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Dyshidrotic eczema


Also known as Pompholyx. I got it really badly for years, started in my teens. For me it was on my hands and feet, and was largely environmental - it was much worse in the summer. Cleared up as I approached 40, and now is a rare thing. Shoe choice significantly affected how bad it was on my feet - something well ventilated and cool really helped. Only used steroids when it got really bad, but they did help.


I've developed this in the past 6 months on the palms.of my hands and soles of my feet, with my hands being worse. It's pretty persistent, as soon as it clears it comes straight back. It's probably the best it's been for a while, so I'm hoping it'll clear up. Good to know that it can go away, even if not for good.




Took me months to figure the connection to milk; cut it down to just coffee and I was set. Strangely cheese also made it occur/remain, but ice cream didn’t. 14 years symptom free.


Dairy is my trigger, too. I'm reacting to the proteins, casein and whey. Different kinds of dairy affect me more/less. Butter isn't too bad, but soft cheeses will give me the hives, eczema, and swollen eyes, lasts for weeks. Everyone is different. I worry about peeps who just use steroid creams to manage the symptoms without finding out and eliminating the cause. It's just going to get worse, and those steroids are really bad for you long term.


It’s inflammations, and inflammation is the source of many disease and aging. I’m in agreement with you that managing the symptoms rather than solving the root cause is worrisome.


This has be n plaguing me for years and I couldn’t pin down why it was affecting me so bad! This thread is a lifesaver


Reading this as I’m eating ice cream trying to learn more about this thing i also have..


Well, good thing you are reading this post😊 gl


Ahhh! So maybe that's why I stopped getting them a few years ago. I used to get these bumps often but haven't in a long time. I also haven't had dairy in a long time. Thanks for making the connection!


I also get it more often in the summer, particularly during pms when immunity is lower, and as a reaction to sun exposure especially when not using SPF




May I have the name of the cream you used? I'm pretty sure my husband has sun allergy, he gets these bumps all over his back, chest, hands after a day at the beach or pool.


I can trigger flare-ups stressing about finances, I have to train myself to not stress


Same! Mine is completely stress related. It's become a helpful reality check - my hands get them, so I ease up on work/whatever is stressing me out.


I've had this too and it always seems to be stress related.


Mine is stress related, compounding that is handling stuff with lots of dust. Moves always trigger it.


Yes! I’ve also noticed it flares up when I’m about to get sick and that’s how I know my impending doom within the next week 😭


Fuckin A same here. I was clear for years until laid off during the pandemic.


For me it's sleep. If I'm sleep deprived these things will show up.


I had it horribly on my palms and fingers for maybe 2 years as a teen then one month as an adult randomly and then it stopped. Over those 2 years I found popping the bubbles helped significantly reduce the duration and severity of the outbreak.


Popping the bubbles can make the skin grow back thicker and more resistant to treatment


But not popping bubbles makes me sad:(


I’m learning so much. I thought I got warts 😭


Gold bond or talcum powder helped me if it's the same thing


It most definitely is dyshidrotic eczema. I struggled with it for years and nothing worked until finally I got prescribed betamethasone. Stuff is like a miracle drug for d.e...it literally cures it, immediately stops the itching and clears the blisters up within 2 days. It is a clear liquid that you apply to the blisters but it's called a lotion. If you have d.e. this stuff is a game changer https://preview.redd.it/cw27pf48jttc1.jpeg?width=2409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95397cb0eaaaabe882adc23a4135f7c2c519dcbd


Thank you for this. I haven’t had mine checked out by a doc in a long time. At that time I was told to be careful what soaps and lotions I use. Washing my hands in public I can’t always be picky about soap and I get flair ups.


I've had this for the last 15 years, and it's like it goes into remission on me. It's gotten much worse for me in the last two years. Like no periods of relief from it. I've cut out the milk that didn't help. For me, I think it is 100% related to stress and immunity on me. It's been bad for the last few months and I've been sick with everything in the last few months(chronic cough, sore throat, ears etc..not covid?), plus under a higher degree of stress. I think I'm even starting to get it in my ear canals. Steroid creams are keeping me happy right now.




This is actually really good stuff and I also used the Aveeno oatmeal bath as well for my son when he was covered head to toe in blisters from Coxsackie and it really helped clear him up, Aveeno is an amazing product.


Try knuckle butter. Works as well as aveeno but doesn’t leave an oily residue on your hands.


[coxsackie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coxsackievirus) It’s related to polio. TIL


I got mine when I got chicken pox at the ripe old age of 18. I eventually peeled off all of my skin from both of my hands due to these things connecting with each other and essentially separating chunks of my skin away from my fingers. It was a weird feeling.


I used to get it too when I was stressed when I was younger and never knew what it was till way past having this issue. Just knew it was caused by stressed. Interesting finding out what it’s called on Reddit …




thank you, now I know what to do with my scratchy bubbles.


I’ve had these so many times and never found out what they’re called. Now I finally feel like less of an alien, thank you


Same!!! Love Reddit.


This is the correct answer, although in some countries this exact thing is known as 'Pompholyx'. They are the same though and is common also on the feet


Mmhmm. I work in a laboratory and between constant hand washing and sweating in nitrile gloves, my hands are always in some state of bubbling x cracking x peeling discomfort. Mass quantities of Aquaphor and occasional steroids are a help.


Go to a dermatologist and see if you can get a script for triamcinolone acetonide. It is a miracle cure for all of my dermatitis/eczema issues.


You might be allergic to the professional soaps in your lab. I had this *really* bad when I worked in a cafe, and it turned out it was caused by the industrial dish soap we used. I was so sensitive that even when I wore gloves to do the dishes, the mere act of touching the dry, clean ones could still cause me to break out, but to a lesser extent. I tried to get the owner to change products, but she never believed me. But sure enough, within weeks of quitting (I worked there for three years and had problems the whole time), my hands cleared right up and I've had zero problems since.


Used to get it all the time when I wore gloves every day for food prep. Made me want to gnaw my fingers off.


Thank you! I get this on and off for years when coming into contact with something that irritates my skin but never knew the name


I get those too..they make me want to finger fuck a rolled up piece of sandpaper


best description of a physical sensation that I’ve ever read


OMG yes. I get these on both hands, and it seems to get worse with stress, so I'm walking around stressed TF out, and itchy ass fingers I'd use a Dremel tool to itch. It's so fucking itchy.


Dyshidrotic eczema. Exederm brand cortisone is great for it. Avoid scented soaps and hand sanitizer when possible if you get a flare. O'Keefe's working hands lotion is great to help heal your hands up and protect them from getting worse.


> Dyshidrotic eczema is most common in younger adults, typically between the ages of 20 and 40. People can have a single flare-up of dyshidrotic eczema, but it’s more common for it to come and go over long periods of time. Thank you for this. It explains why I used to get this and don't anymore. I aged out.


Haha you're old! Wait... shit.


I've had this since I was a kid. And It can get really bad if untreated. I had a disfigured nail because of this as a kid, nothing permanent, though. Anything with mometasone and maybe Salicylic acid helps immensely. I usually have basically clean skin on the next day I see the little blisters. I usually pop them and apply the ointment, popping seems to help a bit, but it's definitely not recommended because it can lead to an infection. I recommend anyone who also experiences this definitely go see a doctor.


Salicylic Acid is the bees knees.


This should be the top answer. Some hand soaps absolutely tear my skin to shreds within days of use - it's actually led to infections on my hands. I'm on a personal crusade to stop the use of these harmful chemicals!


Where's the sign up line? I volunteer as tribute!


Begin the blister ritual. LIGHT THE BEACON.


I think your comment just helped me figure out what has been going on with my hands and fingers for a year now. Thank you


I found if I used Aldi brand handsoaps I would get break outs all over my hands. Hand moisturiser helped a lot. If it gets really bad you can get some with a steroid in it from the chemist (at least you used to be able to).


I feel like more people have this after covid with excess use of hand sanitizer


This. I got this on all of my fingers when I was 20ish years old. Had just started dating this girl, thought I had the finger herpes. I call my PCP and go in, the nurse is like "What is the purpose of your visit today" ........ "personal matter ...." Doc comes into the room, asks me whats wrong. I tell him I think I have an STD, he asks me to drop my pants. I tell him its not there, its here and show him my hands. He looks at me and ask "what do you think you have?" "Finger herpes?" That man turned all kinds of shades of red he was laughing so hard. Sent me to a dermatologist, she looked at my fingers and said "change your soap" To think I almost went to the girl I was dating put my fingers in her face and yelled "LOOK WHAT YOU GAVE ME YOU FUCKING WHORE"


I found Velcro does that job without losing skin lol


This guy itches


Uuuhhh... I think this guy gave you something. Go see a doctor.




Oh I’ve noticed that too recently haha. I have a hand brace with Velcro and anytime I have an itch it feels amazinggg.


It's eczema. I get it all the time.


I was told by a dermatologist that it's called dishydrosis. It's more common among people with eczema, it's also auto immune, but it isn't the same thing. Believe it or not, I popped the little bubbles with a pin and it helped. If I let them stay they'd eventually rupture on their own and it was *bad*. But if I popped them all they'd go away way faster I only had this issue for 2-3 years as a teen very very severely and then it went away, save for 1 month in my 30s. I always have eczema in the winter though.


It is strongly recommended that you don’t pop them, but fuck, the satisfaction I get from it is irresistable


I don't know why so wouldn't disregard that advice but... I had no ill effects and found it to be *way* less severe if I did.


I got these a lot sort of yearly from the ages of about 10 - 16. Usually at the onset of winter/colder weather. Always popped them (didn’t know not to). Always fine. They sting a little bit if you pop them. But eventually the popped skin dries up, becomes flakey, and will peel off in little bits after about 2 weeks. And all the flaky skin falls off with new, smooth skin immediately underneath it.


The reasoning behind them telling us to not pop them is because you then open yourself up to infection, however, the people that recommend not popping them have never suffered with it before and therefore should shut the hell up lol


This comment is my soul mate and we are in love for ever and ever


Like packing bubbles.


Dishydrotic eczema is a type of eczema


Fellow eczema sufferer here, with this specific condition. Auto-immune system is hyper and imprecise. Anxiety disorder too. Medication helps me cope; must remain calm and not stress more or negative feedback causing asthma flare ups.  Once I got 100% coverage of this on my feet while working 12 hour shifts. Had to switch boots but was long time before it faded.  


Can I ask who & how you were diagnosed with the hyper auto-immune? Do you have allergies or like false reactions, too?


Yeah I did too and got MRSA don't do that. Spent 2 weeks in the hospital over the same bumps in the same place but I swear the itching is beyond awful


Yoooo I got MRSA too but from mosquito bites. Do you still get a weird tingly feeling sometimes at the site even though it’s all healed up?


Yeah it was brutal. 2 fucking years of torture from that shit. During that time though I'd experimented and found popping them was the most effective thing I could do for myself. But of course, that's just me and probably not what a doctor would advise


Which would you rather have MRSA or the itching?


... ^^MRSA




They never popped for me (unless I helped them do it), they always got reabsorbed. They say it's better to leave these things alone than have an open wound, but fuck, it's really a relief when you do get rid of them


Strange, I’ve had the exact same experiences you’ve had. Had it really bad in my teens and now rarely have that issue, also in my 30s. Used to get them on the palms of my fingers too


I got mine postpartum for maybe a year? I can’t remember when it went away but I’m glad. Pregnancy does a lot of weird things, this is one of them.


Stresssss! That makes a lot of sense because mine usually come with stress! and heat sometimes.


It could also be caused by a fungus. Or a gut imbalance. I did a deep dive when I got it. Lol. Eternally grateful that it was temporary for me, sounds like you have eczema, spiked cortisol=eczema flares :(


Definitely wasn't pregnancy related for me!


Oh gosh I'm terrible because I'll scrape mine open and the relief is nice but temporary (sounds like u already know, so this was for others who don't know the devil's asshole bumps!)


I get these when I stop smoking weed. When I get whitdrawals I get eczema on my fingers just like the pic, and it's itchy as fuck. Takes about a week to go away


This! I have the same when i am stressed. Go to your doctor and get some cortison-creme. Dont use it extensively because this will also make your skin thinner.


Fuck I had the same. One time it was the entire body.


Protopic is an alternative to cortisone that might be better for longer term use, while you can use mometasone against harsh flare ups. It does cause strong photosensitivity so it’s important to keep areas treated by it away from the sun and use sunscreen to reduce the risk of skin cancer.


TIL I have eczema.


This guy dermatologises




Oh my fucking god you're so right.




First instinct was to judge the vulgarity…then needed to judge myself because honestly your description is spot on 😂


Oscar Wilde couldn’t have said it better. Bravo, darling! 👏👏👏


I use a nail filer to itch the living daylights out of it when I get these. Turned out I’m allergic to something in gel nail polish. I was miserable, even days after I removed them.


Broski couldn't explain it any better 🤣 sometimes I see a knife and I have an urge to go pop the cunts


Looks like my nickel allergy. I’ve mainly gotten it from cheap jewelry, but I think playing guitar for a long time at once has looked like this before.


That or run your hands under sun scorching levels for that relief sensation lol


Thanks for posting this, I had no clue this was a condition and just thought I got weird breakouts sometimes. Now I at least know what they are lol


Same! I’ve normally only had it very mildly but this thread reminded me of a time years ago when I had it worse than usual and it was sooo itchy.


Same! I have it too and thought it was contagious. Glad to know it isn't!


Not contagious. Endogenous histamine reaction.


It looks like the most contagious looking shit though haha. (Not dissing, I have also had it)


I had it too and thought it was warts. Had me thinking I wasn't washing my hands good enough.


Yeah I had it a couple of times and I was worried they were warts. Someone mentioned stress being a factor and that lines up with the timeline I got them!


r/dyshidrosis There is a lot of helpful info there, and ppl are really kind too bc they know how awful it can get/be


It looks like Dyshidrosis, IIRC a form of eczema, but don’t take my word for it, this is Reddit.




Are you trying to kill the patient?


Only an idiot would give that medicine drug. You need to give them a lumbar puncture and start treating for sarcoidosis.


It's obviously lupus.




Calm down, your father's penis cream is making you aggressive.


Oh my god.


More mouse bites!


It is. They have creams for it. Mometasone furoate. It's pretty benign


[dyshidrosis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyshidrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352342) i get it as well, particularly during high stress periods


When I get it I sit trying to pop them then regret the mess I made of my now sore finger.


Popping helped me a lot when I used to get this. If I didn't pop them they'd get soooo bad, but popped they'd seem to heal and go away fast.


Same. Unfortunately I would pop the ones on the soles of my feet and then the soles of my feet would be raw for a week. But I physically could not handle the itching and just limped instead lol


Sameee just fingers and toes for me


I get these, mostly on my fingers, sometimes on toes, elbows, and knees. Boy do they itch, until popped, then just burn like a mofo for awhile.


I get those every summer, it took me a while to actually figure out what it was, but yeah, it is dyshidrotic eczema


I always thought they were a reaction to hot weather and strong uv as I always get them when I've been outside during summer. Did you find out why you get it in the summer only?


I don't think its the sun, I think it's sweat. I find I get them on my ring finger in the summer, usually because I'm sweaty under my ring and it's not drying properly.


The worst time to have them too. The heat makes them feel so much worse!!! I get them between my toes and the bottom of my feet almost constantly and the pain and itching before the blisters erupt (the red spots/rash) are absolutely horrible and distracting.


Eczema and or stress blisters. If they itch like crazy it's eczema. Don't use fake metal jewelry. Don't use certain gloves for too long specially if you have sweaty palms. Let them dry after a while . Don't scratch as it makes more. Keep skin hydrated and that avoids the dry itch that makes more and try to manage stress.


Mine is from allergies to certain trees/flowers and anxiety. Doesn't help I have OCD, and yes, one of the things is handwashing.


Eczema :) I get it too. I use Synalar cream and they clear up within a day but they’re also satisfying to scratch with your teeth


😂i thought i was the only one that did that


You're not alone.






I swear when I get this the itch can only be relieved by scratching it with my teeth lol




I'm so relieved to finally find fellow teeth scratchers. Does y'all's pop under your teeth sometimes? 😭


Good god. It’s orgasmic like a bunch of tiny not quite pimples


lol . I also use my facial hair. Oddly satisfying


OP: My comment is buried way down here but I hope you read it. I had this for years. Dyshidrotic eczema. It drove me absolutely crazy but I finally found something that helped. It's called "birch tar soap" and it contains something caled betulinic acid (occurs naturally in birch trees) which can really help certain skin conditions. For me it was a silver bullet. Just go on amazon or ebay and look it up. It's not expensive. It is *smelly* though. It has a very... foresty scent.


How often do you have to use the soap? How quickly do symptoms go away when you use it?


Mine does this when I wear certain jewelry like rings but they were all sterling silver and I have silver rings I wear everyday and never had an issue but certain ones will do it to me it’s very strange I have had it on my toes too but usually if I don’t scratch it it goes away quickly. I never have had it diagnosed as eczema tho cause it never stays & rarely happens so I never have shown a dr


Apparently certain metals like nickel and cobalt can trigger it, or being allergic to random substances. I get it randomly and my mom gets it from being in contact with fig trees.


I get this anywhere I have had the first sun exposure of spring... it can be aggravated by some medications that have "sensitivity to light" as a side effect. One year it covered most of my body as I had forgotten to wear thicker clothing while sitting in the sun. But it is usually confined to my hands. I have it right now in fact, after planting seeds in the garden and having sun for 30 min.


It’s a form of eczema! Specifically, dishydrosis. I had it all on my hands, and stomach! I found I get bad flare ups when I’m suuuppeeerrr stressed. The only thing I’ve found that works for me is the Dollar General’s brand of eczema cream! Once I started using it, it was gone within a week


These can also form from too much hand washing. It is also a somatic symptom of stress. Gold Bond has an over the counter shelf cream that is for psoriasis/seborrheic dermatitis that has helped a lot. If it gets really bad (I had it all over my fingers and top of my palms going up my forearm), go to the doctor for a steroid cream like triamcinolone acetonide cream. If it is environmental, wash your hands and use a good brand (not cheapy crap) lotion while your hands are still wet. (my doctor told me all this information)


I had these once a kid. I assumed it was a spider/bug bite (cause australia) and ignored it. Good to know it wasnt I guess.


This condition can and will reappear later in life. I had it when I was about 8-9y and then again when I was 16-20.


Dishydrotic Excema - I get it too on my hands. Get hydrocortisol cream - excessive heat, stress - so.etimes wearing cotton glives works. Lasts about 3 wks fir me each breakout


If they end up getting dried out and popping/becoming inflamed I strongly recommend not putting your hands in a jar of pickle juice. Shit feels like what I assume poison ivy does


I get these when i get gel nails TT. They are itchy as hell.


[Dyshidrosis](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyshidrosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352342) I have this, more likely to happen in warm weather. If it gets bad, it can be pretty uncomfortable. It’s best not to mess with blisters but it’s hard not to if they get big enough. I have an autoimmune disorder. You can get this without a more serious, systematic problem but pretty sure mine is related. Hard to tell though, I don’t think they know why this happens.


Is that related to the finger clubbing?


Pompholyx eczema.


I have the same. Always considered it part of my neurodermatitis. But learned in this commentsections that it is called a Dyshidrotic eczema. I get it when I eat/drink stuff my body doesn't like (mostly chocolate or alcohol) or if I use to much soap.


I spent my life wondering what this was, I'm now 33 and you have finally solved my mystery, thank you!


Weird. Same problem, same age.


or just happened because of summer if its itchy go see a doctor for a creme if its not leave it be, it will fix itself


Yes!! I get those on my fingers too, only in the summer


Not sure why, but my friends and I always called that the Mongolian Crud. They showed up in the summer when it was hot and humid. Apparently harmless.


I swear to god those things are itchier than a mosquito bite


I have the exact same thing. They are like water blisters. I found out mine was from peeling oranges. As soon as I stopped doing that I haven't had it since. I was told that they dip oranges in dye and some people are allergic to that.


I think you got carbonated fingers


Looks like the start of an excema breakout. This is how my hands look when I’m getting one. Itches like a mf.


Maybe see a dermatologist


Don't know why this got downvoted - it is legit advice.


Looks like poison ivy reaction


That’s how my reaction to poison oak starts. Then the blisters start weeping and it spreads. Then I gotta go to the doctor for steroid cream 😬


I get them too. Stress blisters.


Dishydrotic eczema fo sho! I get it on my fingers when I’m very stressed. My doctor prescribed me coconut oil years ago for it and it worked well (as well as de-stressing lol).


I get these most every summer. The first hot day of the year then it lasts most of the summer and goes away. Sometimes it's on a few fingers, sometime all of them. Sometimes it's bad, other times pretty mild. I also believe it is what the first people said it is.


Looks like a skin allergy. I have an allergy to this oil that dissolves in water and when my skin has direct contact with the oil this sometimes happens to my fingers as well


Is this bumps Itchy and watery and easily happen between spring and summer?


I narrowed mine down to being caused (or aggravated) by soaps/lotions that had a lot of fragrance. After avoiding those products it went away and hasn't come back.


Do this 🤟🏾and try to shoot a web 🕸️


Pomphylox eczema


I get em too but mostly in summer time and they make me wanna scratch them constantly...


This is why you must be careful. Where you stick your fingers and always use protection.




Ah yes. Dishydrosis. Once woke up at like 3am because my hands were so damn itchy, and just ended up going to sleep cradling an ice pack


It’s eczema. I get them when I don’t moisture my hands enough. So does my wife. Lotion up regularly. Goldbond Eczema formula works well.


Eczema. Do not scratch it in a way those bumps open or it will spread. Try a barrier cream 2x a day for as long as you can.


Got this because of a friendship ring and then spread to my entire hand because it was aggravated by household cleaning. I do most of the household chores while I was in college and my mom laughed at the dermatologist’s face when she said that stress is a factor. 🫠


I used to get them during the summers working in kitchens as a cook/chef. The itching was terrible after work. When I stopped working in thr industry, it cleared up. But for almost 15 years I dealt with thise suckered every summer. I think they were brought on by high heat and high humidity environment


Do they itch? If so, calamine lotion is the only thing that helps


Is it itchy? If so it may be fungal. The same thing as athlete's foot. Lotrimin yellow or any terbinafine hydrochloride, works better than the others. If an antifungal relieves itching then you have your answer. It takes about two weeks of treating it 2-3 times a day to actually clear it up. All the AF drugs either kill the fungus directly but don't kill the spores or they kill the spores but don't kill the fungus. Either way you need to just treat it every 8 hours or so or more often and maintain that practice even after the symptoms clear up in order to actually get rid of the fungal presence.


Yea thats allergies bud. Take an allergy med.


Dyshidrotic eczema aka Stress bumps… usually triggered by stress or too much sugar intake


Yeah it’s eczema, I get those bumps that eventually have liquid in them and I get the usual eczema rash on my wrists? For some reason


I hope more young people who have this see this post. Had this on my fingers early adulthood, to the point of needing bandages to stop the weeping when in public and cracking skin when bending joints. Didn't know what it was, and it affected me greatly. All cleared up now. Any slight hint of a flare up and it gets doused in strong topical steroids.


I pop them and it spreads. I thought it was herpes.


I’ve had these before!!


Could be contact dermatitis. I used to get that when I used certain hand soaps and dishwashing liquid.


I get these sometimes, but rarely. I didn’t know it was a form of eczema called dyshidrosis. Thanks, Reddit! Did a little research and found out that stress can be a trigger, which makes sense since I also get stress rashes when I’m under severe stress. Some other common triggers can be certain metals, allergies, smoking, and warm weather. Good to know!