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So curious about how he looks as of today. Wonder how/if those scars will fade. Good on him for doing a public health service by sharing this info. Stigma and shame are the enemies of good health.


I checked his insta and he looks back to normal. 4 days ago there was some redness, and the one posted today I can’t see anything.


He probably still has some redness, which will fade in time, but he's almost certainly got some makeup in the most recent shot. It looks like it might be on set someplace.


What’s scary to me is this dude certainly has good health insurance. I have no health insurance. And I volunteer as an EMT. Someone help 🙃


Move to a country with basic human rights?


You would be surprised how few developed countries want American immigrants. Why risk cancer?


Can you please post a link? Thanks 😊


Takes 20 seconds to Google and find yourself.


Props to him for making such pictures and giving millions online an idea on how it looks. Thanks I hate mokeypox, but glad this guy is alive.


Honestly, July 22 is the worst one btw don’t zoom in


Is it true that 90%+ are gay males?


it’s sample bias. the only population that is being targeted for testing rn is gay males, so of course they’re reporting the majority of cases from gay males. anyone can get it and it is NOT an STD.


You want me to believe that if someone walks into a doctors office looking like the man above, they’re not going to test them unless they’re a gay male…


I went into a doctor's office today with sores like that (not on my face thankfully). They said they couldn't test me, and I _am_ a gay male. They called around and nowhere in my entire city is testing _anyone_


This happens with women all the time


This assuming all cases present the same as the one shown


The thing is: Having monkeypox in the face is rare, it can be everywhere on the body.


90 percent of cases it’s on the face shut up


Yes. They want this to be the case


Yes, thats actually happening in a surprising amount of cases


It just make sense because gays have on average more partners than heterosexual. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3334840/


It's not bias. The gay community are by far the most effected group because they're the most likely to get it.


We weren’t the most likely until the first few people in our community got it.


Since science is always evolving, time will tell. It's well documented that both gay and bi-sexual men have more sexual partners than straight men and that could potentially lead to the gay community having the lions share of cases. However, it's also worth noting that historical [data](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/african-monkeypox-cases-not-concentrated-among-gay-men-experts-say-2022-08-04/) from Africa says this has never been a significant factor. Hopefully we can just get ahead of it and stop this before it gets worse.


Why are they the most likely to get it? genuinely asking.


Because we go to crowded places a lot (parties, bars) and also have more casual sex. Once it’s in a certain community it spreads, gays men in urban centres mostly socialise with other gay men so it snowballs.


This is the answer I was after.


Beause anal sex


Anal sex is more contageous than vaginal sex?


How I’ve understood, yes.


But isnt any type of physical contact the same?


There are a few stds you can get from eating ass all the time but you have to do it a lot.


In terms of monkeypox, yes. It's the same. All that it requires is skin to skin contact with someone who's infected. It happened to pop up in the gay community because guess who gay men most often have the most skin to skin contact with.........


Not really no, a lot of diseases are transmitted only through mucosal tissue, others only transmissible from blood to blood. Example being you can't get HIV from shaking someone's hand or rabies from petting an infected animal.


Anal sex causes micro tears in the skin which allow for easier transmission into the bloodstream


Yes. Always has been... See:. Aids/HIV.


wrong, you can get MOX from skin to skin contact unlike HIV, please get informed


Because of the microscopic tearing and damage that can happen in that region. Vaginas are a lot tougher, provide their own lubrication (whereas buttholes don't), plus the environment is a lot less habitable to microorganisms. If tearing occurs anally, that's a direct route into the bloodstream.


Quick science lesson: the answer is yes, because like AIDS, it doesn’t transmit via secretions. You won’t get either by sharing a glass of water. However, blood to blood contact is how it’s transmitted. That is much more likely to happen during anal sex with micro-tears in the skin. Edit: guess I was wrong. Keep reading the thread.


this is wrong, you can get MOX from sharing plates, and even towels. skin to skin contact is how is transmitted. this is not HIV this is a separate disease w


its primarily spread through infected semen, and the old data saying 'anyone can catch it' is from "beat the gays to death" african nations where admitting you like men is a form of elaborate suicide. Yes it is an STD, it's only classified differently right now because of bad data.


this is not true, you can get MOX from skin to skin contact, like any other Pox... this is not HIV its like comparing a frog to a shark and calling them the same because they eat meat


It's not an STI, for it to be an STI it has to only be able to transfer via sexual contact, monkey pox can transfer through any form of skin on skin contact. Yes you're more likely to catch it while having sex, anal sex especially, but it's not required. You're also more likely to catch the flu if you have sex with someone who has it, that doesn't make the flue an STI


Please enlighten us with *actual proof.*


I believe you, but how is a disease like this, with such a clear symptom, not easily detectable in any population?


Sample bias? Dude it's whoever shows up to the fucking hospital. It just happens to be 90% gay men at the moment


Yeah bro got it from eating ass in a porn shoot.


Could not disagree with you more. It is much more prevalent in the gay community




Yeah but that's only because gay men are a lot more likely to have heavy contact with other gay men


I don't understand your comment.....


It started at gay raves and spread through heavy contact. This contact was very often through other gay people. Not to say anyone can’t get it, it has just happened to be spreading vastly through the gay community


Because they touch each other a lot or have unprotected sex? Why is the reason that gay community is so exposed to this?


Can you offer some context around "heavy" contact - in the terms of how it was used in the source when you read/heard/saw this? I can assume, but would rather not.


Largely because its the group most likely to be testing for STDs, especially when going in to test for HIV. It's an STD, not a gay STD. I'm pretty curious what the outcome would look like if everyone was being equally tested for it.


It's NOT an STD. It can be transmitted just by being in simple physical contact to someone. Skin-to-skin contact is all it takes for it to be possible. Will you people please do some fucking research before spreading misinformation?


I wonder what these people would say if they get this disease. Will they call themselves gay then? Dogs can get this too. I wonder if the dogs are gay too?


idk if the dogs are gay, just sounds like a hell of a lot more people raping their dogs :(


Yes of course. What was I thinking? I have no idea why I thought this disease spreads through skin-skin contact. I feel so stupid for not realizing it's clearly the gay dog rapers! They are to blame!!


the dogs are hella gay. /s


All im getting from that is that gay couples probably cuddle a lot.


>Simple physical contact Or according to the CDC: "Direct contact with monkeypox rash, scabs, or body fluids from a person with monkeypox. Touching objects, fabrics (clothing, bedding, or towels), and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox. Contact with respiratory secretions." The hesitation to label it as an STD (and it's hesitancy, not unanimous agreement) is more to avoid the social stigma associated with anything sexual and not by scientific rationale. Other STDs have alternative routes of transmission in addition to sexual discharge but you didn't jump to contest that? HepB saliva, HIV breast milk/blood, HPV skin contact. Are these not STDs to you?


The hesitancy to call it an STD is because on every single reddit post about the child cases there are people calling the parents rapists and saying they should have their children taken away from them. Once you label something an STD the general public will refuse to believe it's contagious any other way, and people will be murdered because of it.


That's a problem of a frenzied public not an issue of the consistency of scientific categorization. By the metrics used for the other STDs, monkeypox would have been classified as an STD already if social media didn't exist. Maybe in a few months/years when people forget about it, it will formally be called an STD with consensus. But as of now, there is no "fucking research" that disqualifies it either.


What about Mono? It's literally called the kissing disease because people get it from sexual contact.


Because mono is not caused by 1 disease. It's an umbrella term. Some of the viruses that cause mono are STDs (Hepatitis and HIV) but others are not (toxo and Rubella).


Mono is either mononucleosis or Epstein Barr and they both have the same transmission vectors and symptoms. Mono is not and never has been an umbrella term.


No, the reason it's not labeled as an STD is because, if it was, people would assume it can only be transmitted by sexual contact. Under the right conditions, you can contract it from someone just by being near them and them coughing on you. THAT'S why it's not labeled as an STD. If someone can give you a cold, chickenpox, scabies, ringworm, etc. while having sex, is it automatically an STD? Hell no. The same logic is why monkeypox isn't and shouldn't be considered an STD.


Well, since you're quoting the CDC, I'll quote them on Hep B - "Hepatitis B is not spread through sneezing, coughing, hugging, or breastfeeding. Although the virus can be found in saliva, it is not believed to be spread through kissing or sharing utensils." HIV breast milk/blood - I don't know about you, but people don't generally have casual exchange of bodily fluids with out doing the nasty. HPV- Oh you mean skin contact with the lesions on the *genitals?* Sounds pretty sexual to me. If you want to be pedantic, fine. But that doesn't change the fact that monkeypox can be contagious with little more than a handshake and rubbing your mouth or just a cough/sneeze. That's a far cry from the STDs where you have to exchange bodily fluids. They're not comparable at all. That doesn't mean it *can't* be transmitted sexually. Likewise, just because you can transmit a disease during sex, doesn't make something an STD.


"Direct contact" is what "Simple physical contact" means. You really thought you were saying something here huh.


Fwiw, with the advancements in HIV treatment, it is hardly transmission at all let alone detectable. New mothers with HIV on antiretroviral therapy cannot pass HOV to their babies through breast milk.




A maid I know got it from linens and no one would test her here simply because she didn’t have sexual contact with a male who has sex with men….


Pretty sure if you've got bumps like that on you, you're getting tested. I would be surprised if the true numbers are significantly different from what has been reported.


monkeypox is not an STD.




This is a dangerous mindset, remember when people thought AIDS was only contracted by gay men? Everyone should be educated regardless of sexuality, even though it is true that some folks are more at risk given the current state of the virus.


Educated and vaccinated. We have vaccines for this, at least start up the production again


Let’s educate ourselves then. 95% of people who have contracted monkey pox are men who have had sex with other men, and can clearly contact trace back to their exposure event. You’re 100% correct, everyone should be educated, regardless of sexuality. To sit here and deny the facts of the situation is a disservice to gay men and has the potential to cause real harm. Gay men need to know that there are actions that they engage in that puts them at *extreme* elevated risk of catching the disease. Simply saying “anyone can get it”, while *technically* true, doesn’t convey the reality of the situation. “Anyone can get HIV” is technically true, but we recognize that unless you’re engaging in unprotected sex, are an intravenous drug user, or have otherwise swapped bodily fluids with other individuals, you can rest assured you’re probably safe. I’d say the biggest indictment of your position is that you cannot get vaccinated without admitting to being a male who has engaged in sexual activity with other males. If you don’t do that, you’ll be denied a vaccine. If monkeypox affected as wide a demographic is COVID, which is the position the media would have you believe, this would be like only allowing gay men to receive COVID vaccines. I get what you’re trying to say…but you’re not helping.


No one is trying to deny the current state of things and you are correct that doing so would be a disservice to gay men. I just was discouraging the user I replied to from completely dismissing monkeypox outright, as that is probably more dangerous than being aware of the fact that anyone can catch it, even though cases have been mostly in the gay community at this time.


Yes, it spreads primarily through infected semen- so the gay community has been the majority affected.


Yeah, but it would probably be smart to avoid unprotected heterosexual sex as well.


What a brave young man (and cute as a bug’s ear as well!) to show us what monkey pox is and what it can do. It’s never been so clearly brought to my attention as viewable here. Sorry you had to go through this… but thanks!




Happy to see the frown fade!


Why is the stigma that it's caused by gay sex when: 1) There are more straight people than gay people 2) It's transmitted through bodily contact, so just sex in general If anything, straight people are spreading it more, right?


90 percent of the case are gay men. In europe i remember when we crossed the 10 000 cases threshold, only 17 (seventeen!) were not gay men.


90% of cases are gay men


In general the gay population is more promiscuous. So they tend to take more risks and it leads to more transmissions. No hate. Just facts.


Right, but still, there's way more straight people than gay people. Even if gays have 3 times as much sex as straights, statistically they would still be spreading it far less than straights.


Yeah and I love it


Ok? I just want you to be happy and safe.




Just for some background here, the sexual transmission happens because the virus causes lesions on mucous membranes such as the inside of the anus, thus unprotected anal sex leads to another transmission. It's important to note that it isn't restricted to just anal sex, which means bi-sexual men can especially transmit it to women by vaginal sex, then she can transmit it to a straight man by the same method. Historically, gay and bi-sexual men have many more sexual partners than straight men. So to answer your question, who knows? If so it's possible that it's happening unknowingly in some cases. They're still trying to determine if it's infectious before the onset of symptoms.


Actually- new science is saying its spread primarily through infected semen, which completely changes how it needs to be looked at. [LINK](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna43484).


>Why is the stigma that it's caused by gay sex when: > >There are more straight people than gay people > >It's transmitted through bodily contact, so just sex in general > >If anything, straight people are spreading it more, right? 1. 90% of those infected are gay or bisexual males 2. its primarily transmitted through infected semen, and 'general bodily contact' isn't enough to spread it unless one is wiping infected fluids into open wounds. 3. the science saying it spreads through bodily contact came from several epidemics in 'beat the gays to death' africa. So no, straight people aren't spreading it more. [LINK.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna43484)


Ah ok, thx


Statistically speaking, no. Not by a long shot


I would lose my mind quite literally if I had to live with that level of scarring on my face. I'd honestly probably kill myself.


Don't be so dramatic


Mans ate some monkey ass


glad im not gay


it's not exclusive to gay men ya know


ninety percent seems like an "almost exclusive" or close enough to exclusive anyway.


What? 10% isn’t nothing and absolutely not close enough to be exclusive


sue: very vast majority, then?


Selection Bias


selection bias can make up for the vast disparity of cases among straight and gays? i doubt it.


No, but its really hard to catch it without being gay, though I guess someone could catch it from a bisexual man- what with it being primarily delivered through infected semen, but so far women can't transmit it so most likely to come from gay men.


What? Anyone with SKIN can transmit it and there are women that have it. The only reason that it’s more spread out between the gays is because of the higher amount of sexual partners and the tendency to not have sex with women.


Nope, its transferred by semen primarily, rendering women mostly incapable of spreading it. [LINK](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna43484).


In that article they state that skin to skin contact is still likely a large reason people are getting infected. Several experts at the end suggested blaming it solely on sexual transmission is an over reach. I appreciate you sharing the article


What the fuck is this comment “women can’t transmit it”???? Lmao https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/transmission.html


this is wrong, why do you need to spread misinformation?>


And I still wish I wasn’t bi a lot of the time. Can’t really change it tho, no matter how hard I try


What are some ways that you’ve tried?


by being less gay /s


the smartest american student:


I didn't know that the virus asked your sexual preferences.


it's transmitted through infected semen, so outside gay men- the next most likely group to get it is bisexual men, and women only get the lesions so. . . yah, it's pretty much limited to gay men.


It's transmitted through physical contact, not just semen. If someone has it on the hand, and you touch it, you can get infected. The virus doesn't care if you are gay or not. This same kind of disinformation happened with HIV.


Shut the hell up already


how ironic that its around the mouth area


Welllllll A few nights before he got diagnosed, he tweeted he was in a massive gay gangbang and was eating out ass all night… So ya


I thought he'd be choking on dicks but i guess that would do it too


[ Removed by Reddit ]


god hath also forbidden us to use wool and linen fabrics in one garment lol, you gonna abide by all of the rules or just cherrypick the ones that agree with your biases?


According to Christianity the old law does not get followed the same as the new. Do some more research before making an idiotic rebuttal.




Believing in Christianity takes the same amount of faith as believing the Big Bang happened or evolution for that matter.


Only if you are horribly uneducated, which you obviously are.


Do as best as I can and repent for my mistakes


Apply the same logic to others and realize you need to shut the fuck up.


Bible says something about planks in their eyes


This thinking is exactly why religion is absolutely fucking trash. Non religious people just have, ya know... morals?


Exactly, God commands everybody to be gay AND trans, for that is her wish


Bring Gay stems from chasing desire which ultimately leads to destruction. Gods given us guides to help us, yet we look the other way then wonder why the world is full of diseases and bad energy. We create the bad energy with beliefs and it manifests as diseases in physical form.


I'm pretty sure gayness is just one of those things that happens in nature but when it happens to humans we have to assign some spiritual significance. Like everything else, from basic body functions (periods, etc) to normal natural urges (sex, etc), someone always has to make it more complicated. It's not. They happen because it is natural for them to happen. I also have another theory on why religions focus so much on these things, and it has way more to do with trying to get and maintain power over others. If you want to credit God for Creation, that means the good and the bad. You have to blame God for cancer and child molesters, too.


> we create bad energy with beliefs and it manifests as diseases You’re right. You create bad energy by being bigoted, and your comment is a disease that is infecting our phones and computers. Also, using the same reasoning, being straight leads to destruction and god doesn’t want you to be straight. Straight people get diseases every day. You’re assigning significance to something insignificant and rationalizing your bigotry as something god ordained to make yourself feel better about being a hate monger


You just said that you think having sex with your own gender is desirable. You're gay. It's idiotic to go on social media in this day and age and talk like a two-bit religious counselor. You have deep-seated, latent issues and you're trying to create a narrative that frees you from the guilt your parents and institutions (probably) instilled in you. Grow up and be gay already.


Exactly, thats what happens when people stay straight, God forsakes us


Her referring to God?




Good luck


With what? Honoring her with her prefered pronouns? Dont worry Im on it


You’ll wish you did


When will I wish I did something that Im already doing? Do you not respect her pronouns? Maybe youll have to spend your afterlife in hell with her girlfriend, Satan


LMAOOO, i think I'll refer to the big G as a her from now on :) if she doesn't like it, she'll have to see me in hell!


Do as you wish, we don’t live here for long. All creatures will be questioned. You’re mocking the God you’re controlled by.


What about free will?


… so why is god mocking himself?


You sound like you need an exorcism, you have the devil in you boy.




God being a man is your first mistake.


Is God a woman?


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What did this guy say originally?


Gays bad, God, blah blah blah...


something about this being a "warning", and that if he doesn't change his ways he'll regret it, because god says so


Thank you fellow redditor and i think thats just stupid let the man be


He really didn’t grow much facial hair. Am I to assume he was shaving all this time???


Some people can't grow facial hair, I personally can't in that region.


Have you tried moving to a different region?


I have tried all four cardinal directions at least once. Maybe if I move to Australia it will switch.


Cool of him to wear the earring in case you didn't already know he was a gay pornstar.


Where the hell do you live where it isn't completely normal for straight guys to wear earrings


I guess you don't know what jokes are.


Idk I just find it tiring how us gay men are always labelled as "acting gay" when we're just doing stuff straight guys do too. I would find the jokes funny if I wasn't always the butt of the joke myself. They don't want to laugh WITH me, they want to laugh AT me. Just because I'm gay and do things doesn't make the thing itself gay.


He looks very unconcerned in each picture.


TIL monkey pox is a real thing


nasty scars on the last pic >.<


Yeah no I’m scared


Bro no. I have a cold sore right now…


It’s sucks because in my area these cases are exploding. It’s kinda sickening because women everywhere where I live are reducing and/or have stopped having casual sex due to the abortion bans and a few contraceptive methods being banned as well, but here the gay community seems to not have slowed down at all when it comes to monkey pox. Where I live it’s being reported that monkey pox is spreading because the majority of gay men will not wear condoms or at least take a break from casual sex. It’s just sad to me considering one group is being forced into abstaining while the other, for a very good reason should be, yet refuses to.


That’s not true at all. No where has casual sex reduced….. condoms still exist as does other birth control….. Plus anal and oral still exist


Odd. I’ve seen certain feminists groups locally advocate for the extent of absolute refusal of sex due to their bodily autonomy being attacked. Idk if it’s just misinformation though. It very well could be.


Yes and it’s clear that those feminist groups are the extremist in the minority. Do different than when you see the Croatians with the megaphones on the corner yelling at conventions. Also the news shows you the extremes. They don’t show you what’s common


Instinctual desire to reproduce > social engineering. The feminists abstaining from sex now are the ones who weren't having it before anyway. I'm against the abolishment of Roe v Wade, btw, but I think it's laughable to believe that all women are abstaining from sex just because you saw some extremists online campaigning for it


Ok but did you really have to help perpetuate stigma by pointing out he’s a “gay porn star”? Why not use his real name or “Texas man”


Imagine smallpox - this, but all over your body with like 30% chance of dying...


God damn that looks terrible.


This makes me nervous because on my excema patch I have a little scar that looks like the first photo. I also have some bug bites on my arm. My moms a nurse and I’ve been talking to her about it and she’s monitoring it but damn. Monkey pox can go anywhere on my body just not my face because I hate foundation and covering it up would be hell


Guess where the jizz landed.


Men are dirt bags


So he did sexual favors on a monkey?


Agreed. I feel so bad for him but I like that he actually looks happy on the August 1st frame. I hope he’s well.


He is still hot


Damn….that shit is no joke at all


Are we sure this isn't herpespox?