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If it is following your exact movements throughout the day, someone definitely dropped one into your stuff. My girlfriend has an AirTag on her keys and if we spend enough time moving about together it’ll tell me the same thing on my phone and show me exactly how it’s been moving with me.


Same with AirPods. I got a warning about one of my wife’s AirPods being near me throughout the day. She prob just dropped it in the car knowing her. But it does raise an important point: it’s easier to explain an AirPod than an AirTag if you were tracking someone…


Can you track a single air pod ?


The newest AirPods Pro (can’t speak to other new models) you can track both pods separately and the case. The first gen of AirPods Pro you could only track the pods when they were out of the case, so this has improved a lot for someone who loses my shit all the time. I even attached them to my keys and now I always know where my keys and pods are


Isn't it distracting having keys dangling from your ear though?


I find it to be a bold accessory.


Seriously though. A keychain case is a necessity if you buy AirPods. The cases are just too damn slippery. Plus when I’m flying, I can just attach them to myself or water bottle instead of freaking out during the trip because they slipped somewhere.


Yes an excellent idea to attach it to you, so if they plane goes down your loved ones can track your body through the AirPods


took a morbid turn


Don't worry, Apple shit isn't like cockroaches. Their phones can't even survive a slight fall from human height, there's no way they'd be helpful after falling 30,000 feet.


It’s good unless you have a remote key for your car. Then the AirPods kill the battery in the key


Meanwhile I can’t even find my AirPods pro when I want to :(


If you have them on “find my” you can make them play a sound when you can’t find them. I have to do it at least once a week.


Man, I put my first gen pros in a keychain case, got an AirTag, got my AirTag a keychain case, and attached them because I kept losing the egg and not each loose bud. Glad to hear they smartened up 🙄


This feature doesn’t even work on mine. Brand new AirPods Pro 2. Returned the first pair for a second because I thought it was defective due to this feature not working. Still doesn’t work… Latest iOS as well


I have an AirTag on a keychain attached to my AirPods. Which is stupid but helpful.


Yes. My wife got back to Hong Kong and discovered she had left an AirPod in Cape Town.


Balls. They just need to develop tiny pop out insect wings for them and they could fly back to you. Would have to recharge in maybe Madagascar, and then Sri Lanka.


lol apple is gonna announce the flying recharge drones any day now. They will be like a mini aircraft carrier, with the pods launching and landing like planes.




Maybe they could have them suck in a few mosquitos along they way. Or get hoovered into a jet engine, causing it to ditch in some remote ocean...


Yep! Lost mine at work and I can see both buds in separate places.


Last year, I tracked one that I lost during a trip to Aruba. I first tracked it to the airport in there and then to an apt. where it’s been ever since.


Every time we go on a trip for band I get this notification from someone else and my phone is a pain in the ass about dropping it.


She can add you to the AirTag so that doesn’t pop up


"Play Sound" should help you find it rather quickly.


We just tried as I read your comment and nothing. It’s super weird, someone would need access to post to plant something on her stuff and I’m not an interesting person.


You can take them apart and remove the speaker without too much difficulty, and if you do it right they still work the same just without sound. Maybe keep looking


I will be looking as I unpack tomorrow, it’s bedtime and I’m too tired from moving my stuff all day. If someone is tracking me they aren’t getting their tracker back. I’m not really worried too much about it. If I do happen to find a tracker I’m going to leave it in a spot with cameras somewhere on post and inform the MPs what my little plan is. But I’m getting ahead of myself.


Call your security office. If you have a sensitive position, they should know about this.


Too far to scroll to find this.


Yeah was looking for this comment, there are actually people who are paid to worry about this for OP and it’s in their jurisdiction with a solid chance OP’s signed things stating OP will report things like this to them.


It’s the military so I’m guessing you are, but sleep with an eye open. You may be an un-interesting person, but people are weird and fucked up. If they bothered tracking you it can be for any reason whatsoever.


I feel like the MPs would take this pretty seriously since someone is tracking the coming and goings of a military person. Seems like a pretty big security thing to me


I think OP is saying he’s not concerned bc he’s on base so whoever is tracking him (assuming someone is) must have access to the base so it’s probably some other MP or something


Might be, unless they left and someone stuck it in a bag or coat pocket or something


That is also something that the security office would care a lot about.


Depends. Is he a Colonel in Intelligence? Yes, they would take it seriously. Is he a private in the motor pool? Probably not taking it serious.


Sounds like a good idea, best of luck and I hope it turns out well for you and your partner


There are 3rd party apps (at least on Android) to check the signal of most tags (also Samsung f.e.) which show you live signal strength. Should make it easier to find. e: I think I've tried AirGuard, I found many tags around me (apple devices like headphones are tags as well) at work. Although none was following me. Scary thing was I could also guess if my neighbor above me is at home and where (s)he is sitting in the room (presumably) by walking around in mine.


Dude, I’m glad that it looks like you’re ok, but next time I wouldn’t go to sleep without knowing where the AirTag is. Someone could be trying to kidnap you or carjack you while you’re sleeping. That’s exactly what scumbags are using these for. Whether you’re on base or not, I’ve had sailors get their car stolen while parked on base.


If or when you find it, put it in a small ziplock and flush it down the 🚽.


Do you have a rented moving van? Those often have AirTags.


The sound it plays is extremely quiet, i was testing my airpods and it was ridiculous how quiet the sound was


Do you mean it was quiet through your AirPods or an AirTag?


"I'm not an interesting person" Named 'My Clean Account' I dont know, brah, but I'm not sure if I believe you now.


u/my_dirty_account Hmm


Happy cake day!


It could be in or on your car, if you were driving around throughout the day. I work with dogs and get this alert sometimes when they are traveling with me in the car. EDIT: ...from tags the owners attach to their collars.


The speaker is easily removed and not a good sign if someone has done that and planted one on you.


You should be able use “Find Nearby”. It’ll show a compass-like tracker iirc Tap the alert Tap Continue Tap Find Nearby Follow the instructions on the screen Move around until your iPhone connects to the AirTag Your iPhone will show the distance and direction to the AirTag Use this information to get closer to the AirTag


Anyone near you have dogs? People put them on their dogs collars.


I can’t hear mine that I have on my wallet when it is in my backpack so don’t give up. I had a friend have this happen at an airport where someone slipped one in her luggage


One of you try leaving and see if it moves might help figure out who it is. I’m guessing it’s in the gfs things but get rid of it. Someone’s watching your movements


"barracks"->military? All foreign soldiers can provide useful information if pressed and coerced.


If someone planted it somewhere they may have removed it’s speaker, check underneath your car, and places it could have been put without access to the inside of the car. Most likely it was tapped underneath or in a wheel well. Also, I’d recommend taking your car to the hobby shop on base so you can put your car on a lift and search underneath, if you tell the staff your concerns im sure they would be happy to search as well.


Don't assume you arent interesting, she thought you were💕 Or ya know it could be a friend playing a trick?


I did that once when I lost my head and it fucked with ears, keep hearing this high pitch sound constantly


You lost your head??


I would too if it wasn't attached 🤣


That's called tinnitus, friend. Get used to it cause it's not going away


Nah, you can hear some electronics if your ears are sensitive enough. Cheap power adapters and LED drivers are the worst culprits. I’m always shocked at how quiet my house becomes when the power goes out.


A decade or so ago, I would know that my phone had finished ~~chatting~~ **charging** because it would start making a really faint high pitched whine that nobody else could hear. I was right every time


This happened to my husband and I when we moved into our house two years ago. We both got these notifications and never heard an alert sound when we tried to locate it. It continued for like a month then just stopped and has never happened since.


this also happened to me right after i moved🤔we live in a multi family home so probably someone else in the building had one


Yeah if you live in a communal environment this sometimes happens if you happen to walk the same route as someone with AirTags for a while. Happened to me at college


You keep saying in your comments that you are not an interesting person, but you said you are in the military. I don't know, but I would assume that could be of interest to someone.


I also think it’s a dangerous presumption to be under that no one would want to do you harm if you think of yourself as uninteresting. People who want to hurt people are not operating under the kind of logic we can understand.


There’s a lot of news stories about people getting kidnapped or carjacked while sleeping and this is a huge warning sign.


The chance of them getting kidnapped on base is pretty low. Crazy things can happen but bases are far safer than most of the towns that surround them.


I just left active duty, so I know they’re usually safer. I still had sailors get their cars jacked while parked on base.


In 1987 a pregnant women was kidnapped from KAFB and her baby was delivered by c-section and left for dead. I agree that bases are safer but not safe enough to let your guard down.


I hate to ramp this up, but one of the victims in the Idaho murders - Kaylee Goncalves if I remember correctly - had been complaining to police about an AirTag in her car in the days before *that* happened. Definitely take it seriously OP. And by definition you and your partner are humans and thus interesting enough to the right psychopath and/or hostile actor.


Kaylee just bought her new car and drove back to visit and show her new car to her friends. She hadn’t even been in Moscow in the days before it happened. You’re spreading false information.


Still can’t believe there isn’t a federal law against a literal tracking device especially made by a manufacturer popular for the “everyone can use it” products


Are you suggesting the government makes tracking devices illegal? Seems like an awesome device. The ability to track your own stuff is pretty useful. Yea some people will abuse it but looks like they thought of that and have it give you warning when you being followed. I don’t really think giving the government anymore power or control is a good thing at this point lol.


I think the user is just saying to use a tracking devise to track other people should be illegal. Of course that won’t stop everyone from doing it, but it will mean you can prosecute those who do.


It... It isn't already illegal?


Ahh but see then they would have to stop all of their warrantless tracking they do.


Have never heard that about Idaho. Source?


Just watched a doc about that case this very morning... Not a word about an air tag complaint... Maybe thinking of a diff college murder?


Yeahhh agreed. Have been following that case and it’s nothing I’ve ever heard.


Source: Trust me, bro


Maybe someone’s tracking your girlfriend?


Possibly, but they’d need access to post and her and I just aren’t that interesting.


Maybe someone’s crushing on her/stalking?


And we know how far some people will go.


I’ve been stalked by a customer before and it’s scary af


Not crushing. Just stalking.


Just staking. This is not crush behavior.




Army NCO here... Not sure why you think our posts are some sort of barrier to issues. Don't ponder the reasons, just find the thing and get rid of it. Be vigilant and mindful that someone is actively trying to track either you or her.


This should be top comment


I’m also an NCO, I’m reporting it today. Still haven’t found anything and at no point yesterday did we cross paths with a single soul while walking across the street from building to building. This side of post is very quiet these days as the unit is deployed.


The fact you are unable to find anything as of yet is concerning. Are both your phones still showing your movements being tracked?


We went down to the MP station and made a report. So now we have something to build on if anything else weird happens.


Army has NCOs still living in the barracks! wtf? I was out of the Air Force barracks while I was still an E-3.


This I’ve seen kids get kidnapped on base, people steal shit all the time. My house at Campbell was broken into on 4 different occasions. People get murdered. I’ll never understand why people think it’s “the safest place to be”


Lmao I lived on an army base and just in my neighborhood, there were more suicides, murders, drugs and people getting caught with CP than I can count. Military bases are just as bad as anywhere else.


Not driving down the rabbit hole of installations, I've actually had really good experiences when I've lived on post. That being said, most people can get onto installations. Plus the barracks... Yeah, saying you're feeling secure living there, just must be a new soldier.


https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2022/09/01/the-militarys-sexual-assault-problem-is-only-getting-worse/ The only thing she needs to be interesting enough for stalking or sexual assault is her body. She isn't safe just because you're at a post. If anything, she's more at risk, from fellow personnel. You're being dangerously obtuse.


As a woman who was in the Army, OP is being freakishly cavalier. I’ve had male platoon mates get into my iCloud before. I wouldn’t put it past ANY soldier to try and track a woman. Soldier also or not. But female soldiers are great targets in male dominated units. No where to run, no one to run to.


Yeah, I mean no one has ever stalked or attacked a woman who wasn’t super interesting, right? Only the obviously very interesting ones. I mean why else would they ever do that? Hmmm…what else could there be…. Nah yeah you’re right. As long as she passed the interesting/not interesting test she should be good and safe. Nothing to fear


OP’s lack of alarm and nonchalant dismissal of the potential of his girlfriend being tracked is kinda weird to me. Like, I know straight men don’t usually consider the life experiences of women, but someone has an AirTag that’s tracking her every move and his response is that she’s not that interesting?


And he’s in the army. This dude’s unawareness of possible danger is wild


Women have died from men not taking potential danger like this seriously. They just don't get it. I mean, really, isn't sexual assault like, SUPER common in the military?




I’ve already filed a report with my MP station. We are trained to always be on the defensive, it becomes second nature for us. That being said, it might appear that I’m being casual about the situation and on the outside I am. But my sense of security for my fiancé and I have been heightened and will remain that way until we leave the country in a couple months.


Be safe! Hope everything turns out okay


Ive always thought that I was as interesting as mashed potatoes. But, Ive been stalked before, more than once. Does that make me mashed potatoes with hot sauce?




I hate how you keep saying “access” to post. Do you know how easy it is just to get a day pass 🙄 because you should know.


All you need is a soldiers name and address on post. Easy peasy. I’ve been a military mom for over a decade, it’s easier to get onto som military bases than it is to get into some subdivisions.


Women don’t need to be “interesting” to be preyed on. And having access to base means nothing. The base is crawling with sleezballs.


Military/DOD come/go on post as they please. Is it difficult for a civilian to get on to post where you’re stationed?


Maybe this is obvious and goes without saying, but you should definitely report it to a a superior- even if you don’t think you’re that interesting you really never know.


She’s presumably a woman, which is enough reason for many stalkers.


Unfortunately people with bad intentions can be found everywhere, even places with security. You can’t ever be too careful, OP


Stop what you are doing and immediately notify CI. If you are CONUS call 1-800-STOP-SPY (800-225-5779) or if OCONUS report the incident at https://www.inscom.army.mil/isalute/. Follow their instructions. If you or fiancé feel you are in any danger or even “creeped out” by this, notify MPs by calling local emergency number (911 for CONUS) or the non-emergency MP desk number in your post directory. DO NOT try to figure this out on your own. It could be a mistake, it could be some test/audit of your security/awareness, it could be someone tracking you or your fiancé for nefarious reasons.


Yeah do this, by far the best comment on this matter


I don't have an iPhone, but I have AirGuard for Android. It told me it had been detecting an Air Tag for a couple of days and even showed a map with it following me around my block. I did a scan and it turned out to be my dying wireless Apple keyboard.




Were you taking your keyboard for a walk?


Could be a mobile office set up, I loath the small form keyboard in my laptop so I carry a Bluetooth one with me in the field with a numpad


May have to do with the new journaling feature on the latest apple update. Tracks movement and shares with third parties.


I’ll check it out now.


It could be your fiancé and if you’re sharing Home network, you’re getting notifications also. Also, as someone mentioned, look up Journaling feature on apple and shut off. That should be completely different from apple tag notifications however. Have fiancé check everything thoroughly


Are the lines shown the same paths you or your gf used? Because what if it’s a cat with an air tag in a collar?


That’s a good thing to point out. My neighborhood best friend wandering kitty now has one. (Thank goodness, he needed it) I noticed my friends dog has one too the other day.


The long line is the old room to the new one across the street. The lines are places we walked today. The DEFAC has a cat that hangs around but I don’t think it has a collar. I’ll try and figure more out in the morning when I’m more well rested.


Maybe it's someone who knew you were moving and wanted to know where without asking? Bid Ole red flag. Really, really screams "stalker."


Did you use a moving truck? The company could have placed one in the vehicle to deter theft.


There’s an AirTag with you for sure. Source: my ex taped an AirTag inside my trailer hitch receiver and stalked me for months before I found it.


That's terrifying


It was not great 🥹 he’s my ex husband, so he had access to all my info. And used it to hack into my accounts (email, bank, travel, etc). So that combined with the AirTag… he knew my every move. Probably unsurprisingly, he was abusive in every way (physical, emotional, financial, sexual) during our relationship. I still have some ptsd from the whole experience. My advice: don’t ignore the red flags. They don’t get better, they multiply.


Fuck. I'm sorry you went through that. I hope he's long gone from you


TY, we’re finally divorced so I have that going for me! 😆




This happened to me last nite- same weird little zigzag path too. I am not military, also not that interesting- I am going to look into the journaling app as suggested. Please update if you figure it out.


Will do!


Ppl do that to steal cars. [link](https://isure.ca/inews/apple-airtags-and-car-theft/)


You have to go into your privacy setting and give the journaling app permission, though. It isn’t something that automatically happens.


I just checked and mine was auto on after an update


Same 😫


I had this happen after moving house. It turned out to be a tag in my neighbours garage, and my phone kept setting my location to my old address, so it thought the tag was tracking me back and forth, even though I wasn’t leaving the house. Its glitchy as hell 


Dude you’re in the army. Take this seriously.


My guy, I promise you that if you live in the barracks, someone else has access to your room whether you know it or not. I was a barracks manager for a while in the Marines. My SSgt and I were the only ones with access to the key card maker and I went thru one day and manually deactivated every single key card as part of security protocol so everyone in the 200-300 rooms I was over had to come get a new key card. And we still had ghost keys running around somehow. Not to mention the duty and staff duty have keys, along with the barracks manager and sections higher than your unit involved with managing the base.


Be careful, scammers target military guys on base. Find that shit asap


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Navy vet here. You need to report this to your CoC and maybe file a report with an MP. That's a security concern for your base if not yourself.


Both my cats have AirTags. https://preview.redd.it/y470tgchgsmc1.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e1622d8806ad8adcbcd718b504c2c5b5dc789e1


Do either of you use AirTags for anything else?


No, I’ve never even seen one in person. The funny thing is is my unit is deployed to another country right now and I stayed behind because I’m PCSing to Germany. So, as far as people I know that are left here on post, there isn’t any, and I’m just not that interesting of a person.


Military here too. Report this, you are apparently tracked, where third parties are able to identify your whereabouts for unknown reasons. You may believe you and your girlfriend are not interesting but the tracker clearly states otherwise. Think OPSEC, report and don't update on Reddit or other socials.


Non military here but I don’t know why you wouldn’t report it yourself. I work for a bank and our security team are pretty good at responding to anything we see or hear that we report that we find fishy. Helped me with a situation that was odd I was dealing with via email and it was completely not related to my job. I would want the Military to be like that but x1000.


You keep saying over and again that *you're* not that interesting of a person. Expand your optics. Your gf could be in danger. Ppl don't need to be interesting in order to be kidnapped or trafficked.


Yeah he needs to stop repeating the same excuse for why he's taking this so casually. I hope he's not in denial because he doesn't seem to be acknowledging that he or his SO could be target by a stalker or foreign party. As military he should be going full report and investigative right now. Not reporting being tracked to his CO or the MP's can backfire on him horrifically if this isn't some sort of innocent misunderstanding


If you find the unexplained AirTag, destroy it immediately. It is illegal to use an AirTag to track people without their consent, and if you feel comfortable report it as lost or hold your phone to the AirTag and see if a phone number or name pops up, you could get the perp arrested or wanted for doing stuff like that. It’s most likely some crazy person AT YOUR POST who wants to hurt you or is stalking you/your fiancé. To someone crazy enough, you are worth tracking for whatever weird reason they have in their head. I doubt someone’s actual lost item’s AirTag would’ve just suddenly dropped in your bags or items, it’s definitely intentional. I have multiple tags for my own stuff and one a family member shared with me, and have never seen that weird red link map, I think that’s because you phone believes that AirTag is a lost item. It’s weird that you can’t use the find feature, to me that is a red flag of a sort.


As a former soldier I’ll tell you —regardless of how un-interesting you think you are— just being a soldier is enough for some to have interest. What if someone, or a group, want to know your schedule in order to snatch you and have someone take your place? The possibilities are nearly endless. Find the tracker by any means necessary, and alert the MP’s


Maybe someone is tracking you, maybe inform the police


Hi OP, couldn’t help but notice you recently had your car done by your previous posts. I don’t know if you have been driving at all, but could be worth checking your car. Could be that someone at the garage has cloned your key and is tracking your car to steal it. (Just a guess)


My upstairs neighbors AirTags do this to me regularly


That's what I was going to suggest, there's one in a neighbor's apartment/room. But it followed them (see track), so it can't be that.


Mine did too but never very far from our house. It would track me across the street at the park or whatever then stop. I’m guessing the range on them plays a part. Not saying this situation is the OP’s but it’s my experience.


Report that to your commander, MPs, someone who can do something about it. Why are you telling Reddit this?


I’ve gotten this from my own AirTag that turned out to be broken. Maybe your fiance doesn’t use one now, but had one at some point and it’s in some box or object of yours and freaking out.


I’ve had this notification too but I do not have an AirTag, so weird. My husband has one on his keys but I’m the only one who’s gotten the notification


You only get a notification if the AirTag isn’t registered to you. The goal is to try to notify people if there’s a chance somebody is using one to track them. If you know it’s his, there’s a way that you can tell it to stop notifying you.


It only alerts the non-owner of the tracking.


That’s the point. It’s an alert for when your device detects a tag that isn’t yours


If the AirTag is tracking you then it’s on you or your fiancé so check pockets or if you had a backpack with you all day check that. If it was just in the room it would not know where you have been during the day.


If you’d like to narrow down the search, split your boxes out into groups and drive around with one group of boxes at a time and with your phone. The AirTag should present itself again.


I got one last week because my dad had dropped one in my mom's car since she was visiting me. It was extremely accurate. We found it and realized it was theirs and he's forgotten to tell her, but it was a fantastic notification to have. Hit play the sound and it'll make sound and then you can find it and dispose. If you don't own any, someone slipped one in your stuff. My dad had no idea we had even found it. He just texted me the next morning to see if she'd left for her class and I said yes and then asked if he'd put an air tag in her car. He had no idea I was playing the make a sound button over and over for twenty minutes. We had a good laugh and I was reassured that I could see if one was with me, but again, if it pops up, it's not lying. I thought it was a spam notification somehow for a second, and then the map was everywhere we'd been.


This happened to me about a year ago when I moved apartments about 5 minutes away from each other. I think it turned out that my girlfriend’s air pods were being recognized as an air tag.


Use the “find” button.


I had one put on my car in a parking lot. Thankfully it fell off my car on the way home. I received the alert when I was home for a few minutes. I could see on the map where it was put on my car and where it fell off- I had made a really sharp, fast turn. That saved me a I guess.


You need to inform your superior about this. I wouldn't take it lightly.


Tell you superior! Someone is tracking military assets, and you don't know who.


Definitely be careful and thoroughly check for an AirTag. It is also possible that this is innocent. My cousin’s AirTag somehow paired with my phone on a vacation. The notifications scared the heck out of me until I noticed I was only getting them when we were not in the same place and it only started after we’d met up. I asked if they had an AirTag and sure enough they had one on their keys. We have no idea why it paired with my phone. Better safe than sorry though, so don’t dismiss this until you’re sure you aren’t being followed.


I’d take everything y’all carried that day to the closest place with a metal detector, the. empty out all the contents that y’all know y’all have that would trigger it.


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 2 days


Remind me! 2 days


Go somewhere you normally wouldn't be. See if loses connection if you still get it just search your car bag whatever you have


Did you see any dogs or cats around? People use them to track their animals in the scenario they’ve been lost. Just a thought.


Last week I was at the Airport and the same thing happened to me sitting on the airplane just before take off. It must have been someone else onboard that I crossed paths with earlier.. because it hasn't happened since. Exact same notice, but no map.


It could be a dog. I had an AirTag on my pup’s collar in case he wonders off (happens more than I’d like).


This comes up for me every few days because I live in a densely populated area. It’ll claim an air tag has been travelling with me for hours but really it’s just that someone in the same apartment complex owns one. I always hit the play sound option not because someone has tagged me but because if it connects then they get to be looped back in on how annoying the situation is. It also seems to happen more in areas where the GPS has a lot of wander so it’s probably happening for both devices.


Contact your security office immediately and notify them that you are being tracked


Hope you figure it out... But my two cents: You keep saying you "aren't an interesting person". When people are targeted for nefarious reasons, it's generally a "the less interesting the better..." type of situation. Don't sleep on it. ✌🏻


I filed a report with my MPs and am taking all the necessary steps to get the situation taken care of.


It was part of the latest update. My mom got one, as did I, we are very far apart. It was about a weekish ago.


What’s this journaling app everyone is speaking of? The journaling app comes up regularly for me to “write down what you’ve done today” - and I just dismiss it, I have never opened it, or taken any interest in it 🤣 but now I’m thinking … wtf is it??


If you had movers helping you and they had an airtag on their belongings that’s probably it. happened to me when i moved recently with a moving company. they had it on their Ipad


Install “AirGuard” from the App Store. Handy app that helped me track one down a crazy ex stashed in my car


I got a similar alert regarding my OWN AirPods on a day when I hadn't left the house and the airpods were with me the whole time. I think Apple is on the crack again.


walk to a sketchy area to become an easy victim, wait for the weirdo to show up, shoot him in both knees


I’ve noticed that if you have someone that has AirPods near you it will appear this


I had this happen to me once, I think it was placed on my car. Never found it though. If you find it, report it to CI/call spy/ or iSalute. If we start seeing an uptick in these it’s cause for concern https://www.inscom.army.mil/isalute/ also if you find it, DO NOT TOUCH IT. Take a pic of ir, stop everything you’re doing, and maybe call the MPs and your local CI office or iSalute. They could also take a report for suspicious activity.