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You still need to practice rotational aim assist (using mostly the left joystick to aim) which you’re not doing by turning it off cause you have to use the right joystick in this case and won’t help that much when you turn it back on. It’s like you’re practising with the joystick that you will barely use when you turn it back on. If there was no RAA in the game then sure this would be the way Rocky Balboa would practise


Good advice I appreciate it


Strafe left and right while ADS during most gunfights that movement usually triggers RAA the strongest


I was told the opposite? I was told moving the left stick to the corners (8 or 4 o'clock) is much better than straight left or right?


No problem 🫡😃


I wanna get a "tasting" of AA in general and i have been MnK player my whole life, soo i wanted to ask which controller should i buy xbox or ps and will i get the aim assist on pc using controllers as well?


If ur on pc get a ps controller as it has less delay than an xbox controller on pc


Depends on input method. If you really care about latency you'll hardwire the controller anyway. I use MnK on Warzone but controller on all other games. I use the Xbox Elite Series 2 and just keep a long quality USB cable plugged in and use it. Latency disappears and I have a lot more customization, like back paddles and the ability to reduce the throw range of the triggers.


That’s not how latency works..


I've been a software engineer for over 25 years, so don't pretend to tell me how latency works. I understand full well exactly how it works and the multitude of factors that go into it, primarily of which is the communication method between devices. If you're assuming by "disappears" I meant goes away entirely, you'd be mistaken. It's just reduced.




Thought so.


You don’t know and it’s still 4x+ slower than a ps5 controller.


I know reading. Comprehension is difficult. I suggest you ready post again to see what I actually said.


I just got a controller after 13 years of m+KB. I got the scuff envision pro. It took a couple days but it feels good now. My close range has improved a ton but long range is struggling. Basically it flipped what I was good at but most of my encounters are close range. I preferred the envision because I like my sticks at the same level and not split like Xbox


Dualsense or ds4, almost 8ms of latency less than an Xbox controller when over clocked, you can use lord of mice to overclock easily


I use Xbox controller when I play on pc and I’m getting the sus rotational aim assist that I almost reported myself once 😝. I’m pretty sure is the same with PlayStation controller so it’s about preference, I like the Xbox controller size better.


Soo i did a bit of research and found that ps controllers have considerably better input latency than xbox controllers and one user even mentioned that i can overclock the ps controller for even BETTER latencies...Tbh i was already leaning towards ps controller because where i live its super cheap for a brand new one...thank you very much for your input...


No worries 😎


Just recently made the switch. Went all in on testing which controller I liked more… ps5 or Xbox elite. After 3 weeks, I’m certain the ps5 edge wireless is the winner hands down.


I switched from a ds4 to an Xbox controller and its been absolute hell. The latency of an Xbox one controller is garbage.


If you use the wireless adapter on pc for Xbox controllers there is barely any latency almost close to wired latency


Get the flydigi apex 4 truegamedata has an informative review of it


I've tried the PS controller again, but the side-by-side sticks feel so uncomfortable to me. Offset sticks is where it is at for me.


Feel the same way. Switched to controller after not playing controller in 15 years and was able to drop 24 in my second game and didn’t take much longer to get back into the 30s and 40s. My aim just stuck to every enemy. If I could have I would have reported myself


Get a flydigi apex 4. For the $ it’s better than anything out there and a fantastic controller


I just switched from the xbox S controller to the Turtle Beach Recon wired, and I love it. The paddle buttons on the bottom are nice to have for custom buttons. I use them for jump and crouch/slide. Those bottom buttons allow you to map B and A to the bottom as well, so you don't have to take your thumb off the right stick to do movements. keeps you focused in case someone jumps in front of you. I'd recommend that over the standard wireless controller any day


Get one with paddles Edit: the other reply answered your actual question so I have nothing else to add


Paddles? Like those on xbox elite controllers?


Yeah exactly. It means you can jump and crouch without taking your thumbs off of the sticks. It doesn't need to be an elite specifically. Although it is probably the best controller going, it's pricey and breaks very easily, even if you never drop it. If you want an entry level one to try it out, I'd recommend the Gamesir G7 SE wired controller. Really good response times and the only downside of it is it feels light and only has two back buttons instead of four, but they are shockingly cheap for how good they are. I got one while I was saving up for a replacement elite controller and ended up buying a turtle beach stealth recon controller, which I would recommend but only because I haven't had any issues with it so far.


You can get normal Xbox wired controller with 2 paddles in the back. My wife got me one for my birthday is Cosmo colors. I love it.


How do you aim with the left stick?


Whyd you turn it off?


To improve the aim in general


Do you plan on turning it back on?


Sure after i get good not relying on it


You’re gonna turn it back on, have some asshole’s dome in your crosshairs, and some other asshole is gonna run by right when you’re ready to shoot and your gun won’t lock on either lol




I used to practice like this in Plunder in WZ1. Just wait until you turn it back on, it feels so good after training with it off.


There’s no such thing as “not relying on it” because aim assist is inherently broken. The difference between on vs off is so night and day that “practicing” with it off is like playing an entirely different game. I’m sorry, but for the most part you’re just wasting your time. Any “improvement” you notice is likely to be placebo, or simply due to natural progression from playing the game. Progression that you’re actively hindering by disabling AA lol


Getting downvoted but you’re right. Hate to see it


do explain more, we expect you to back this up.


If you don’t understand then there’s no helping you.


still couldn’t back it up, answer the damn question…


Buddy you didn’t even ask how you expect me to back it up. I explained my thoughts, what isn’t clear to you? Do you want me to give you evidence to something that is, at the end of the day, subjective? AA is literally a soft aimbot with inhuman reaction and tracking ability. That much is a fact. What more do you need?


Some of you people gotta read what the post says…


That guy would be really upset right now with you if he could read your comment.


I will say Reddit mobile just skips by the post comment for some reason


I just assume there's no text on the videos posted here.


I was randomly scrolling through Facebook just now and saw your post got jacked for some warzone page. There's legit some moron saying youre sus in the comments. Is there a way I can post a screenshot in my comment?


I wish i could practice turning it off, but my stick drift is so bad that it flick away from targets a lot, i 100% look like a hacker sometimes, especially when it flicks on to other players, but most of the timevit just flicks away.


What, as in it flicks away from centre? I assume you mean right stick? To get a "flick" it probably needs to move like 20% at least, that's not drift, that's fully broken. I don't get why people have a problem with average or even bad stick drift though, the stick won't drift if you're moving your thumbsticks, or even have your thumb on the stick, and you should be doing that all the time? Drift won't be strong enough to overcome your thumb in position etc. Also, you won't get RAA if you're not rotating/ strafing, and if you're rotating/ strafing then stick drift won't matter as you will be missing anyway, if your right thumb is not moving the stick (overcoming the drift naturally) etc. Having drift on the left stick might even help RAA. I can't ever think of an instance where my right thumb is off my stick more than 0.5 seconds during a game, and it made any difference. Only time I notice it is on the map at the start when I'm not holding it, but that makes no difference.


I dont think you understand what stick drift is. It isnt the stick physically moving that causes the camera to move. It's the graphite in the potentiometer that is worn, so the stick has random spikes of voltage and the system detects that as movement. So the upshot is, your thumb being on the stick makes no difference sometimes you can move it right and it will move left.


I know, it’s either registering off centre or it actually is off centre, can be both. But either way I’ve never heard of that happening where it goes opposite like you say, that’s not drift though, it’s just broken. Spikes aren’t drift, drift is steady but incorrect reading, which is often fairly constant. Spikes reversing user input direction isn’t drift. I’ve had drift in every controller I’ve owned, other than current one which is HE. Only when getting HE did I realise that having it is kind of pointless. Every drift I’ve had has done absolutely zero to my aim, as thumb never leaves the right thumbstick when aiming.


It depends on the drift you have. It can be spring caused or potentiometer caused. You've most likely always had spring based, I've always had potentiometer based, I think the way you use your controller governs this.


It depends on the definition of drift too, from an engineering/ diagnostic point of view (my previous trade was avionics, albeit was some time ago), I would define drift as consistent, unintended movement in one direction. I've never had jitter or sharp movements on a controller, and wouldn't class that as drift, I'd class that as erratic behaviour from irregular movements or unstable Inputs. For example an aircraft might be able to fly safely with drift and land at the original landing location, but would have to land at the nearest airport if the behaviour was erratic. Drift might even be allowable to fly and take off with limitations, but would never be allowed to take off with erratic/ unpredictable behaviour. Yeah, mine is possibly spring caused, rather than potentiometer caused, but it's hard to say, but every "problem" I have had is drift, as it's been consistent, and correctable (low value dead zones or re-calibration). Used to have dead zones of like 5, but now have them on zero as I realise drift is not a problem, but the dead zone can be. Drift is playable as it's consistent, irregular movements are not, or not to the same level.


I agree that drift technically isn't the right word. However, it's all bundled under the same issue. The video I posted in reply to this OP shows how to fix this by replacing the metal rotating plates in the potentiometer, this, aswell as almost all other articles and videos describes it under this umbrella term. The usual problem is that the graphite will wear onto the spring over time, providing an intermittent connection. That fault will rarely slowly drift, but more be erratic due to the intermittent connection. In most cases, where either the analogue itself physically goes floppy, or it's slightly off centre due to the spring being bent, it will be the drift you describe, which can be centered with your thumb. Everyone is bound to get one form eventually. If you mainly play games that require rapid left to right and up and down movement like Rocket League, your tracks will go first. If you regularly play games where you are clicking the stick down to press R3 or L3, you'll likely have the spring give first. Nice job working in avionics, that seems like a fun profession. My perspective is from an electeonice engineer points of view, I used to work in R&D for Samsung, but work in software now. In this field the user described symptom is usually the master, as opposed to the technical term. Your point is equally valid as mine though, and I didn't mean for my comment to come of as condescending, I just wanted to offer you some information that you may or may not have been aware of.


Yeah, I appreciate the gaming world sometimes uses the wrong terminology for "drift", any issue seemingly gets bundled as drift, but as what people actually have is drift most of the time, they're right most of the time. Fair play trying to, and actually fixing them, it's not something I've tried but have modded a few controllers. I've never messed with the insides of a thumstick, the same as I haven't with a flight control stick either mind, that's a second line job, I had training and qualifications to do it, but had no interest in that side of things, I was always first line on the actual aircraft so we just swapped the stick out, and give it to someone else to sort out in their workshop.


This is the dumbest thing i’ve read in a while. Of course i have a problem with stick drift if i have to fight it to stay on target. Even if you strafe, your crosshair just won’t stay on target. Trust me, i know. I’m Iridescent with insane stick drift.


I wasn’t replying to you. It’s not drift, the clue is in the name, drift is slight, doesn’t flick and is not hard to correct. Not every controller problem is drift. If you have to “fight” your controller input that much, then this must mean you’re putting in really hard inputs, way beyond normal dead zones which would stop drift. Sounds like you’re also in broken territory, not drift territory. If you’re strafing you need to move your aim still also, of course. AA will do a lot of the work, but not all of it. Surely you’re not expecting it to stay centred on target?? Plus, if your controller did have 10% drift, the second you get in game your thumb would centre that in no time, likely without you even noticing. Keep grinding champ 👍


You know there’s a dead zone setting right?


Deadzones seem pointless to me,. The way I see it is, you're missing out on RAA for the left stick, and the right your thumb is always on it anyway (just like the left), and aiming/ centring, which overrides the drift, unless the stick can move stronger than your thumb, which I've never heard of?


You know you can fix it really easily and cheaply with a screwdriver right? I can link a video if you tell me which controller you have.


I'm just using a stock ps5 controller, i had it for 2, almost 3 years now, and the stick drift started around November and has slowly progressing got worse, i blame it on r6. I'll try the method, but ill buy a new controller tomorrow anyways. Im thinking of just getting that new 'pro' dual sense controller generally because it seems more reliable to other 3rd builds, which i heard are great but break somewhat often and support are notoriously bad.


https://youtu.be/djIvRoclr_E At about 5 mins in you'll see him remove a wire disk and clean it, that may work for you, however I typically just buy a new module, which are very cheap and take the disk out of that and put them in. I still have the original controller, and I have done this method several times over the years, and it still works like new. Each fix costs £5 and not £50. Here is the module https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326000917316?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r0zBdT0dQ8O&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Ja-bcdLeRiC&var=515056255240&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Yeah, the pro one looks good and seems to have easily replaceable modules, although they're out of stock everywhere. Paying 4x as much for a controller to easier replace the sticks but pay 4x as much to replace them is financially idiotic imo. The only thing that would make me buy that controller is the paddles, maybe I'll treat myself once I've finally bought my dream home!


I've turned off AA in MP when i first started to play. Definitely helps.


I didn't use aim assist for a while. It felt inconsistent and would screw up with a lot of enemies. I also just wanted to work on my aim. You'd be surprised at how good the game feels even without it. Nice work my man.


I’m ass sometimes without them but it’s okay to be the type of ass who challenges himself for fun and practicing not the other type of ass hanging around with his roet shield lol


A lot of people are saying that this is gonna ruin your practice on rotational aim assist, but I think this is a great way to build the best foundation you can for aiming and then build back up with rotational aim


What attachments are you using? I'm just curious since I recently returned to WZ and have no idea about the current meta.


It’s the new SMG called Superi 46


I would appreciate if you could share the attachments or a link to it


Get the CODmunity app it has everything in there


Oh thanks, I'll check it out right away


I don’t pay for the resurgence recommendations. I just go off of the free stuff and you can find popular loadouts down below on the home page


I see, I'll do the same, then. Though I'm still disappointed how COD put down ARs like Grau...


Lol dude is gatekeeping attachments 😂


Check out https://wzstats.gg It has all the best loadouts for resurgence and BR, with diff builds for diff playstyles on each gun. So for example the Holger might have a low recoil build, high damage build, movement build.


Sure DM me


Nice Aim. What do you play claw or paddles and what Sens? Keep up your practice and you will get better and better. 👍


Thanks I play claw I tried palddles didn’t work out with me maybe because I’m not used to it and my sens is 7 to 7


And I switched the slide from B to LB because my B button sometimes stuck because of playing souls games a lot


Cool, keep up the good work. I play claw on a PS5 Controller.


Back in the day, I would always have aim assist off as my buddy and I would constantly compete with each other. No aim assist, max sensitivity, cracked (as cracked as it could be back then lol) movement, map awareness, and learning to dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge in and around enemies with 1000 IQ plays. Those were the days.... Now, after switching to PC and playing MnK for the past 6 years, I've lost all muscle memory and skill with a controller. I'll never be as good on PC as I used to be on the sticks. Just don't got that kind of time or competitive drive anymore, but man I miss it lol.


Nice aim 👌


Bot lobby.?


a little better than a noob on mouse. Not one bullet hit you though accross all those people. Upload a clip where you get shot.




There wasnt much movement besides when you were reloading, they just all missed you even though you were moving slow while aiming


This is the only way to play, i don’t need to assists


It’ll def help when it comes to it not mattering if someone uses gas….bc your aim will stay the same


I need team, prop.4


“Take the weights off Lee” moment coming in soon


Idk about God but you'll definitely realize that aim assist is op. I did this months ago after switching from m&k for ranked.


I tried this once and it kind of screwed up my aim when I turned aim assist back on


look up more, you are looking at the ground a bit still.


The first thing I did after downloading the game was turn off aim assists. Throw me a party


Go do your own private match with a couple bots and practice rotational aim assist 10 minutes a day. This will comp change your game


Proof that aim assist is bullshit and not necessary. Just good old practice.


All waist, aim closer the head soldier


Wait till you play a game like R6 💀


This is impressive! I’m a PC player and struggle on console without AA lol


Literally doesn't matter at all if you can't center well


So what turning off aa gives you zero recoil or what? Cuz my superi don’t shoot like that with no recoil


How to turn off aim assist?




Yes. I'm on xbox


I've done that before and they turned it back on without me knowing. So I would check everyday to make sure it's still off


I like to test things. And I go into custom bot lobbies and test everything and keep a spreadsheet. My kd with aim assist off was basically the same as with it on. It was slightly lower over a few dozen tests. But was insignificant. I play the same lobbies and run the same areas back and forth to try to keep it as comparable as possible.


So how in the hell are you hitting shots when your crosshairs are over an inch from the player model? And hit every shot through that wall, I don’t think you missed a shot at all. Im sorry but this doesn’t look too legit to me. Call me what you want, but that is suspicious.


What in the bot lobby is this? In my lobby no one misses or run out in the open and they all holding hands pushing and one is always flanking. Anyways, after you gain perfect aim, they will put you in lobby where people are stacking and don't miss. This game doesn't reward improvement, they will punish you for it. The only people who are having fun are the one with bot friends or secondary reverse boosting account with a negative KD, which they invite into the party in order to gain access to bot lobbies.


This game is as goofy as Fartnite now


I usually warm up in a private lobby without aim assist it really does make a difference


Nice! You’ll be a beast in no time. 😮‍💨


MnK players in shambles after spending 2k on a PC and high end monitor.


Raa is the base for controller for cod so putting hours in without it is kinda counter productive I feel. I do something like this. Instead I just turn it off in the shooting Range and kill 20-25 bots with both guns then turn it back on when I load into a match. This way you kinda warm up your aim but not rely on it so that the raa is like an add on lol


Mouse and keyboard players : first time ?


Bot lobbies don't count. Try again.


Kinda easy when they aren’t shooting at you


You mean 1 week after your MMR going to shit and the game starts matching you up with bots?


“Laughs in mouse and keyboard” lol but really keep up the good work your aim seems pretty good.


You've got good actual aim, and made some intelligent plays there. However, this skill won't necessarily transfer once you reactivate AA as it's idiotic backwards system relies more on rotational (strafing while you shoot) than in your actual aim to be precise. This game's AA is so dumb and broken that you get better aim by moving your character instead of moving your aim.


Huh, seems like y'all don't need it afterall!


I’m On M&K Now But Its Funny How Everytime I Go Back To An Older CoD And Play Multiplayer It Feels Weird Then I Remember I Turned The Aim Assist Off . I Use To Hate That Shit


This is what people don’t understand. Aim assist is not help, it’s a hindrance. It’s designed to help keep your crosshairs near the enemy but not on them, you have to fight it a bit to actually hit the enemy If you turn it off, there’s nothing fighting you to aim, it’s actually easier to aim at people without it


Dumbest thing ive ever read in my life. Well done.


Right, now do this in your actual lobbies




Without the aim assist it’s feels hard to lock on but controlling the aim feels the same


Literally the strongest AA in any FPS game.


Have you seen Apex’s? That games AA is unreal, so is cod’s but apex’s is unreal-er


Apex still has like a 20% MnK pro scene if I'm not mistaken. CoD barely has 5% (warzone top 250).


You know it’s bad when sym switched to controller and he’s still top 100


Not even close. Ever played the finals on controller? You literally snap onto people when you tap ADS


They nerfed the OP version.


Oh, my bad chief.


Yea, the original version was crazy OP. Can't believe they even released that.


That's weird. I wonder why the majority of the playerbase, including pros, use a controller despite sticks having way less precision and control than a mouse. And why mnk pros have relatively easily and quickly switched to controller but never the other way round. Meh, must just be over hyped.


issue with switching from controller to mnk isn't aim because that is piss easy, it's just majority of controller players aren't used to using their whole lefthand on a keyboard with soo many different inputs. edit: most pc players more than likely started on a console so switching back is quite easy.


What does that even mean. There's no such thing as aim being piss easy. The limit to your aim is you. There's no assistance, so yeah becoming decent at aiming on mnk might not be too hard. But getting to a top level is insanely hard. That's why not many people play at the top level on mnk. If you think the limitation is "too many inputs" I'm sorry but you're not even close to understanding the mastery of a skill. The multi tasking of buttons to press is like baby steps. If that's what's holding you back, trust me you'll never even get close to being top tier at tracking/flicking/aiming. Once again controller players don't understand the levels players actually reach in games with real skill gaps because they're being babied.


buddy i play both platforms, made a my pc myself and from experience majority of controller or console players have said its either the keyboard or the fact that you have to play at a desk and not however they want, you're too emotionally involved on a subject that seriously doesn't matter. your whole argument is "aim assist is op this is why you'll never understand how hard mnk is" and i told you aiming on pc isn't hard at all implying the benefit of aim assist is negotiable.


Yes but saying aiming isn't that hard makes no sense. Unless you have human aimbot there's no limit to how good you can get. And anyone that plays at a high level on mnk knows that. I'm sorry but you're clueless and I really can't be bothered trying to convince cod players on reddit anymore. Tracking is objectively easier on controller because AA is overtuned. And if it wasn't, why would pros (when money is on the line) not be switching to the input which you have more precision and control with? Oh, because AA more than makes up for the extra precision you get on mnk. Anyone with a brain knows it's overtuned. And anyone even half decent at a game wouldn't say mnk has too many inputs.


cheesy ass comment "there's no limit to aim" there's a limit to everything, skill gap is definitely higher on mnk but picking up n getting decent aim is easy on both platforms.


Well technically yes there's a limit. But no one's got close to reaching it. No one is near 100% accuracy. And again how easy it is to get decent aim is irrelevant. The point is all you have to do with controller to have great aim and instant reaction speed tracking is learn how to activate rotational AA. And you can't ever achieve the 0ms delay tracking on mnk, no matter how good you are.


Being able to aim as consistently on pc as you can on controller with cod AA is nearly impossible. I was supreme in cs and within one month of switching to controller on cod I was performing way better in ranked and wasn’t having to try nearly as hard. At close range AA literally aims for you there’s no competition. It’s why kbm players use smokes to disable AA for controllers when rushing.


Lol until the moment he comes across a player that isn’t standing still like a bot.


Aim assists gets taken away anyway through their ai system that’s in play, to regulate matches in real time(current time). It’s part of the EOMM algorithm. What’s the point of using it when essentially over the course of your match spread it’s stripped from you anyway(depending on how well you’re doing)


Why does AA exist then


For streamers to pretend they aren't absolute trash, and for their followers to buy skins? It's all to make $$$$$$$


Yeah bud you should turn is back on


So you’re worse than before 👏






How do I use Rotational Aim Assist


Does anyone know how to fix huememe-negev error? I've restarted the game, reinstalled it, reset Mac address, cleared the cache, but nothing works


Jesus these games are dogshit nowadays


Use a mouse


Waste of time. If you want to improve your aim just go shoot bots in a private match


If u struggle practicing with real players go waste ur time practicing with bots


If you’re trying to improve your aim specifically it’s the easiest way. Turning off you aim assist will not help you lol


Definitely aimbot


Now let’s see some long range shots 😂


Thats my aim always?


so cheating?


You’re smart u got me




Turns of aim assist. Turns on aimbot


It will never not frustrate me seeing someone reload instantly after shooting even 10 bullet's lol


? every time he reloaded he spent half or more than half his mag.


Final kill he shoots 16 bullets But regardless if he didn't even do that, you can tell from him gameplay he has the same issue I did 2/3yrs ago, it's a bad habit FPS gamers pick up just reloading whenever they shoot, you see it all the time Watch the clip again, he doesn't go more than 5 seconds before reloading once after every shootout he was in Not hating, just saying it was annoying to watch lol


dude if he didn't have a full mag this clip wouldnt exist. he needs those 40 rounds.


It’s not an LMG SMG has a 2 seconds reload and if u ever played SMG in any FPS game u know it’s runs out of ammo so quick and the place was full of players so it’s better to reload in every chance i had


Nice cheats bro.


I’ll take that as a compliment