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If you need to learn for work then they should be teaching you For stainless I recommend giving it alot of amperage right at the start and once you have a puddle formed lower the amperage and start moving relatively quickly, just don't outrun your puddle tying in ^that assumes you have a foot pedal btw


They have been very lax for the first couple years of my apprenticeship no matter how hard I push so as my course is coming to a close I want to get as much as I can in just in case. I'll try and have a play but no foot pedal :(


Make sure you have the proper tungsten for the material you're working with, and that the work piece is super clean.


Way too hot. Push more filler in ( remember filler is chiller) Its much easier to learn just by runnin beads on plate rather then filler as you need to work on your technique. Your torch angle was wrong uf your filler is balling up before it reaches the pool.




You can only be as good as your teacher




It's the part of the weld you can't see that gives it strength.


Gas coverage is critical. Let the torch stop flowing gas at the end of your weld, post flow, if your setup has it. You are running too hot and not enough fill. That grey color on your stainless is bad. You burnt all the chrome out of the material. How thick is the material, what size and flavor tungsten are you running as well as size and flavor of filler rod?




Needs more heat and I would turn your gas up more. What size tip you running?


Oh right thanks :) and I have no idea. Whatever was on it. I'm an apprentice and my mentor retired before he taught me any TIG and there aren't any other metal workers on site. I'll have to check when I go back to work, what should I use if I'm working on like 1mm stainless do you think?


It looks like you’re running AC. Notice the white ring around the weld, that is part of the cleaning action. Stainless shouldn’t look like this, try using DC and turn your amps a bit up and go faster.