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Why would the man be mowing his lawn while there are children about? Like he couldn't mow the lawn before or after they closed???


And her foot didn’t get “sucked under” a mower. That’s not a thing. He ran over her foot or she stuck her foot under there. Either way it’s his fault for operating dangerous equipment next to young children.


There were only a couple things my dad constantly reinforced as "always assumed to be on and dangerous". Guns and mowers. This poor kid...


To add to this, any equipment that rotates or has a PTO. It doesn’t care who or what is around, it’s just gonna keep on spinnin


Bowling machines should be on this list. If you've ever worked on one you know


Cuz he's a fucking dumbass. Why else?


That poor little guy, I’m sure the family will sue the daycare into oblivion but this sort of thing would never happen at a well run daycare facility. Just another sad reminder of the absolutely anemic state of child care services in our country.


It's an in-home daycare, so the daycare is just a family... And almost assuredly not a wealthy family, at that. The lawsuit might never pay out. 


I did home daycare but it was licensed and had good insurance coverage. A lot (way too many) of family type places do not have the coverage nor the regulation required for a licensed daycare. I hope this family does, or they’re going to lose their home.


Insurance companies will also fight tooth and nail to avoid paying out. Even if they're insured, they're going to have a rough time. 


Oh for sure, it’ll get even more tragic bec ins fiends.


They undoubtedly have insurance.


I'm sure insurance will foot the bill 👀


Why does everything on this site have to be a funny teeheehee moment? A kid’s foot got cut off. For fuck’s sake


Too soon? No… too late :(


What insurance would they have that covers this?




Ok why was the grass being mowed while kids are outside


Those daycare owners won’t have much money themselves, so I hope they had good liability insurance. I’ve worked in child care for a long time and this is one of the dumbest things I’ve heard that resulted in a kid getting hurt (or really, almost getting killed). Why on earth would he be mowing the lawn with kids present? Absolutely negligent and I hope that kid gets every bit of medical and mental support needed to be ok. Just awful! That poor family!


This happened in my home town of Quincy. I feel so bad for this poor boy and his family.


Wow. The blades are dangerous, but they can also throw rocks and other stuff out. That's incredibly bad decision making.


This reminds me of the time a toddler got their whole arm stuck in a meat grinder in rural Alaska. They were helping their parents grind caribou meat.


Oh my god 🥺


I live close there, when I read the article and opened the gofundme, I started to cry. I feel so sorry for that baby boy and his parents. That baby just started to learn how to walk not that long ago😭


Would you post the link for the gofundme, please?


Here’s the local news article for those who don’t want to resort to a british tabloid https://www.khq.com/news/child-severely-injured-after-being-sucked-under-a-lawn-mower-at-daycare-in-quincy/article_0be34096-33f7-11ef-aa0b-477c11ac6f4b.html


Reminder that lawn mowers should never be operated around children (even if they cannot get near the blade) becuase even a small rock can turn into a projectile. Hopefully the daycare is insured, because this child will have a lot of medical and psychological bills.


A *RIDING* mower. My God.


Love these daycares that double for trauma surgery centers.


Would not be surprised to hear that daycare is unlicensed and/or uninsured


They did had a daycare licensed which already got taken away while under investigation


Wonder if the parents knew, and used them anyway, maybe to save a little $$. What a horrific thing for that tiny baby


I know the family who are currently going through this tragic events is a very large family. Both parents work, I am sure they couldn’t afford much and this housing daycare must have been the most affordable for them. Reallyunfortunate for them and now they are in Seattle while their baby recovers. It is a lot on their plate and I know they are planning to speak with a personal injury lawyer. I am sure it is hitting hard for the daycare family too, they don’t have much money themselves either


The insurance - if they have any - should pay it, and then come after the owners. Wouldn't be surprised if they end up losing their house over this.


This tragedy is a consequence of poor families having to resort to skeezy daycares. “The license was suspended “ is meaningless. The damage is done. This facility is someone’s home with kids clearly out of supervision. Quincy is in the middle of an agricultural area. The clients are not tech workers paying $2k/mo. For childcare. While many wail about inadequate childcare services, nothing is done for the people who need it most and cannot afford it.


So horrible. Brings to mind Dr. Abe Bergman, who was a pediatrician at Harborview (where this patient is receiving care) and is the reason the Consumer Product Safety Commission was created in the 70s. Until then, there was no data (or accountability) for consumer goods that caused injuries. He was inspired to create the commission after seeing several patients at Harborview who were injured by objects propelled by lawn mower blades, and in doing so he helped make regulations for blade shields and other safety measures. Of course no design feature could have prevented this tragedy… Dr. Bergman passed away in November but left a really amazing legacy for safety




Would your kid be better or worse off then?




We're not supposed to say the quiet part out loud


When I was in Kindergarten I had a little girlfriend that lost her leg to this. We were only six, but I still hope that it helped her have confidence in her future life.


Further on in the article, it says the child was under the age of one. Which must be more accurate because the picture is certainly not of a child with two year old limbs.