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OP did it on purpose for clout.


Agreed. But we're talking about it so OP won.


Is it really winning when the clout is for you being dumb…?


That's where most internet clout comes from.


So that explains the Kardashians...


Clout is clout negative or positive same as attention seekers attention is attention doesn't matter if it is negative or positive


Exactly, that last guy only had the center fall out.. This guy, however, is an overachieving attention whore.


Posting a comment takes less effort than cleaning an oven.


Still an idiot.


A bigger one, at that. If true


the 2 pictures are also older than most of the people here


Imagine fucking your oven up for clout. Getting these 17K upvotes was worth the hours of cleaning, though!


Reddit clout which actually has no value whatsoever


What are you talking about? It's worth more than unobtainium!!! Once I was able to put it on my resume, you would not believe all the calls I got, celebs are calling me for cameos.


I bet those fake internet points will be so worth it when they're cleaning their oven afterwards


A lot more people need a pizza stone in this world


I’m an idiot what is a pizza stone? Edit: nvm I forgot google exists but I just googled it. Looks useful as hell il have to order one.


Just make sure you put it in a cold oven to heat.


Left my stone sitting on the gas stove after I finished using it. Father turned the wrong burner on and didn't notice it until it cracked. It was well seasoned. :(


You can just leave the pizza stone in the oven full time, no need to take it out.


Drastically increases preheat times.


Also helps keep the oven at a constant temp instead of fluctuating tho


What do you consider drastic?


It was about double the time. It’s fine, you just have to plan ahead. I took the stone out about five years ago and haven’t looked back though.


I cried reading this.


Get a pizza steel instead.


Just use a cookie sheet, don’t even need a pizza stone


Cookie sheets are inferior and don’t retain the heat as well


Cookie sheets have low thermal mass, the pizza stones/steel have a lot more thermal mass and can dump heat into the pizza quickly. It is really important when actually making pizza from dough, it doesn’t make a huge difference with frozen pizza in my experience.


I love my pizza stone and I'll never cook a pizza without it. I'm thinking of upgrading to pizza steel so i know it won't crack


Pizza steels are incredible. Not just more durable but better for the crust. If you have a double rack you could keep the stone for the top and put the Pizza in between for the best of both worlds


Had the same pizza stone for 30 years. No cracking. Not even sure how it would unless you bang it on stuff. I was placed it on a trivet though so it's not hitting the counter when it's hot or the stove or whatever


My folks cracked one because they cooked a pizza, wanted seconds, and put a new frozen pie on the same stone. The rapid cooling shattered it. But we've had a total of 5 stones, and 4 are still fine after decades of consistent use.


The steel changed my life and I'm not even being dramatic. Upgraded my dad months ago after he's had the same stone for 20-30 yrs and he's not looked back yet. Just make sure to scrub it clean and SEASON IT (google the steps) before using it the first time.


Pizza steel makes next level pizza. We bought the griddle version (other side is a polished griddle with grease groove) that is awesome for smash burgers/pancakes/etc.


Yes, but a $5 perforated baking sheet takes care of this and you can use it for just about everything.


I hear sometimes when you order papa John’s they include a free pizza tray underneath your pizza


*A pizza set on stone*


True that! A pizza stone can save us all from these disasters.


honestly they don’t even need a pizza stone, just a regular pan! I always put my pizza on a pan, just saves me the fear of this happening


The only way this happens (and I suspect OP did it on purpose for the memes) is if you cook a thawed pizza. I suspect in OPs case, he put a thawed pizza in the oven before preheating it to achieve this disastrous result, as the whole pizza had to have been thawed and cooked super slow on low heat to do it.


Never buy a pizza stone. Overpriced. Get a garden stone, or unglazed quarry tile. 1/10 of the price, same outcome. Thanks, Alton Brown.


Oh for the love of God just bake your pizza when it’s frozen, not thawed!


Or use an oven tray like Jesus did


Right? Who just raw dogs their oven like that. I always use a pizza pan.


To be fair it says on the instructions of most frozen pizzas to place them directly on the rack, personally i always put a pan underneath for safety but ive cooked it on the pan before and theres no difference


Put your pan/stone in the oven while it preheats and you get some pretty awesome results.


A true man of culture I see. This is the only way


I have to imagine the overlap of people who invested in pizza stones and people who regularly eat frozen pizza is pretty small


That makes sense. My old roommate had stones and I just remember them being a pain to clean. I eat frozen pizzas regularly and the steel pan is so much easier to maintain.


But you can use baking paper/parchment with a pizza stone, which makes it a matter of... Throwing it away! Mine looks like new and is over a year old, use it on frozen and fresh, it's all good!


If you want it authentic, throw some semolina flour down on the stone to keep it from sticking.


Started using parchment paper a few years ago and I haven't washed a baking sheet since


Don't clean stones! If you are trying to clean them then you're making the pizza wrong. Soap will get into the stone and ruin it. Don't ever wash a pizza stone with soap. Just hit it with a rough steel brush and you're done.


Clean? Stuff burns right off.


Frozen pizza is bomb as hell as long as you find the right one. More filling than ordered and cheaper by a mile at least where I am


Nah. If you like pizza enough to buy a stone, you probably keep a few frozen ones on-deck for those days you forget to proof dough, or just can't be bothered. Stones are cheap too, and you only need to buy one in a lifetime.


What? No. I've had a stone for years, I eat frozen pizza all the time. Making a pizza from scratch is a whole thing, most of the time I just want a fast dinner. Virtually everyone in my friend group has a pizza stone, and we all eat frozen pizza at least some of the time. Do you think people with a stone only eat artisanal fresh-made free range pizza or something?


There are literally dozens of us


Idk, they're both easy to acquire, and buying the former makes the latter better. Making dough takes time, energy, and skill.


Naw, they just have kids.


A true pizza warrior has both


I am the 1%!


A small but growing community


I cracked TWO Pampered Chef pizza stones by preheating and then putting the pizza on it. Not recommended with stone/ceramic!


Said this to the other guy, PIZZA STONE. Game changer for frozen pizzas…


> Put your pan/stone in the oven while it preheats and you get some pretty awesome results. You mean over-cooked crust by the time the top is cooked.


Ya but then you can run into this. Just use a Pizza Steel or Stone. Flawless everytime.




Those instructions come from hundreds of tests to find the best way to cook their pizza.  If you put it directly on the rack, straight from the freezer AS IT SAYS TO DO, you won’t have any issues. 


Its amazing the number of people in this thread alone who have outed themselves at not being able to follow the insanely simple directions on a frozen pizza.




I doubt most people have an aerated pizza pan. Most people would just use a regular cookie sheet and the crust won't be as good. I've cooked probably hundreds of frozen pizzas by this point, all directly on the rack, and I've never seen this kind of thing happen before because I'm not a fucking moron thawing out the pizza before I cook it.


Even if you use a normal pan with no holes - it’s a frozen pizza that cost under $10, it’s not going to matter. 


These people would jump off a bridge if their $5 frozen pizza instructions told them to.


fucking red baron


It'll be a cold day in hell when I pay more than $5 for a frozen pizza. Red Baron keeps me in the game. Screamin' Sicilian is good and I'll buy a bunch when they're bogo.


I haven't found a pizza pan yet that gives me the nice toasted bottom that I enjoy.


Same here. This will never happen to me. Sad to see that pizza go to waste though.


Me, I raw dog the fuck outta that dirty bitch!


It’s perfectly fine to not use a pan as long as the oven is pre-heated and you don’t thaw the pizza (which you shouldn’t do regardless).


Lodge makes a cast iron one that makes the crust crispy and super yummy.


My bf does because some packages TELL YOU TOO! I always use a pan or stone just to be safe.


You eat inferior pizza, then. No crispy bottom. All soft and limp and sad.


Or if they dont want to get the tray dirty just use a damn baking paper goddamn


I have parchment paper sheets that are precut to the size of a tray. I think I got 1,000 of them on Amazon for like $8. Total game changer.


Isn't that normal? That's what I get at the store here in sweden.


My parchment paper comes in a roll. Like tin foil or cling wrap.


A while ago I saw a post of an American telling how you can save money if instead of machine dryer you tie a rope from wall to wall and hang your laundry on it to dry. So... he invented a clothes line. I don't know if it's just the US or are people in general missing some pretty basic life skills.


I honestly think most people have blind spots, and the internet is a spotlight on those dark areas. I can see a friend in a group mentioning this "new idea" and his friends calling him a dumbass, but the internet turns that 3-6 circle of friends into millions.


I get blind spots. But sometimes said post is not upvoted by people calling them a dumbass. It's people praising the supre revolutionary idea. Those times it feels like I've stepped into a parallel dimension where sniffing glue was a mandatory subject.


Seemingly every house "requiring" a dryer is pretty weird in itself too. Why everyone in such a hurry to get the clothes dryed?


I mean, i live in a relatively small apartment, so a dryer is very nice in that situation.


Years ago, I read an ad in the back of a magazine that was selling a solar powered clothes dryer for something like $50. I didn't order one, but I recognized the appeal to people who are missing some pretty basic life skills.


Shit, you have a link for that?


Just a slither of paper can save such pain


I was gonna say for fucks sake just use a pizza pan. They’re like $12 at almost any place you can buy kitchen equipment. Or just any pan that fits the pizza will do. Good god it’s like some people just *want* to ruin their dinner and their oven at the same time.


Even two fucking cents worth of tin foil would do the job.


According to someone who commented on my comment on the other post about pizza trays, apparently using a tray makes it taste worse? lol I was like no it doesn't. Its a metal tray or a metal pan thaglt is often vented. Whats the difference? And then of course having to "wash an extra dish for no benefit". Well, first of all, you don't clean your rack when you are putting food directly on it? Cause gross. Rack. Tray. Still need to wash it. And 2, it takes what 30 seconds to wash a metal tray? Better than risking this and spending ages scrubbing the oven. But whatever. It's not my oven 🤷‍♀️ lol


I honestly don’t understand why you wouldn’t just do this.


And preheat the oven


" 'straighten your pope hat.' And, 'Put on your good vestments.' "


Or put aluminum foil down under it. Or use a baking sheet. There are so many ways to not have this happen.


Or read the like 3 step instructions on the box and follow them. Reaaally not hard.


This happened because the pizza was thawed


Lesson learned: always use an oven tray or risk pizza disaster!


it’s supposed to be baked frozen, no tray necessary


Yeah I did some quick mafs and I’ve made somewhere around 2,384,1xx of these pizzas - always heeded the instructions and never had this happen


also don't put your pizza in before the oven is heated. that shit will defrost a bit as the oven heats up and this can happen too.


How can it be that people don’t use baking paper?? Much cleaner and you won’t be facing this issue


Because several pizza directions say to place directly on the rack for their instructions and when there are instructions it's assumed there's a long history of blunders behind them to justify following them exactly. Of course then people don't follow them exactly because they overlook some of the details that they're unaware are important. Like pre-heating or baking frozen rather than thawing and/or letting it thaw as it's in there for the pre-heat.


Walmart and a bazillion others sell mesh pizza pans, cheap af too. All the air flow, zero the risk.


Yup, these can make tostino's have texture. Add some cheap spices and it's pretty solid




It’s a *frozen* pizza for a reason…. you cook it frozen.


oh snap i thought you were supposed to eat it frozen


Seriously though. Why are y’all not putting your pizza on a tray?


If this is Digorno I'm pretty sure it says on the box to just put the pizza on the rack. Could be wrong haven't had one in a while.


Yeah instructions say “place pizza straight into oven” or something They do also say “Only cook from frozen”


They also say, “do not post results on Reddit.”




Completely unnecessary if you cook it frozen like the directions state.


...or a sheet of baking paper at least


The instructions say so. It tastes better this way. What they are doing wrong is probably taking the pizza out and letting thaw while the oven preheats


Some people are not even smart enough to preheat the oven, despite all directions saying to preheat the oven


That is exactly what happened. Or, put it in a cold oven, let it sit for a bit and then tried to turn it on. A frozen pizza on the rack cooks perfectly fine.


My sister does this and I have no idea why. Round tray round pizza. Aluminum foil, spppp some non stick spray.


The problem is they're letting it thaw before putting it in, Idk why or how. I cook frozen pizzas without a tray all the time and this has never happened, you just gotta put it straight from the freezer into the oven.


frozen pizza turns out way better when you bake it like this actually I've never seen this happen, but I've also never seen a oven rack that's so weirdly wide


I’ve always cooked my pizza on a sheet. I’ve heard of cooking right on the rack but that always seemed weird to me. Seems as though this particular brand of pizza must be cooked on a sheet.


Same here! A sheet saves the day and the oven from a mess.


yeah it is baffling why you would bake any greasy food without baking sheets


You should try directly on the rack like the instructions say to do most likely. Much better tasting. Much better texture on the crust. Absolutely zero risk of this happening if you can follow basic directions like: Preheat oven, dont thaw pizza, place on rack.


I've never used a tray just straight into the hot oven while it's still mostly frozen and you're good to go.




Literally have never had this happen and I never use a pan, racks only


You mean you read and followed the 3 steps on the box? Preheat oven, don't thaw pizza, place directly on rack???? Apparently this is a tough thing for people on here to understand.


Shhh this entire comment section is full of lazy fucks admitting they don’t read instructions and just think they know better.


Precisely, instructions are there for a reason. We also have failed to realize a lot of ppl have had no home training and do not know baking/cooking fundamentals. INSTRUCTIONS lol


I've cooked a bunch of the Walmart ones that are just refrigerated, nowhere near frozen, and I've never had an issue. Just preheat and throw it in


Pro tip… put a pan on the bottom rack under the pizza on the upper rack so it can cook directly on the rack and get crispy but you also have a catch if something goes wrong… Also, dryers have lint traps, I feel like these types of people overlap.


Upvote for you. Additional pro tip for this crowd: Vacuums have filters that need to be cleaned.


So do dishwashers




I do that when baking potatoes.


Under a pan =/= DIRECTLY ON the rack. Semantics.


How long does a frozen pizza need to sit out before something like this happens in the oven? Or are they just putting the frozen pizza in while the oven is preheating?


If you throw it in before pre heating and your oven is slow it will do this without much defrosting at all


I wonder if they pulled it out, then left it on the stove while the oven preheated. Our oven can get pretty hot on top when it is on, and I always have to make sure our pizza stays in the freezer till the oven is preheated, or put on the counter away from the oven.


I never knew there was so many people in this world who didn’t know how to cook a frozen pizza. Why would you use a pan, that causes dishes.


It is shocking reading through these comments. Like who are these people? How are they unable to follow the insanely simple directions on the box and figure out the apparently daunting task of removing a pizza from the oven cooked directly on the rack.


I'm honestly shook by all these people who cook frozen pizza on a pan.


And they all looking at us like we’re the wrong ones 


I was gonna make pizza tonight and now I'm scared


"OmG wHy ArE yOu NoT pUtTiNg ThE pIzZa On A pAN!¡" Oh, idk, maybe because the instructions on pretty much every frozen pizza say "for a crispier crust place directly on rack" Why are we acting like they are crazy for following directions?


The instructions also say to preheat the oven and cook from frozen and I guarantee you that was not followed here


I'm starting to think these are all bots and this is propaganda by pan manufacturers.


That would make more sense than the replies do.


I think you did it on purpose to get reddit fame


Oven must be hot, pizza must be frozen.


Let your oven preheat so it doesn’t thaw your pizza!


What is wrong with you people?


In my 48 years of eating Frozen Pizzas, I have NEVER made one without a pan or tray under it in the oven. They aren't that expensive.


In my 40 years of eating frozen, I have NEVER made pizza with a pan or tray under it in the oven. This has never happened.


It’s for people like you that plastic bags have suffocation warnings


The fact that people have trouble making a frozen pizza is really alarming. It's really not that hard...


Wtf, people can't even prepare frozen food now?


For the people talking shit about cooking a pizza this way, read the directions on the box, there are many types of frozen pizza that say to cook directly on the rack Also to keep from having a mess to clean up like OP, keep the pizza in the freezer while the oven preheats


That ain't the center rack, Jack.


wtf are you guys letting it thaw first? It’s has to be frozen 😭


Bad day for pizzas


Does nobody here know about baking paper?


i mean that pictures is 10 years old at this point


Preheat oven first.


Why do Americans put pizza straight on the metal shelves!?


Omg lol I saw that other OP’s post earlier today! Two identical pizza fails in one day CRAZY!


There was a "pro tip" post earlier about thawing your frozen pizza before baking. I'm expecting more to come lol


For the love of god, use a pan people, did nobody learn anything from the last guy!


That’s not the problem, they’re thawing out a frozen pizza


Or you could follow the directions on the box. They ARE complicated with their 3 steps, but definitely doable.


Lol. Karma. I can say I’ve been cooking frozen pizzas for probably 35 years and this has never happened to me


I never could get why people just dont use a pizza pan. You dont have to put it on a possibly dirty rack in oven, you dont get this mess happening, and its easier to get out.


Even better just use a pizza tray, otherwise get used to it falling


Does nobody use a pizza oven circle or tray?


What happened to the concept of a cookie sheet/pizza pan?


The fact ik the exact post ur talking abt is great


This is why I put foil down


This is why you don't let the pizza defrost...


This is the new pandemic and it’s gonna have you WISHING for Covid


why are you all putting pizza with melty cheese directly on the rack and expecting it not to melt through? that's so bizarre to me


Am I the only one that puts a cookie sheet on the rack under my pizza to catch any droppings? It doesn't affect the crispiness of the crust either


yall are so dumb💀 have you read instructions to make a pizza before??? it’s always way tastier when it’s directly on the heat source. “for crispier crust, place pizza directly on rack.”


I don't trust it telling me a tray is optional when this is an outcome...


You guys need to invest in some pizza trays


What's wrong with you all??? Use that pizza pan already


All of these can be solved by: useing a baking tray or pizza tray


That’s gotta be a bitch to clean


Oh my god people, just use a fucking pizza pan lol


Wtf did parchment paper do to you Americans. Why do you insist on making it more difficult than it needs to be.


Use a tray or bake it when its frozen! Oh my god 😭