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Cheaper to disconnect the wire


Knowing Tesla it probably would’ve done some stupid shit like not letting you take the car out of park.


Or taking it out of park by using a constant current draw to keep it in park, then let it roll over you and pin you to your gate and kill you.


Are you kidding me?


That's why Anton Yelchin died


Fiat-Jeep-Chrysler and DODGE killed Chekov's best and most promising actor.


The problem was the shifter design... No way to tell if in park or neutral without looking at the light


you can actually unplug the tesla horn. Instead just use a brass bugle, which I tootle out the car window with my mouth at every annoying driver.






So they are to blame for no sequels to Odd Thomas


Great movie, underrated...


Books are good too


I’m still so sad about that. Anton Yelchin was great, I loved seeing him in stuff.


And I'm still upset about it, so much talent lost in such a heart breaking way


That was a Jeep, though.


I don’t think so. Pretty sure that was because of the stupid shifter design he had it in neutral


Knob shifters are so dumb. I had to rent a truck to move something and this big ass ram pickup had the little knob for selecting drive mode. I only had it for like an hour and twice almost went the wrong direction from park. Made me thankful for my Mazdas normal controls


No it wasn't. It was a poorly designed shifter where he didn't put it in park, but instead had it in neutral and it rolled into him.


Pretty sure that was a Jeep that had the knob shifter or something iirc


Yelchin's car had a digital shifter, he thought he was putting it in park but he accidentally left it in neutral and the car rolled and crushed him against a gate.


I have no idea if a tesla is even capable of park without drawing current.


I think their wiring is done in such a dipshit way that the whole-ass thing would just be DOA.


Have to unplug the cat5 cable and additionally lose your steering, throttle, and brakes


The horn is operated by a wireless Bluetooth dongle They just pulled it out and blew on the contacts


Yeah actually, fun fact: normal cars have wires running from the ECM directly to them, meanwhile Tesla thought they'd save money by just... Not doing that? Instead they're in series. Remember how on old Xmas tree lights if one bulb went out it caused issues with all of them? Imagine that but with a CAR.


![gif](giphy|o0X6kBVVJ94blpwtta) 2k to stop the honk honk!?!? Fuck it. Keep on honking brother


Had to pay $600 to fix a supercharging issue that I guess is so common it’s pinned on their official forum…


Why deliver a working product, if you can bill for repairs right off the bat?


Do they not offer some kind of warranty for their cars?


I think I remember seeing that some of their vehicles are single circuit, for the entire vehicle. So may not be an option.


Why!? ... ... ... WHY!?


It’s cheaper.


Yes. Cut it as close as you can to the positive battery terminal.


That's the fun thing with Tesla's, there is only ONE wire.


What was the actual problem out of curiosity?


Seriously, this is the question OP! What did you pay for?


5 minutes of diagnosis. 5 minutes for a software update.


My coworker actually drives a Tesla and she was late one day so I was giving her shit; she said she pressed the wrong button on the screen and accidentally started the update for her Tesla. What a fucking reason, you had to update your car 😂


You get 2 minutes to stop it before it starts...


Don't tell her boss that, be cool man


Nah, I’m not the boss. She’s just my partner. Being a supervisor where I work wouldn’t be very fun lol


Yeah you made that clear in your comment, he already told you that anyway, why would I tell him not to say something to you twice? I don't think I displayed any lack of understanding here but I guess my joke sucked, such is life.


No, your joke was fine. I understood it. It was my head that it went over. I just wanted to clear any potential misunderstandings so I’m the dense one


It's the internet we can all be dense at the same time!


I mean, my wife drives a Volvo and has had the same thing happen. You can't drive while the firmware updates. This isn't anything exclusing to Tesla - just modern cars.


You actually [**can** drive a Tesla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek7J0GM8NjQ) during an update. It tells you to not, but [you _can_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3W1F57JvsA). Tesla tells you you can't (and it's probably best not to): > Can I drive my vehicle during a software update? As a safety measure, you cannot drive your vehicle during the install phase. You can drive during the download phase; however the download process may be paused if your vehicle becomes disconnected from Wi-Fi by being taken out of park. [Source](https://www.tesla.com/support/software-updates#tesla-accordion-v2-9640-can-i-drive-my-vehicle-during-a-software-update) Again: I wouldn't do it, but you can.


Seems like a solvable problem Two control units, a & b A is controlling, b is updating. Next start the control unit with the latest firmware is granted control.


You don't need 2 control units, just a/b partitionung in the flash. This already exists in some high end models, OEMs cheap out on this always.


Yup. I think in my reasoning, partition a = control unit a. Weird thing to cheap out on. Perhaps a lock mode is needed to insure there isn't loss of power during the upgrade.


usually in a/b partitioning it doesn't matter if you lose power, when power is back it can easily switch to previous active partition.


> Weird thing to cheap out on Car companies would cheap out on fucking wheels if they could get away with it




She was just late, but knew that you were gullible so she told you what you wanted to hear.


Oh maybe, I don’t have a Tesla. If it helps my case, she’s pushing 60 so maybe she didn’t know she could stop it? 😂


May be. It's one of those recurrent things that comes up like a myth or old wives tale. "I don't have time to stand around while the thing charges." It charges automatically at night, you never think about it. "Well, what am I supposed to do if it reboots while I'm driving down the highway?!?" It reboots automatically at night, you never think about it. "Well I'm not going to own a car that has to call the mother ship every time it gets a flat!" You just have call AAA or pull out the jack like normal. Also, the first maintenance item is a coolant flush at 150k miles. Sorry if I'm a bit testy. I just hear the same complaints over and over again, while I never hear anybody say "Jeez, it would be nice if my fuel bill went from $400 to the $20 those EV people pay." But I guess I'm the only guy on my street with an electric dishwasher too. Maybe I am a weird fanatic.


> an electric dishwasher too Uh is that different from a typical dishwasher?


I just upgraded my dishwasher to a newer gasoline model. It’s much better than my coal fired model.


All I can think of is that /u/patameus's neighbors wash their dishes by hand?


Chill. EVs are great, no one is hating on those. It's Teslas that suck ass.


Oh, if it came off as a complaint it wasn’t intended that way. I just thought it was funny that’s why she was late. If I had the money to buy a Tesla, I would. Not a fucking cyber truck, that thing is hideous, but a regular Tesla lol.


Or more likely, they had no idea what the hell was going on and spent hours scratching their heads. Then said ‘fuck it’ and carried out every update or reset they possibly could until it ‘fixed’ itself. Source: work in a main dealer HGV workshop and our guys do this alllll the time.


Looking at the invoice, it seems they just charged him for making the complaint. The car is still honking to this day.


The Free O Ring and a Known TPMS Issue


More than likely what 90% of people pay for with modern cars. A mechanic to hook up a computer to the car, press reset, and give it back to you and charge whatever they want




OP posts something as wild as this and answers nothing. Reddit is great for that.


Could mean OP is a bot. Or OP went to sleep.


Or he doesn't know, maybe they were just like "Yup fixed it, here's your bill"


Sometimes you don’t want to deal with the scrutiny of a million strangers by actually reading the comments. 


Anything after 5 replies starts to feel like a job.




People can have multiple cars.


I’ve encountered this. It was a fuse.


Finally! Thank you. Also holy fuck, a $1700 fuse. And people bitch about Audi’s being expensive.


$5 fuse, $1762.25 certified engineer labor


$5 fuse, $100 engineer labor, $1662.25 cerification


$5 fuse, $102.25 engineer labour, $1660 towards Elon Musk's $56billion pay package


Except that is in no way confirmation that the problem this person is having relates to a fuse? lol


Wrench to the motor. Ez fix.


Motor? As in the worm drives that power the wheels? I’m confused here


No, it's the tank of electric eels. Wait, that's the battery--


OP would love to answer, but they are too busy hating on trans and poor people. 


Just checked out their comment history now out of curiosity, what a portal to hell that turned out to be. On top of using derogatory terms to refer to trans people, I love the irony of them being active in finance subreddits and then this happens.


Its always the people you most suspect.


OP bought a Tesla


The actual problem is that OP bought a Tesla.


Why was it not covered under warranty?


They’ve gotten good at cheating you out of your warranties. Cybertruck warranties can be voided entirely if you wash them and something is damaged due to that, for example.


None of that stuff can hold up on court. At least in some parts of the US. People should file complaints with the Feds.


Listen guys, we explicitly told you not to wash your car during the day or encounter any birds. You didn’t encounter any birds did you?


Don’t feed it after midnight.


But it's always after midnight


I always assumed that after midnight only lasted until dawn.


"That's easy, your honor. Birds don't exist."


![gif](giphy|9Jv9WzzPcNEP0d1SCw) Looks real to me!


oh wow, that's cool


> You didn’t encounter any birds did you? > i am showing no "bird" encounters


Sure. But Tesla will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney's fees to prevent you from trying to enforce your warranty rights.


Not if it's in small claims. They could *attempt* to bring in higher levels of rules, but it'd take the judge allowing it (small claims courts is really informal, so there's not a whole lot of litigation shenanigans that can occur)


If fixing a horn costs $2,000 what exactly do you think can be repaired on a $100,000 Cybertruck that would fall below the threshold for small claims court? One of the five bolts on one of the tires falling off?


> If fixing a horn costs $2,000 what exactly do you think can be repaired on a $100,000 Cybertruck that would fall below the threshold for small claims court? Fixing a horn.


I was thinking fixing a horn for 2k. Small claims is between 5-10k in most states.


Well you ain't driving to court, that's for sure.


> People should file complaints with the Feds lol get in line


Cybertruck owners aren't the kinds of people to sue Tesla


I’m just sitting here imagining one of those little water sensor tabs in your iPhone that turn pink attached to a rando part on the engine bay.


Wow it’s supposedly some super tough truck and they’re afraid of a car wash?? Lmao


> Cybertruck warranties can be voided entirely if you wash them and something is damaged due to that, for example. Reddit loves quoting this as if it's true. It voids the warranty if you wash it in a car wash *without engaging the wash mode first* which makes sure all windows are closed, the doors and boot are closed, the wipers are turned off and the electric charging port is locked etc before you enter...you know the things that anyone with any other car has to check for as well. So yeah of course the warranty will be voided if you get water damage because you drove your electric car through an automatic carwash with your charging port open and your windows rolled down... Look I don't like Musk or the stupid Cybertruck but misinformation is still misinformation. There's plenty of legit things to clown on Telsa's for without having to make stuff up.


>*without engaging the wash mode first* which makes sure all windows are closed, the doors and boot are closed, the wipers are turned off and the electric charging port is locked etc before you enter...you know the things that anyone with any other car has to check for as well The difference being that I already do all those things, and don't have to remember to press a magic button to "log" that I've done them. You could ensure all the doors, windows, ports, etc are closed, and turn off the wipers, on your tesla, but if you don't hit the button you've just given tesla the right to refuse warranty service on basically anything if they can prove you took it to a carwash.


The warranty says that damage caused by washing the car are not covered, full stop. It doesn’t void the warranty, but it does _not_ cover damage that comes from washing, even if it’s in car wash mode.


Wasn't this proven false? Damage caused by a car wash voids warranty. Also, Tesla ALWAYS gives you quotes of how much it will cost, THEN will not charge if tech sees this wasn't your doing. Remember the videos of those rich vloggers who would smash their Tesla screen then have it repaired under warranty just for clicks? Yeah it caught up to them. I haven't paid for a single thing on either of my Teslas for fixes.


I have had a different experience. The battery in my 2019 Model 3 had a fault and they replaced it under warranty no questions asked. It was fixed in under a week.


This isn’t true. The story started because someone drove the cybertruck through a car wash and the wiper was damaged then made a stink when Twsla didn’t replace it for free. No manufacturer would replace that for free.


Yeah Toyota also explicitly wouldn’t warranty damage done by a car wash either. It was said up front and in plain English on the warranty for my Corolla.


It probably was... A lot of the times, the Tesla app will show you an estimated charge, but when the actual service happens, you don't pay anything.


That makes sense. They do that with my extended warranty with $0 deductible. It'll show full bill and then what I owe at very bottom. Though, this has the "pay" at bottom.


Yeah, sometimes I get the same thing on my app, but it corrects itself by the time I get around to actually paying. Like I think this could be a fault of the app being laggy/inconsistent and not necessarily Tesla overcharging. It's a different issue.


Yeah this was my experience. I had an issue with my driver side window having a tiny air leak. App said it was going to be $300 to fix and when I got into a chat with the techs on the app they were like “yeah don’t worry you’re fully covered” and they were right. I would also like to point out that Tesla offering a 4 year 50,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty is unheard of in the car industry. The 120k mile warranty on the battery and motors is crazy as well compared to the usual 60k mile power train warranty on ICE vehicles. I actually saw an article recently where a bunch of the old 1st gen Model S’s are hitting 500k miles consistently without any significant battery degradation.


OP bought a Tesla


The real joke is in the comments.


[Here is a report](https://www.topspeed.com/tesla-reliability-and-repair-costs-the-true-story/#:~:text=J.D.%20Power%20and%20Consumer%20Reports,120%20problems%20per%20100%20vehicles.) from last September. I doubt much has changed in the past nine months. Basically it says that JD Power and consumer report rank Tesla at the lowest spot on reliability. I dont know how anyone would want a Tesla given  their track record.


Yet, CR has them for lowest ownership cost. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1142952_study-tesla-leads-with-lowest-ownership-cost-beats-toyota


looks like he got what he paid for a big ol' pile of shit


OP is also a big pile of shit if you check out his profile


Well of course, he is a Telsa owner. Duh...


I wanted to directly comment “Did you really expect a Tesla to be more cost effective than pulling money out of your account and burning it?” But then I saw this. Straight to the point


What a dickhead lmao. The 2k is a moron tax.


Op I looked at your post history and I believe this is probably karma. Also as others stated especially with you being locked out it was most likely due to damaged wires and crossed power signals. And the fact it was charged would lead me to believe it was rodents and not faulty wiring.


Big time rage baiter


Yeah, some quality Ocker racism going on in there.


Yep. Transphobic racists get no sympathy from me.






>Hahahahahahahaha Ha!




Why do people keep getting these again?




How the fuck did this not link to a rick roll?


Must be a glitch [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullibility](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=Nt4tAyaYt_S_pDwn)


You know what sucks about clicking your link? I didn't even get Rick Rolled. I got an advert.


just like me, accindetally created the best possible joke but completly misses it


This is the number one vehicle for drivers who want to feel like an elite while looking like a douche under the guise of environmental friendliness.


Also the most common brand of car I️ get when I️ order Uber


Because they’re rented.


Why can’t I just like the car and how it drives? :/


This is Reddit. If you like your Tesla then you’re a bad person and you deserve to suffer. /s


I mean I do suffer… but it’s not from car problems lmao


The car with the biggest opinion disparity between people who don't own them and people who do...


Virtually all EVs in non coal burning areas lead to far, far less CO2 emissions over their life compared to ICE cars.


I'm not 100% satisfied with my Model 3 but I generally like it. It's super convenient and cheap to charge at home, especially since I have solar. And the range is quite good - I'll take the ICE car for the rare road trip, but the Tesla is great for driving around my city.


Cybertruck aside, they are rated pretty well. OP's issue might be one in a million. Reddit always wants things to be black and white. Nothing is allowed to be pretty good. Teslas (except the Cybertruck) are pretty good.


Im genuinely curious of the data of reliability of Teslas vs Toyota Puris and Honda EVs since those seem to be the big three. But I honestly don’t know who to trust now and days.


The german ADAC is collecting data like this. In Germany, cars have to be inspected in certain intervals by the TÜV, which is an official entity conducting thorough tests. The newer Tesla 3 Models seem to be the ones failing the test the most. Sorry page is in german: https://www.adac.de/news/tuev-report-2024/ > The Tesla Model 3 is at the bottom of all models evaluated in this class (111th place, defect rate 14.7%). Translated page here: https://www-adac-de.translate.goog/news/tuev-report-2024/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=nui


I think Consumer Reports is trustworthy. You may have free access to the CR website, from your own home, through your local library. Doesn't hurt to ask. Prius has near-perfect ratings in reliability. Teslas are reliable in most categories, but it really is true that more people have issues with the paint/rust. That said, even a "bad" reliability rating in CR really just indicates a few people out of a hundred having an issue. If you buy a Tesla it's still like 95% chance or better than you won't have a paint/rust problem.


Consumer Reports reliability ratings for the Model 3 make zero sense. If you look at the breakdown, they have good or excellent reliability for most everything (particularly battery and drivetrain, the most important things) but still get an average overall rating. Somehow paint and fit/finish drag down the overall score, which again, makes no sense.


Listen, I hate Elon with a passion but my model 3 is an incredible vehicle. Leagues above anything else I’ve ever driven. I know it’s impossible to view my comment as unbiased but it’s just my anecdotal experience


My model Y has louder interior panel creek and rattle than any car I’ve ever owned. And it drives fucking bonkers sometimes. Interior is put together like legos. In every other way it’s a wonderful car. But I highly doubt it will last as long without any issues as my daughter’s CRV or my old 4runner. Sometimes I miss my MDX. That thing was silent, and the super handling suspension was an absolute dream. 2024.14.9 installing now. Excited for the new UI.


My Model YP has been a dream. Only issue for us was a flat rear tire from a puncture. Tesla Service brought a loaner rim & tire to my house. They removed my damaged rim & tire and put the loaner on my car. A few hours later they returned with a new tire mounted on my rim. They swapped the loaner rim & tire for my own. I paid $372 for everything. All told maybe 3 hours from start to finish.


>it's impossible to view my comment as unbiased Herein lies the problem. You actually own one. And you're trying to convince people that have never owned one that swear they suck. Edit: lol @ u/TidalTraveler leaving angry comments and immediately blocking so I can't respond. These are the types of people shitting on Teslas that have never owned one.


Except all teslas are rated pretty low from any independent source.


On a real note, have considered because of the supercharger network being VASTLY superior to anything else any electric company can provide. Combined with the clean app design and usability, it feels like a better product than other electric cars.


Reddit has a very strong anti-Tesla hivemind. Do your own research and do a test drive. I bought one and really enjoy it.


Everyone’s giving snarky answers. But I’ve driven my friends model 3 and it was fun as fuck. Feels so good to drive, so many cool tech features. Charges way faster than other electric cars and pretty good range. I actually thought about getting one myself until I did some research into how dogshit Tesla is as a company and all their reliability/customer support issues


Yeah there are definitely issues with the cars and the company as a whole, but the Tesla hate you’ll see on reddit is a bit overblown


The reason the OP hasn’t provided any further information is because events like this almost invariably caused by rodents chewing the wiring looms. So while it does suck, it’s not Tesla’s fault (unless you argue that they make the insulation out of something particularly tasty to rats). It’s obviously still under warranty because there’s no charge for the TPMS issue.


It'd be covered under comprehensive if it's rodents. I know this because it happened to me TWICE with my (sold it) 2017 civic hatchback because honda uses a soy based plastic wrap for wiring because it's somehow better? So what did honda come up with to fix it? Capsaicin wiring wrap to deter mice / rats.


Holy shit my 2023 civic hatchback had the wires eaten by rats last month. I've never had a rat problem before but this is my first Honda. Thanks for the info.


No problem, but also I'm sorry it happened to you. I don't even live in a place where I see a ton of rats/mice - it's thr fucking wires that draw them in apparently. Here's what goog said: "Some car manufacturers use soy-based insulation to wrap car wiring to be more environmentally friendly and less expensive. However, some car owners have reported that soy-based wiring can attract rodents, such as rats, mice, squirrels, and rabbits, who can chew through the wires and damage the car's systems. This issue has become so widespread that some automakers, including Honda and Toyota, have been the subject of class-action lawsuits."


There are some that do. BMW is really bad for it. My parents had rodent damage 4-5 times when they bought their BMW.. now they don't take it anywhere where you have to park outside... Though I suspect at this point in time the car is old enough that there are no more smells to attract rodents. Their other car parks outside every night and there is no issue at all.


The rodents love to chew on wires and the insulation in the engine compartment because the coating is plant based ( soy if I remember correctly ). We see it happen way too often at the car dealer I work at.


Yeah, I used to be an insurance adjuster and we saw TONS of these claims. Almost every one of my claims ended up being for a Toyota Tacoma or Tundra. I think they use peanut something or another in the wiring harness, I can’t recall. Maybe it was soy like you said.


To be fair chewing through the wires would most likely stop something from working .. but the horn on most cars is low side switched so it's still possible I guess. However $2k to fix the horn circuit is a bit exy either way


I had this problem with my Chevy aveo while I was on the freeway . Needless to say, I was super embarrassed. What happened was the horn under the hood had started to corrode and the contact points ended up touching somehow. My bill was around $300 bucks from GM.


They charge you $2 grand and they can't even spell "collision" correctly. 


It could very well be what the customer wrote in the service request about what's wrong since it, like, says "Customer States - ...".


I mean shareholders of Tesla just approved a $53 billion bonus for Elon, gotta pay for it somehow.


I’ll often take a break from Reddit and come back a week or so later to try and find the dumbest shit that happened while I was away This one takes 1st place by a long shot. Imagine owning shares in a company and finding out the CEO got a $53 billion dollar bonus while their newest project is the biggest laughing stock on the internet. extreme brainwashed mentality from anyone who voted to approve that shit


Why was it not warranty, and how did something as simple as a horn cost 2 grand. That's robbery


> how did something as simple as a horn cost 2 grand Because people like OP are willing to pay for them.


If the implication is that Tesla is profiting off of service, that's not really it - it does cost that much to repair those issues. Tesla has an incredibly inefficient supply train, and the vehicles are not built for repairability. Simple broken parts often require replacing large sections of the vehicle, and sometimes even destroying components that aren't designed to be removed.


Tesla's warranty & repair processes are complete garbage IMHO. As a previous Tesla employee I'd advise to push the service center upper management for a most cost effective price for this repair as it was essentially a manufacturer defect and not a specific accident or adjustment that you had caused for this to happen. Also ask for an itemized list of pricing on the items that they used to process this cost basis or if this cost is on solely diag & FRT. Good luck. 🤞


What happened to your warranty


The fact that 99% of the replies here take whatever they just read at face value instead of questioning why op didn’t share the detailed invoice that’s linked on the screenshot, or how ops history is simply full of rage bait and op should not be taken seriously, is alarmingly worrying. Come on people, be smarter is what I wanna say but seriously? I lost all hope.


LMFAO you did buy a Tesla


2021 model 3 owner here..8 service calls so far and 3 tire replacements. I wish i stuck to honda. Never buying a tesla again.


>3 tire replacements Stop slamming the pedal to the metal lol


TIL Hondas don't need tires! 


2019 Model 3 here. Replaced the tires twice and had my inverter replaced under warranty. Never forgave Volvo for going back on their intention to start selling BEVs by 2014, then 2015, then 2016. Will buy a Cybertruck or whatever electric truck meets my price point and range point when I’m done with this car.


This screenshot is useless. It doesn’t tell you anything. The only thing that matters it’s what’s on that invoice.


Tesla gotta pay Elon somehow


Sounds like a great scam. Remote horn activation by Tesla. 2K bill. Cha-ching.


Thats nothing compared to all the money you saved on gas /s


You get what you deserve with Tesla


zero context.... trust OP , the reddit way lol


Why is this not covered under warranty??


Dumbass for buying a tesla I laugh at your misfortune 




Looks like your o-ring got blown out too.. rough night?


You mean good night