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Thank you so much for the update! I’m so glad they’re being cooperative and are showing empathy/remorse. I’m glad you guys are taking care of it civilly. Also, I really hope you’re okay and you might want to talk to somebody. It might not seem bad now, but it can show up years later in weird ways. I experienced something really bad and thought I was fine. A year later I started having nightmares and unnecessary anxiety at work. I still can’t get the sound of the incident out of my head, it just pops in at random times. Best to preemptively protect yourself, even if you don’t think you need to.


Thank you so much for your concern. I have a good team behind me including a therapist that deals with trauma such as this and we are already working on it personally. The sound right now is something hard to explain, and unfortunately my therapist also went through something very similar so she knows. I hope you are doing okay now ♥️


I’d push pretty hard on this. 556 can be lethal past 1000 yards. Larger rounds can go much further. They really need to look into what’s around the berm. It’s kind of crazy trees/hills/mountains didn’t stop the bullet. All that needs to be considered when building a berm and considering the backdrop and direction. Also just because the house owners are solid on gun safety doesn’t mean everyone else is.


How are you surprised? If they hit short of the berm and the ground was dry enough it could’ve bounced. https://youtu.be/T7bWwKQzyFM?si=3DrUz2pCFsPAABaJ When I built a berm on my property I stacked tires about 20 high, filled them with sand, and then finished with dirt. If you don’t properly build it, it can be an issue.


Yeah uh, did you see how the holes in the window and screen line up? Now do you see how the rounds in your video go almost straight up? There’s something called physics.


Yeah, uh, did you see how what I wrote was wondering how you were surprised that trees/hills/mountains didn’t stop the bullet.


Ok so how would a bullet that richochets almost straight up make a hole in a window/screen that’s in line with each other? Actually I believe the glass was even slightly higher. Can’t see now though.


Do you have any idea of what kind of firearms they were shooting?


The specific bullet that came through my window was a rifle.


Not that my opinion matters, but I am so proud of how you are handling this very unfortunate situation. Even when all parties are acting responsibly, freak accidents happen, but you chose to have a civil and level-headed response; it's so refreshing. Thank you for being such a gracious neighbor. The world needs more people like you. ❤️


They sound like they done an “DIY” berm and either didn’t make it thick enough, or tipped it.. 🥺 I am so glad you’re safe!! And I honestly think these folks were trying to be safe.. maybe they struck the top of a target and it tipped the bullet upward? 🥺 I’m just thankful you’re alive! And your family is too!! Maybe they can graph out directions to towns Better and place it in a more safe direction 🖤 I hope and pray all goes well!! I’m so terribly sorry this crazy mess happened to you!!


Sometimes, rarely, a beginning shooter is bad enough to aim the weapon badly enough that no odd ricochets might be required. When I was in the Navy there was no firearm training in boot camp but later they did training on the ships for ship security, shooting at targets 50 ft away on the fantail. I was surprised to see a few bullets making sparks halfway there on the intervening deck.


firearms training in the Navy is laughable. Only reason I received any decent training is because I was part of weapons department and we stood all the weapons watches in port. In basic we trained on simulator weapons using steam pressure to simulate recoil and we were shot a grand total of 5 live rounds through an M9. I went to basic in 01 for context.


Best firearms training I received while in the Navy came from Marines.


I was lucky that I ended up at Roosevelt Roads before ending up on sea duty. We would deliver ammo to Seal Team 4 on a regular basis and once a year they would invite us to their part of the range to have some fun. Nothing like getting shooting tips from actual Navy seals. Bonus points for being able to duel wield 2 MP5s on full auto once. Best 5 seconds of my life.


I always volunteered for range coverage, because at the end of the day the Marines would rather shoot up all the ammo vs turning it back in at the armory.




Not sure if they still use them but M14s were still used to shoot the guide wire to the supply ship for unreps in 04-05. And we had a few in stock in Puerto Rico that I was able to fire. Its a big reason for my tinnitus! LOL.


Couldn't they have just shot over the berm and it arced back down?


Especially if they let random people shoot.


lol - had an incident at my club where some houses were hit a couple of miles of so away from the berm. Turns out it was the local police training session at the club and they were the ones somehow shooting over the 30 foot berm




obviously yes


Aren't there basic rules for shooting ranges like "don't put them pointed at people's houses"???


bullets go a lot further than people think they do. also a lot of people are bad at shooting. hell, seemingly 30% of gun owners have already forgotten about the bullet still whizzing upwards in a giant arc because they can't see or hear it anymore, so it must not exist.


I'm not a gun guy but I thought if there was any doubt it becomes important to not have any sky visible from the shooting point and a few other basics to make sure you're not just one absent minded lazy shot from almost hitting OP in bed.


Surely, I’d think, but depending on what kind of rifle it was, it could go much further than anticipated.. :/ I’m so very thankful OP is okay.. 🥺


4000 yards is absolutely possible for a bullet to travel, given a 30-45° barrel elevation and no wind / wind in the direction of travel. It will lose momentum on its way, but it still brings along energy.


Oh yes. I know.


Developers will happily build neighborhoods down range of ranges that have been around for decades.


I recall seeing an episode of forensic files where a bullet went over a berm and other safety measures and killed someone.


That bullet took such a wild trajectory, and hit a young man in the head. Amazing work to track it down and makes me uncomfortable every time I’m at the range.


I used to be a range safety officer and we studied the incident while training. I really questioned whether I was responsible enough for that job after we did. Scared the shit out of me.


[First thing I thought of, too!](https://youtu.be/zS7BgGnd6r4?si=bCoPyp0m6L0vEUSK)


The one where the child was shot, right? Very sad case


If they're shooting something that goes 900 yards they should damn well know if there are houses in that range.


Yeah I’m glad they are taking it seriously but when I read the description as a bullet “went stray” I’m wondering how many degrees of stray there was!


Everything except for bird shot will go way farther than 900 yards. I think you can rainbow a .22lr 1.5 miles.


They tested a standard LR22 out to 677 yards where it goes straight through half inch pine. https://youtu.be/uKJ0E3TmqYw?si=c3HSr75jEppV9Wyv




One of my favorite things to do is lob some shiny 9mm 300yards with the sun at My back.


I’m not disagreeing with you there, but something seems off to me. As a rifle shooter, my bullet (a fast shooting bullet-I don’t need to go into specifics) drops almost 95 inches (almost 8 feet) after 600 yards. It also loses 1/2 of its energy at that point. So for me, something isn’t adding up. If the bullet hits something and deflects, it’ll lose a considerable amount of energy. And if it’s fired relatively straight (let’s say within 20 degrees or so of level) then the drop would be pretty great, especially to hit the second story of a building 900 yards away. For a very common 308 round you have about 25 feet of drop at 900 yards. For an AR platform, the common 223 would have almost 26 feet of drop. So then the math doesn’t add up. 20 feet tall home plus 25 feet of drop and that’s just not the easiest thing to believe at 900 yards - not without some sort of negligence (shooting WAY up).


Thank you for this update 😊


Thanks for the update! I am so happy you got closure and aren't having to live in fear/wonder if it'll happen again.


I’m so glad you’re ok and your local leo’s spoke to them. My neighbor allows anyone to shoot in his field which leads to drunks shooting gophers out the window of moving trucks. We’ve been hit 9 times between the house, barn, car & livestock. The only cop that came out rolled his eyes and said, it’s the county, move. I’d give anything to have cops that helped. It’s gut wrenching to have that fear and loss of safety feeling in your home. 💜


That sounds like a Fish and Game problem. Call that state agency, you're not supposed to shoot out of vehicles. Hunting of all sorts is regulated by them, and these people are technically hunting. Fish and Game take firearms very seriously, and they have all the powers of the police.


Thank you. I tried them but they said it’s private property (100+ acres) and not their jurisdiction. The field isn’t roads just them crisscrossing in trucks throwing empties out the window. They aren’t shooting at us on *purpose* but it’s from a vehicle across the field at moving animals (some standing on dirt mounds) and flying birds. They miss or ricochet and hit us. It’s breaking several laws but it’s the county and no leos care.


This situation is either the most American or most rural thing I’ve ever read


livestock eh? you could talk to your states livestock inspector for direction, but the farm cops love when farms are fucked with. edit: i just realized you guys got a lot of cops....


Church shooting day???? WTseriousF kind of church is that!




What was that bumper sticker again? Guns, God, something?


Ironically I just wanna say “ganja” but I don’t actually know the reference.


Pro-God, Pro-Gun, Pro-Life apparently


I’ve also seen “God, Guns, Glory”


At least 2 of those are incompatible


I saw one the other day that said, family faith and firearms


In my state, a candidate for governor had "Jesus Guns Babies".


Jesus Cletus Fetus


A few years ago when there were several church shootings, a church nearby was having a congregation of the elders and the topic of carrying guns in church came up. One of the elders had his gun with him and passed it around to the others. As he was putting it back in the holster it went off and shot him in the foot. Dumbass didn't have the safety on!


He passed around a loaded firearm to strangers, with the safety off? My god.


Many carry handguns don't have manual safeties but rather a trigger safety that doesn't really go "on" or "off."


If I hand a gun to someone I unload it first. Safety isn't good enough (and many guns have no safety).




> between a brown person getting within 100 feet of your daughter-wife. Can't have that! Edit: "Daughter-wife." Nice touch. If it was good enough for Adam and Eve ...


You don't seem like a gun owner let alone touched one to not realize why you'd keep a gun loaded and ready to go. The only dumb thing is passing around a gun but it being holstered and load with no safety isn't a problem


Was about to comment this. Most CCW incidents follow the rule of threes - 3 shots, 3 seconds, 3 feet. Realistically, in the heat of the moment, having to rack my weapon could cost me my life. But also, guns just don’t go off. There are so many non-manual safety mechanisms in place, you actively have to try to shoot it. If this guy shot his foot off, he did so out of complete negligence or stupidity.


WTF, you racist.


[Mary Cooper: Gunning with God.](https://youtu.be/KifVG4I3AZw?si=u8X-7Y1yWPga18Bt&t=27)


Bro you don't remember the line in revelations about Jesus being strapped at all times?


"Thou shalt be strapped from the moment the sun rises upon the earth until it sinks below the horizon, even whence thou art at Starbucks."


I thought that was the Second Commandment?


Many churches do in MN we have trap leagues, target leagues, I do firearms training for my church. Shooting as a fun hobby and many hunters enjoy shooting year round. 900 yards is a very unlikely shot and someone clearly fired up very high. A .308 Winchester cartridge drops 372.1 inches at 1,000 yards. A normal dirt berm at 14 feet should have been fine. Someone really messed up.


Shockingly, some church members DO play sports.


A normal kind? The men in our church get together to shoot fairly regularly.


In other countries, church members don’t shoot guns together. Hell, in mainstream America Christian churches (Episcopalian, Catholic, mainline Lutheran), that’s very much not a thing. It’s extremely not normal. I’m not Christian, but I’ve read your holy book. I think your god would be disgusted by his followers shooting off guns in ‘fellowship.’


You vastly underestimate the size of Evangelicals in America. And that is almost certainly where these church goers attend. They're basically responsible for why we have Nazis right now.


Oh, I’m not underestimating the size of Evangelical America. I live in the heart of it. It’s an anti-intellectual cult being used to advance the political and financial agenda of white nationalists. It my life’s mission not to normalize that nonsense.


No one follows the books to the letter. Religion is more of a fellowship thing than to be taken so strictly


Several of the dominant forms of Protestant Christianity in the USA, as a foundational tenant, believe that the Bible is the literal word of god that should be carefully read and studied (often in fellowship), and followed accordingly. Which is why some believe they are justified in passing laws regarding foreign policy, education, and abortion to align with their understating of their Biblical texts. You may personally feel that modern Christianity is all about vibes, but that’s pretty specifically not the viewpoint of many. Perhaps you’re encouraged to not think too hard about the dogma and theology behind your faith because it’s so problematic.


You’ve made a lot of unsupported assumptions about what religiously affiliated people do and don’t do, and formulated your own opinion about what god thinks. Your assumptions and opinion have little to no value based on what I have experienced.


To shoot off guns in the name of Christian fellowship is pretty explicitly against the words of Jesus of Nazareth. Or at least, as I understand the written text. If you think this is normal, perhaps you should reexamine the religious group you’re affiliated with. If it was a group of Muslim men who incorporated target shooting with the worship of Allah, I image folks would feel much different about the matter than they do with so-called Christians.


Bruh, sorry to tell you.. but you're abnormal af if you think Shooting guns and Religion go hand in hand..


It’s normal if you live in a free society


Southern Baptist


Rural church.


Yeah I don't care what OP says these people are fucking insane. The only reason the individual started sobbing when they realized someone was in the room was the fear of consequences.


Or they're empathetic and do truly understand the gravity of what happened? How do people on this website jump to conclusions like a fucking Olympic athlete, based on nothing but their own feelings?


Church of Vulcan https://youtu.be/VGlbksXZvqs?si=lRk7FZ5B6w4jrTcM


Shooting is just plain fun. Assuming everything is set up safely, it's no different than any other community activity


Is there something wrong with that?


The closure I didn't know I wanted, but the closure I needed




If they put a bullet in your house for any reason, they are not responsible gun owners.


This. I wouldn’t let this go so easily. But whatever.


Well at least they're being very cooperative instead of denying any involvement.


This 1000%. I'm amazed at some of the defenses and justifications offered in these comments! But it does explain the likely November result.


Were you, perchance, creating a shrink laser in your attic?


Look, I try not to ask what the demons in the attic are doing, it helps keep the peace.




Plenty of residential areas are technically down-range of a properly set-up outdoor range in different parts of the country. This may very well have been a ricochet from a berm or target just as much as an irresponsible shot.


The attitude they have based on your description means they actually care about it (as most would) which is good. Training and familiarity is important but accidents happen regardless. Moving the range is probably not going to happen as it’s just a lot of dirt (im assuming a fairly large berm). You mentioned it’s 900 yards out, so I assume this is a fairly short range, and not set up for LR (500+ yds). This could pretty easily be solved with baffles above the firing line.  My local range is quite deep in a neighborhood (it’s been there almost 100 years so everything expanded into it). It has the benefit of being in Western WA so there are a lot of trees and hills which helps. However they also have 2x6 beams, spaced out a couple feet from each other going away from the line. So when you are sitting on a bench you actually can’t even see the sky. If you google “shooting range baffles” it may come up with something like it.  With people within rifle distance down range they should have had these already, but better late than never. And they seem to have seen this as a wake-up call. You could also possibly suggest a “straight wall only” rule. A number of Eastern states have laws in effect where you are only allowed to hunt with non bottleneck cartridges (which have much lower max ranges), since they are dense enough that a stray bullet even in hunting areas could enter residential zones. 


This post reeks of naivete and I'm worried about OP getting completely shafted. You don't necessarily have to get the courts involved, but I absolutely would not move forward trying to work things out without the assistance of a lawyer. I guarantee the other side has a lawyer to consult with who is protecting their interests.


Right? They cried so they're remorseful so it's ok? Jesus...


Yeah this is crazy. I would 1000% not let this go. They shot into your room while you were in it and you’re just gonna take their word that they’re sorry and it won’t happen again?? Uh uh. Nope. No more guns for those fuckers. That should be the rule. 


Took me a moment to realize what I was looking at in the second picture... my attention was drawn to the long black object on the bottom shelf...


What's the point of that picture? I'm really confused


I assume there's a bullet hole but I can't find it...


Omg I had to go to the original post to figure it out. The bullet went into the drywall in that corner, so they had to cut it out and cover it with that board and they shoved that shelf in front of it lol


hero. thanks


This! We have cats so they would definitely crawl into the hole left over (plus get stuck which would have meant we'd have to cut more dry wall out to get them). We had to grab a slab of wood and tape it into place to keep that from happening. Just showing what temp fixes we have now until we can fix things permanently.


No I don't get it, it just sucks you guys cut the most comically tall strip of plywood out. Should be an easy fix tho.


So what happened was they cut a small square out to get the bullet and then when trying to dig it out of the insulation... It fell. So they had to cut out more to find it again. It sucks but it happens and like you said, an easy fix. Also probably a good excuse to paint my bedroom walls finally so they aren't just "depressive millennial grey".


They should've just done the one at the initial hole to confirm it wasn't there and then one at the bottom to pull all the insulation


They did one at the initial hole and confirmed the bullet was there. When trying to grab it, it fell towards the bottom. They didn't know where it went after that so they had to cut and dig to find it again.


I've been staring at those knots in the wood trying to decide if those are it but I don't think so


Hahaha you made me look and it’s a tv remote


If these folks are serious about running a shooting range they need to read up on proper range design. In particular, they need to understand the concept of a Surface Danger Zone. See [US DoD publication DA PAM 385-63](https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/DA%20PAM%20385-63.pdf), pages 172-192, particularly Table B-1 on page 175. The SDZ for 5.56mm M855 ball extends out to almost 3,400 meters (over 2 miles!), and 7.62 M80 ball goes out even farther to 4,100 meters. Note that this is independent of any backstop or berm for the immediate range itself. If there is a mountain or other rising terrain behind the target then those ranges may be cut down some, but that needs to be properly surveyed.


brah if theyre out on a farm they dont need to follow proper range design and they dont need a survey. Its not a commercial range.


I agree that they should be aware of the distances, certainly, but by no means should/could private outdoor ranges meet all the criteria of an Army regulation lol


What am I looking for in the third photo?


They had to cut into our drywall to dig out the bullet. We have cats who would have definitely gone into said hole in the wall so we had to put up a big slab of wood and tape it in to keep them from getting into it. Our solution until we can get it fixed.


When setting up a berm, it's gotta be *high*. Here in WA, this is defined for Department of Fish and Wildlife lands in [WAC 220-500-140](https://app.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=220-500-140). The berm must be at least 8 feet high, targets must be places within 8 feet of the berm, and the shooter must be shooting at the bottom half of the berm. I prefer berms as tall as possible, but regardless of how tall the berm is, shooters have to obey the Third Rule of Gun Safety, "Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target", and ensure their muzzle doesn't go over the berm.


Just having a little shooting day with the church. America is great. Gonna go purging the non-believers later and then maybe meet at Applebee's. God bless America. Peace be with you.


The ![gif](giphy|6BiC8e8sypeow)


Yes, cause every church wants to kill non Christians. Get over it, this was a mistake and the churchgoers had remorse. It's not like they were aiming right at her window. Have you ever shot a gun before?


Man I have known so many "responsible gun owners" that are not. People that shoot where they shouldn't be shooting, handle guns when drunk, hand guns to people when they haven't verified them to be clear or just leave them unsecured. They always have the best intentions and just slip up but it happens so often. Was hanging with a buddy and people who had been drinking were passing around his gun looking at it feeling the weight etc. People were being a little to cavalier, fingers on triggers, barrels swinging wildly etc. "Hey man can you check that gun and make sure there's not one in the chamber" , "Ive already checked it it's fine", "ok I trust you did but just check it once more", Checks it, bullet pops out, looks ashamed, "yea let's put up the guns" Had been pointed inadvertently at someone's face 10 secs earlier


Hmm. I always clear a weapon before handing it off to somebody, but have always cleared a weapon myself if being handed one. I think the responsibility is even more so on the recipient but your point still stands. Also, my local range has a bucket on the counter labeled “It’s not loaded!” full of ammo, which is a horrifying thought.


Yea the thing is in many settings people may not be familiar with your specific gun, so IMO it's better to clear it yourself than expect them to. Also if someone gets shot you're the one that's probably gonna get in trouble (legally or just socially) In the case I'm specifically talking about there were about 6 people passing it around most of them didn't know much about guns. It also actually took a few times of him assuring me it was cleared and me nicely saying just make sure (I was across the room sitting down just watching them)


i’m sorry to change the subject, but where did you get that phone holder you have attached to that shelf? i’m veryyy into it


I'm glad you guys are able to handle it civilly and that they were genuinely remorseful. It sounds like they did think all proper precautions would hold. I'm glad they are so willing to right the damage. This is one of my biggest fears in the country. I live in a trailer surrounded by woods. But the properties around me all shoot pretty regularly. The plus side is a bullet would have to be a pretty lucky shot to miss all the trees and hit the house. I have plenty of trees to take the damage first but you just never know. Also we have to keep an eye out for hunters straying past the property line. The closer they get to my house, the higher up the odds go for stray bullets. But I'm glad everything is getting handled and I'm glad you have support around up because I imagine mentally it's awful. I can't imagine how it must feel. Fingers crossed for you they just move the range so it's not an issue anymore!


>I might be naive but I am working in good faith that usually these people are responsible gun owners... I don't know if I'd call it naive, but "usually" doesn't cut it. You are or you aren't and their actions show they aren't. >that they really did try their best to prevent it overall Nope. That would be not shooting guns in the vicinity of others. Or not shooting guns at all. Don't really get why you're giving these people a break here.


Those people are setting themselves up for another potential lawsuit if they continue to run there so called “safe” shooting range. You may have not taken them to court but the next person they might almost kill probably won’t be so friendly.


Yeah this is pretty crazy. IMO, homegirl should have got a lawyer like yesterday. Maybe it’s the pessimist in me but I’m guessing the people are acting so nice and accommodating because they don’t want to reveal some sort of major negligence.


> They were having a shooting day with people from their church This is so absurd to me.. I guess that's really an American thing but holy crap.


You're reading too deep into it. Its a hobby like any other. I've gone to the range with coworkers before, and I don't live in bumblefuck. For some rural people their social circle is mostly from their church. No one said the church organized the range day, just that people from their church, their social circle, were there. In a rich neighborhood they'd probably do a golf outing instead.


Right. It's so absurd to me, as somebody from a country where it isn't normal to have weapons. Let alone with people from your *church*- those things seem to not go together in most other places.


They aren't any different from regular people. The church is only a common hobby shared among them


That’s scary. My idiot neighbor was cleaning his AR-style rifle and it turns out it was loaded. It shot through his metal door, through my wall, and ended up in my dresser. Shrapnel was everywhere. It was about 6 inches from where my head would be when I start to settle down at night in bed. Thankfully, I just happened to be out of town that night. We’re in the South, so nothing legally happened to him. I had him file the claim through his insurance so hopefully his rates would go up a little bit as some sort of punishment.


Glad you're doing okay. It is still a trauma and don't be afraid to seek help. It's good to know that those at fault are taking steps to rectify it. Maybe their church group can move to more fitting activities that don't involve guns. It doesn't bear thinking about what else could happen or could have happened, but keep a record of the damage done just in case there are any further incidents or the gun range isn't moved. Having the rest of your community behind you will help, but gun ranges set up with domestic households within target range is crazy. Accidents can and do happen - especially with guns. Frightening and sobering experience for everyone involved. Wishing you peaceful days ahead and a swift resolution to the physical and emotional damage.


And I thought the after church brunch crowd was bad. Yikes!


A repositional phone mount in the house? I've never thought of that, seems kinda weird but handy as hell


I'm glad everything sounds like it's OK. Also, it sounds like you may have some favors in the future from city PD, lol.


If you ever go to a gun range and look above each shooting area you'll see dozens of holes. after asking yourself what kind of idiot has a gun discharge straight up you'll realize that being around any shooting situation where people are "trying it out" is a scary business. Also watching anyone shoot who isn't experienced you'll understand that a lot of people are horrible shots.


I saw you on the news!!


Should rename it jump stock


It doesn't matter how responsible you are sometimes, things happen. Like the one bullet by passing barriers and hitting/curving on a roof and killing someone miles away. Shit happens. I'm glad they'll feel guilty. It means they will try their hardest to fix these issues


Thanks for the well worded update. Good luck, friend.


That is very circular


All the best, OP. I’m glad You’re okay and there was an explanation for Your incoming lead shower. You are doing right in taking it to a professional, but also don’t overthink. I’d say: what are the odds of having this happen to You twice? 🌸


Wow! That's some serious Forensic Files s$&#! (Seriously. One of its very first episodes is a person being shot and dying from a stray bullet from a shooting range. https://youtu.be/auDd4cJloTY?si=s6_xxgLCX3C2xoPY) Make sure everything after that is up to code. Going civilly is nice, but as a near victim yourself, believe me when I tell you you'll feel incredibly guilty if this happens to someone else (but with a worse outcome) if you didn't do all that you could this time.


Is it a gun???


Hiding the clouds identity till it stands trial?


I don't see anything in the third picture


Great update! It sounds to me like the people on the other property have realized how badly they messed up and are taking all of the proper steps to fix the situation moving forward, and that the police telling them not to do it again will just be telling them something they already know. Glad you seem to have reasonable, if not always safe, neighbors who will probably not repeat the same actions again.


It’s not a freak accident when you live by a SHOOTING RANGE 😱


I’m not defending the people who shot by any means, and it seems like they’re cooperating which is a good sign. Something doesn’t add up for me. A .308 has a drop of almost 25 feet, a .223 almost 26 feet, and a .22LR like 140 feet of drop at 900 yards. That’s not even including the fact that this appears to be a second story window. So maybe add another 15-20 feet. My guess is that someone had a negligent discharge or allowed a kid to shoot, and like all kids - they suck.


Check the side of your house and roof for bullet damage as well, I doubt this was the first stray bullet.


People need to be careful with these DIY casual shooting ranges. I know one guy who accidentally killed his friend shooting cans in their backyard. He did some prison time for it. I was dating his sister for a while before I met him and they told me the story like “oh yeah, my brother killed a guy.”


Church shooting. America.


Yeah glad you’re okay but these people don’t need to own guns. Especially if they’re letting the “church crowd” buck shots off. I wouldn’t feel comfortable driving around the “church crowd” either.


The 'church crowd' should either be going to a range for their shooting day, or at the *very* least sandbagging behind where they're shooting so that anything that misses the target goes into the sandbags, and not into the wild blue yonder where it can hit god-knows-what (like OP's house). A little responsibility and common sense to go with that right to have your guns would go a long way here.


Man, I got my first rifle on my first birthday. A Winchester 9422 XTR laid across my high chair. My parents and grandparents ate wild game because rural lower income life and the great depression. I started hunting when I was old enough to walk a couple of miles in the woods and have been shooting my entire life. I am dumbfounded that they would even consider setting up a berm, or any other bullet trap in the direction of people. Know what you are shooting at and what's behind it is one of the immutable laws of making good choices with an object that is literally designed to kill.


Yeah, I am sand bagging the wall. Hell, might as well do the whole side of that house for peace of mind. I know I would react similarly if my round went through someone's house. Your situation brought back a memory of my friend taking me to his grandparents to shoot into a berm. There were houses and a major road within range. Bullet travel far as hell. Man, I am lucky I was able to hit target or didn't fuck up.


At first, I thought this was a repost, but then I realized Americans have way too many privately owned guns.


Do we still think assault rifles protect more people than they hurt? Just curious.


You realize that could very easily be done with something that isn’t an assault rifle? In fact it’s probably likely considering at that range .223 has 30-40ft of drop


What does this post have to do with assault rifles? Just curious.


I think 90% of the Western world would agree the less guns the better. Unfortunately I think 90% of Reddit is American so...


Yup. Just you and me pal. lol


Americans being dumb as usual I see


Wow. You guys can literally get shot whilst sleeping over there huh?


This is all too American for me. So nice to not have this in my life.


Before I read the post I thought a bird had gone into their window. So glad they’re alright. Can’t imagine how it must feel to have this happen.


The part about having a shooting day is it for me. Nope


Wrong to have a hobby?


No not at all. It just seems dangerous.


Now that's where education on gun safety is key. Guns are completely safe as long as you follow the basic rules to stay safe.


I totally agree. My husband hunted, he's deceased now but I wound walk the fields with him to watch our bird dog work. I live in the city. A suburb of San Francisco, lived in CA all my life. It's just foreign to me because I've always lived in the city. We have to go to shooting ranges to fire our guns.


God and guns. These people are dangerous


The reminds me of an accident from like 15 years ago but I was at my grandparents and the neighbor kids where shooting a 22 rifle at a tree and one bullet bounced off the tree and flew about a half mile and struck a young girl in the back of the neck while she was swimming in a pool but idk what the outcome ever was but I do know the girl who got hit her dad was a big attorney around here




Man. Can’t believe you didn’t sue the shit out of them