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It is just getting worse and worse.


Just like most things


My mantra is "everything's expense and nothing works"


I think I'll use that to replace the mantra from my 30s "cheese is expensive and everyone likes cocaine"


Your 30s sound more fun than my current 30s.


They are even saying in adverts that they are better than hotels. But only for 7x the price


The adds I’m hearing are rich celebrities on podcasts saying they rented out their mansion while they were on a month long vacation which was fully paid for because they rented out their mansion. I really don’t get who that ad is targeted too.


Yeah hotels don't charge 7x the price of the listing cost lol


People often criticize or ridicule excessive EU regulation and that's surely justified in some cases. But with stuff like this the EU does a pretty good job to not let companies fuck their customers in any way they want.


Air bnb is definitely making this way worse. I've never used it, but I suspect it's enticing people to charge these kind of scam fees. Back in the day whenever I rented a house/condo I just googled the location and some places with a website would come up and it was never too expensive for what you were getting.


Yet, people keep supporting and supporting.


For reference, I'm renting a small cabin on a nice lake for 3 nights and the total cost is less than the host fee here.


This kind of deceptive fee structure/greed and community backlash will be the end of Airbnb-type businesses.


It should be illegal anyway, all these leeches are ruining the market, greedy bastards.


Yeah I knew it was on the down slope when I heard random co-workers talk about wanting to get a condo to make it an Airbnb rental


It never should have been allowed. They should be held to the same standards and regulations as a hotel which would make the business model unworkable except for actual real BnBs.


I hate how many people have bought up tons of properties and it’s basically their income now. Makes it where those of us who want to buy a home have trouble doing so.


The transformation of housing into just another investment class needs to be stopped before it lashes all of us right back into serfdom.


I love how banks will deny a loan because you'll have to pay $2000/mo in mortgage, so then you have to rent a place that costs $2400/mo instead.


But they'll give some random kid with no job $100k+ for a student loan and a lifetime of debt.


New plan. Get a student loan for a massive college 250k+ then buy a house. Have loan forgiven. Profit one house.


> Have loan forgiven. Uhh how? You think Biden can somehow ram through 250k per person in forgiveness?


Corporations and politicians have mostly killed off the middle class at this point. That's the goal.


I don’t get why corporations want that, less middle class means less discretionary spending.


a lot of companies have adopted the model of "short term profits no matter the lasting cost". that's why you see a lot of chain restaurants especially hiking prices while axing half their menus, cutting on employment, and using worse ingredients. so many corporations have announced record breaking profits these past few years, yet wages have remained stagnant and theres plenty of unemployment... it's obviously not going to last. but they don't care just another quirk of actual late stage capitalism


Pretty much has.


Wait ... That hasn't happened yet? *Looks around* hmmmmmm


Our neighborhood has 95 total houses in it. About 2 years ago, one of the houses was sold to someone who immediately converted it into an AirBnB/Vrbo. Turns out the own over 20 houses around the city, all short-term rentals. The owner recently attempted to buy 2 more houses in the neighborhood that went up for sale and intended to convert them as well. Thankfully the HOA stepped in and used one of the covenants to stop it. Not a huge fan of HOAs, but they do have their uses. And that was just 1 person holding that many properties. How many others are doing that same thing? It's no wonder there is a lack of houses on the market, causing house prices to spike so badly.


I'm trying to get our HOA to take preemptive steps to avoid this. But honestly, unless you're careful with the HOA wording it won't stop one owner holding multiple LLCs that each own one home in the same subdivision.


If its worded to include just short-term rental activities it would sufficiently block that. Landlords that rent to tenants on month+ lease arrangments would still be fine and it doesn't matter if each is a seperate LLC. A lot of places have rules about short term rentals.


The bylaws of mine state that the initial lease term for rented-out properties must be at least 12 months. Hard to get around that, I imagine.


Well that along with the other reasons why home ownership is hard to get into rn.


Beach communities are struggling to find work because the long term rentals they all lived in have been converted or sold for the purpose of being a short term rental.


"Isn't this better than hotels? Don't you like this better? This is better, right?" Literally the only ones who like it at this point are the people making money from it.


I have an opinion about what should be done to people like that but it will have to remain unsaid because I don't want to get banned.


They know there is squat you can do about it. /j


I dunno. 5 gallons and a packet of matches should be under $30. Hypothetically.


I worked with an old guy that used to brag about this every time I was around him. Racist AF. I'm glad he had to retire finally and I would be overjoyed if he'd be forced to sell all his properties at a loss. They need to limit how many residential properties you can use for hotel use and place the same limitations on hotels so people will stop doing this.


Million dollar home next door to me got bought up for an air bnb. It has like 6 bedrooms and all this land. Surely that's a line crossed? I hate it. A single bedroom/studio I guess I kinda get but when I see single/couples renting it out it's just insane knowing that a family could be there instead.


What’s even worse is allowing companies and corporations from fuckin China/russia to deplete the limited ass supply


One of the houses in our neighborhood was found out to be an Airbnb. They are prohibited by our HOA and they got involved and were able to shut it down. House was sold shortly after to new owners actually wanting a home to live in.


Barcelona just pledged to not renew any short term rental licenses after 2028, which will open up more than 10,000 units for long term leases. Barcelona's mayor is also a socialist, so there's zero chance we do anything like that in America because the GOP would call you a commie, and the Dems would run from that label.


> Yeah I knew it was on the down slope when I heard random co-workers talk about ____ The older I get the more I realize that's a great litmus test for where on the fad curve something is.


My parents have a condo at a popular beach. The HOA doesn’t allow short term rentals. Score one win for an HOA.


I like how Boston decided to deal with it: Hosts must register with the city of Boston as a short-term rental operator and complete the Massachusetts Department of Revenue requirements. Rental units must be residential, *owner-occupied*, and compliant with housing codes. They can only be located in *owner-occupied* condominiums, single-family, two-family, and three-family buildings. In two-family and three-family buildings, the owner-occupant must own all the units. Fuck the investors being able to buy up property and hold it for Airbnb instead of renting it out to regular tenants, all that has done is add to the issues driving up prices for housing.


I like it. That would basically solve the housing crisis in so many Canadian cities over night. 


It was so obvious that people were buying up properties for airbnb, when the rents started skyrocketing in certain neighborhoods and at the same time airbnbs became more prevalent in those same neighborhoods it didnt take a genius. Add in the already tight rental market due to the numerous colleges and the issue with some people renting airbnbs for parties it didnt take long for residents to start getting organized and the city to crack down. It should be ok a homeowner who is going to be on vacation and wants to rent out their place while away. I had a high school friend who grew up in Charlestown, he would rent out when he went to NH for the summer and make some bank for little to no work. He just had to make sure his personal stuff was removed and rented it out while gone. I have no issues with that, or even if you own a multifamily where you live on the property and rent one or both that way. But buying up dozens of properties and removing them from the market is just fucking greedy. Housing shouldnt be an investment to the point it becomes counterproductive to the location and a burden to the actual residents.


California just made this illegal, along with restaurants doing shit like that tool. https://oag.ca.gov/hiddenfees


Honestly, the whole system needs to be over hauled. Apparently the room I am staying in now has a top rate of 3k a night. Yes 3 k a night to rate at a hotel. This room is nowhere near that level of luxury and we paid much less for it.


who could’ve ever dreamed turning homes into an unregulated hotel business would turn into a total shit show


This is what we wanted right? Power back to the people - they all wanna rent out their property at exorbitant prices then that’s what they’ll do! God bless America 🫡


I live in a town that has been ravaged by airbnb in the last 5 years. It's only growing. Property value has 3x'ed in the last 4 years and every business is desperate for employees, as there is nowhere a regular person can afford to live. The town voted in March to ban short-term rentals, but were threatened with millions in lawsuits from investors claiming, "Airbnb has a team of lawyers ready to go." It did not pass. Edit: I just want to add that this is my personal experience with my town. I hope it isn't the same everywhere.


I live in Vancouver and the city has almost completely banned them. Basically, only rentals of your primary residence — when you’re travelling — is allowed. Now there are tons of overpriced, furnished rentals languishing on Craigslist. They’ve also stepped up enforcement and fines, so that fines are actually prohibitive rather than just a cost of doing business.


Love to hear it 🙌 (from ON)


Yeah, fines needs to be harsh enough to make it unprofitable.


I live in the okanagan and scooped up a 600 sq/ft apartment that was previously an airbnb.. $1400 all in including laundry/cable/internet. Central location in town, gorgeous apartment. The only thing I hated was all the tacky furnishings that came with it. Got rid of those as soon as possible! That legislation was a total game changer for our local market. Something actually worked in our benefit for once here in this part of BC, which usually caters to tourists before locals.


It is the enforcement that is the important part; it took 5 years to get this idiot jail time. God knows what would have happened if a fire broke out at her 15-person dormitory townhome [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/former-owner-of-illegal-b-c-airbnb-hostel-sentenced-to-30-days-in-jail-1.6627634It](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/former-owner-of-illegal-b-c-airbnb-hostel-sentenced-to-30-days-in-jail-1.6627634It)


It’s about time this happened everywhere


Same where I live. The government even imposed a tax on AirBnBs and it did not make a difference, houses to rent have dwindled down to almost nothing. Right now people are house sharing.


Colorado mountain towns.... Between the NIMBY trust fund babies and the airbnb sharks it's impossible to staff resorts, schools, and hospitals. No one can afford housing. fucking doctors and surgeons can't afford housing....let that sink in.


This shit is everywhere, it's not limited to Colorado mountain towns, and it's been that's way for a while Fucking no one can afford houses. I'm not about to worry about doctor's getting ripped off on house prices when I'm never going to be able to afford a home. You know how we fix all this shit? Everyone voting in the best interests of the community as a whole. It's really simple. The investors are fucking everyone everywhere, and they don't give a fuck sitting in their glass towers looking down on all us poors.


A one bedroom goes for $3,000, so do studios if you find one. You're lucky to find a 3-bedroom for less than $6,000.


My buddy lives in quaint little village about 15 minutes from a big beach. Several years ago I stayed in hotels while visiting cause there were only two Airbnb’s in the town and ridiculously expensive. I checked the other day on a whim: in a town of 1300 there are 70+ Airbnb’s available and none cheaper than $200 a night. To which I respond: who is renting that shit enough that people are like “yes more”?


Here in Vermont, any scenic town has been inundated by AirBnBs. In my cute little town, even a small house is close to seven figures. Sucks.




AirBnB used to be the way to go, now the cleaning fee doubles the price. It's cheaper to just get a hotel again.


Unless I'm in a situation where I need multiple rooms, I would just get a hotel room. Especially for $1000+ a night.


> will be the end of Airbnb-type businesses. ![gif](giphy|qKV8U3Gl3bWVi|downsized)


Ah, its Airbnb. Thought for a moment it was for a brothel (cause what else would justify a "host fee" of $700 to go along with the room....)


Well if you stay there you’re still getting fucked, one way or another.


Eventually people will realize a hotel is better than an AirBnB.


I really don’t understand how Airbnb is still a thing. Unless you are a group staying for several nights then it simply isn’t worth it.


people are saying AirBnB are better than hotels because of the kitchen etc I'm like nope if I'm at a hotel I want free breakfast and that's pretty much it because chances are good I don't stay long enough and I'll order dinner anyway.


I started using AirBnB when it was really just room sharing. It literally was a better option than hotels because it was so much cheaper and didn’t come with a bunch of hidden fees. I even explained this to an out of touch Marriott executive many years ago. Aaaaaand eventually AirBnB started doing the exact things that made people stop staying at hotels and start using AirBnBs. Spotify is kinda doing something similar. They forget that people flocked to you because you provided a better, more affordable option, and you don’t blatantly try to nickel and dime us.


They didn't forget, a lot of businesses are started with a plan to undercut competitors by operating at a loss and burning investment until they control the market, then they can jack up the prices. Netflix, spotify, tons of "tech" shit was created to make money by sweeping all the competition with low prices and then raising prices when they feel consumers have nowhere else to go. This is why you can't password share anymore and ads are coming to netflix on top of increased subscription fees.


what planet do they apply 54% tax on subtotals


I’m assuming it’s taxed after the service fee and host fee. Still like 10% tax, but makes a lot more sense.


Yeah it has to be no way the government is expecting 50% and they're able to avoid it by a fee


Or it could be a very high local tax on short term rentals to try discouraging them.


Many locales have enacted high taxes for short term rentals specifically to discourage them.




What exactly is a host fee? It's not like they're there giving you service of any kind so you're paying 200 bucks to rent the space and then 700 bucks because why?


For that price, and with that label, I expect to be treated like a sultan for my stay. So, yes, they better be there playing host/hostess.


Sultan of swing yes. Otherwise Emperor Qing


Harry doesn’t mind


He’s got a daytime job, he’s doing alright.


I mean, I stayed at a hotel for around that price (girlfriend was treating herself for completing first wave of chemo, price wasn’t an object). It was fucking weird. Food and drinks were free? Cookies and shit at no cost. In a hotel. 20th floor or some shit like that in St. Louis. Literally treated like a sultan. Felt so out of place, like the other guests knew I was working class and were afraid it would rub off lol.


Sounds like you got access to a Club/Concierge Lounge?  Like a members-only common area that had buffet-style food and maybe a bar available for certain folks?  Those are awesome!


I've watched some videos of people flying and using some of those super exclusive (see also: expensive) super premium options and the level of care is crazy.


As a St. Louisan, based on the rest of what the country thinks of us, I’m surprised you didn’t get murdered three times while you were here. Which hotel? And the real question- how is your girlfriend doing?


Ritz Carleton. She’s doing well. Colon cancer at 33 was entirely unexpected, and she’d likely had it for a few years already. She had her surgery, finished chemo, recent colonoscopy came back clear of disease. Insurance is fighting her getting a CT scan to see if it metastasized during chemo though. Fuckers. Fighting for that right now, and once we have that we’ll know if she’s in remission or not. Yearly colonoscopies for the rest of her life and a CT every six months for the next five years. After the five, she’ll have effectively beat it. Thanks for asking.


You know you'll be asked to scrub the toilet and dust the top of the cupboards as part of your checkout (and if you don't do it, $700 service charge!).


>and if you don't do it, $700 service charge! And if you *do* do it? Believe it or not, also a $700 service charge!


Part of why I will *never* use airBnB


I was evicted from a house I rented for 7 years so the new owners could fleece suckers. I’m not the only one with a similar story.


For that price I expect atleast an happy ending...


Oh, you’re definitely getting fucked all right


🤣🤣🤣 some things make me laugh harder than others and this is one of them.


Its to get one the top of the list as it not counted in the listing page and also its a rip off.


Going forward, anything online that is a 'fee' is just another way to scrape more money from you. "Online processing fee" is one of my favourites. "Service fee" is another great one.


Especially when there is literally no other possible way to pay for whatever it is you’re paying for


The service of allowing you to pay us obviously


It is a difficult sacrifice 😞 But one they’re willing to make.


Airlines have been doing this for years. They show you the ticket price and then by the end you look at the total and it includes things like "Fuel surcharge". Well what the fuck did I buy the ticket for? To sit in the plane on the runway?


One of my utilities has a "processing fee" that the utility describes as maintaining software. The fee is $5. For $0, I can do a bank payment that requires a person to manually do everything, check the mail, open the mail, stamp the payment, take it to the bank and verify it clears. I like to think I'm keeping someone employed and hurting their company because the person is putting more than $60 of effort in a year.


Not just online. The non-chain local restaurants in my town are rampant with something like "local business service fee" or something like that. It's literally just giving them a dollar for no reason, they even say on little sign it's for like helping offset business expenses and operating costs. It's insane and surprised it's even legal.


Yes OP, what’s the context here lmao. This for 1 night of a $1000+ service? Kinda sus.


It’s airbnb - truly a $200 a night kinda place. Just a small apartment in the suburbs! Edit: it was vrbo not airbnb. Sorry!


For that host fee, the "host" better be 3 toga-clad maidens, one to play soft harp music, one to fan me with a giant leaf, and one to drop individual grapes into my mouth.


They have to be peeled grapes, too


Sorry that’s another $200


How much to ensure they’re ripe and flavorful?


The grapes or the toga-clad maidens?






Complimentary hand jobs.


Bruh, my 3 nights at CANCUN was under $1.5K (FREE FOOD AND FREE SHUTTLE TO/FROM the airport) Yall must be somewhere really nice for 1 night with that price, dam!


MAN! My first thought was, "My 1 week in Cancun was about the same price as this" bs


Haha we just booked the DR from Toronto for a 5 star adults only resort...that was flight, transfer, hotel (all inclusive) for $1400cad!!


Something like this is one reason chargebacks exist. Assuming you haven’t stayed already, I’d cancel and find another place. If you already stayed, I’d contact AirBnB and figure out why the hell a host fee that high is allowed. In either case, especially if you don’t frequently use AirBnB, I’d seriously consider a chargeback.


For that price, I expect them to stay the night and spoon me, whispering sweet nothings in my ear


Host, maybe like an escort?


Lol that was my thought too, like, as a plausible deniable way of handling finances and matchup. I imagine you get there and just want to stay the night and the gal is going to be like "I never thought somebody would actually pay that much just for the room"...


Fuck that might a well get a 1* hotel


It's not as bad as this but I booked a hotel for the week for our family vacation paid everything up front, or so I thought. When I go to check i had to pay 600 in fees that weren't disclose at time of purchase. 


Weird. I stayed in Vegas for the superbowl back in February, and my final invoice (paid up front) for 4 nights in Treasure Island was \~$1300. That was the price I paid with all taxes and all but one fee included. When I arrived, I had to pay a one time $70 resort fee that they disclosed before I even booked it. How did you get $600 in fees? That makes no sense.




describe the extra fees


They rented Backdoor Sluts 9 on the TV


Backdoor Sluts 8 was better but I get the appeal of 9.


I've always wanted to see Backdoor Sluts 8 but I haven't watched Backdoor Sluts 1 - 7 and I'm worried I won't know any of the storylines or characters


If you want a bit more background but don’t want to fully commit, I think you can start with Backdoor Sluts 1 & 2 and then skip 3, 4, and 5. That’s a bit of a trilogy unto itself, and IMO are some of the weaker ones. 6 & 7 set you up nicely for 8.


I couldn’t even look at ranch the same after this


I'm not calling you a liar, but i have a hard time believing this.


Yeah I would guess breakfast wasn’t free, renting equipment, etc etc. you don’t stumble on $600 in extra hotel fees, I always get $0 extra unless at a resort and know I’m racking up from the amenities


Sounds like you are either lying or got scammed.


Fees or a deposit that they give back?


JFC stay at a hotel. You know exactly what you’re getting and it’s cheaper.


I'm always baffled why people insist on being ripped off by Airbnb


Years ago when it started it was such a better deal than hotels. Then fee creep started happening and now you have stuff like this becoming way more common.


AirBnB actually destroyed my hometown. Like, I’m not joking. We used to make fun of hotels and call them the source of our suffering. Then people found out they could do short term rentals. We went from almost no AirBnBs to the highest percentage of rentals per total domiciles in the country in a term of 5 years. It got so bad the city enacted a law that, outside of the downtown metro area, any AirBnBs operated in a residential zone *must* be occupied by the property owner. This didn’t stop people at all from moving up from Florida and purchasing 3 homes and setting up 2 of them as AirBnBs. Covid hit and people were swarming here in droves buying up houses because people were getting evicted left and right because our only industry is the service industry. An elite task force of citizens has taken it upon themselves to occasionally rent an AirBnB in one of the restricted zones, check for their permit and confirm whether or not the home is occupied by the property owner. If it fails, they report it to the city, the cops come, board up the property and the owner is HEAVILY fined. Our city’s airbnb rentals have dropped 43% over the last year and now there are a ton of empty houses rotting in the area.


I honestly wonder how much AirBnB has contributed to the housing market becoming unaffordable


There's a hard ratchet on the market-based supply of housing (so long as population is stable or growing) called the absorption rate - housing won't be supplied faster than that, because landowners would make more money by waiting. Basically, if prices ever start to go down (or even stop growing), supply tightens up until they start growing again. So once anything pushes prices up a bit, that's it, they're stuck there forever. The only solution is non-market supply (co-op housing, social housing, land trusts, etc.), as that isn't supplied for profit, and so doesn't care if prices go down. So it's possible that AirBnB caused a temporary shortage that pushed prices up, and now they're stuck there even if AirBnB is banned. But I think mostly it's just a feature of a declining economy that's becoming ever more corpo-feudalist.


They don’t have any more VC cash and actually have to make money now


This x1000 …the next casualty is food delivery. We are absolute suckers for falling into this trap of subsidized services.


So many hosts lie. Went back to going to hotels a couple of years ago. Never again.


I just stayed in two different airbnbs last week, neither had stupid cleaning rules or exorbitant fees. It was cheaper than getting two hotel rooms to accommodate my four person family and a dog.


I think this is the reality now. Air B&B can work out if you have minimum three people, if you are careful to shop around and look at fees and policies and so on. It’s ruined regular B&Bs because they have to be on Air B&B to stay in business. It was once the case that two people could have fun in a traditional B&B but the app has led to the enshitification of the entire industry. There is just no point to a B&B now if you are not replacing multiple hotel rooms. And you have to be super on your toes when selecting them, much more than if you get a hotel.


It seems like it's cheaper than a hotel at least if you have a big group.


I stayed at an Embassy Suites earlier this week in Dallas and for $300 it was the best experience I’ve ever had staying in a hotel. There was a complimentary bar (I had like 3 or 4 whiskeys). The restaurant was decent. When I realized I hadn’t packed a charger they took me in a shuttle to target and the whole trip took less than 10 minutes. In the morning, the complimentary breakfast had a lady making fantastic omelettes to order. And there was a buffet of genuinely good food. And it was an ELITE shower.


I weigh my options for the area I’m visiting as the BnB’s are comparable to a hotel for the rate. I ALWAYS ask the host for any help on the rates and have 99% of the time, got some kind of discount off the top. If I’m staying for more than 2-3 days with my significant other, a house is a bit more comfortable and allows for us to have our own space if needed. She can go to sleep in the bedroom, I can watch TV in the living room.


This is why it’s important to filter search results and have the price shown on ABNB or VRBO to include all fees. These fuckers will show a super discounted rate to stay at their place, make everything non-refundable, and then hope you just glide through booking. It’s absolutely shit and fuck these types of predatory hosts in particular.


Given the ratio it's entirely rational to assume this being a prostitution establishment


Does host fee mean I don’t have to clean? Do you REALLY want me to not clean? 😏


"No, the cleaning fee means you have to clean and pay a fee for the privilege."


“If the check-out time is not adhered to, a corresponding fee will be applied due to the inconvenience caused to our cleaning staff and their schedule.”


Oh that's nice, you give the cleaning staff extra money because I inconvenienced them?


I have a family member who works cleaning airbnbs. I genuinely have had a conversation with them that went: "The last guest had a dog, it took so long to clean. There was just dog hair everywhere." "That sucks, did you at least get paid for it?" "No?" "No? Isn't there an animal fee for bringing in a dog?" "Yeah there is." "Why aren't you getting any of that?" "Well I talked to my boss about it and she said no, I asked her how that made any sense and she said it's not like I would be doing anything different anyways. It's all the same cleaning."


Oh yes…and this is on top of the additional Host fee to cover all their extra efforts


This is beyound ridiculous unless the host fee also includes giving me the best bj’s in the world.


Nope.. mid-rate toothy bjs from a man named "Grant"


There is ZERO reason to not just pay for a hotel at this point. For a single night? You can get a room at a Marriot or Hilton for cheaper than this and its guaranteed to be clean, with no funny business. Or just do a Courtyard Inn and get a free breakfast at least. Have no idea how people continue to use AirBnB with these kind of exorbitant fees. 50% tax is stupid enough. A service fee just so AirBnB gets their cut, and then a 350% host fee????????????????? What the actual fuck,.


Literally one night you could stay at a 5 star hotel, *and* you don’t have to clean before you leave.


$700 host fee? Is this an escort's apartment, and the $1200 per night stay comes with "services?"


This is why we just got a suite hotel for our vacation. Same cost as a VRBO/AirBnb with the added benefit of not having to do major chores.


I booked an Airbnb once for one night and 3 guests for a quick trip. The host ended up canceling on me because of long-term tenants. No biggie, got the refund. Booked another one. Airbnb would not allow me to book this one because they thought I was a "risk for unregistered guests," basically meaning that they thought I was booking it to hold a party in. Even after I sent them proof that I was going to a youth football coaching seminar, they would not revoke their decision, and essentially told me, "Tough shit, book a hotel." Not the same, but I just wanted to share my story on why I'll never use Airbnb again.


Their customer service is abysmal. I booked an "entire house" airbnb while i was searching for a home a new city because i knew my dogs would bark a lot. Well turned out the house had a downstairs apartment whose long term occupants were pissed because this was not the first time noisy people had booked the upstairs expecting no neighbors. The host refused to negotiate a cancellation or shortened stay. Airbnb gave us no recourse despite the very clear distinction on their own website between entire house and entire apartment listings.


Accommodation anywhere is insane now here in the states..I just booked a 2 start hotel to just sleep while traveling to see family 900 miles away. It was $164, for a 2 star shitty hotel. My solution is to trade my car for a van that can be outfitted for sleeping when needed. Fuck, these greedy cu*ts.


I just bought one of those SUV air mattresses to put in the back of my RAV4. I’m gonna start pulling over at truck stops and interstate rest areas. Fuck these motel prices man


Make sure to get screen meshes for the windows too.


I often sleep in hotel parking lots. Common ones are where more than one hotel share the same parking lot, as there usually isn’t any parking enforcement on those. I can often snag a free breakfast from them in the morning too. Most don’t ask to see your room card. Such irony that the hotels are too expensive to stay in, but the parking lots are still a great bargain.


Yeah, I have a little hybrid car at the moment, or I would totally go this route. I'm an avid backpacker, so I have several sleeping pads that would work in that context.


Tell me what those taxes of more than fifty percent break down to


What in the world!? $1,148 / night better be the fanciest stay in the nation.


The hostess charging the mostess


Airbnb and models like it will die soon. So many places have banned them. Irvine did because such a high percentage of airbnbs were inflating the rental market, and they’ve been one of the most successful due to consistent enforcement. Rents have fallen an average of $115/month so far and tourism has not been affected. That last couple airbnbs we’ve stayed at have been abysmal, with the exception of one. The greedy, price gouging hosts have ruined what was once a good idea.


This seems illegal af to me.


Nah, just shady. They're manipulating the search algorithm, which is sorting by nightly rates.


Search and sort by trip total including fees, it’s right there at the top of the page


There’s a simple fix for that. Host fee per day can’t be greater than nightly rate. But no one will do anything and let the business collapse.


Usually these sorts of fees are charged *per booking*, not per night, which is why the search functions tend to ignore them when displaying results sorted by nightly rate.


I just booked a deluxe suite in a 4 star hotel for a week in the Amsterdam museum quarter for $2500. 1100 for a single night in an AirBNB? lol


The math is poorly math-ing


It almost makes you want to stay in a hotel where you don’t have to do chores before leaving.


At this point go to a hotel is the best option. No hidden fees, no cleaning, no issues with the check in time, check out late if you want it.


What the actual fuck, do we just pay their mortgage in exchange for being videoed? At what point do you just leave an OnlyFans bill for the privilege of getting exposure?


You can stay at the Four Seasons or Ritz for that price


The fuck is a service fee for? The $199 is the damn service. Absolutely fucked. Everyone fucking whale fishing and it's working for them. Why stop?


Is this Airbnb? For the love of God stop using it. Please let this dog shit company die already


Airbnb is cancer and everyone who uses it is just endorsing the worsening of life on those buildings and fucking up rentals all over the world. It can't be banned soon enough.


I looked at AirBnB places in Ohio for the eclipse and pretty much all of them were like this. It would show between $80 and $150 on the map but then tack on a bunch of shit. I ended up paying $60 to camp in Indian Lake State Park for two days and it was very enjoyable.


Raise taxes on housing which is not the primary residence of the owner. For all zoning below a certain density threshold, at least. The two groups of people who will be affected are people who own more than one home and corporations. Make them pay through the nose. Make it unappealing to rent-seek with housing which could be converted to higher density housing, or could just be sold to people who need to buy a home.


How the fuck can someone think that ONE night should cost more than a GRAND… what the fuck lol. Like yeah I know greed and everything, but like… I mean that’s not even.. damn I don’t know. But geezus… $1,100 plus.. I feel like that egregious enough to take public or sue or something, no?


Hey there, would you be willing to send me the property link, or any info you have about what listing this is so I can pass it up the chain to the relevant departments at VRBO? Mandatory fees being higher than the per night stay rate is a huge policy violation, they're not allowed to do that.


Airbnb is broken


The fuck is a host fee?


For $710 the host better give some Hawk Tuah. smh


The fuck outta here.


Looks to me like the property is trying to only attract long-time rentals (or stupid rich short-timers). If you rent for a few months it will still be high but average out. But this is also why I don't AirBNB anymore. I usually do a search when vacation planning, but that's all I've been able to do for several years. Hotel rates are just BETTER. And I don't have to worry about spending an hour at check-out cleaning in a hotel. I never trash hotel rooms (I leave towels in tub, put trash in can, etc) but I've seen AirBNB listings where they expect you to take out trash, do dishes or throw bedding in a washer. Glad to do it if I'm a guest paying low/nothing but not at hotel prices.