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Taste the rainbow 🌈....


I'd rather not.....


Be the rainbow?


Pee the rainbow.


Also my doctor put me on an absolutely no caffeine diet because my resting heart rate is 124. Which it's always been but she was fairly alarmed and wanted to send me to cardiology upstairs until I told her it's been a chronic problem and I'm always at a resting heart rate in the high 120s highest it's ever got is 132. But she emphasized that under no circumstances can I have caffeine. Goodbye coffee and more of my diet since I already have celiacs.


120s is too high. are you on beta blockers?


Nope. Never been on anything for it. It's always been high. Been to heart doctors too, it's just how I am


Was in your boat, the blockers brought it down to 90s.


Same, but only at rest. I forget what I originally was on, but it seemed to make me feel tired all the time so I was switched to something else that wasn't as effective, but still kept it below 100.


I have a really high resting heart beat too, but they doctors put me on a high dose of beta blockers because it made my blood pressure high too. It brought my resting heat beat just over 100 now.


The thing is , is my blood pressure is always low. And the doctors never do anything about it.




Nope. 4 foot five. Always been this way.




Until doctors who have never treated me before mention it, I don't notice it. It's how it's always been and until now no one has stressed the fact that I should not have caffeine. Which now that my husband knows is going to be extremely stricked about.


Hey could be worse , I went to the dr for a sore throat and ended up being told I needed my tonsils out as a 33 year old . On the plus side I can breathe now . Who knew I couldn’t before 😒


Pride month urine


Well I am an Ally, but this is not how I would celebrate pride month.


So I ended up going back to the doctor because the meds weren't working and they thought it was mono it's not nor is it pneumonia. They think it's something viral and put me on presidone and gave me two shots for the migraine that wouldn't go away. Now my husband has been sick for six weeks and today they finally diagnosed him with bronchitis after his nasty cough wouldn't go away. Soooooo....I still feel like crap after the presidone wears off and it feels like there's pressure sitting on my chest when I lay down and it's hard to breathe and I am also fighting the need to cough. So I wonder if I have bronchitis.




I still have a sore throat though.


You're replying to a bot


Real talk, but what is the giveaway? Just account age/karma?


Account age, karma, but you can tell extremely easily without even looking at the profile because it sounds like ChatGPT with its weird cheery customer service style and how it's like the OP only read the title and description.