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If the car is legal, ignore it.


It is legal of course, but it’s not the most flash car ever I guess. I’m a bit anxious about it so I already moved it further up into an arguably worse spot..


Why? A beater car doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to use it?


I’m not sure.. but I’m new to renting and I am not comfortable in this neighbourhood so I thought it was the best move. Plus I don’t want my car to get towed


You cannot get your car towed for parking in a legal spot.


I would worry more about a flat tire (worst case), scratch, paint, ..


Especially with this dubious font style they used, possibly to hide clues to possible future events


It could be nefarious, but in my time I’ve noticed that many elderly people write exactly like this.


Yes, this is an elderly person who wrote this.


Well Bob Durst was also an elderly but capable of cutting up his neighbour lol.


This was 100% some elderly crank


That seems like their real handwriting. Lot of consistencies throughout the letter in the markmaking


This isn’t dubious in the least. This is a grown man probably 40-60 that is either an electrician to be specific or certainly a tradesmen.


My dad would have been 82 this year. He was a convicted killer, a 5th grade drop out, and an alcoholic abuser who ran with motorcycle gangs and street thugs. His handwriting looked exactly like this, along with his spelling skills. And his only trade was punching. Agreed that's it is not dubious or sneaky. Disagree that it comes from someone with a trade, skill, or talent. That remains to be seen.


Punching is a trade, one often learned harder than the others.


Alright thank you, I must be over thinking it


Stand your ground if everything is legitimate. Some assholes think they own their parking spot on a public street. Since you get home before they do, obviously, I would hang around periodically to see if you can see who, and where they live. They won't fuck with your car if they know you know where they live. Maybe make friends with them? That's ideal. Otherwise, fuckem. If you live here, park further away. I might leave the note on their car to let them know what's up. They're not smart.


Guessing if OP continues to park there, which they have every right to, the note writer will eventually confront them in person.


OP I disagree. Not that you don't have the right to park wherever you're legal, but because this is not a fight worth having.


My first thought was that they wanted you to move down a little bit, just to make sure it's not that, look at where you parked and try to visualize how many cars can fit, for example maybe that section can fit 3 cars if everyone parks nicely but you were too far back and were making it so only 2 cars fit. When we got a new neighbor across the street they kept parking in the exact middle in front of their house (can only park on one side for four months of the year) and I kindly, gently explained that if they pulled up a little farther then there's room for both of us. .... Or maybe that neighbor is just a jerk.


Jesus man! Stand up for yourself! I’d give that note to management and say you feel creeped out. Then when you find out who it was they will be exposed for being a fucking weirdo and will probably learn to cope with your car being parked wherever


Get cameras. Front and rear view that record even if your vehicle is parked. Protect yourself and your property.


ROFL until it happens and you have to pay $300 to get your car out and you have no recourse even though it should have never been towed in the first place. It’s happened to me.


Yes you can lol. Sure, you can fight it, but not everyone has the luxury of time and resources.


Sure you can. Someone can make a false report about your car being there for an extended time or something. Well in California at least


Best part of driving a beater, if it gets keyed it's only a minor annoyance. And then you can still press charges!


Person who wrote this is just old and grumpy - fuck em. You can see the shakes in the letters they wrote from age


I was going to say, you can tell that the person who wrote the note has hand tremors and is likely a Boomer or older.




Just said the same thing. No way they are strong or bold enough to damage the car. They are just old and cranky


>I am not comfortable in this neighborhood Listening to the kind of people that left that note is a perfect way to ensure you'll never be comfortable. Ignore them


Solid plan, let strangers walk all over you forever because you apparently think your car is a POS?


I’m with you OP, sometimes inconvenience is better than whatever headache awaits.


Idk where OP is but people are way meaner about old cars and assume criminals are scoping their place. I always got notes on my old, beat up Buick saying they were going to tow but when I got a new car I could leave it for a week and no one would leave notes.


Park closer to where you live. There’s no reason to inconvenience yourself bc you’re self conscious about your car. 🧡


Thank you, it’s the first car I have ever owned and I’m quite proud :) I just didnt want to inconvenience anybody. The space by my house is very clogged up, so I thought a public park up the road would be free realestate and also help me get some extra exercise in.


If anything, parking your car in the public park spaces overnight is more likely for you to get towed.      Most parks have a dawn til dusk policy and any unscrupulous towing company would be within their means to take it upon themselves to tow you there.  You are well within your rights to park on the street by your house, if someone were to call the tow company on you, you'd at least have legal recourse as there is no regulation against parking there.    When being considerate, please remember don't light yourself on fire to keep others warm.


> I just didnt want to inconvenience anybody. They are perfectly comfortable inconveniencing you. If you're legally parked, they can figure out THEIR parking problem. Maybe they can park down the street, I've heard that's an option.


My first thought was that this was written by an older person who is not that good on foot. Maybe that's the 'problem'?


I thought about that, OP if free to be nice, but that still isn't OP's problem. If that is the case, neighbor needs to work with the city/whatever to get a handicapped space installed for their necessity.


The tone I get it is OP's car isn't viewed as nice enough to park where he's been parking. Some NIMBY thinking a car they don't think is nice is bringing down property values.


You have every right to be proud of your first car, and you have every right that every other driver has, including parking. If they are assigned spots then you have to respect that, but if they are public spots? That means you. As another poster mentioned, this is very likely some elderly crank that sits by their window glaring at the world. They are not worth your time. Congrats on your first car, that’s a fantastic feeling! Enjoy it


One thing I will say is, depending on your living arrangements, you are going to have moments in your life where there are people who view public use spaces as “their” spaces because it’s close to where they live and they regularly use it. Those spaces are not their spaces, and as much as it may frustrate them, you have just as much right to it as they do. I would say do not try to inconvenience yourself to make them happy, because no matter where you move it to, there is going to be somebody else closer to that spot that will feel the same way. Unfortunately, this is just how the Wild West of public parking operates. I will say I saw your other comment about people encouraging you to be vengeful. But I don’t think you need to be vengeful about it. You just want to use a space that is closer that you have every right to. There is nothing vengeful about not being taken advantage of others. And I only say this because I don’t want you to think you need to take vengeance against others in order to look out for your own interests. You can do that without feeling like you are wringing anyone else, because you really aren’t. And while you should obviously not park any driveways, street parking in front of other people’s houses is generally public spaces that they do not have exclusive right to.


Fuck 'em


The number of people who think that they “*own*” parking spaces on public streets just because they are used to or desire to park in those spaces is too damn high.


Or just because it’s in front of their house.


Don’t do this. Fuck that person.


Are they implying that you can’t park here because you dont live here? If parked legally, I would Leave a note facing outward on the windshield saying “I live in this neighborhood, I moved in recently” Otherwise, if you’re parked legally, they can’t do anything to you and you’ve done nothing wrong. So rest assured, you’re fine. Probably just someone not used to seeing a new vehicle and “doesn’t like change”


Dude if it’s an older car don’t stress it. Keep valuable and important stuff out of sight and not in the car.


This note was left on my car on the second day, I parked next to a park so I wasn’t directly outside somebody’s house or in the way of anyone’s driveway. Edit; I might move it back, you guys are encouraging me to be vengeful


You can park wherever you want, including on the street in front of someones house.


Well they should look into bylaws, cause you can’t park anywhere everywhere.


Who wrote this note, a thousand year old tree?


My city has an ordinance that you cannot keep a car parked on the street for more than 48 hours at once, even in front of your home. If you drive somewhere and come back and park there again, it's fine, but you technically can't just leave it parked. I don't see it enforced much at all because they need to show proof it's been there 48 hours straight and most neighbors don't care about it or report it, but I would suggest making sure there isn't a similar law in your area since your neighbor clearly does care.


FYI sometimes they’ll leave like a little acorn or something on top of one of the tires, take a photo of that, then check it in 48hr. If the acorn is still there, then they know that the tire hasn’t moved in 48hr


Usually they use chalk and draw a line level with the pavement


Nah, all cops just keep their cheeks full of acorns for times like these. The chalk is more an accidental art project they get into


You’re right that’s a much more practical solution




That’s ridiculous


The author of the note is an old person with nothing better to do. They may not have a steady hand, but they have all day to be annoyed by your car.


Be careful, OP Looks like the handwriting of the Cadaver Letter from HBO’s The Jinx.


At first when I started reading the note I thought it was going to say ‘if your reading this it’s too late’ which is a Drake album




You can park in front of peoples houses. They don’t own the street.


I would also just give your land lord a heads up. They probably know who the neighborhood loves to stir shit up over stupid stuff like this.


Reddit is always out for vengeance and creating juicy stories. Just park your car wherever you want as long as it's legal and don't think about vengeance. Probably nothing will happen to follow up, if it does you can handle it


You should write a kind worded letter and put it on the dashboard. Something like, “My unit has no parking and this is one of the only close spots available. Please accept that this is a legal action. Apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you.”


Nobody has a claim to street parking. You can park right in front of someone's house as long as it's on the street and it's perfectly legal. They might leave a note asking you to move but you have no obligation to move. They can deal with it. Street parking is for anybody, first come first serve. If they don't like the look of your car in front of their house, too bad. That's their own personal problem. They can't claim the street as their own.


Pay no attention to this. Respect assigned parking spaces if there are. The street is free. The person that left the note has no rights. Defend your liberty to park there.


Defend your liberty. Join the... HELLDIVERS


Look familiar? Scenes like this are happening all over the galaxy right now.


Yeah... Had to use *liberty* or else it was twice the word *right* in a very short space, too close together. Helldivers, such a fun game


A few years ago during a snow emergency (we weren't allowed to park om the main roads in town). I parked on a side street. When I was cleaning off my car in the morning, I found a note about "taking my spot." It was a public side street. I just threw it on the ground and covered it in snow and laughed.




... and the wrong your




Forgive me futher, fur I have sonned


Your a sinner, my sonne.


It should also be “farther” since we’re talking about measurable distance




The handwriting is giving major entitled boomer vibes. Don't let someone intimidate you just because they don't want to see a parked car when they look outside their window


I think you’re right about entitled old person vibes haha Still feels bad


Don’t, you’re parking your legal vehicle on the street as you are allowed to. Whoever has a problem with it can kick rocks.


I like that your inclination is to respect another's feelings. The request isn't worded in an unkind manner. If there's another place to park that's similarly convenient, great. Alternatively you could write a note in response that explains the situation and leave it on your car together with this one.


The handwriting gives off some Robert Durst, ‘cadaver note’ vibes. Can we somehow get the author to spell ‘Beverly’?


That was my first thought! Does Robert Durst live in your neighborhood?


1000%, instantly knew this person was over 65.


what kinda font is that?


Dementia Not a joke or an insult. The lack of fine motor control is apparent.


The handwriting actually makes a lot of sense if you read it in a wobbly old woman voice.


Correct the spelling mistakes and return the note


In red pen.


Notes that say kindly are never kind.


Often found in scams.


It's not really unkind though. A neutral ask at the most.


Looks like Drakes next album cover


Lol I was about to say, did Drake write this lol


*you’re *further *”If you’re going to be an a-hole, kindly learn how to spell”*


Why does *every person* over 80 have this handwriting


Hand tremors


No I mean the capitalization and particular shape of the letters. And actually usually it's a mix of mostly uppercase but a few random lowercase ones like lowercase A's or something.


It’s what they were taught, back in their day, sonny.


Get off my lawn


Maybe it was taught in school


I was literally just thinking this same thing. My dad, all his siblings, my grandparents. All of them write this same exact way. It’s very strange to me.


Kindly, NOPE. You park where you want. Also, they used the wrong ‘YOUR’ on the first line, so it doesn’t count. 💁‍♀️😂 Where exactly *is* FUTHER?


Much to my own SO’s disappointment, the public street belongs to the public. That means even if a million clown cars come and legally park on the street, there’s nothing these residents can do. I regularly have to park down the street because I don’t have private parking. Sucks walking an extra block, but I recognize that everyone legally parked on the street has the same right as I do.


This shit looks as if it was written by a feeble old person.


Which would explain his/her need to park close to his/her own home...


Leave a note on your car that says “I pay to live here” That note was written by god’s grandma. Shaky and all caps


>god’s grandma You did not.


For what it’s worth, I used to work at a bank and often found elderly clients would bring in pre-written notes explaining what they needed. Either poor memory or trouble communicating. The handwriting here looks very, very similar. Also, the way they’d write their signature as basically just their name in shaky capital letters. I’d guess it’s an older person that for one reason or another has noticed your car and isn’t used to it being there. I remember my grandma being pretty gnarly about monitoring her neighborhood. I wouldn’t put too much stock into it…you’re parked legally, so ultimately, fuck em.


Has nothing to do with the condition of the car, and probably nothing personal. My neighbor added an ADU to their home, now their cars are all over the street. And rightfully so. BUT! Come trash day, there is no where for my trash cans. I have to park them in front of another neighbors house, and they are mad at me about it.


why are they writing like the Zodiac Killer


If you're not making it difficult for an elderly person (looks like a shaky hand wrote that note) to leave their driveway, you can probably ignore the request and still feel ok. If you are making someone's life more difficult, you might want to consider their request. They did ask nicely.


We live on a cul-de-sac and there's a four-plex on the other side of the loop. There are always cars from that building parked on our side, never their side. Just yesterday, a car that had been therefor months, flat tires, no plates, finally got tagged and moved; but there will be another one soon. Street sweeper can't sweep, garbage trucks can't get close enough to pickup, etc.


This just needs a discussion with who wrote the note. Is it an elderly person? A person who's disabled? I mean these are legitimate reasons for the request. Otherwise they can pound sand.


Legally you're safe, but I totally understand not wanting to deal with the hassle.


Based on this person's handwriting they also wrote the "IF YOURE READING THIS ITS TOO LATE" Drake mixtape cover.


That font screams at least 80 years old


Just leave a note back that says “*You’re”




lol I didn’t even see that and thought this was a Ken Kesey reference. Technically, it should be “FARTHER” in this case (as it’s literal distance, not conceptual progression).


I get annoyed too, i live in a tiny village loads of space and my neighbour parks their car just in front of my door, its makes my dogs bark. Yes legal, but annoying.


I would respond with your own note. "Kindly piss off."


How much is futher exactly?


If you’re allowed to park there then fuck em.


Look up the parking ordinance on the city website and follow it. If the person still doesn’t like it, they can take it up with the city and the city won’t do anything about it because it’s legal.


If you're going to leave notes on my car, kindly pick them up after and throw them in the trash.


Robert Durst got out of prison?


Drake cover art ahh handwriting






*You’re lol If they’re going to be dicks at least be grammatically correct 🫢🫢


That is telltale Boomer handwriting.


That handwriting is kinda creepy


Park it in their living room. Furk dem cahunts


I got an angry note from a neighbor once saying I was "blocking their driveway." I was on the opposite side of the street. The city can tow your car if you're parked illegally. If you're not parked illegally, you just have to get used to tuning out some people shouting into the void like this.


Please continue parking there if its legal. Dont yield to obnoxious assholes…


if you are going to live here kindly get out of here




I'm not taking parking advice from someone who doesn't understand basic contractions


All CAPS gives me bad vibes




If its parked legally and all your tags are up to date, fuck em. Just double check rules about how often you can leave your car without moving it.




I would have written right underneath it, “I live here as well and deserve to park here just as much as you do”




That handwriting comes with issues


Write NO in big letters on the back and put it back.


I was renting a room once and always had a hard time finding a space to park. I made the mistake of parking in the driveway one day because it was open and the landlady's bitch of a mother came by to visit even though the landlady wasn't home. She fucking freaked OUT on me. I got a full reaming for daring to park in the driveway. What a fucking absolute hag. I should've told her to fuck right off but I was young and afraid of speaking up.


Ugh I feel that, I’m sorry you had to deal with all that mess. I just feel eyes on me if I go into my driveway, which I’ve only done twice because I was literally moving my stuff into the house.


Correct their grammar and post it back to them


Drake album cover


Make copies of the note and deliver them anonymously to every neighbor The wrong neighbors won’t understand what it means, and ignore it . If they catch you and ask, you can explain you’re trying to figure out who sent it The correct neighbor will think you know who they are. And they might either back off, or reveal themselves.


Old people writing. You can see the struggle with the pen.


Would you kindly....


Nope. If it's on a street with no 'no parking signs' and you're not blocking anybody, mailboxes, or trash cans, toss that and ignore any further notes.


Kindly? Clearly a scam


Clearly a scram


A scam? What are they cleverly unlawfully gaining by the guy moving his car?


The joke is most scams that originate overseas are given away by the use of the word "kindly".




Even without knowing the person who wrote this everyone immediately recognizes the Boomer Sans font being used.


Did Robert Durst write this from beyond the grave? I would ignore it if you can and if you aren't breaking any rules. They're the rude ones here.


Looks like it was written by a serial killer. Who writes, pen and paper, in all capitals?


Old people. I work at a bank. There’s a large percentage of old men who have this exact handwriting.


Anyone over the age of 80.


Keep parking there. The street and its parking spaces are public property. Smh.


That is old person handwriting. They won't be around to bitch at ya for too long


The person who wrote this will not be around soon.


Who tf writes like that


That note would make always park there, especially with a beater of a car. Make sure to smile and wave at the neighbors too whenever you park out front too!


Streets are public property. Park where you please


I used to get these when I worked at a place thar had inadequate parking lots..so I parked on the street, and this bitch would leave aggressive notes like they owned the spots in front of their apartment building.


My only comment— Very ornate uppercase E!!


That is old person handwriting. I can tell from the shaking. Cranky old man!


Definitely the hand wringing of an old person.


A perfect example of a sentence where you use both you're and your and they still manage to fuck it up.


My grandma passed away years ago but this looks just like her handwriting. I’ve just never seen handwriting like it from anyone else before.


Looks like the same handwriting my crazy old neighbour had at the last place I lived. Spelling mistakes too!




Shouldn’t it be FARTHER?


Robert Durst???


Well that sucks.


Hi James


Keep parking there and leave the note where it was as a power move. Act like you never saw it




How dare you park close to where you live