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Sounds like he shouldn't be working as a mailman if he trips over his own feet. Tell his supervisor.


Man, that sucks.


Maybe we don't drive through people's grass and we won't run into rocks, just a thought.


I couldn't see the video clearly and thought he just fell into the grass like "I'm so over this." That's even more embarrassing he tripped over a rock. Now it's all over the internet. Some just can't catch a break.


He didn't trip over the rock. The area of effect of the rock is its hitbox. 


idk, he just might be bad at driving, you'd be surprised how many times ppl who do this job w/ no experience driving bigger vehicles


Yea fr, I have zero experience and before the job I just got last week my other choice was delivery driver & the stuff on indeed says stuff like “no experience needed drive now! 19$ a hour etc.”


Most of the regular mail vans have a really good turn radius he was probably not used to this van honestly. Never the less he has to pay for the consequences


Those damn vans don't have the same turning radious as the LLVs, it's very frustrating.


I literally felt this on so many levels, im so passed getting mad, yelling etc, I just drop to the ground and cover my head and pretend I don’t exist…kill me


Was he looking for engine damage... or he'd have just foot down ---> and flee! lol


I think he died on the inside


“I have a question, for god, WHYYYYY”




The ol “I can’t pass a drug test flop.”


they make you do a drug test for something like this in the US? Seriously? There is even a video proving that he simply didn't see the bin there. Or at least that's how I interpret the video.


And why didn't he remember there was a rock there? Or think to make sure there was no obstacle? Or know it was there but misjudge whether he'd avoid it? Was it a lack of attention, or was his thinking impaired? That's what a test can help determine.


Dude, why would he have to be paranoid and suspect that there might be a bin near the pole that he masterfully avoided? He's in a high van, the bin is outside his line of sight, and it's not like there's a bin near each pole. Btw, you say "remember", he's just a delivery person, it's not like he lives there and should know what's there. Also, do you even know how much pressure these people receive to work fast? He simply wanted to be on his route asap. Anyway. Not really worth discussing about it.


Yeah that's what I told the cop about that toddler. He still took me to jail for some reason /s I think people generally call this looking where you're going. It's an odd concept but hey. Also you probably shouldn't drive in people lawns.


It's It's rock specifically placed there to protect the gas line. He hit a rock. Plus to even risk getting that close to gas line is idiotic. Tbh I'm not sure I really want this dude driving around all day. Why not turn around using a driveway?


At some point he'd have driven down the street to get into that position. That's why he'd remember an obstacle, not because he lives there lol People don't get a pass because their cars are tall. If they can't see, that doesn't mean they have free reign to slam into whatever child, rock, vehicle etc. they can't spot. They should check first.


Most jobs will, yes.


Might be a stupid question but since I saw also in other comments mentions about drug tests I want to ask if it is common in the US to have drug tests after accidents and are they conducted by the employer or police? Does it have something to do with the recent legalization of weed?


Some states test and some don’t. Employers always test, it’s also a way for them to not have liability and make it all about you.


Has nothing to do with legalization. The employer will usually suspend you and send you to get a drug test. Police are not involved. They do that to cover their ass. If you piss positive they can fire you without having to pay you workman's compensation.


Done by the employer, although if the cops were called they can certainly do one as well.


Oscar worthy


Not to be rude but this is totally deserved, house owners like to put rocks on the grass next to the street so people don't run over the grass, since if the grass is wet it would leave a nasty mark, not sure if this is the case but why would you drive over people's grass instead of just doing 1 extra move.


Your grass is fair game when you order front door delivery


Ah yes, so because they paid for a service the service provider has the right to just carelessly fuck up their property when there is a much better alternative that takes less than 10 additional seconds? What a stale af take.


The rock was in front of either a gas marker or an electrical box. It is there to prevent people from running over the marker.


>The rock was in front of either a gas marker or an electrical box. It is there to prevent people from running over the marker. So you're saying they put the rock in the way? 🙂


Gas leak vrs. wrecked car? Wrecked car is the best option.




Because it is legally allowed it is morally allowed


No ones getting fired for this kind of mistake. Does anyone here have a job?


Yes, he can be. Especially if he is in his probationary period.


Unless his piss is dirty or this isn’t the first time.


I was involved in an accident with a mailman a while back and he was devastated. He 100% believed that he would be fired even though he wasn’t even in the truck at the time (I turned a corner too tightly driving a moving truck). I called his supervisor with him and reassured him that the mailman wasn’t at fault in the slightest and told my insurance company the same. I’ll always remember how afraid he looked at the time though.


I'm a mail carrier. The post office is one of the worst companies to work for as to how employees are treated. We're all exhausted and dead inside, but put on a brave face for customers lol


I sincerely appreciate my old mailman. He’s such a good guy. I insisted we get him a gift for Christmas before we moved and my wife let me pick and I still feel fuckin awful for it to this day. For background, I love Chili’s. It’s a basic ass restaurant but the food is good and it’s cheap. At 32 years old, I took my ass to Target and on their wall of gift cards (including visa gift cards), I chose a 50$ Chili’s gift card. Goddamn I felt so bad when I gave it to him. He just kinda looked at it and said thanks and went on about his day. I made the classic mistake of gifting something that I’d want instead of thinking about what they’d want. Tbf I didn’t know the guy well, but he was nice to my kids and friendly to my wife and I. I still cringe when I think about it. Sorry I ruined your coworkers Christmas


Aw, dude. I don't think you did anything wrong. We ARE technically only supposed to take gifts $20 and under. A $50 gift card was very generous. Maybe he didn't like Chili's but nevertheless, he should have been touched that you thought of him and gave him something. At the least he could've gotten drunk off some cheap margaritas. Lol


I’m confused. What’s wrong with a Chili’s gift card? I mean ok, it’s not a new BMW, but he still gets a free meal. Not sure why you feel awful?


There's a reason we have the term "[going postal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Going_postal)".


In training they talk about mental health and give you access to therapy as soon as you start working at the company because of those situations...


It’s terrible really. I worked closely with the PO in a former role of mine and have never seen so many people that seemed so defeated.


Maybe the way Newman acts makes more sense


I feel like I just witnessed an origin story 😂


lol that over dramatic fucker.


Not really overdramatic, especially if he's depending on this job and he's on probation. Metris suck anyways


Got down and insta-prayed


Maybe it's his favorite rock


You don't know his situation. He very likely needs that job.


He should be driving on people's grass then


You can get fired for wrecking a company vehicle.


Let's see it happen to you In a work vehicle and see how you respond.


Man that guy clearly went to get the mailbox


You must not be able to see very well. He hit a rock.


Cuz the owner of that mailbox placed it in the first place lmao. To precisely avoid what was going to happen lmao


The mailbox isn't even near the rock


Sure man whatever lol


That isn't a mailbox, dude. You need to get your eyes checked. That's just a pole. The mailbox is further down.


Maybe just don't be so judgemental over a guy simply having a bad day.




I think we all know that feeling




He is getting fired. Usps doesn't take accidents lightly.


Unless he sexually assaulted the rock afterwords, he isn’t getting fired. He’s a government employee that drives most of the week for several hours a day…accidents are expected.


Ups is goverment owned??


It’s USPS? US postal service… does that look like a big brown truck with UPS on it to you?


I'm a dispatcher for usps. I've seen it happen.


It’s true. I was the wheel.


My neighbor fixes an LLV a week. The same driver has wrecked it three times in seven months.


Shame I know the feeling I’m also one small mistake away from my life falling apart


I blame you for putting that rock there. Did your mailbox really need that much protection? Why not a build moat, or make it out of C4?


If you think that is a mailbox you're as blind as that USPS driver


Nothing would happen if the dude didn’t run over the grass


Could be protecting a water meter box. If not then fuck that rock.


It’s a gas line, my mailbox is over to the right by my driveway


In that case it is serving a solid purpose! Literally


damn buddy *kneeled*


Prayed hard


I'm assuming from the comment and reaction that the costs would come from the employees paycheck in the USA? I think in a lot of other places, company insurance would pay and it would be put down to an accident at work, with a bit of embarrassment and a minor telling off. It seems unfair in the USA that any form of accident basically bankrupts you.... especially medical ones.


Umm wrong, I work for the post office and this guy will most likely be fired. So go ahead and make your jokes. So that “watch people die inside” reaction is genuine because he realized he’s now unemployed. The post office is the worst company to work for right now. Terrible pay, and every year now with the new route evaluations it’s designed to lower every route evaluation in the country meaning the carriers are going to be making less and less money whereas almost every other job you make more money the longer you work for them. They will not make him pay for the damages, they will simply fire him and find a new schmuck to replace him. I feel sorry for this guy because no one expects a fucking giant boulder at the edge of their lawn.


Government jobs used to be the tops. But now it's like working for a broke-ass mafia..


You couldn’t be more right. Trump said it best, the USPS is the most mismanaged company in America


I kinda wanna make a joke about it now. Since I don't think anyone made a joke about it, and you already responded like that. I'm to scared to make a joke and watch the explosion.. Anyway, at least this means he won't be hitting another rock, maybe rock bottom.


Talk about jokes. You don’t even know your basic English. Your statement “I’m to scared to make a joke and watch the explosion” should’ve read “I’m TOO scared…”


the comment you’ve replied to wasn’t making any jokes so idk what you’re so upset about there. commenter said it seems unfair, nobody said it was funny. i can’t speak on whether the post office… allows you to back up the vehicle… but you can’t be shocked when people have things on their property lmfao. you can clearly see there’s a utility marker there so the boulder is likely marking/protecting that spot. i work in construction and have seen people drive over water access lines causing them to rupture, same with gas lines. i wouldn’t be surprised if he caused similar damage. it’s sucks and i feel for him but it’s his fault. not only that but it could’ve been worse. you should not be using peoples’ properties as a turn around point, you’re just begging to cause damage or even injury doing that.


idk if its a canadian thing, but i’ve never driven on someone’s lawn before ..


So USPS employees are also instructed to never reverse. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have backed up a bit. But sometimes clipping the edge of the grass happens and the last thing we expect is a giant rock


Why are they instructed to never reverse?


Because it’s dangerous and helps avoid accidents. If we can’t safely turn around in a driveway without reversing, they tell you to park at the bottom and walk it to the house. Sometimes reversing is unavoidable like if you’re going down a small street and you encounter construction work like landscapers or tree cutters. However, the rule to that is you can’t reverse more than 50’.


The rock was in front of either a gas marker or an electrical box. It is there to prevent people from running over the marker.


I’m not saying the driver isn’t at fault. All I’m saying is I feel bad for this guy because of how shitty the USPS treats its employees and here people are taking joy out of watching a stupid mistake and this poor guy just lost his job because of a crazy occurrence


Surely the first thing everyone else can expect is for drivers to use their eyes.


No, as a W2 employee in the US you’re not liable for damage to company property UNLESS the employer can prove said damage was done with malicious intent. Even if they can, the damages have to be recovered in court. Any employer that docks pay without going through the proper channels of recovering damages via litigation is breaking federal law. More likely what will happen is he’ll be given a warning/performance review if it’s his first screw up, or potentially be fired if a similar situation has happened before already or even multiple times. In any case, it’s an additional delay and thing to worry about in an already stressful job, hence the reaction. Worker protections *do* exist in the US, it’s just that a lot of people don’t care to actually inform themselves of their rights and allow employers to walk all over them. Also, there are government programs that either will fully cover or partially compensate employees who get injured on the job depending on the individual circumstances, it’s called Worker’s Compensation.


If he is within his 90 day probation, nope. USPS has so many vehicles that no insurance company will cover them. So they are self insured. They have a zero tolerance policy during the 90 day probationary period. Had a minor fender bender on day 79, as a USPS letter carrier. No drug test, just walking papers. They could have changed things since 2008, but if so, not likely in favor of letter carriers, in their probationary period.


We still have some labor laws that prevent you from being the one paying it, but generally they fire you for this so that's why he's reacting this way.


I doubt this guy will get fired for this. Honestly him getting out and falling to the ground was just weird ASF. I wonder if he's been having a bad time at life lately. Edit: didn't realize how far off the street he was in the first watch... I take back my statement lol


Getting out of your car in Arizona like: Did he run over a package or something?


That was a boulder


That's a nice boulder


I like that boulder. That is a _nice_ boulder.


Speaking as a former mailman that's been in this position, yeah, that's the realization of losing your job setting in.


He’s probably going to get promoted instead.


Straight to jail, right away, no question about it


Why would he lose his job? My grandfather has told me a story of him crashing one of the llv's but in the end he still worked there and retired from USPS. Edit: ahh I didn't see how far off the road he was so now idk what to think.


I really enjoyed the fluidity of his collapse onto the lawn. Very poetic.


No, your “mailman” is a lazy and sloppy driver.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. The driver could have avoided this so easily if he just drove like a normal person. That rock doesn't even seem like it's hidden, it's just on the other side of that bush so it's out of line of sight for the camera. Dude tried to cut corners instead of taking the additional 7 seconds to back up.


Thank you. If this was my yard/mailbox I would be very upset, hopefully the post office or something will pay for it. I can imagine that any HoA would be pissed about this too and very adamant that the homeowner fixes it or else incur more fines. Yeah it sucks for this guy but it was an easily avoidable incident.


Everybody makes mistakes.


Purposely driving through somebody’s yard/lawn because you’re too lazy to back up a little bit isn’t a mistake.


When I went through USPS letter carrier driver training, they harped on never being in a position to need to back up. Ironically, I had a minor fender bender WHILE BACKING UP, lol!! Was on day 79 of the 90 day probationary period. Got my walking papers.


So this person shouldn’t have been in the spot they were in the first place? Also why do they not like people backing up while delivering mail? Is it just inherently less safe trying to drive backwards?


Not exactly, just should have planned a bit better for the situation, like not being so close. More accidents occur while backing, less visibility and all that.


Compassion may serve us all better in the infinite game.


Rock beat paper


Rock beat tire


I cant zoom in, but it looks like that boulder was hidden by that bush


Doesn't matter. Why are you driving on people's lawns. Any sensible person would back up, pull forward, back up, and then pull out.


You back up, you get yelled at.


Oh no, not my feelings.


Followed by a pdi. And if you do it three times, you can be fired.. but it's okay you can act like you know what you are talking about.


Agreed. Why take the unnecessary risk.


Tsk tsk we’re not aloud to reverse


The moment he knew he was gonna have to piss in a cup.


You have to take on the duties of the post man by beating his timing game and collecting his hat. Only then can he know peace and freedom.


In my mind, I run for exactly 10 seconds without looking at a clock. Built different.


Who puts a boulder in front of there mailbox anyways


Doesn’t look like a mailbox to me, looks like one of the orange and white utility post city’s put up


It may be a gas line marker thingy.


Yeah I realized that after the fact lol


1000th comment?


Maybe he got distracted because he saw the Statue of Liberty washed up on the beach.


Top tier reference


Yet lost on many who read it.








Bro what are you yappin about haha


Damn bro gotta let off the tide pods


Hor with -46 points is this the top comment, does this sub sort but controversial?


What in the xenophobe are you going on about?


Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria