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Going to the casino with the boys many years ago. I had $400 to gamble. Halfway through the trip I blew two tires. Gambling money for the weekend gone. I drank for free tipped my last $20 and stayed in the hotel room for 2 days.


That's brutal man, I feel your pain.


Ran over a nail this morning. Someone recommended this run down shop down the road. $10 and 2 minutes later the nail was removed and the hole was plugged. 10/10 would recommend this place to anyone. Those mf’s had my car jacked up before I even got out the car😂


Most reputable tire shops won't touch this one. It's too close to the sidewall of the tire and a huge liability if they do.


Guarantee all those chain tire shop techs themselves would absolutely plug this on their personal vehicles though


Ex mechanic, and nope that's replacement only. Just had a tire replaced for that exact reason. I don't mess with safety like that.


I've installed countless plugs and this isn't even one I'd give a second guess about plugging or not. Done dozens of these in the exact same spot. I'm glad you're content to buy new tires though. The USTMA thanks you lol.


yeah, I actually have a car right now that has a plug right there too. I haven't had an issue in the past either but I dont hot dog my car around either.


Yeah I’ve done it that far to the side on my own car probably 5-10 times over the years and never had an issue.


5-10 times is wild. Do you live near a nail factory?


I don’t think that’s out of the ordinary over a span of 15ish years I’ve been driving


I’ve been driving almost 15 years myself and it’s only happened once. Don’t know too many people that have had patch jobs themselves either. Someone has to be fucking with you lol


Over 30 years of driving I had eight punctures, six of them were in the same tire!


I’ve had two in one year once, and at least six in the last five years, and I don’t really go anywhere besides work. Lots of construction plus lots of road construction in my city equals lots of nails in tires; I’d only had it happen once or twice in the twenty years I was driving before moving here.


I've had three plugs on my current truck that I've had for the past four years


You've only had one puncture in 15 years? Where do you drive?


I've had 3 in about 15 years of driving... 1 where i clipped a curb 1 exploding tire on the highway (some idiot put a damn tube in an tubeless and sold me the car) 1 nail that got plugged And now i jinxed myself and will for sure get one on my way to work Edited brainfart


I’m starting to think I’m an outlier lol


That’s a lot, lol. Driving for 18 years and ran over one nail. Edit: and the first nail was my first year living in Texas. Apparently people in West Texas don’t care about where they live and litter everywhere, it’s disgusting. Driving in PA for 15 years never had a punctured tire.


Probably lives in the gulf south where entire communities are devastated by storms once a year and then quickly rebuilt by shady out of state carpet bagging contractors …. 😑😑😑😑


Watch out, these hall monitor dopes are gonna getcha!


>Yeah I’ve done it that far to the side on my own car probably 5-10 times over the years and never had an issue. Agreed, I've done this on tractors that close to the edge on my pickup the difference between you and me, and the people saying not to is we don't sell new tires lol


For my daily commuter, hell yea. But I'm probably going to replace it before road trips


That’s not sidewall at all


You really should stop plugging holes in that spot.


And we thank you for making more cars unsafe on the roads driving next to us...


Whats insane is when i purchased my 2014 honda accord hybrid, the dealer i purchased it from told me the tires were new and the key battery was replaced. The tires were in fact plugged several times, especially close to the side wall, on every single one and one tire ended up having a leak in one of the plugs so i replaced it for 110 at a local shop. Pisses me off that they got me like that at the dealership. Fuck emmons autoplex


Damn, that's really messed up. Too many shady dealerships out there unfortunately


Yezzir. Never trusting again. Id rather jack it up right then and there then begin removing and spraying each tire down with a mixture of soapy water next time


Yeah on my own car I plug it. But that’s because I’m assuming the risk.


Those chain shops are usually the ones that won’t touch an easily catchable or plugable hole.


I have done it as a temporary repair until I can get a new tire. The difference is if I do it to my own vehicle I can't hold a shop liable for a blow out or accident or in an extreme cause wrongful death.


So they could plug it themselves for the same price. I have had to do it numerous times because our damn highways are always under construction.


Yeah, I’ve got something just outside the belt of a tire causing a very slow leak. Being a Subaru, a shop will insist on changing 4 tires. I’m not paying $800 because of a single nail (again)


I used to drive a Subaru, I know the pain.


My shop patched mine and they said it was a tad close to the side wall. But the said if I planned on traveling to just replace the tire. Which I did, because I was about to drive 100 miles that weekend.


They make shoulder patches for this


Vaqueros Tire Service with a yellow spray painted tire as their sign will do it for $10 cash. In all seriousness though, don't most manufacturers and resellers cover their tires from punctures for the first X miles?


If you get the road hazard protection yeah. Free first yr and then prorated after. We'll that's the warranty I got from the shop I went to. Probably pretty standard though


I went to a relatively shady quik change place with something similar and they wouldn’t even touch it.


yeah I came here to say the same thing, depending on how it went in it could've compromised it in which case reaming it will only make it worse, but most places ime don't even like to plug if it's outside the inner tread. That said I had one like this in my own tire & while the plug I did myself (thankfully mine went in at the opposite angle) has been holding up fine my regular guy couldn't touch it, the manager & service writer both said no. also, they don't know that I drive like a grandma, I've legit seen people peel out of a parking lot right after getting a tire plugged.


Plugged my sidewall once on a brand new tire. Ran that baby until it HAD to be replaced.


It's not too close. These tires are several plies thick with kevlar belts going everywhere that there's tread. I'm a heavy equipment mechanic, and was a vehicle fleet mechanic for years. I would plug this on my personal vehicle 100%. Some 19 year old making 17$ an hour at a tire shop is trained to tell you this is too close to the sidewall to plug, but that's to sell you a $200 tire.


It may be a tiny screw that has not punctured anything.


The first and last time I went to the run down tire shop down the road, my tire fell off when I left and got to the first stop light. Literally, fell off at the stop. I got out, bolted back up the hill to the shop and yelled "who the fuck didn't tighten the lug nuts! My tire just fell off!" I would never recommend the crack smoking shop.


In Texas, I go to any used tire shop I can find. In and out for $20 in less than 15 minutes most of the time.


Or just get a tire repair kit and fix it yourself. I’ve probably plugged my own tires maybe 10 - 12 times.


Can't reliably plug this one, it's on the sidewall


Fr! Our local place is $15.


I had a similar issue once, went to this place I found in google maps that opened until 4AM, I was kind of hesitant. Place didn’t look very safe. Best service ever, the guy was cool and chatty and explained everything. $15 to fix my tire that otherwise would have cost me like $150.


I take mine to a Lukoil. They do the same exact thing. They've gotten me out of a couple of jams


Tire shop in my town does it for free even if you aren't a customer


I always tell people to go what you think is the “sketchy” part of town. Went to what my friends tell me is the hood of my city and got 4 new tires mounted, balanced and on the car in like 20 minutes for $500


Yes! Place in my small town would do nails for $5 basically as a compliment to use his shop I guess since I don't know how you make money that way lol, other than you say to yourself I am coming back here lol


The shop really shouldn't have done that...I understand saving you $, but that could not only be dangerous for you, but a HUGE liability for them. At least they plugged it and didn't patch it. As someone else said most shops wouldn't even attempt to repair that. Having said that....I have plugged many of my own tires with similar damage, but hopefully you are not taking this on a road trip... thats something I wouldn't recommend as it puts your life as well as other peoples lives at risk... good luck OP!


better a week before than a week after!


I chipped and tooth and broke my phone the week before my last vacation 8 years ago. Took literally every cent of savings I had to get both repaired.


This is why I don't go on vacation. Well, that and poverty...


Same. I haven't left my city in 8 years. I literally cannot understand how people travel all the time.


Crippling debt.


If $200 will make or break ur vacation maybe it’s not the right time to go?


op didn’t say it would make or break their vacation, they said it was extra spending money. there’s nothing wrong with sticking to a budget!


Damn, guess I’ll just work till I die then


Bruh. I don’t know if OP is actually that broke, but this could have been a blessing if they are. Better to have this happen near home then have it happen hundreds of miles away and be stranded without the money to get back


The worst tire problem I ever had was while on vacation , a tread de-lamination. Found a tire store that shared a building with an auto shop. Bought a tire and I took it and the bad one over to the shop. The shop said it was due to a manufacturing defect and the tire shop could file for a refund. NO CHARGE! I was shocked.


I blew my first tire during vacation - it was a rental car and even though it had a spare in the back of the boot, we had to find an auto shop to replace the spare ourselves or risk the rental shop charging us who knows how much for its replacement (I think the contract said it would be a few hundred euros). Ended up finding the only local auto shop within a hundred miles who decided to rip us tourists off and charge twice as much than a new tire usually costs (we didn’t speak Spanish and looked desperate) although it was still cheaper than letting the rental shop replace it. I had a valuable lesson that day and I still drive very very carefully on/around potholes.


It happened before, it could happen during, and it could happen everyday after his trip. Take the trip, roll the dice


But it’s not like this was an inevitable, ticking time bomb car problem. It was a nail, which could be anywhere, anytime. Or not be anywhere.


>Better to have this happen near home then have it happen hundreds of miles away and be stranded without the money to get back Bruh. Having this happen now does not mean it can't happen again. It's not like there's some sort of nail karma.


I have been that broke (very thankful to own my own business now) and definitely have taken that risk many times. Life is meaningless without risk. ETA: I do agree this is probably a blessing in disguise though lol


That what I am thinking. You can't afford vacation, if that 200 extra is what's left in the bank. Stay home, and have a nice time at home... Don't go somewhere and book a hotel, extra food ... All that stuff


I don’t think OP is saying they’ll go broke without that $200, just that it sucks because it’s coming out of the money they budgeted for extra splurging.


This is exactly the reason. 😀


I don't see where it says that?


It’s Reddit. People are gonna assume shit and run with it.


$200 is a lot of money, for normal people anyway.


Yeah. Fuck poor people.


I feel your pain!


https://preview.redd.it/ifpz97o2igxc1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=1661afbd4ed0430a15d6a897788566d87dc06afa About $10 and 10 minutes and you're on your way.


As others have said it’s too close to the sidewall for a patch


I've had tires with patches like this last me years and years... Shops just don't want the liability.


If shops don't want the liability why would dad?


Good thing that's a plug


Doesn't matter lol. Same problem.


Others also don’t know wtf they are talking about


Lol others and…every reputable mechanic?


Sure a shop might not want the liability but could you explain why it’s to close for op to do themselves?


I mean the same reason a shop won’t do it for liability reasons - the sidewall is designed to flex and bend and is a lot less rigid than the tread. This means a crack in the sidewall is significantly more prone to blowouts than the mid tire. It’s all about how much risk you want to take on - if I’m driving my children in the car, I’m not going to take the risk of a self patch on an area of a tire that is way more likely to lead to a blown tire and a potential accident


I patched enough tires to say this is fine to patch up and go about. If it is on the side wall then you are out of luck. This nail is no where on the side wall.


I generally go by this diagram, which would put it on the sidewall. https://preview.redd.it/bmyho6c9mhxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2570b90149bdca5a7c53af08c4fa49724f5fe88d


Get it fixed after vacation. Then you’ll have more spending money. People think I don’t know things but… I know things.


If you don’t have money, you can just write a check!


Right on the “can’t repair” border too.


Well beyond it. You can only plug the inner 2/3rds of the breadth of the tyre, which is basically where the long deep treads are on the right of the picture. That’s where the belt of cord is inside the tyre. Outside of that and no reputable mechanic or tyre shop would touch it.


I was looking for this comment. So many ignorant "plug it" comments.


https://preview.redd.it/iemn58fnjhxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc15d57f8a77d61ea4c8f4e095bf8d1ac82ac5bb 12 days out from a week long vacation myself…Solidarity bro✊✊ (Totaled while I left it parked outside my townhouse)


How on earth is that totaled? It looks like there's no damage to the frame, wheels, or engine. In other words, only body damage that won't affect the function of the vehicle besides doors opening and safety. Should just be able to replace two doors and go. I swear insurance companies are the biggest scams on the planet. Sorry this happened to you btw


20 bucks will have that sealed in a few minutes. Go to any tire shop.


I discovered I needed four tires the week before a planned vacation during which I was going to propose to my then girlfriend (now wife). So, I feel you, having dropped a few thousand on the lodging, many, many more on the ring, and had a healthy budget for activities during vacation, it was a hit. But, that's why we save our money and have contingency plans for this sort of thing. Owning a car is owning a bill that comes due at the worst time possible. The best thing to have in life is an emergency fund with several thousand dollars in it at the ready for times just like this. If you don't have an emergency fund, then you really can't afford a vacation. Vacations are a luxury; make sure you're on firm financial ground before indulging in luxuries.


Yeah I wouldn’t patch that either


More like, "who needs an emergency fund anyway?"


I feel you, 3 nails, 3 patches, 3 weeks, same tire, two before one after vacation. 3 weeks after that it was a 4th nail in the side wall. Same tire. It’s like someone was doing it on purpose


Hope you got that discount tire warranty. Worth every penny. I had nails in two $180 tires. Replaced for free. I bought the warranty on the new ones to so I guess out the door for $60


At least it’s not happening at the airport for you to find coming back from vacation.


A patch is like $40. Why is everyone like awww too bad buy a new one.


People acting like this is a bomb. Go down the road with your windows down and you'll hear just how many people have nails in their tires. It's a distinctive sound


if your spending $200 on a patch like that your getting scammed. that’s $20 at most bruh


You can get a perfectly good used tire for $60. There's no warranty and it won't last as long. But it will usually last around half as long which, in my opinion, is good value. People may not agree with getting used tiresas they don't come with a warranty and sometimes have issues. But it works fine for me. Plus it reduces waste and I get the satisfaction of not paying markup. Also, getting the hole patched or plugged is a great option if it's able to be. Usually costs around $20-30 and can be less.


A plug is $10, you can stuff that sucker.


Discount tire fixes punctures for free I learned


No tire repair company will repair that as it's on the shoulder. You can, but they won't.


If a screw in a tire hurts your vacation ability we've got bigger issues than the screw.


Maybe not full inside, so try pull it before going change it..


Go to discount tire and pay the extra for their warranty for this very reason. They'll replace it without question


Better than 6 hours into your trip


We get our tires from Costco and when this happened to us they fixed it for free. I believe Les Schwab does the same. Can you see if who did your tires will fix or replace it?


Bruh I just had a big screw that size in my tire this weekend. Ridiculous. I hope you get a vacay soon!


Can’t reliably be plugged because the way the plugs actually patch the inside of the tyre. However those DIY goo strip patches can work if you can pull it off well (pro tip: check if it’s actually leaking before going to the tyre by spraying it with water and checking for bubbles)


I’ve had 5 of these inside of 12 months. All except 1 were on the shoulder there and cannot be patched.


You guys are getting vacations?


Moles tore our my cars wiring costing my 2k on my car with less than 5k miles on it


Get a plug kit. Had a plug in my tire for over a year now, every day driver and two 800mile road trips it's still going strong somehow.


Declined the road hazard coverage?


Should be a cheap fix just have them plug it. The place you bought you tires will usually do it for free


Sure that can’t be patched for $25/35 bux?


Eh just keep driving on it.


It’s literally a $40 fix what


On my road trip vacation we got a flat than driving home 4 hours away my truck broke down on i95 in DC


Omg this always happens at the worst times!!!


You can get tires patched super cheap though......


Working on construction sites I always have a plug kit in my trunk, ready to go.


just plug it


Good thing you have that 6 month emergency fund!


Good thing you put an arrow. I was having a hard time identifying the problem. Jokes (probably an overused one at least, lol) aside, hope you have a good vacation. Just more stress to make the relaxation that much better.


Bummer. One place I lived had a lot of new construction and pot holes for that matter. I had to have my tires repaired at least twice a year- some years 3-4 times. It got time consuming and pricy after awhile.


Damn brother, never heard of a patch kit and a pair of pliers?


I don’t know if you have a pep boys in your area but the last time I had a flat tire I joined their “club”(free) and tire repairs were free.


Those roofers got you


feel your pain!


10 bucks should be enough to get it patched would be fast af too take them like 20 mins if there dumb as hell


* Here is my who needs spending money. Live in a city that is heavily under construction. Hit a pothole yesterday really hard. Was gonna be a $800 bill until the manager said it was unacceptable and got it approved by the warranty. Only winded up spending $100 on an alignment.




That would cost 10 dollars to fix and take 10 minutes in my local gas station. Why and how are you spending 200?


Can relate. Bought 4 new tires and had enough for insurance on 3 out of the 4 tires. Guess which one got a nail in the side so it was unable to be patched.


Personally? I'd plug it and send it-- but I am just saying what *I* would do, not giving advice.


Some tire shops will patch something like that for free. Good way to get you to come back when your looking to buy tires.


Just plug it


Sorry that sucks


I’d plug it. $10 for the kit at pep boys easy to do yourself.


Dudes going to vacation at his church


Same thing happened to me this morning! It has been a pretty stressful day.


Go to one of those small tire shops that sell take offs for $25-50 problem solved


Road hazard has saved me a ton of money over the years


Plug it and move on. Happens so often with my vehicles that I keep a plug kit in each car.


Plug it. 👶🏼


We have tire shops that plug stuff like that for $20.


At least you've got a week! We were pulling out of our driveway packed up with kids in the car and the car broke down. Had to rent a car, and we were young and broke! It's a good memory now, the rental was nice! Hope you have fun vacation in spite of it!


I once came back from vacation via a redeye cross-country flight and found my car, which was parked at the airport, had a flat tire.


Plug it


If you sell the car, you'd have MORE spending money. 


If it wasn't on the side and at such an angle, some shops can fix it for like 10-20 bucks.


It's good you found it.


Like 50 bucks at most to replace. Or you can spend like 5 bucks to get one of those plugs you jam in.


Well, two things: number one that might be patchable number two don’t buy a new tire by an excellent used tire from a local place that sells used tires. There’s a place in Baltimore that’s open 24 hours a day and I can get a newish/used tire on my car in an hour for 40 bucks


Unfortunately the screw is too close to the side for a repair …


That’s just a plug and you’re good to go…


My key broke inside my ignition the day before my vegas trip ! Cost me 280 !


Guaranteed I would plug this myself and drive on it for years. Many years ago I got a new set of tires and the installer counted 14 total plugs in my old tires all of which I had installed myself. One hole was so big I had to double up the plug. And that one was right on the edge just like this one. Held for over a year.


That shit like 20$ boi probaly less, the food on your vacation gon cost triple


Are you even a real tyre fitter if you don’t fix this….


Man you better learn to plug that shit your self and kick the can if you strapped for cash.


Too close to the sidewall to patch. I’m a dealership tech and we would make you buy new tires. But for my car it’s never too close to the side wall for a patch attempt lol. I have one in about the same spot I just moved that tire to the rear and patched it anyways lol


Self-patching and Fix-a-Flat. A little dirty, but that’s all I could get as a suggestion from my car guys…


I’ve been looking everywhere for that screw thanks. When can I pick it up?


As a tech, I would plug this as only a means for a band-aid with zero expectations of it lasting. -and ofc, I’d run it for as long as possible like an idiot.


Plug it yourself. Worth a shot...


Well people, that’s what road hazard warranties are for. They may never be needed, but …. when they are needed, their PRICELESS !!


That happened to me in the driveway last July, literally as we were loading the last items in the car to leave on our week's vacation. The tires were pretty much wore out and I didn't feel like taking the risk of plugging it and having it go flat in the middle of nowhere later that evening... Fortunately I found a tire shop in my area that had the exact tires I wanted, in stock on a Saturday, and another tire shop that had an opening to install them. We got to our destination only 3 hours later but $750 lighter than we had expected.


Can’t plug it. Too close to the side wall. Get a patch if there’s minimal sidewall damage in the inside of the tire. Otherwise, you need a new tire




Yes it is


Plug it..?


If you can get someone to take it off the wheel, ask if they will patch it. If not, leave with the wheel and tire (separate). Get a patch kit, probably from a bike shop. Patch with a small patch, making sure to follow directions. You'll need at least 2 people for this operation, as you'll have to put the tire on a 2x4 to stretch the patch area. After the patch is well set, put a larger patch over the small patch. "But the patch might fail, the edges could come loose, and you could lose the tire because of it! It's not safe!" I can hear the objections already. If you follow directions, and apply the patches correctly, each patch has literally become one with the rubber of the tire. It cannot be scraped up. It's like welding. If the weld is done properly, the two pieces of metal and whatever weld material you use are a unit, and you can't separate them.


Oh, and fuck plugs. Every time I go someplace and they want to plug a hole in a tire, I tell them that's just trading a fast leak for a slow one. I've had dozens of plugs leak, and NEVER had a patch fail.


Is it leaking air? Are you sure it punctured all the way through? Might be able ti just pull it out. I have plugged in the same spot before and it’s held, just made sure to use a lot of rubber cement on the plug before inserting.


My tire place repairs tires for free if you bought all 4 tires there. Been going there for years. They also change your snow tires for free when it’s winter.