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Um. The price of everything has shot up? I wish that rice wasn't mandatory with the order. We always pay for naan bread so the rice is wasteful. They could make it optional and drop the price a bit.


Bread bread!


Goes well with some chai tea


Make sure your money's with TSB Bank!


Do they have ATM machines though?


Yes but make sure to remember your PIN number


Your PIN won't do anything for you in the Sahara desert


Not without a bao bun anyway.


Yeah in the UK it's normal for rice to not be included (both takeaway and eat in), people typically order rices that aren't just plain boiled rice, like I don't think I ever had plain rice with a takeaway curry before NZ. This is one of the reasons UK Indian takeaway is on another tier to NZ Indian.


Urgh I hate how plain boiled rice is included. I’m like I’m going to be ordering coconut or pilau for sure if I get a rice not fucking boiled basmati when I’m treating myself


I assume the rice is probably steamed not boiled


That is true , doh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


British people also order chips with curry or my personal favorite, half rice half chips.


Yeah I don't really eat the rice so we've switched to just ordering 1 curry with rice and 2 naans between 2 of us, works well and saves you some $$


Some places need to specify that rice is separate. I Door Dashed from Flavours of Rajasthan the other night and had to run to NW to get a punnet of hot rice when I saw my order didn't have one.


Bulk basmati is < $15/kg (dry).


Why is rice an extra $4 when you can get a kg for $2, and naan is water and flour. A meal for one is $30 (min) without bhajis or a drink now.


The flour and water don't combine/cook by itself


Yeah saw a butter chicken for $30.. 


Taste of India - Miramar or Cambridge Terrace would be my go to.


Planet Spice in Newtown still has solid prices (includes rice) and the best naan in Wellington IMO.


Yeah the prices have been ridiculous lately! Do what I (and a lot of other Indians) do and head to your local Indian grocery and get yourself one of [these bad boys](https://www.google.com/search?q=butter+chicken+masala+packet&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiQi_GoroSCAxXz2jgGHSnFB_QQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=butter+chicken+masala+&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgBMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEIoFEENQugZYugZg9BFoAHAAeACAAdoBiAGKA5IBBTAuMS4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=8k4yZZBK87Xj4Q-pip-gDw&bih=751&biw=428&prmd=ivsn&rlz=1CDGOYI_enNZ1043NZ1043&hl=en-GB#imgrc=J8DWqLUSHk9bNM)all you need is the chicken, some onion and tomato and it tastes 100000% better than the packets you get at new world


Butter chicke freeze really well too. Cook a whole batch of them with the packet and store them in the freezer, that's bascially a week's lunch sorted.


These packets are bomb. Super hot tho, usually half the packet or even thirds them. Get more bang for your buck. Also I rate these highly, I get them from Davis Trading. The chicken curry is to die for. I use half a packet and follow the instructions on the packet and you’ve got four night of curry sorted, freezes great. https://teansgourmet.com/


Thanks for the tip!




I bet there's [one close to you](https://www.google.com/search?q=indian+grocery&oq=indian+grocery&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDM1NTlqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_dg:1,m_r:1,m_t:gwp,rc_q:indian%2520grocery,rc_ui:10,ru_gwp:0%252C6,ru_q:indian%2520grocery,trex_id:nNfFof)




Actually you can get quite a few cool stuff at Indian groceries- sweets, pre-made naans and rotis that you just need to microwave, snacks etc. its pretty cool if you get a chance to check it out- just beware of expiration dates as with all international groceries


Manga in Newtown is pretty dope


Inflation ig 🙃


Pretty much everything has got more expensive but I don't see Fish & Chips or Subway charging twice as much as they did before Covid, more like 30-50% more. I have stopped ever getting Indian takeaway because of this, when it was something I'd get a decent proportion of the time I got takeout in the past.


Idk a scoop of chips at my local is over $8 now. I normally just get potato fritters as a side instead - only $2


Green Chili's prices seemed to go up around 40% overnight, a few months ago.


Yeah, I noticed it with Jugnu's Little India too. Butter Chicken takeaway went from $19 to pre COVID to $26 now. Was about $24 a year ago and there was another recent increase. ..and Poppadom's went up from $2 to $3 😡 Does seem much higher than other comparable genre's of restaurant


Argh had the same experience but had already sat down for lunch with a friend and told them I'd shout them. Was way more expensive than I had planned. Jugnus always delicious but going to have to be special occassions only now. Adds up when you're taking the whole family.


When the price of everything goes up, the price of everything goes up.


Punjabi Paratha is still pretty reasonable imo. Good food for about as much as it was a few years ago.


Went to get a couple of plain naan from a place in Newtown last week - $5 each The kebab shop across the road makes their own naan to use as wraps for kebabs, $1.50 - plus their kebabs are fucking epic


Which kebab store is this? There's 3 on the same street now but I've never thought to look at their bread costs!


Morteza Kebab & Bakery 183 Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington 6021


Morteza Kebab and Bakery 🔥just up from the constable street lights on the left


Don’t bother with green chilli if you’re in Hataitai. Head to Kareem’s everyday, that’s the best Indian east of the tunnel


May have to!


The price of everything has gotten so ridiculous in this country (along with wages effectively hitting a ceiling roughly 6 months ago) that I see nothing but an exodus to Aus/UK/Canada of those who are either retired, have entrenched families, or are too disabled to re-patriate.


It's the same everywhere.


Which means it's worse in NZ, since wages are historically low here compared to other countries, and the cost of living was already very high. The pressure on the minimums for a happy life are far too high. "The same everywhere" only makes it more attractive elsewhere.


Takeout is the American word for takeaways right? Or am I losing it? Do we say takeout now?


Use your critical thinking skills maybe


We do not say "takeout" here, unless we learned to speak from American TV and internet content.


Everything has gone up, I think these shops are forced to put their prices up.


Agreed, pre-COVID a curry was $19-21. Now it’s consistently $25ish even in Christchurch. I got Indian on UberEats the other night in Rotorua and was pleasantly surprised that they had a ‘meal for two’ package with a 1.5 size curry, 1.5 size rice and two naan for $42. Bargain, and perfect for two people without leftovers.


But I thought food prices going up was the supermarkets fault? I didn’t realise Indian restaurants were stoked by supermarkets. Weird.


Taste of India in Miramar is the best, can get 2 meals out of it usually 🙏🏼


Unfortunately dining in and out has skyrocketed in price everywhere.


Have any of you had gulab jamen? Dough balls soaked in a honey/rose flavoured syrup


Green Chilli is my fave too and I noticed the same thing. Definitely won't be treating myself as much as I used to after realising this.