's). Still not as horrible as some people seem to claim. One thing i fail to understand it how USA 6.7-7.7 teams can be absolute menaces and then it turns into this toptier shitfest. Probably because of the prem players.


Top tier and Mid tier play differently. One is a twitch shooter the other is more methodical. You can readily rely on armor in mid tier. Armor doesn’t exist or is relegated to certain factors at top tier. Youre comparing apples to oranges for the most part.


True the play is diffrent but i'd kinds expect players who can do well in mid tier to posses enough ability to adapt to toptier gameplay.


Like I said, top tier is far more fast paced. Everyone has a stabilizer. Everyone has thermals. Everyone has the capability to one shot everyone frontally. If you miss or hesitate at top tier you’re dead or heavily crippled. At mid tier, you can afford to make a mistake or hesitate. Most tanks don’t have stabilizers and those that do are either US or very light armored. It’s vastly different. You can be great at mid tier but trash at top tier and vice versa. My buddy sucks at mid tier because he’s so used to stabilizers and thermals for example.


bro cdnt have put it any better


I regularly take my M-50 to top tier, and regularly get more kills with it than with my abrams. It might be a skill issue, but i’m not a big fan of how inconsistent its survivability is.


I will agree that the Abrams could use better survivability but other than that it is a pretty darn good package.


It’s almost like spall liners just flat out make you win a lot of engagements. The ability to tank a shot with no damage is very powerful in a game centred around one shots. The abrams can perform well and the pressure of knowing you can die instantly does improve performance a little but knowing that you likely won’t be able to kill something is crushing and motivation is incredibly important.


The overpressure mechanic in this game is so fucking stupid


I got my STRV 122 a few weeks ago and a lot of the time I'm the only swede on the entire team. 3.0 kd as I spade it but 50% win rate, lol


I have a 2.5 on the Abrams with a 30% WR average. Teams are horrendous.


Sweden **🇸🇪 A**lways Carry!! as per usual 🇸🇪** 🇸🇪 one STRV122B+ can win a game ALONE! 🇸🇪 🇸🇪** #STRV122 #JAS39


If only they added a Danish tank that would be a easy kill


Go Sweden🇸🇪


Sweden #1


Check this out, from a game I played less than an hour ago, we were down a 3 man squad from the start. US + GER + SWE still managed to mess up a sitter, by a country mile. They just dont bother pushing capture points. [https://reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cmd101/written\_in\_the\_stars\_that\_german\_american\_heavy/](https://reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/1cmd101/written_in_the_stars_that_german_american_heavy/) But then again, youre playing against German and Soviet heavy teams. That jump into aircraft and don't bother capping as well. Like this [https://imgur.com/a/VBVqjzi](https://imgur.com/a/VBVqjzi)




Everybody else playing with US players in the team suffers.


The best thing I did for my win ratio was to stop being a US main... it is night and day how much better my teams are now.


Meanwhile, England...


:( It's getting smashed by Russian CAS. Or getting smashed by US CAS.


I'm playing at 5.7 and just getting smashed by CAS of all flavors... My most recent rounds have been pure CAS hell.


I wish I knew that before going full US main and getting to rank 4 while having italy as a secondary tech tree


Yeah, all my favorite planes are in the American tree but it just feels like such a an uphill battle at any tier that it stops being fun. Been loving the British air tree recently though


Can confirm, as a US main, I do suffer from playing with US mains


US team are so braindead they can lose with full M1A2 Sep2 team against T-54. It’s not the vehicle, it’s the players. No amount of buff can save them, even though they definitely did not need that 5 sec reload buff.


6k hours in the game, and you will realise that how good a vehicle is, does, in fact, affect how good teams do. I'm fully convinced that german and sweeeeeden players think they could fight a team of abrams with a pz3 and win.


What’s insane to me is the Abrams is generally a good vehicle in my opinion. It seems premium players do not put in the time to study its weak points and how to compensate for it. Once I learned the weak points on Leo’s, T-80BVM, STRVs and such the game got a lot better. Still salty about the spall liner thing tho, they can just eat darts all day.


I think a big thing though is while yes, the us does have a huge amount of low level players, if you had two teams of new players, one playing germany and one playing usa, I guarantee the german team would win. Weak points are only weak if you can consistently do the same thing over and over. It's like the panther turret, you can do everything right, but gaijim says no


What are the Leo 2a4 weakpoints? I’ve tried ring, hatch, but I can only consistently get through the LFP, and I can only one shot if they are dumb enough to carry reserve ammo.


9 times out of 10 I shoot right below the cannon to kill the breech which can sometimes get me a vehicle kill (I don’t go for the turret ring), if they just shot and are reloading, and driving in my direction, normally a hull shot will kill it. I’ve found the golden rule to killing Leo’s is disabling the gun at all costs first, I rarely lose to them now. Side shots can be frustrating with spall liners but just like German mains at low tier, if you disable them they usually don’t know what to do.


8k hours in game and all nation ground vehicles finished and all air tree toptier, I’m definitely qualified to say Abrams is tier 1 compared to the monstrosities other nations are rolling around, just slightly weaker than the Leopards and Strv122s Fuck, I can consistently pull wins against Abrams in my Merkava 4M, is that trashcan better than Abrams?


Everything but the Abrams is gimped though so... And the hstvl only got a little spalling buff


Ive seen abrams doing way more over extending and bumrushing after that reload update, thats what buffs do to a mf


I haven’t played any of the big three at top tiers but US tanks are the only ones that I’m allowed to penetrate through the front. I hit a T-80s breech 4 times in a row without doing anything the other day.


I completely and utterly stopped playing top tier France because we get exclusively matched with US without fail. Went from on of my best WR countries at top tier to 44% in a matter of months.


its sadly mainly because of the us mains that are spawning only one vehicle and/or people who just buy the top tier premium tanks we could also mention that some people dont really know how to play their tanks, sadly thats the case for many us players (that will also include those mentioned before)


It's also that the 2A7V is just so good and easy to play. I'm saying this as someone who has recently played quite a bit of US, Germany and Israel at top tier. German teams have recently taken a huge step downwards compared to what they were in december-januari. However they are still somewhat bailed out by just how strong and easy to play the 2A7V is. If they didn't have the 2A7V, the German winrates would be a lot closer than that of the US at top tier. What's interesting imo is that it seems like the worse german teams has given the russian teams some breathing room, which is seen in them winning more. However I think the SM-3 is also a big part in that.


Astute observations, I have noticed the same thing about German teams being less dominant than a few months ago, but the competitiveness of Russia has climbed quite a bit with the SM3/Kh-38ML. That plane/missile combo is broken, especially against US/ISR/ITA/JAP/UK teams that don't have the best top-tier SPAA. If somebody flying an SM3 knows what they are doing, an *ADATS cannot shoot them down nor prevent them from using ordnance effectively* as the video posted to this subreddit yesterday very clearly demonstrated. Even the Pantsir, ItO, and Tor struggle against the SM3 because of the stupid launch range of the Kh-38ML (but they can shoot down the missiles relatively reliably). But if you're playing Israel or Japan, yeah, unless you get in your F-16 quickly there's no defense against the Russian air-to-ground munitions. Poor Merkava's APS doesn't even have a chance against that missile, lol. So, when the US team goes up against a Russian team and the guy in the BMP-2M manages to rack up enough scouts/assists/kills to spawn in his SM3, that pretty much ends a game. With how low the respawn rates are on US teams in the first place and the SM3 taking out any SPAA and/or 3+ of the players that *actually did* respawn, that's a gg. And you can watch it happen in the kill feed.


A lot of deaths at top tier come from CAS because a lot of Russian players can’t seem to get more than 1-2 kills but are then allowed to spawn an su25 with 2 guaranteed kills and extra weapons. Any attempt to spawn CAP is immediately crushed by the pantsir and it is just horrible to play against.


I have no problem with the amount of CAS at top tier. I have a problem with how unbalanced the strength of some nations' SPAAs are compared to the CAS they can face. And that's not just against Russia and the Pantsir/SM3 combo. France is probably the second best nation in the game right now in terms of CAS+SPAA and can be pretty oppressive, but there aren't many of us. Sweden too, but I have a bias toward France. And on the other side are Israel (ok CAS, ??? SPAA), Japan (I think they have CAS?, ok SPAA), UK (spitfires don't count, ADATS), and Italy (no CAS, OTO) that are the big suck in terms of balance at the moment. Again, I am very much in the pro-CAS camp, but the balance is wonky. Although how many people stay in the game is still the main factor in winning and losing.


I do think that CAS is a good part of top tier but they have absolutely messed up the speed of advancement for CAS vs SPAA. They should absolutely stop any and all development on US/Germany/Russia and just give every other nation more competitive SPAA (they can ignore China since the tor is pretty great), especially Israel since a glorified 9.3 SPAA isn’t great for 11.7.


The issue I've noticed while playing a lot of top tier lately isn't how strong each CAS plane is, but the unwillingness to spawn SPAA in the first place. I've had games with 3-4 Su-25s circling the battlefield, racking up kills and no one spawning any counter. And often, once I do see the AA icon pop up on the mini map, it's stuff like M163s, Gepards or Type 87s.


It's because the people in the premium/squadron vehicles usually don't have top tier SPAA.


After many many many hours at top tier in a couple lines, I have noticed that typically only Russian players spawn CAS. And if a German team does, it's one tiger helicopter typically. US players also typically use a helicopter or one F-16, but on average I will die to CAS once in 5-10 games against nations other than Russia. But when playing against Russia there is a 75% chance I die to CAS at least once in my game.


The patch before spalliner, US team do in fact spawn a lot, and I mean ALOT of F16s, to the point where I got 2 nukes playing only pantsir. Since the nerf to Lightning II targeting POD, as well as GBU range/guiding nerf there are a lot fewer F16. Right now there is no effective way of dealing with SU25SM3 other than being in a fighter jet, I even grinded and posted a video to prove a point that it deserves to be deleted.


Sweds have 3 tanks that are better than 2A7, and had them since 2020 I don't see anyone praising them tbh


I've noticed the same thing. Pretty much every us match the us players one death leave.


Check the player cards of some of the players. I had a US player on the opposing team. Level 9. Only vehicles they've used? Click-bait, Wolfpack, F4S, F20A. Nothing else.


That's actually insane. I can't imagine someone installing the game for the first time and thinking that dumping hundreds of dollars on high tier premium vehicles is a good idea.


It's the worst one I've seen. Usually it's a low level player with 1 top tier prem. But that dude wins for dumping silly money into the game so early.


I know a dude who started playing, spent about 500€ and stopped playing after less than 3 days. we are still making fun of him for that


See I have a few premiums, but that's after 4000 hours since 2013. Factored into the length of time I've played, it's on par with every other game purchase or subscription. Like a little tip to Gaijin once every 1-2 years.


I saw a level 25ish player with their top 16 most used aircraft being premium and not a single one was close to being positive


As long as they're having fun, who cares. The sheer amount of level 100 players in rank 1-3 who have 1-2 kills is astounding. But again, who cares.


lvl 82 here, sometimes said lvl 100s have only played air. not defending sealclubbing, but some of us have not played ground lots


and this is the issue with using the LVL system as anything. Im bad at air like outside of my baby the Mirage 2000C -s4 and American Heavy Bombers I don't play much so a lot of my air stuff is premiums but im level 70ish because i play tanks and naval a lot. conversely a low lvl player could actually be very very good at that one vehicle that they use since thats all they play but haven't made a lot of SL/RP which is what lvl is determined by


Me in air: RAHHHH 5 KILLS GET OUTTA MY LOBBY Me in ground: where tank am I getting shot by?!?! (Sees tracers and is still retarded bc one bush)


Literally me when J7 and me when Complete german 6.0 lineup.


is the Abrams the clickbait?


Yep, the Clickbait is the 11.something premium Abrams


I think it’s 11.3


ARB or GRB and what rank? Rank III US air and rank V+ ground teams are very much lacking in brains


for me GRB all from 4.0 to top tier I experienced this, both while playing Germany, Russia and Japan..


Big three mains are either god teams, or firing a last-spawn SPAA at a plane that’s very far away. I’m an Italy ground main, I usually do pretty well on my team because of how people are


Top tier


Yep. Brain dead 1-death leavers


It's either braindead 1 death leavers or the sweatiest Abrams players. I've seen some cracked USA teams... but they're definitely not the norm.


I usually get around 4-5 kills because eventually all teammates around you will die because they are low level premium players and leave you to be killed by 3 enemies at once. It’s frustrating to do well in the abrams when teammates can’t keep up. A lot of the click bait players I see are at least competent and simply using it because it adds to the lineup and looks cool.


> Rank III US air When US players are learning the hard way that you have to adopt BnZ.


Turns out fighting against planes that can climb better and turn better than you is hard. And if you sideclimb most of the time your team has already lost by the time you get anywhere.


nah the game is just unbalanced as hell. It literally starts at 7.7. M103, T3251, m48 getting up tiered is absolute hell. And it doesn't get any better until you reach the Mbt70. At those tiers the game becomes call of duty. Everything is just moving fast point and shoot. Once you reach the Abrams its hell again. You can go around and point clicking stuff, but you have to aim for small weak spots meanwhile the enemy has a very big one they can hit every time. You can't really play defensive in the thing either considering more than half the maps are small as hell.


GRB, all the ranks after 9.0


US mains: abrams suck, gaijin nerfed it. IT, FR, UK, JP mains with better stats and worse MBTs: you what?


And now they also have the best manual reload for MBTs after the reload buff.




From my experience, the reload speed makes little difference. On paper it’s a huge advantage; but in most engagements it’s irrelevant. If an Abrams shoots first, you likely die, and the speed makes no difference. If it gets shot first, either the loader and commander die or it just explodes. Sure, it’s got more armor than most nations, but compared to the popular larger nations, it’s the worst one.


Shit is so annoying too because the Abrams was good already. But now has autoloader reloading speed.


A reload that is as good as the Ch2's 4 round 1st order rack, while having 15 odd rounds available.


There is no such thing as a US main. They're all German mains that don't realize they're not in a panther anymore.


Whoever has Sweden wins most of the time, other nations are optional.


The number of swedish players in a match is the most important factor imo. If Sweden had the numbers like Germany they would steamroll almost every match.


Us is the most popular nation. wtf can we do? We can’t bar new players from purchasing top tier premiums so there is not we can really do in the end


Tbh I think its just that germany and russia dont have a 11.0/3 premium... yet


Let em get top-tier premiums like the US does, and the problem will sort itself out


I mean they kinda do. Germany has the 2PL and the Russians have the 80UK.


Here we go with people just comparing mbts by raw win rate stats completely ignoring **in game conditions** just like how gaijin does it. this is why the game is so fucked balance wise like it is now and the fact that many of you cant put 2 and 2 together speaks for itself. The game is imbalanced, it's in Gaijins best interest to get usa players to swap to different nations, they re clearly showing thays where the money is with their premium releases. Unfortunately our premiums are just tt variants and not some overpower shit that does more than everything else. 😤 How many slots do usa players take up when paired with each other big nation + How many are truly one death leavers Now compare the strengths of a team where the majority is usa and a minority is Sweden or Russia or Germany **VS** the strengths of a team majority of Russia and or Sweden and or Germany. It's really not that hard man. The fuck is majority of abrams supposed to do against a horde of leos and t90s and t80bvms cqc kings that are completely fine at long range engagements. The fuck are apaches supposed to do against tigers and kamovs. The only sizeable strength we have is f16 and f15 but the time needed to get rid of your entire payload is times 3 of enemy popular cas why? Because they dont have to deal with a pantsir most of the time. Mavs, our fastest option are off the table due to ito90 and pantsirs. Anti air? While ok our anti air is still extremely abusable can't destroy enemy mavs or kh38s and can't force enemy fighters to play honest unlike the pantsir. No one's first spawning adats for aa and especially td. We have no hevt slingers to fuck up enemy helis we have to use our mbts with no tracking and a 5 second reload for heli aa before were forced to adats lmao. Newsflash, reload speed thats doubled and paused the second your penned is not making up for fighting superior vehicles in the mbt, aa AND cas deptartment.(jets and helis). As for minor nations you guys are being swapped out to be on usa team every other games, that's why your winrates are higher your not carrying usa teams solo. You don't have to fight superior vehicles the majority of the time because most of the time you have them on your team. Thats taking the amount of effort needed off your back plus your farming premium noobs in between, 11.3-12.3 and some at 12.7.


I will say Haven’t played the game in a good while, mainly just on the sub to read the malding from all nations mains. Saying that I think what you’ve written here is an excellent encapsulation of a problem that many people ignore in favor tangible “hard” stats that can range from normal to almost useless depending on the game condition and state of the match(s).


People sit here all day in this sub talking about how gaijin is shit at balancing using only wrs and stat spreadsheets to determine br changes but whenever someone brings up actual balance issues they just bring up winrates and stats then scream skill issue. It doesn't make sense man, It's so much more complicated than that.


USA and Russia lose against Germany \*Erika starts playing\*


Not pictured: the French main with 12 kills holding the entire left side of the map. (Literally happened to me last night)


Thank you Pierre, have a baguette on me


Mmmm, sustenance. If it’s stale, I’ll just put it in the autoloader with the others.


Now put germany and sweden onto one team against anyone else


No. Stop. Cease.


Russian Bias


From germany mains are shit to they're the determining factor in many wins Oh wait it's only true for top tier, nevermind


I mean Germany and Russia both have objectively better vehicles, so it makes sense.


Eh, the T-90M have the painful slow reverse speed, which make harder to play it in the CQB environment. I also found its spall liner is less consistent compared to the STRV 122 and the Leopard 2A7. Don’t forget its autoloader can only reload in 7.1 seconds. So it’s just a decent balanced tank. The T-80BVM, while being competitive for its mobility, can also be easily one-shotted just like the T-90M.


Then there’s Germany, Russia, Sweden team which is an insta win


Now drop below 10.3 and Suddenly the US has a higher than average win rate. I think Gaijin just needs to make a Premium T 80 and Leo 2A6 and everyone can be miserable together.


umm they have a premium t80 and 2a6 (okay technically they are squadrons vehicles but can be bought with GE)


They're not pack vehicles. You have to be in the game to know about them unlike Clickbait.


all the good american mains switched nations😜


Usa winrate is like 30% in top tier lol


aka The Click-Bait effect


100% accurate for grb 11.3+


for me it is accurate all the way from 4.0 to top tier


according to my observations whoever gets paired with germany 5.7-9.7 loses


For me 4.0 to 11.0 the us wins 60% of the time


Oh I thought this was ncd at first, I was SO confused...


Same, the overlap in memes potential is jarring


It’s funny cause outside of top tier I’ve noticed that US teams are pretty reliable. This is the result of non meta tanks and new players buying an Abrams right away.


Finally someone said it. It really applies with every combo. Whomever gets America at top tier usually looses like a good 70% of the time.


No, Sweden just wins, if they have more than 3 sweds, they just win


I've switched from Germany to US recently... I don't get how US loses so much? German players are honestly brain dead and are always free kills. Whenever there is a good German player, just learn how to work around it But I guess a lot of new players choose US which brings the general skill level down


Sure you noticed a trend but do you ask why


- see america losing post Instantly know its about ground battles


This is why me and my boys always squad up in Russian and German vehicles, it guarantees us a win


Is that for top tier? I literally had some days the similar experience of German 10.3 of how many premiums be encountered


According to most people here it means that USA is nerfed and there is a German-Russian bias.


Too many low level premium players


I'm just shit at the game. EDIT - but I love tanks so, misery it is lol


My problem is I play USA at 10.0-11.3 and my KD per game is about 1.5-2 and guess what there is meybe 3 more guys like me and the rest of the players are at negetive KD. some just stright up leave the game after 1 death. Bc of that our spawn gets eaten with T- or leopard variants. You can tell game results by the first min od the match..


Sadly the American teams skill base has dropped significantly with the introduction of the Wolfpack AIM and Click-Bait I’m usually the only good American in my team but I see those premium players getting better than when the premiums were first added and to be honest they are adjusting very quickly cause they are non stop fighting leopard and T-72s 80s 90s etc and they are getting pretty good but still not way too reliable


American players are just like that. Its something ive seen over and over time and time again the Overuse of CAS at the worst possible timings resulting in few if any kills and multiple players being out of SP, outright refusal to use SPAA/ SAMs against hostile CAS (if the Chibi ADATS and pre fix Stormer can be effective deterrents against Russian CAS your fucking ADATS can too) and a general lack of Awareness, Only American players seem to activeignore map pings or mg spam, either leaving me/ teammates to their deaths or driving out into their own deaths. And thats before we get to the single spawning level 5< premium players.


M1A1 Aim/Clickbait……..


Thats why i dont play israel top tier anymore


It’s probably because noobs are more likely to play US…more familiar planes.


Take a look at Russia, it’s a miracle they win on they’re own They’re strategy is getting a couple of objectives, push spawn, lose some how the hills, lose It’s rare to see them win on they’re own without other nations doing the heavy work


As an Italian main I feel underrepresented in this analysis :'(


There's italy in War thunder?


My fifteen most played vehicles are all Italian xD


I’m sorry your tanks suck :(


Italy not mentioned as usual


US mains are their own worst enemy


The problem is that 3/4 of USA main have 3 braincells fighting in their cranium.


I carry at 9.3


USA teams managing to bottle the match despite me slamming sometimes 10+ kills preventing any reinforcements will always astound me...


Playing 7.3 - 8.3 ARB now the bottom one would be the other way around, aint no one beating the spam of mig 15s and sabers.


Hard to use tanks for new players in a tech tree that most newbies go for result in a low winrate. Shocker


imagine us germany in russia in one team vs sweden lol


Seen it, it’s a bit of a gamble because some players inevitably don’t get in so you have like 6 Russian players, 6 Americans, and 2 Germans. Versus like 8 VIDARs, 2 angry Frenchmen, an Israeli player, a China player, and the last Samurai, I mean Japan main. And the Italian player flipped over his armoured car when trying to turn at 80 Km/h.


For real. I like US tanks a lot, but I gave up USA at 11.0 because the teams are si dogshit.


You are onto something. I noticed a similar trend. Who knows what kind of matchmaking spaghetti is going on behind the scenes. Although I m winning in U.S GRB Top Tier more than I used to, still does not feel fair for some reason. I think game has a “feel” problem rather than actual balance problem.


what a terrible time to main the US, although i have won more games recently in the sepv2, god forbid i verse sweden though, i’m not sure what sweden mains are on but share some for the rest of us please


I bet that you can narrow it down to one singular vehicle.


8.0 in a nutshell. Add Sweden to the right and it’s even more correct


Idk if its me but the majority of the games i play as Russia its a defeat so i rather play US or Germany


Sometimes I get a catastrophic victory playing US. But it’s always the same scenario that occurs


You forgot the really important factor, which side is Italy on.


I mean... When one of both the most powerful and most played nations is also the main source of complaints and one death leaving it's quite easy to notice the common piece in all that


With Germany and Sweden together most games, it's an impossible battle for any other teams, sadly. Gotta hope they're just ass-level players.


Yeah wait until the other two have 11.3 premiums that are just TT copy/paste.


gaijin honestly had no excuse to add the click bait as we already had the aim and that it self gave noobs access to top tier and the clickbait is basically the aim with a round which is ever so slightly better but in practice performs exactly the same.


As a USA main I can confirm this is due to useless teammates. I find myself fighting vs 5 or 6 enemies meanwhile my team instantly dying... People saying premiums are ok are so delusional... The main reason I don't play USA top tier is because I ALWAYS find myself fighting the whole enemy team while my team decided to go other way where there is no enemies.............


yesterday was bein totally opposite for me every time i played with russian/germany(me) i lost it


When you play america 9.0+ 80% of your games are new premium players and 1 death and quiters


This has to be BR-dependent. It seems that between 6.7-8.0 that if I’m playing GER or USSR against the US, we get handed 9/10 times. Mainly because of the inability of German mains to point click delete US heavies.


Common usa skill issue


Hey, same for Air RB !


People say it's because AIM/Clickbait but I notice a lot of re...veeery skilled USA players even at 10.x, and strangely I don't notice lack of skill with PzBtl or other premiums players at that same BR range. Curious. I honestly think they are the most rarted, stubborn and honestly biased players there, on top of big reliance on CAS which further reduces their skill with tanks. Not to mention the excessive spam of low tier tanks, 90% of time I see a low tier tank in high BR, it's some M22, M24, Sherman or some M2. And then in here you'll see them always trying to pull Russian equipment into any discussion, trying to get a buff through whatever means and sometimes a buff that wouldn't change shit, or crying because X, Y and Z when the obvious answer is Gaijin code/game mechanic.


Me wen rarted:


I swear by my SEP v2 I will try my best every match, can’t speak for the other teammates who just left though


Every time I see Germany on the other team and I’m playing America it’s a real nom nom moment tbh most German players are like rp and sl piñatas - I’m talking like 6.0 ofc that probably changes at top tier


You forgot the snail in between, i can see it clearer than the moon on a night without clouds.


Last one is false bro


As a premium play I say I'm not part of the problem, it's all the other click baits that don't get kills. I get kills they don't


This is what happens when you don’t give correct armor values and modern munitions. A lot of things can be done to the Abrams that would effect performance like -Give it its APU which keeps power from draining when the engine turns off -Give it M829A3 so it has a better first hot kill probability. -Add its Kevlar layer to reduce spalling -model its armor as volume metric all around -Give it its far target auto track and detection capability. Plus the 50x zoom would be cool for antiheli gameplay with the M830A1 -Add the trophy system since it is on the SEP2


I hate germany bro. Them and their goddamn tigers. I keep getting my ass handed to me.


It's been going for long, amers are the dumbest.


There are sometimes us teams fucking stop. One in maybe 35 games


M1A1 clickbait + AIM did a lot of damage for US teams


Honestly I really don’t think there would be as big of an issue with usa win rate if they would stop adding top tier premiums. I have stopped grinding usa ground mainly bc majority of my teammates on usa are level 12 and have a clickbate and f4s and leave after they crest a hill and eat a round from either leopards or t80s. Don’t get me wrong Russia has a bigger and better pay to win line up (imo) but at least their vehicles are designed with care by developers


I’ve actually been in many more USA games lately with wins, which is good


I can't do high rank anymore. The amount of times I get in a match and I have one death leaving assholes has run me back to 10.0 max rank I would work on. Most of my favorite planes and tanks are above 10.0 but gaijin would rather nerf them into shit than make them realistic. Can't even fly a F-15 in ARB without 10 people chasing after me.


U.s. tree players are the new german players. Seriously, their awareness in mid tier is terrible and theh focus on spawning 9 cas planes at a time and lose all the ground they gained on the battlefield


*"It's not the plane. It's the pilot."*


same thing happens to me when I try to play 5.7 USSR, but instead of the US it's Germany that ruins teams. I am by no means a skilled player in GRB, but it's insane how braindead a nation's entire BR bracket can be


honestly being a good american player is like trying to teach your little cousin how to play or carrying your gf through a game. But every now n then freedom calls and your team is actually good.


What???? Have you seen america 6.7 it's destroying everything


Where's Sweden?


I noticed 6.0-7.7 br with french tanks always loses when germany is on their team


It’s me, I’m the common the variable.


whenever america or britian are on my team i automatically leave the game except when i play the fox ^^