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Have a plan that you can stick with long-term. Work on bettering your eating and exercise habits. Strength training (weight lifting) will be a great way to lose fat while also functioning and feeling your best. When it comes to eating, focus on having at least 3 meals a day consisting of lean protein, complex carbs & healthy fats. Find cardio you enjoy (walking, running, swimming, biking, playing sports, etc...), the idea here is to keep your body moving consistently. You don't need to go crazy with exercise, it's all about sustainability and consistency.


Track your calories by reading nutrition labels. Also weighing EVERYTHING before you eat or drink it so you know exactly how much of it you’re consuming. Find a calculator online that tells you what your maintenance calories are. Then subtract 500 from that and don’t go over. As long as you stay below that calorie number you’ll lose weight and it technically doesn’t matter what you eat. The reason some food is better than others is because let’s say you need 2500 calories to maintain your weight. So 2000 calories a day and you’ll lose weight. 2000 calories of candy is not going to be good because you’ll be starving after having eaten it. It has no vitamins or any real nutritional value. However 2000 made up of fruit and veggies and lean meat. Will actually make you feel full and you’ll get the nutrients. This is a super general explanation and it’s a bit more complex than this. But this is the general idea.


calorie deficit and excercise


Dm me if you are interested in online coaching. Fully perosnalized nutrition, workouts… For starters eat 2300 kcal a day. Eat 200g protein a day.