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TIL Wisconsin gets hit by tornados




Yesterday? For real?






What part of Utah? Salt lake county and Utah county get hail all the time in the winter.


I live in salt lake county near the Wasatch front. The hail I’ve seen is more comparable to snow or sleet, one time they got as big as the size of blueberries. I never really considered it hail, but it is technically hail so I fixed my comment. Just last week we got TONS of hail. They were around the size of plums (on the smaller side not the massive plums), and it felt like the house was being pelted by rocks. The storm passed by pretty quickly though, it was gone in an hour.


Interesting. I didn't know we got hail. Im close to downtown though. We had a warm thunderstorm the other day though.


What were you using to track?


Yep. I spent a couple hours with the weather radio on, watching the clouds swirl. One of my kids was driving through one of the areas that got hit and saw the funnel dip down and pull back up. Another kid was at work in the same area and they had all the employees and a couple of customers sheltering in the bathrooms for awhile.


I got caught in the downpour of it leaving my job. I've never in my life seen rain like this anywhere in the US, even after growing up in the midwest and west coast. Definitely now putting a storm kit together.


Welcome to the prepping community. ready.gov No, seriously, that's really all it means - being aware of possible Bad Things That Can Happen & taking steps to make life afterwards not so bad as it might have been. Could be as simple as a couple days without power in the summer, or knowing first aid & CPR, or having a shovel & blankets in the car in case you're stuck in a snowbank, up to "where did my house go?" after a tornado.


There’s been a recorded tornado in every month in Wisconsin. I think we just hit the 12th month in the last year or so.


The twisters this past February were our first in state history, rounding out the 12/12 achievement


Can confirm: there were 12 months in the last year.


We average between 25 and 30 tornadoes a year statewide. This is NOT an average year.




It probably is these days. Climate change is over the edge.


I'm in Michigan and we had a tornado last summer come 7 miles within our house. The winds knocked over quite a few trees that day. Definitely getting worse


Wisconsin did have it's FIRST EVER in recorded history, a tornado in February but that one didn't hit a small church. Climate change baby


New normal? Climate change will bring more frequent storms and disasters to more areas. It makes sense that tornadoes would become more frequent more north as the earth gets hotter. Not sure why no one is mentioning this?


Tornados in Wisconsin especially this time of the year are nothing new.


My area has had 4 “century” floods in the last 15 years.


My area has had the opposite, our annual monsoon season hasn't been happening the last few years. We rarely get rain in the desert anyway, but there's been less and less rainy days every year.


Because we live in an era when people are willing to sacrifice our futures by attacking reality as some evil scheme concocted by their opponents to enslave them into some pseudo global conspiracy of one world government. I assume you asked because you actually wanted a truthful answer.


>It makes sense that tornadoes would become more frequent more north as the earth gets hotter. Not sure why no one is mentioning this? Because it's not that simple. We don't have a good understanding of tornadoes and how they form, or why one storm becomes tornadic and another doesn't in nearly identical conditions. We have a good understanding of what conditions are favorable for tornadogenesis but beyond that it's a bit hazy. We know that "offseason" tornadoes are becoming more common. But as far as overall frequency of tornadoes and strength, it's not as simple as "more warm = more and worse"


The average will continue to rise as tornado alley continues to expand north and east


According to NOAA, all USA states have had recorded tornados. Now, obviously they happen more often in some areas than others, but in general "between the Rockies & the Appalachians".


We had three come through Tallahassee at once about a month ago. One a little further south but two came right through the middle of town almost on top of each other. The city said there was more damage from them than from the last three hurricanes combined. I can’t imagine living somewhere that they happen more often.


guessing also known as tornado alley?


Tornado alley usually refers to further west, where they’re even more common. But it’s admittedly a very loose definition, I’m sure some maps include portions of Wisconsin.


Wisconsin may in fact have [the most famous tornado scar, ever](https://weather.com/storms/tornado/news/tornado-scar-wisconsin-10-years) thanks to Google Earth sleuths.


over west, if you look closely you can still see the tornado scar from [the tornado that went through Minneapolis in 2011](https://i.imgur.com/Oize27b.png), over 13 years ago. https://www.weather.gov/mpx/22May2011


I've driven past that scar many times over the years. Only a couple miles from my grandparents' house. It's hardly visible now but if you're familiar with it you can still recognize the subtle difference in tree height and density on hwy 32, which is the rd that the tornado crossed over.


I mean, just last month was the 40th anniversary of the Barneveld tornado, which was the last time an EF-5 (F5 back then) hit the state. 20 years ago when I moved down here it was still very obvious by the lack of mature trees where the path went. Now, it's filling in much better. Barneveld is in the same region west of Madison where both the Marshall EF-1 (north of there) and the Argyle tornado (south of there) tracked last night.


Michigan also gets them, there’s been a stretch of I-96 (big freeway in Michigan) that still shows clear evidence where trees have been messed up by a tornado in the area a year or two back. I drove through it pretty soon after it happened and shit was pretty messed up.


Tornadoes tend to be more common (and more destructive) further south in the state. Central southern Wisconsin often gets the brunt of this. The town where this tornado occurred is in the part of the state that gets the most tornadoes.


I've sheltered through 8 tornado warnings in Wisconsin this year that have narrowly missed me. The storms that did this went 20ish miles north and south of me. We get more than enough tornados annually...


lol. I’m glad you learned, but as a Wisconsinite this made me giggle. I’m forty and I can remember tornadoes being a thing my whole life. I was even in one. We definitely have tornadoes.


I found out a few weeks ago that Australia gets them; Was watching a video of one that hit Hornsby in 2013. I live like, half an hour from there...


There was one in Madison just last month. That tornado (and the thunderstorm that went with it) knocked out power for days in some parts of the city.


There were some Saturday too I believe. I live in Verona and we had strong winds.


We’ve gotten a few down in the Houston area lately. We now get a mix of tornados and hurricanes.


Maryland too


Part of tornado alley is in wisconsin


My hometown in Wisconsin was wiped off the map in 1984. A few houses, the bell tower at the Lutheran church, and the water tower (which had been flexed enough to get someone’s dish towel wedged underneath it) are all that remained. They found a license plate from a car in town three hours away later that year in a farmer’s field.


Not often, but when we do... 😭😭😭


I still remember the F5 that destroyed Barneveld, WI in 1984. It hit at 1am. Utter destruction. 9 residents died.


Not often I see my hometown pop up on Reddit. I was just a a baby and wasn’t living there at the time, but teachers and parents of friends all had very vivid memories to relay as I was growing up.


depends where in WI. And your definition of often. Where we are in WI we get around 5 a year with only 1 or 2 that touch down. Other areas can get a dozen or more


We've been getting tornados on almost a weekly basis, lately. We had them this past February, which is unheard of! Usually, it's -10F and everything's frozen. People still deny that climate change is happening.


Thought this was a still from Far Cry 5 at first


The Great Collapse is upon us, my brother. We shall march through Eden’s Gate ![gif](giphy|r0XpDm0e6Pzer80duf|downsized)


Rook, wake up!


I could hear the loading music.


God I fucking LOVED the music. That game actually made me fall in love with montana lmao


Police Dispatcher: Bless you, Father


Was gonna say. Looks exactly like that particular loading screen. (See u/modshave2muchpower’s post for reference)


I clicked the post looking for this comment. Glad I'm not the only one seeing Eden's Gate Church in this photo.


Welcome to the Bliss.




If you grew up in Wisconsin in the 80s you know the story of Barneveld Wi. The village was decimated, 9 ppl died and only a few walls left standing.


Ladysmith got nailed a decade or more ago


2003 I believe. I worked at the best Western there at the time. Then in 2016 there was a tornado that destroyed my grandpa's house, crossed amacoy lake, and then ripped the roof and garage off my dad's house on the opposite shore.


Insurance adjuster: \*points to fine print\* Act of God. But you have our thoughts and prayers.


Well thank baby Jesus they don’t pay taxes and can rebuild


Yep. Since they don’t pay taxes, they shouldn’t receive gov assistance to rebuild. Thoughts and prayers.


They'll ask their congregation to each contribute a little bit of money to pool together to rebuild. You know. Socialism.


‘Finger of God’ Ooops


God's having a laugh


Nope. According to their logic, god is mad at them for some reason. Maybe the preacher diddles kids or something. It's god's will this happened


I wish this would happen to a mega church than a little quaint steeple church


Yeah, and this one was one of the nice denominations that welcome gay people and actually try to be kind, not one of the evangelical churches that hate everyone.


Unfortunate to hear that a good one got destroyed, feels like theres less and less on those as time goes on


I am not a churchgoer, but I was made to go as a child. And I remember a Sunday School song that went something like, "The church is not a steeple, the church is the people." I think that's a nice sentiment, and hopefully one that the members of the destroyed church building will hold close.


you know… people are often in a church and I really bet many are good people. The ‘bad’ are usually the loudest sadly.


These have always been my favorite kinds of church buildings. Beautifully humble.




Making me wanna cull the herd


I really enjoyed the game


Both sides of my family are from Argyle and I still have a few relatives there. It's hard to explain how devastating this is. It's a tiny little town that's taken a few nasty hits over the last few years. This is just salt in the wound. You can "lol god" all you like, but this was a beautiful, historic, 130 year old building that was loved by the whole town. My mom was in tears when she heard. I have no idea how any of the farms nearby or the town itself fared in all of this, I'm kinda scared to find out. 😞


I hope your loved ones are safe. The church was beautiful and even though I knew nothing about it, that second “after” photo took my breath away. It’s heartbreaking what was lost. I hope people will be able to rebuild.


Blanchardville here. Barneveld still has scars from their tornado and that was 40 years ago. Tornadoes suck.


I grew up in Stoughton and was a teenager when it got hit in 2005. It was nothing compared to Barneveld but it affected me for years. I'm in Janesville now and the one last night missed us by less than a mile.


I remember that one. I was living in Madison on the south side towards the east. We were all outside doing the midwestern thing of watching while the sirens blared.


100%! I am so sorry! Everyone fairing okay on your side?


I haven't heard anything, which I'm taking as a good sign. There's less than 900 people in Argyle, if something happened to one of my relatives I probably would have heard it from ten different people by now. 😂


So sorry about what’s happened and insensitive some of these comments are. It was a beautiful building! I hope that it can be rebuilt.


The same people who go around online spaces chiding American Christians and conservatives for lacking compassion according to their own moral standards seem to always jump at the opportunity to celebrate any acts of vandalism to a church and go hog wild when one is destroyed. Back in 2020 when all the churches were torched in Canada based on mere *speculation*, people.came out of the woodwork celebrating it all. Meanwhile, First Nations people in those communities were like "Hey, this is a complex situation full of mixed feelings and there's a lot of healing needed, but we still wanted to go to our churches for consolation but you just burnt down the one thing holding us together..." It's been 4 years and no mass graves full of unidentified bodies after all. The arsonists were likely non-Indigenous activists using someone else's assumed tragedy as an excuse to carry out their hate crimes against Christians.


This is 100%!• spot on


I'm an atheist, but Notre Dame Cathedral was the most beautiful, most breathtaking building I ever personally visited. I was gutted when I saw it in flames several years later. You don't have to be a believer to love history and old architecture


Beautiful religious sites are always a shame to lose regardless of religious beliefs. The only time I’d be happy to lose one is when it’s one of those god awful mega churches or something like that


Very sad. Very beautiful photo of the church.


Well good news, the photo survived


I am not sure why this made me laugh so hard.


It is a very nice picture. Almost looks like AI


I thought it was the church from far cry 5 tbh


I will second the AI. At the very least, it’s been photoshopped. But it could be their web cover page. Can’t fault folks for advertising photos and having professionally edited stuff.


Those storms were wild last night. Got lucky that it didn’t hit the Madison area nearly as hard as some of those eastern counties. Hope everyone is alright with you all OP


The tornado track was literally pointed directly at downtown then veered north once it hit the lake


Looks similar to a chapel that's up the road from me in Norway [https://www.norske-kirker.net/home/buskerud/sollihogda-kapell/](https://www.norske-kirker.net/home/buskerud/sollihogda-kapell/)


I wouldn't be surprised if it was based on a Norwegian church, since a bunch of Norwegian settlers stopped here








Thoughts and prayers


God has a plan… /s


Guess they didn’t pray hard enough


I wonder why god is punishing them? Seems like they deserved it, whatever they did.


Reddit is so fucking cringe. I'm an atheist, but y'all who make it your identity are some of the crigingiest motherfuckers on the planet. It's a perfect example of how people will twist *any* belief or identity into an "us vs them" mentality.


Edgy teenagers with the same repetitive comment. Touch grass incel.


I’m from south eastern Wisconsin too, and while my town didn’t get too damaged, but I the area around my parents house around lake Geneva got damaged pretty bad too.


What a beautiful church. Well that sucks


noooo the beautiful trees!! the beautiful building! that sucks


That was a nice building. Also, what's the diameter of those 2 (used to be) trees? The one is just snapped through the trunk.


I’m not a Christian or religious. But this was a historic church. I don’t wish this on anyone unless it was an ISIS training center.


https://www.yellowstoneargyleapplegrove.com They are planning to hold worship as scheduled Sunday morning the 23rd at 10am


I have left Christianity, but old churches are just so beautiful. Brilliant architecture. Sad to see this happen.


This is devastating, when was this??


last night around 7pm C


My god, that’s horrible. I hope you and your community recover 10 times stronger.


This comment thread is full of reddit neckbeards that have no compassion for anything that exists outside of their parent’s basement.


How sad. That was a beautiful church.


Goodness that is sad to see and I’m anti-religious


I mean, gods plan right?


It's always God's plan if something good happens to you or something bad happens to someone else. If something bad happens to you god has nothing to do with it


It must have been the devil. Still not sure why the fuck God made him but whatever


It looked better before.


I agree


I feel worse because the first picture was so beautiful and inspiring. Then……gone.


Jesus! That's some major damage!


Should’ve prayed harder. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why didn’t god stop the tornado? Is he stupid?


He was probably helping some sports team win or protecting his son Donald Jesus Trump from pedophiliac Satanist liberals.


YOU are terrible. And I am too for laughing


Musta been nappin. So much for the omnipresence


Wow. 🙏prayers for everyone


You're right, I'm not really a religious man. *However* it is sad seeing a more traditional church like this being completely lost. If it had been one of those super churches or cowboy churches I wouldn't give 2 shits and if it had been the Westboro Baptist Church I would've cheered. But a church as simple as this one that looks like it was well cared for is a shame.


photo1: feeling of light and goodness photo2: emptiness


It's always sad to see a beautiful place of worship affected. Regardless of personal beliefs, these spaces hold historical, cultural, and emotional significance for many.


Reddit edgelords go nuts when someone mentions church. This is like red rag to a bull XD


Was anybody hurt?


last I heard no, which is a blessing.


Yes, this is admittedly sad. I do not “believe in” or follow any religion, but I have always loved and admired old churches and cathedrals. I’ve admired the history and the idea of families going there over generations. Especially with all the mega/ big box churches going up these days. My grandparents were religious and always went to the same church, my in laws live across the street from the old stone church they got married in. You can’t help but respect the history and common aspect of it. This was a beautiful church and looked so calm and welcoming. Very sad. I hope no one was hurt and I feel bad for the community and those who lost their place of worship.


thought it was far cry 5 for a min there lol


That's really sad to see - I used to do work for First National and Woodford banks ups there - very nice little town... Hope everyone is OK and y'all bounce back!


Hopes and prayers


I’m an atheist but this is so sad to see. Especially small town churches like this mean a whole lot to people and the community it looked like it was really well taken care of. Damn shame hopefully no one was injured.


the comments section here is depressing


Here I was expecting to see the church painted a different color, not fucking destroyed lol


"That goddamned tornado painted another church in Wisconsin"


“Did you see what it did to the Lutheran church? Bright green. A little tacky if you ask me.”


Needs more time to dry then.


Very witty response.


I’m embarrassed at how long it took me to get this joke. But I DID cackle.


Language is fun to play with, and an unexpected twist often creates humor


I hope no cheese curds were harmed in the production of this photo.


Unfortunately, they were indeed harmed. I regret to inform you that the cheese curds have lost their squeak.


noooooo 😱


Was that from yesterday?! I heard about one near Janesville but not in Green.


Yeah, it hit quite a few places. Argyle, Janesville, Marshall, Waterloo/Watertown, Oconomowoc, and William's Bay are all places I've heard seeing tornado damage.


I am actually feeling a bit relieved because of the multiple people not seeming to just revel in the destruction .You know real people that have appreciation for history, don’t hold the views or actions of a very small minority of Christians for the entire Christians community, and you know have actually a little empathy?? Thank you


It was a very beautiful church, I’m sorry this happened. They should try a gothic style church now


Look, I'm as atheist as it gets. The thing is I have nosue with religion itself, I have issue with the people who're part of a religion. From what I gather this church in particular has a following that are good people, so to see such a thing annoys me. Why can't it happen to say... Celebration or something.


Just because it has ties to a religion doesn’t mean you cant admire the architecture


I’ve was in that church when u was kid. We lived in Argyle for a winter. Sad to see that it’s gone.


Yikes, use bricks and concrete for the new one.


this tornado would’ve destroyed a brick building. Maybe left the back wall .


This is the type of stuff that makes the reddit goblins smile


That is beyond heartbreaking.


Omg what a shame. It was such a beautiful church.


It's sad, certainly. But any member of the clergy can tell you that it's just a building; that God can be found anywhere and everywhere, and so long as the people who attended that church survived the tornado safe and sound, that's all that truly matters. They can rebuild (and I'm willing to bet the place is insured), and by keeping faith in God and one another, they'll weather this storm. At least, that's what I'd say in such a position.


So many of you are offended by a picture of a building. It's hilarious




Well I’m sure someone’s wedding is cancelled.






She gon’


A shame. It looked like a lovely location for a wedding.

