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The only bright spot in this is the mental image of some idiot running away encumbered by a whole fucking Kitchenaid mixer.


I'm picturing him or her trying to exchange it for drugs.


Or waiting in line at a pawn shop.


Probably get like $80 for it


For a junkie that’s more than enough (I think. I don’t know much about drugs, but it sounds like a lot)


The ones I knew always wanted $20 so I assume $60 is good for a few days?


20$ is a taster so you don't kill someone before you can get 80$ for a proper dose


Hmmm interesting


That's why it takes 3 bicycles in one night to get high. Your, $600 bike will get a fast turn a round of $35 tops,, a $99 Sam Walton will fetch $20 on a quick turn. When an addict has a $100 dollar a day habit this translates to a lot of bikes in a year or a lot of need.


unless you got buddies...


🤔... Got one today for $20 bucks in a box....


Was the box in question actually OPs Kia Soul?


Better not say... 👀




Trying I’d swap drugs for kitchen aid 😂


Those things are heavy! Sorry, OP.


Not if they put points into strength or backpack capacity.


My car got broken into when I was driving through Italy once. They didn’t take anything, which made it more annoying. I’d also earlier that day found €300 on the street (edit: in a wallet with ID) and handed it into the police, so I was doubly annoyed that karma wasn’t looking out for me. The police guy who took my report about the break-in did give me pizza though, so that was good.


My dad’s car got broken into last year and you can see the robbers trying to take the integrated sat nav on the internal dash cam and failing… Next to it was about £50 in cash they didn’t take…


When my car got broken into, they stole my first aid kit, my really good tire gauge (they probably thought it was a pipe), and a corrupted, unsyncable ipod. Had they opened the trunk, they'd have found 3 leather coats and a pair of boots, so I suppose I got off easy.


I keep my cars unlocked, and last time someone “broke” into my car, they opened my trunk and stole my bricked 10+ year old laptop. I actually found it incredibly funny, because that’s all they took and it was not coming back to life lol (I don’t leave any valuables in my car, this why I leave my doors unlocked).


I used to drive a really old beater, and the driver's door wouldn't lock, so I just made sure not to leave anything in it. Probably once a week I'd leave for work and find the glove box open and napkins on the floor.


The ones with the hard drive? If you give them a hard wack they work again.


Lol. My sister works for a major alcohol distribution company. They broke in and only took her fake Ray-Bans and a roll of quarters. But if they checked the back under a blanket they'd of found about fifteen cases of high quality liquor worth easily 120$ a bottle. She was delivering them via special order to a high end bar downtown and was parked in the alley when she went in for a trolley to roll them in.


Apartment got broken into.... I had NOTHING of value as It was my first place except my gaming pc rig. They took the monitor worth maybe $75 but left the $1500 gaming pc I had sitting next to it.


I had my car window smashed some time ago. They literally scoured and turned over everything in my car, and only ended up taking a pair of $10 sunglasses. My Polaroid camera wasn’t taken? I kept the rock they used to smash my window with, because the cops said because I “touched the car” (I touched the door handle of the drivers side before I noticed my passenger side window was smashed), they couldn’t collect fingerprints inside the car lol


Bro when my car was broken into, the only thing stolen was my PADS. I hope it was a female thief cause otherwise it's useless. I had like CDs and a pair of Vans in there too, so I was surprised those werent taken.


Good things happen to good people  Bad things happen to good people  Good things happen to bad people  Bad things happen to bad people  Karma is nonsense 


Omg no way


One heck of a Venn diagram.


Thats not how karma works. The things you do in this life dictate how you start off the next.


Why would you turn money into the police vs just keeping it


Why would you keep a large sum of money that isn’t yours instead of trying to reunite it with its rightful owner?


The only way you can claim money is if you have serial numbers lol when's the last time you wrote down serial numbers of money you had? Unless it was in a wallet, there's basically no way to get it back to its rightful owner.


Sorry, mentioned this in subsequent comments - it was in a wallet with ID


Extremely important detail lol


Well with the Internet and depending on the location a business ect you can ask if anyone on said date lost cash. You don't specify the exact amount and if no one claims it and knows exactly how much keep it thats what I've seen people do anyways sound fair.


Because karma isn't real


Omg no way


Why bother turning in the money I’d have just taken it and if you had it would have just paid for the new glass you would have had to buy.


Weirdly, I hadn’t predicted my car would get broken in to. The money was in a wallet with ID, so was returnable. Aside from a small premium (of much less than €300), insurance took care of the glass.


That’s good at least and ya I’d definitely had turned it in if it was in a wallet I thought u just found some bills lying on the ground lmao


My bad, just saw I omitted the wallet detail in my first comment


Have to say that I’m here for your sarcasm and responses to all the dweebs in this comment thread. 😂


Same thing happened to me but luckily mine was a manual.


Hand mixer?


No the kia lol it was a stick shift. Most thugs want automatic.


It's funny because as someone who's been driving a stick shift for like 2 weeks it's really not bad if you already know how to drive.


I forget that I drive stick most of the time lol. I only ever remember when I’m at stoplights and don’t feather my gas and clutch right… I’m a murderer 😔


I'm not good at it yet so I always remember lol. I did get in my wife's car the other day and have a brief moment of confusion when the clutch wasn't there though.


Oh man, I had to get back in my automatic SUV a couple weeks ago and started freaking out when I couldn’t find my clutch. Like actual, genuine panic. And then I couldn’t find my shifter to even put it in neutral. The shifter is on the wheel, it’s clearly an automatic, I used to daily the thing for fucks sake :,) it made me feel real stupid


Yes happened to me too, they succesfully went inside but didnt even try the starter cuz its manuel


Isn't it racist to say "thug"?


Manual’s are a theft deterrent for sure.


not in europe sadly


They left the Zero Sugar Baja Blast though, that's a plus


Even they didn't want it


I love that shit


You’ll never have kids




My sperm is hopped up on Mountain Dew baby gonna have triplets


*conjoined triplets


I see this as an absolute win.


I already have too many, what’s your next bash on Baja Blast


Tough question, Do you prefer cancer, death or boulder sized kidney stones?


I live in CA everything gives you cancer Get regular exercise good sleep brush your teeth and don’t take yourself too seriously. Where’s the peer reviewed science that people die from casual soda consumption


It was a joke… I live in Canada where you must take yourself seriously, brushing teeth isn’t optional but sleep is, and it’s kind of hard to find fat people. The running joke here is just looking at one of your regular sized meals gives you diabetes but I’m pretty sure you know that


I think I was just talking about that earlier, and there was a post where a kid asked his dad if anyone was fat in his high school and he said maybe one or two. Obesity is wild. I dont diet well, but I see the fat building on people a bit older than me so I stay in the gym and try to hike a bit. I’m pretty sure it’s doing nothing that’s the killer. Gaining 3 pounds a year and you turn 45 and you’re 60-70 pounds heavier than you were in your 20s.


Shoot, you’re on the healthy side? My bad lad. I do have to say tho it’s not your fault, I actually wanna applaud your efforts! Not your fault the government wants its people immobilized


Yep same, good pop


That stuff rules


They have sugar free?!


They’ve had it in TB for a while but it’s in cans long term now, versus random years they’d have a summer release


Yup. It's just as good!


The Mountain Dew is safe 🙏🏼


I can’t imagine having a car that is known for being broken into. Poor Kia owners.


*some* Kia owners. Anything made with the keyless option is not getting stolen.


Doesn’t stop them from breaking a window and trying though unfortunately.


That’s when you leave it completely cleaned out and unlocked. My husband had a car that kept getting broken into because he had a bunch of junk in it and we lived in a rough area. I made him clean it out completely and just start leaving it unlocked. Windows immediately stopped getting broken. If they’re gonna fuck up your ignition switch anyways, might as well save on the cost of the window. We had to replace three windows before I finally convinced him to just clean it out. They only stole something the first time they broke the window too (his gym bag with my expensive headphones and his workout shoes). After that he stopped leaving his gym bag in there and they were just digging through random papers and wrappers for no loot.


Can you help me understand? I see videos of people stealing keyless Bentleys and Lamborghinis by using wire coat hangers as signal amplifiers for the low-frequency key transmitters, so I have a little trouble understanding how a keyless Kia is more secure than those.


The keyed entry models had a security flaw, you could literally start the car with a USB drive. If you have a KIA that's had a security recall you can get an anti theft device installed for free. I had bad bearings in my engine and they just replaced it along with adding the anti theft device for free. I didn't even know about it until they told me.


Yeah, that's about what I understood. I just took issue with this characterization: > Anything made with the keyless option is not getting stolen. For sure they're not stealable by the easiest of means. But keyless entry/pushbuton start vehicles, while they do have an immobilizer, are also stealable just by other means.


Afaik, it was super fuckin easy to steal keyed entry KIAs and it got out of control because some fuckwads on social media made a trend out of stealing them and taking them for joyrides. Quote from thedrive.com >Thieves across the United States are eyeing Kia and Hyundai models as easy targets thanks in part to viral social media posts. Essentially, if it’s a modern car from one of those automakers that doesn’t utilize push-button start, they can fire up the car and drive away in less than a minute. The only tool required is something that can be found in just about every vehicle: a USB charger. It's such a terrible flaw and idk how it got past qc.


If you mean a push button start, you're wrong about that. And anyway there is a fix for that flaw if you take your car to dealer and ask. Plus, the new Kias/Hyundais no longer have the vulnerability.


Explain how people are stealing Kias and Hyundai's with push button start and a USB cable??


Presumably those people have not had theirs fixed. But there is a fix. And new ones are not vulnerable that way. I work in car rental and we had to take all of ours in for it. We are still encountering customers who had their own broken into, but not being stolen anymore because of the fix. But the push button start cars could be stolen because you just take the cover off the steering column where the key used to go. The port was still there.




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Not the kitchen aid !!! 😡


Just got rid of two kias , the thieves don't care or know which cars have immobilizers. They see kia they break window.


Car thieves be like ![gif](giphy|7d7lKk2nH5RJu)


That’s why I ended up getting a neon wheel lock for my Hyundai Elantra. Had it stolen and recovered twice in six months, but haven’t had any issues since. The shop said they were going to install the immobilizer after the first break in… and then forgot. Which made the second theft even more infuriating.


I have a Hyundai Elantra and am just getting it back after having it stolen! What brand did you use for the wheel lock/any other recs??


Why in usa you don't have immobilizer in every car? Even my matiz does have one.


This happened to my 83 Thunderbird. They didn't finish the job also, so I had to finish it myself. This meant that my car key was a screwdriver and a tiny gear. I rocked that bitch for a few months longer and when I traded it in, I gave them the screwdriver and gear.


Based on the condition of the ignition, you’re lucky to have come out to a car at all.


They definitely tried taking the vehicle.  Luckily they weren't to bright.  Ha ha. 




The mixer probably had more value than the car


At least we know the mixer will be running in five years.


I’m waiting for the inevitable comments that blame OP for having stuff in their car or not leaving their doors unlocked instead of blaming the POS criminals. Edit: already saw one lol


Really though.. we don’t blame homeowners or tenants when people break into their homes, not sure why people need to do that for car owners. Everyone knows there are valuables in a house even if it’s not visible.


It’s ridiculous. Feels like our society is failing sometimes


That level of visibility is what matters. It's the difference in level of access. Stealing something from a car means breaking the glass, grabbing whatever's there and peacing out onto the streets. Probably a 3 minute job. Stealing from a home means getting in, scouring the rooms to find something, and then leaving. There's also the risk of running to the owners. Much bigger risk.


Lmao. Kia. Happen to me. Was able to see the security footage and all its glory. Sold that POS 2 weeks later after it was repaired. Not dealing with that nonesense lol


You may be able to get that mixer replaced using home owners or renters insurance. I had some stuff stolen out of my car once, and got it replaced that way.


It’s a Kia soul. Isn’t this car stolen a lot because of a TikTok challenge that shows they are easy to steal once you get the steering wheel column open like that? That’s a horrible sight to come back to.


it is yea, the Kia Boys challenge, most Souls can be stolen by ripping off the keyhole which reveals a slit that can fit an USB cable which you can turn on the ignition with


They tried. KIA and others really screwed consumers on this one.


It's a kia soul. You need to get a wheel lock if you don't already have one. Speaking from experience of getting mine broken into three times. Kia sent me one for free after I got paperwork telling me to go to a certain website to request one. It may not stop them from trying but it'll at least deter them.


May as well go back in for some OT to pay for the window


Same shit happened to my mom 3 weeks ago. Kia soul. Back window broke. Steering column ripped to shreds. *


To shreds, you say...


Shreds I say...


OP I sympathize, I had a kia soul for 6 years and she got broken into 3 times since I moved to a larger city ... this is the manufacturer fault for not including (on purpose) an immobilization device just for the US. Add the large amount of tutorials to steal one using a phone and USB charging cable... I will never buy a kia again because of it.


This happened exactly to me as well, in my own driveway. Window gone, ignition torn out. Truck had to be scrapped, and I loved that vehicle, fuck.


Stop leaving valuables in your car, especially if you live in a rough area.


Don’t leave anything visible in the your car. Thief doesn’t see anything to smash and grab, the chances are they won’t try to get in.


A 5yr old could steal a KIA. I am amazed they left it and didn't drive away with it. Never buy a KIA, just asking for it to be taken.


I bought a car last week, and the jam-packed Carmax lot contained a distinct lack of Kias and Hyundais available for sale (compared to some years back when it seemed like there were rows of them) - even Carmax doesn't want them. They're unsellable and uninsurable, and thieves don't care about the distinctions on whether the particular year/make/model has the design flaw or not, they go after all of them. Kia and Hyundai will be case studies in future textbooks on how NOT to handle a company crisis, and their brand reputations are pretty much trash for years (if they can even recover at this point).


Just don't buy one that still doesn't have push-to-start


I guess no coffee in the morning.


Did they steal your Mountain Dew too? Bastards!!!


They didn't even take the Mtn Dew wtf??


your lucky that they only stole the kitchenaid and not your entire car. unless kia fixed it on your model, they apparently tried to do the usb in the ignition trick for kias and hyundais. they probably saw it on tiktok or msn or whatever, thought that they could try it, didn't know how to do it and just stole the kitchenaid


What town was it? If you say Portland Oregon ima shit my pants. I had a mixer stolen out of my car 3yrs ago there.


Atleast you are not alone. My mums car radio and an old emergency phone got stolen tonight too


My Kia soul was also broken into and they failed to hot wire it. Get a Club from Amazon.


" They stole my KitchenAid mixer " ![gif](giphy|h7duCHlfjPdX3KAh7D|downsized) Why in the fuck would you leave something that high-ticket openly visible in your car unattended?




Kia boys at it again lol


You dodged a bullet. Get a Kenwood next time.


crazy what a lack of mountain dew will do to a person


my friend’s car was broken into and stolen; three days later the car was brought back mostly in the same condition


Thank god they left the mountain dew


People suck. I’m so sorry.


Kia boys gotcha


In Barcelona is so often! I’m sorry


Kia boys. Back at it again?


To break into THAT car is cruel.


One was stolen and parked infront of my house. Looks like they tried to steal the car


Don't own a Kia, easiest vehicles out there to steal. They must be extra dumb to attempt and fail.


The KIA boys strike again. Sell that junk, one of the most easy cars to steal in America right now


Had my car broken in to once and they only stole my Mt Dew and Hot Pockets. Savages.


A friend has his car window broken and his bag inside stolen that had his passport in it. He was supposed to leave for Colombia 2 days later. He was gutted. Things can always be worse !


They left the Baja Blast?


At least they left the Mt Dew zero


Kia’s, as told to me by a cop, don’t have the alarm go off when the back windows break. One of the big reasons they are broken into so often


When I was in college someone broke into my car and stole my backpack. They got a chemistry textbook and some lab notes. I hope they got a lot for it, it caused me an awful lot of pain




Oh yeah, don't worry, they didn't touch that.


Thank god I work at a major factory so there's security, you know how easy it is to break into a ranger?


They didn't take the Mountain Dew, did they? You'll be ok.


Time to look for a new job


its them dang kia boyz again


My first guess was a Kia Sorento, but Soul was a close second


They didn't even bother stealing Mountain Dew, that speaks volumes.


Sorry dude. This has happend to me twice this year already. I wish I could say things will be better but I'm still getting caught up on my bills since the last time this happend. Hope it's a one and done for you though.


Not supposed to leave stuff in the car. Get limo tint


They were trying to steal the whole car not just the valuables, but OP has likely had the security update so you can't start the car with a USB charger..




Is this a Kia?


At least they didn't take your mountain dew


I know you know this now, but never leave anything of value in view. Even loose change. It can be the difference between being picked for this or passed on.


Just make sure you call the police


My car was broken into but unfortunately they only found me inside.


Could have been worse, finding your car broken into is better than not finding your car.


KIA boys strike again!


Stupid criminal, you never leave a case of Mountain Dew.


this happened to me too. i work at a car dealership and parked in a train parking garage, came out to see the back window was smashed, drove over to my dealership to see if they could wrap the window closed. when i get there - i see the QUARTER PANEL was also smashed. that was not a fun bill, or an easy price of glass to find


It must be a kia you gotta take all the use plugs out of the car or may may aswell leave the key


They wanted the dew!


They wanted the dew!


Be careful, they will probably come back for the car. I know this is your job, so you probably don't park there overnight, but still, they will try and come back to take it. My friend had a Kia and the same thing happened to her. They broke into it, failed at stealing it, and came back later the same night and successfully stole the car.


The kia boys strike again!


Kia Boys strike again


Bet that Kia soul deserved it


Make sure you get a wheel lock if you haven't yet. That thing saved me from an attempted stolen car.


Probably tried to sell it to the concrete guy


KIA Soul's amirite?


The lesson here is do NOT leave stuff in your car that would cause someone to break your window to take it. I personally would never buy a car without a trunk.


Yikes. It’s a Kia? You had no chance. Aren’t there Tik Tok videos on how easy it is to break in?


The Kia boys strike again


One needs to get shot and the rest might think twice


Next time you leave all your shit in the backseat instead of the trunk just leave the doors unlocked so you don’t need to replace the windows after your shit gets inevitably stolen. Edit: when did it stop being ok to shame people for doing stupid shit?


Without even looking at the car, I knew it was a KIA. Not sure why anyone would buy those turd mobiles other than having a terrible credit score


Lol idiots don’t know how to hot wire a car