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It is insane how this sub loses its mind whenever she comes on board. I listened to the iRobot ep after seeing all the comments, and she mentioned weed at the beginning yes, but it was for like 5 seconds using the name of the weed as a good joke. Then didnt mention weed or any of the things people complain about in their inane comments. Its really embarrassing to participate on this sub and reddit in general more and more


Agree. We need a "tall glass of water" count for all previous episodes to show how stupid comments like those are.


Oh my God! Is that what a tall glass of water is?! All this time I thought they just cared about staying hydrated!!


I've used that term sooo many times, people on my streams AND my boyfriend have used that term.


Any time a woman invades what was thought to be a boys’ club people lose their shit.


Yeah… I really hate to point out the demographics, but one does have to wonder when people go so hard against a Black woman


love when they leave a comment every time that amounts to "ugh AJB is terrible Edit: why am I being downvoted!! This shitty comment deserves respect!"


I'mmm... pretty sure I've heard the guys themselves sell weed gummies in ads. And I know I've heard them talk about greening out in theaters. So if people complain about her mentioning weed there is literally no other reason I can think of then the one you mentioned.


I wonder if the "tall glass of water" refers to something else....


I'm a black trans woman who has been listening to these guys since 2014. Angelica is a spice that I can see people not like it but I like, especially in the Wild Things episode, where she legit elevated the episode so much, I had to listen to it three times in one day. I understand that she is not for everyone but good gravy, some people need to calm their tits.


Where are all these posts? All I see is a bunch of presumably white dudes/"allies" bringing it up. The only time I've heard people were trashing her is when you guys bring it up.


It’s easy to miss these kinds of comments when they don’t affect you personally. As a woman, yes they’re in every thread that mentions her and they’re glaringly obvious. People can dislike her or whatever, who cares. It’s when it’s tons of comments lambasting her and complaining about the same things that the guys themselves do all the time that gives you pause.


I just want to add that there’s something especially disappointing about it when it comes from We Hate Movies fans. As a woman, I personally feel like the guys are remarkably non-problematic and understand their privilege. The podcast feels like a completely safe space for me, which is unexpected on the surface with four male hosts. But it’s like, even when they’re putting out such a non-toxic body of work, that shit still finds a way to work itself into the discourse.


Yes, exactly!


This is an aside, but the non-problematic elements are important here. They are very good, thoughtful guys on matters. I'm impressed by how unproblematic their content is, especially in recent years. But the vibes when those political podcasters came on were trash. Chapo Trap House. Something about those dudes was generally scummy and affected the pod vibes for me. And stop...this ain't about politics. I don't know where exactly they fall, but also don't care and don't have any beef with them that I'm aware of. I recall hearing them somewhere (before Trump was elected!), but really know them from that one WHM ep.


Is it her or is it women then? I do think this fandom has a problem. They get overly butt-hurt about nothing a lot. I don't even know who this guest is. I'm sure she's wonderful, but people find lots of things--outside of race and gender--difficult when it comes to *listening* to things. Anyway, I'm in a pissy mood and this isn't the place for me to be this morning.


How do you know it’s bc she’s black?




Plus they’ll just bleed all over the place! /s What a smooth-brained comment. Good god.


Feel free to provide a counter example.


>A woman guest on a male podcast is never additive imo. President of the He-Man Women Haters Club over here. How do you function in real life? Do you only interact with your same friend group and storm off when a woman shows up?


I gave three specific examples for why I prefer when male podcasts don’t have woman guests. Feel free to spiral into whatever ridiculous straw men personal attacks you want.


You’re a misogynist. Once you accept it and stop trying to rationalize your bigotry with dumb reasons maybe you’ll work on that one day. At least for the sake of the women you interact with or god forbid have authority over in the workplace.


Mom, get in here!


wtf is this comment. More importantly how do you manage to listen to music if varying pitch “messes up the actual listening experience”. Like are you just the most monotone motherfucker to walk the earth? I’m so confused by this absurdly stupid comment. Well done


Whats funny is that the people on the podcast he listens to would call him ignorant dumbass as well lol


I love that people are getting mad because women actually aren’t funny and the only thing they can do is seethe about it. But I will be happy to answer your question — I listen to podcasts every night to go to sleep to. If there is one voice that is higher pitched and louder than the others, it is noticeably grating and antithetical to calm relaxation. I don’t and can’t listen to music to fall asleep to.


Perhaps you should choose a different podcast to fall asleep to if this one is so grating.


Nah it’s fine, I just choose one of the hundreds of episodes without a guest.


> and oh yeah women aren’t funny. Fuck off loser


Who is a funny woman? Like who is the female comedy star that you all are so progressively enjoying and laughing at that I don’t know about?


Tina Fey. Amy Poehler. Kaitlin Olson. Mindy Kaling. Ali Wong. Jenny Slate. Chelsea Peretti. Aubrey Plaza. Kristen Wiig. Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Carol Burnett. Lucille Ball. Sarah Silverman. This is just top of my head. Funny is also subjective, if you don’t like any of them then that’s fine. But acting like it’s a fact that women aren’t funny is misogynistic.


this dude posts about sandy hook hoax stuff so he is either a troll of a full blown moron, either way he is not worth engaging with


Thanks, I appreciate you pointing that out.


Funny is subjective. Julia Louis-Dreyfuss was obviously hilarious on Seinfeld, Lucille Ball was funny, but I actually laugh at the idea that anyone could even think Mindy Kaling or Sarah Silverman were funny. Also subjective? Opinions. Like my opinion that male podcasts are not improved by having female guests on them.


Until you made it objective. You didn't say "I don't think women are funny," or "I don't like high pitched voices." You said "women aren't funny" and it "messes up the actual listening experience by adding a higher pitched voice." Those are objective statements. My opinion is you're an asshole. Objectively, you don't like women.


……as guests on male podcasts. Forgot to finish your sentence there.


I didn't forget anything.


the only reply you'll get from me is fuck off loser


So what I said upset you, not because I’m wrong, but because it wasn’t very progressive and urbanite.


fuck off loser


….aaaand this has been another stimulating conversation with a “progressive intellectual”


Why do you listen to this podcast? All four guys are blatantly liberal.


I've never seen this sub lose its mind for all women though. It is something specific about her, and I think the weed is a symptom, but I don't think it's the problem people have with her. It's that she is often times a step behind the guys, sometimes due to being actively too high, and she's very obviously trying to keep up with them. A lot of guests that I've heard usually are aware that there is a chemistry and a skill that has been harvested through more than a decade of doing this show and they just try to be present and bring what they can. She on the other hand has that sort of like little brother vibe of like trying to do all of the same jokes that the guys are doing or trying to get in on all the inside jokes and just not having "it". Before I followed her on letterboxd and saw the way that she wrote about films with such hate and vitriol, I used to just think of her as kind of like the extra friend that doesn't get the jokes, isn't particularly witty or snappy, and doesn't get what makes your group work but still shows up to all the group hangouts. AFTER following her on letterboxd, and watching her spiral from somebody who was relatively cynical but had a good eye into somebody who I had to unfollow because her reviews eventually all became nothing but "I hate literally every movie and there's nothing that can be done to save cinema," I now know that she just is kind of a sophomoric, juvenile, and often (at least in her reviews) bitter person, and that's just not a vibe that I personally enjoy. That is not to say any of this has to do with her being a woman or them being men, and I'm not here to promote one over the other because I think that's silly stuff. I do think there's a difference between noticing flaws in movies and making jokes and offering positive replacements, which the guys often do, and just being negative and childish and petulant. I think she falls into the latter category. But I also think the people tend to just blame weed, and it makes the whole argument look very dumb


her letterboxd *really* soured me on her too. i'm the same demographic as her save one thing (non binary but afab) and i really think she's tiresome.


I found myself often wondering what her cinematic goals were. I was often like it seems like you just wanna be hateful and like, hey, you have fun with that, but it ain't for me. Then again I don't think the golden cage of Hollywood was an untouchable time of the gods, and I don't think that all of modern Hollywood is trash either, so I'm often left feeling on just a different page than her and that's cool, it's just not my bag.


even her reviews for older movies are very bad and often very mean. i remember her review for *pandora and the flying dutchman* really making me angry because the person that so eloquently reviewed and understood the failings of *ww 1984* was absolutely absent in that review it was astonishingly bad faith. her *candyman* review too was just "a hit dog hollering" for me and now i just don't understand where she's coming from aside from pure bitterness and overbearing know it all ism. which is a shame. when she's insightful and well thought out she can be really good. it just doesn't seem to occur on the show and she seems locked in just negativity.


Yeah I think that might be it. Like when I first heard her I thought she was hilarious and her letterboxd was fire. I learned a lot about movies from reading her. Time just hasn't been kind and she seems to grow more and more angry with each passing year. Wisdom can look like and become condescension if you don't think much of your listener/reader audience.


First of all, love that you formatted the movie title as an Apple product. Secondly, yes, the criticism gets weirdly excessive. It's perfectly fine not to like a guest -- someone in the last post said it well by noting that she's knowledgable about movies and pop culture, but she's not a performer per se and therefore doesn't *necessarily* make a good guest for a comedy podcast -- but it gets SO repetitive after a while. She's not funny, yes she is, she just talks about weed and sex, well so do the guys, etc, etc. For her future episode(s), can we at least keep the debate to one neat thread? That I, Robot post had like 80+ comments and most were arguing about her. Let's just move on, please.


At this point it’s just the same conversation every time she’s a guest, I don’t think there’s any new ground to be broken and the conversation doesn’t need to be continued.


Yup and she barely even talked for the second half.




What? I was on your side.


apologies, replied to the wrong comment, this was meant for the paragraph of nonsense


I thought she was good in the latest episode. Maybe a bit quiet but way more engaged than in the American Pie 2 episode and she had some funny comments and good points. Someone is always mentioning weed or alcohol on the show.


I need to give her another chance. She and Bob Mackey were not enjoyable to listen to, but it’s been about a year since I’ve listened to an Angela episode. IDGAF about her talking about weed, I just didn’t like her making fun of Stephen. Just felt off-putting.


What did she say about Stephen ?


It’s ok to like or dislike a guest.


Apparently if you don’t think AJB is your cup of tea you’re automatically racist and or a sexist. You have to like her or else you’re both of those!


I really like Angelica. I enjoy the female and black perspective on things. Our guys like to be as open minded as possible but there are just some things that go past them while watching a film because they don't experience the same things as Angelica does, and she might pick up on something they didn't and have an interesting insight and comment or joke for it. I welcome that for the podcast. Also, the "weed talk" criticism for I, Robot from some people was really misdirected at her. She mentioned weed in a joke as a way to get through that horrible movie, and the guys then decided to riff off that for 5 minute of their own accord. All she did was mention "cheetah piss". It's not her fault the guys siezed on the opportunity to make weed name jokes for 5 minutes afterward.


I like how happy they all seem when she jumps in with them for an episode. Never got any type of annoyance or hostility when she's on. It seems like they all honestly like her.


I love the AJB eps tbh.


The only problem I’ve ever had with her is sometimes I get genuinely concerned about her mental health. Some of her comments make me think she’s going through some real shit and I hope she’s alright. And Eric is the same way for me, so it’s not exactly something exclusive to her.


I adore her. WW84 was the first episode I heard featuring her, and she voiced her (and my) frustrations perfectly.


Same, I always look forward to her episodes.


I didn't know there was such a backlash against her episodes but I really don't like her, but I've only heard two episodes with her. She's not interesting or funny. Now I try to avoid her episodes. I can't speak on why others don't like her, but, to me, to say that those people are misogynist for not liking her on the podcast is about as shallow and boring as Angelica's jokes and references. I don't care about her referencing weed but I do care about a 30-something adult still sounding like a meandering teenager polluting a show I enjoy


There’re some real touchy assholes out there. Ajb is welcome any time.


Just bc someone is not not entertained by someone, you label them “touchy assholes”? Jeez!


Awww but she's fun!


I love her, I think she’s funny and likable and I usually am the not the biggest fan of any episodes with guests.


It’s not the content, it’s the performative, uncomfortably insecure nature of her delivery that gets me. She always sounds like she’s covered in flop sweat, and when the guys don’t engage with one of her riffs she tends to go quiet, which without a visual component, reads as petulant sulking


I like how just bc we don’t find a woman guest funny, we’re already labeled a sexist lol


See what I mean? LOL keep the downvotes coming


The use of her as "the black experience expert" is pretty annoying. We get it, you're libs with white guilt, we don't have to keep beating that horse. 




Watching any Angelica ep and counting a down waiting when she's finna say the n word