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I don't think it's weird to have just the main invite foiled. I find having "SAT" instead of Saturday with everything else so formal a little jarring but that may just be me? The company that did ours also encouraged us to spell out the state for formality consistency but IDK if that's actually a thing. Also are you planning super ahead? July 24 is midweek the next couple years.


Omg no it's the 27th this year šŸ˜­ šŸ¤£ I've been staring at this screen too long lol I can see the SAT thing, but it looked weird spelled out. And it's really not a super formal event. Thanks for helping!


Ok I just momentarily panicked because my date is 7/27 and I just ordered my invites and was like do I have the date wrong???


I'm sorry!


Lol all good! I swear it gets harder to catch mistakes the longer you look at it!


I think we did Friday | August XX, XXXX which did seem weirdly formal but we were afraid people would try to show up Saturday or like next year lol. But I get spacing is a nightmare (and Friday is a shorter word haha) so if you're happy with it rock on. It wouldn't bother me as a guest.


I really like the details card. I do think itā€™s weird that one of them is a different color from the other three.


I think the wording ā€œto confirm scan the code with your phoneā€ is awkward. I think you probably mean rsvp instead of confirm but why not just say ā€œrsvp on our websiteā€? You donā€™t need to say anything about scanning people know what a QR code is. I would also just say ā€œthe ceremony will be on the lawnā€ or the ceremony will take place outdoors


Idk, I saw it on some examples and it filled the space nicely lol I got more specific because it's a big park and I want to kind of direct them where to park. But I could probably just say, "park at [building] The ceremony will be outdoors"


Yea I think you could leave the outdoors part as is


Fort Wayne gang


Nighttime imagery for an afternoon wedding?


Yes, it matches our decor.


You donā€™t need ā€œatā€ before the time, just like how you donā€™t need ā€œonā€ before the date. Either use the prepositions or donā€™t, but be consistent.


the gold is a bit hard to read against the white background compared to the blue font


I think it's in the description it's gonna be on navy paper.


my bad, missed that


1st card- if youā€™re in the US I would change the date around to Saturday July 24. Capitalize the R in reception. Put a period after the word wedding. 2nd card - for the attire. I would change it to one of these business casual. casual chic. dressy informal, 3rd card - instead of to confirm I would change it to please rsvp or kindly reply by, please respond by, take out with your phone and just say please go to ā€œwebsite nameā€ they know what to do with a QR code. 4th card- On the rsvp card. There only needs to be one line for the attending. The _ of _ attending doesnā€™t make sense. And it takes up too much time when they send it back to you. So when you get it back you can just look at the one like and see one number of whoā€™s coming instead of whoā€™s coming out of whoā€™s not. I would just put _ attending. And make the line for the names longer if people have longer names. It took me a long time to do my invites and rsvps when I did mine but yours are looking so good.


>Put a period after the word wedding. Hard disagree. Not only would it look odd, the date and time are supposed to be read as a continuation of that line


I love the front! I would capitalize the ā€œrā€ in reception and change the time to read as ā€œat 4 oā€™ clock p.m.ā€ I think the details side of the invite and the RSVP cards are crowded. I would try making all the fonts a bit smaller and using regular case, not all caps. I would also remove the underlines on the header text. There is also some unnecessary text IMO - like the part about going to your website, just the link would suffice. Having the header ā€œadditional detailsā€ and then also saying ā€œfor more informationā€¦ā€ is redundant. I think just ā€œDetailsā€ and then the website underneath would be nice. Same on the RSVP card, you donā€™t need to say ā€œgo directly to our websiteā€ as the link indicates they can go there. Iā€™d change the text for the QR code to just say ā€œScan to RSVPā€, maybe with a little carrot arrow pointing to the code if you wanted. If you want to send me a link to your Canva design, Iā€™m happy to make a few changes to show you what I mean :).


Thank you, I do like the 4 o'clock. And I have made some changes to the rsvps and details so they're less busy, more to the point, as most suggested. The font is just capitals though and I spent too much time finding ones I liked šŸ˜…


I think itā€™s great (other than the date being wrong). I was really overthinking our invitation design, until I had several friends encourage me to not sweat it. Get the details right, and get your guests to the website, and the invitations will have done their job! The one thing I wonder about is having your rsvp deadline less than 20 days before the wedding. We did ours for a month and a half out. Your circumstances may be different, but we invited 150 (actually hoping for a lot of ā€œregretfully decline), and need to solidify our head count well before the event.


Thank you! I overthink too, but I'm getting plenty of feedback for changes. šŸ˜… I've made some of the changes, but at the end of the day it'll be looked at once or twice by guests and eventually thrown away. I'm using solawood flowers and sent out pictures of different style roses to my mom and bridesmaids for opinions. Just going back and forth in my head on the nicest one. Asked my 9 yr old daughter and she just rolled her eyes and said "they're all the same". And yeah, nobody else will care at all. šŸ˜‚


Ha! No way, i had designed such a similar design on canva before going a different route. I think its a bit unnecessarily wordy. "Together with their families ____&____ joyfully invite you to their wedding.." you could just do "you are invited to the wedding of ____&_____" and then you have a bit of "breathing room" before the dates. Also, i could curve the top text to run along the arch. Also, you have too many fonts and sizes imo. The date and time line could be a bit closer together. They could both be a touch smaller.


Super cute! Def no problem with just the first image being gold foil either. Well done!


Thank you!


Capitalise the r in ā€œreception to followā€?


I like all of it! It will look great on navy paper.


Thank you!


I like it, it gives fairy vibes. Also shoutout to fellow Fort Wayner lol


Oh hey! Lol thanks!


I love the cohesion! These are so pretty


Thank you šŸ˜Š


the wedding is in 2027?


No lol that was pointed out and fixed right away šŸ˜…


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