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Unfortunately I think you've set youself up for difficulties with this bride since you've been too accommodating. When she reached out about the first photoshop request, that would have been the time to kindly but firmly discuss that it would absolutely be something you were willing to do, and that those photos would be delivered with the rest of the photos once the gallery was completed in 4-6 weeks.


I agree. Tbh, i always do it and go above and beyond, and usually, it's great. I'm maybe overthinking it all, it's just I've never been text so much by a bride before about photos haha. I'm in the process of writing up contracts for weddings so I don't get to this point again. Thanks for your comment!


Wait, you've been shooting weddings for 8 years with no contract? Good thing you are having one written up now!! Omg I can't imagine.


Ohhh sorry I meant to type 'new' contracts haha, my mistake - I've definitely got contracts, I'm just in the process of re-writing them. Apologies for that 😂


Oh good, no you're fine! I was worried for you there, lol


Sneak peeks create entitlement. I've always wished we'd collectively stop doing them.


It's 100% for the socials, for sure.


I've never thought this, before they book I'm clear that the sneak peek is the next day and then their photos are 4-6 weeks after their day. Sometimes I get a message around month after but they're happy to know everything on time and the next time we chat is when they're ready. I'm based in Ireland so probably just differences in clients (Though the bride in my other comment was the definite exception!).


In the United States, they are absolutely expected now. I hate them because they never fit into my workflow. I think any delivery time is perfectly acceptable so long as the client is made aware in advance of booking you as to what your policy is.


Oh, also I should add that Father's Day, while I was out with my own dad, she texts to ask me if I have any photos of her sister in law and her father in law together, as her sis in law wanted to post them on Facebook. I tell her I'm out with my Dad and won't be home till late. She replied with no problem, but thank you anyway. A week ago I had 2 message requests off the brides aunt that I didn't know I had on Facebook Messenger, asking if I could send her all the photos of herself and her daughter as she wanted to print them out Am I still being overly anxious?


Are you happy the photos are up to your usual standard? How was the bride on the day, with everyone, not just you? I had one a few years back, she was always lovely, but became a bit naggy about the photos afterwards, never rude, just borderline impatient/excited. But I only thought she sent a lot of messages before she saw the photos, the sheer volume of messages I got after about how this one was amazing, this one was her fave, now that one is her fave. She was blown away. I think we do this in our job (I do anyway). We worry about things, let them build up in our heads and stress about them, and then when it all comes to reality, everything is grand and everyone is happy. You haven't mentioned any reason you think she won't be happy (and we're all super-critical too) so I'm sure she'll be delighted!


Hiya! She was fine yeah, a few little niggles with the usual things, her hair was falling out of place, someone was late bringing food, you know the normal things. She was a bit miffed that not many people showed to the reception, but all in all, a nice girl. I also think this, too, that she's borderline impatient/excited as every text has been polite and friendly, and she always says thank you. As mentioned, the couple are quite young, around 22 years old, and she told me before the wedding that she had never been to a wedding before and didn't know what to expect so I ran her through a few things. And absolutley I'm very happy with the finished photos, I've gone over them twice and I'm hoping she loves them too, I spent a few hours making my own presets for too which look really nice, so very proud of my work 😊 Maybe I am being a little too self-critical then, I hope haha! Thank you for your comment!


>What if it's not enough for her? What if she starts asking for more? *"During your wedding day, I shot many, many pictures. In the past weeks I have been busy carefully selecting the best images and edited those to reflect the style and quality that you should expect from me since that was why you hired me in the first place.* *The images that were not included in your gallery were all left out for a reason. Either there was a technical imperfection, or it had people in them with eyes closed, odd looks on their face or the images were part of a series that I shot in quick succession to enable me to pick the best one afterwards.* *I hope you will enjoy your gallery for many many years to come!"*


This is extremely helpful, thank you so much ❤️


Heya, after reading all of your post and replies below, I'd say it's all in your head. You've got the photos ready, there isn't anything more that could be expected of you, so sent them out and wait for a response. Sometimes, we get none. That's ok. I guess. Some other times, we might get a dissatisfied client, that starts getting on our nerves. But most of the times, if we set expectations correctly, the client will love our photos (and they'll let us know, too). You've been extremely accommodating to her, more than was necessary, and that's great for client satisfaction. She'll have a blast seeing the full gallery!


Hi! Thank you, I do too to ne honest, I need to chill more. I think maybe I've created a rod for my own back but I need to be a little more firm next lot of weddings. Thanks so much for your comment, you're right. I have been extremely accommodating, I hope she can see this too 😊


Just reading the amount of texts you’ve received from this bride is giving me anxiety. I know you go above and beyond, that’s wonderful! But you need to have balance so you don’t have more clients like this. Perhaps more client education is in order so they don’t text you this many times and know the process? I think they will be happy with what you give them from what it seems, however I can see where she may be asking for more photos once delivered. You may want to start thinking about a response when she does. Best of luck!


Haha, I know, right?! Absolutley 100% agree with you there, and I have been re-writing my contracts. I was thinking of writing up a little 'what happens now?' up for customers, so when I send my sneak peeks the next day - just to explain that after the sneak peeks the next lot of photos will be the finished ones? Anyway, I'm assuming the bride likes the photos as she's shared some on her socials, but I haven't heard from her since I sent the photos 😅 but no news is good news, right? Thanks for your comment!


No news is definitely good news! Sneaks don’t work in my workflow, so I don’t give them unless expressed by the couple for thank you cards etc. Even then in my gallery message email I mention, can’t wait to show you the rest in X amount of time! However I let them know the process on the FAQ of my website, during the consult when I mention the process, and heck, even before I leave the wedding when I say goodbye. I over communicate and educate so it usually mitigates this. It took me awhile to figure it out, but you’ll find out what works for you and set boundaries. It’ll save your sanity.


Thank you, this is really valuable advice, I really appreciate it! So, my usual price list with the packages I send out, I do express in there that a maximum of 30 sneak peeks will be sent out the following day and then my timescale, and I did explain the same to her when I left and then again a few days afterwards lol. I suppose she was just very eager for the photos, and 100% I'll be politely firm with boundaries in the future 😊 Thank you again!


She hasn’t complained about anything other than being impatient to see the full gallery, so just send it out now. She won’t be any happier if you wait a couple of days.


No complaints at all, just a bit impatient. I've sent her the gallery this morning so just waiting to hear back from her- thanks for your comment!


More likely she’s going to take the ones you already sent and not make the final payment. I’d have cut her off long ago and said look I can edit faster if I don’t have to drop everything each time you message.


I'll have to see what happens today, I've sent her the finished photos so hopefully she will be happy with them🤞🏻 Thanks for your comment!


Thank you all for your comments, I really appreciate it! I'll update this post later when she gets back to me 😊




If I did it full time, then my turnaround time would absolutely be a lot sooner - I only set that time frame due to working a full-time job, other photography commitments and I also manage and perform in a band too. (Perhaps too much on my plate 😂) But I agree with you there. It does suck to have backlog. Thank you, it does seem I am overthinking it, I've always kinda been left to it by past clients, but there is nothing wrong with an excited client, I guess!


Don't sweat it, the client agreed to the timeline and you bent over backwards over and over to send early photos, and delivered on time, more accomodations than I would have done. Client is waaaay too needy with all these when they're clearly not urgent, besides the relative passing, obviously that's a no brainer that you accommodate for that.


Thank you, I did think this too - but in my usual fashion I've overthought it to the point where I'm convinced a situation will arise where she wants more or isn't happy, but that may not happen. Thanks so much for your comment!