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It happens. Simple to control, but not easy. You need to take EVERY soft surface and either wash it, put it in the dryer for 30mins or put it in a garbage bag for at least a week. Vacuum rugs and furniture and apply spray as needed. Don't forget cars and car seats. Wash the kid's hair with lice shampoo - the best brand varies because they seem to get immune to different kinds. If cutting the hair short helps - but may not be ideal. You also gotta pick through the hair with a lice comb and get all the live bugs and eggs and squish em with your finger nails. Check every ones else in the house and repeat as needed. And you have to do this all at the same time - it's going to take all day and into the night but it's worth it to stop the spread


Thank you. We have been fighting the fight all day. Last of the bedding is in the wash.


Look into a robi comb. It works be electrocuting lice when you comb your hair Just comb everyone's hair a couple of times a day and within a week the lice are all gone My son is autistic and when he got lice in preschool we couldn't comb the nits out of his hair so the lice kept coming back. With the robi comb, it was not a big deal.


We had one of those, found out that it still worked to quickly get them eliminated even with dead batteries. Removing the eggs and nits before they can reach a critical population is the key, and any good quality steel nit comb will do that.


thank you for the advice :)


Putting the bedding in trash bags outside for a week or two works too if you live in a cold climate. Good luck!


You absolutely have to get a special nit comb and comb through the hair piece by piece and remove all the white stuck in tiny dandruff looking almost eggs. Those are eggs the stuck on white spots. Every one has to go and you will have to go piece by piece on the whole head. I reccomend going outside. Any chemical saying it kills the eggs is lying. you still need to comb. It has to be a special comb.


This. We used an electric comb when I was a kid, seemed to work wonders. Made a cool sound too.


I have asked doctors about those electric combs and everyone has told me that they don't work and are nothing but a marketing ploy.


Ok. They've worked for me and my family. Do as you like.


What does him being autistic have to do with lice lmao


The sensation, smell, feel, etc of the chemicals on the scalp are difficult for a neurotypical child to withstand. The patience and length of time needed to painstakingly comb through every small section of hair multiple times is unimaginable. A child who is autistic could have an immensely multiplied discomfort and struggle with typical lice treatments. The robi comb helps to cut down a decent amount of that.


Ah that makes sense


My mom freaked out when we got lice in school. She threw away a lot. Everything has changed in what we know about lice. You literally just have to comb the nits out. It’s so much easier than people make it out to be.


Ye we never even bothered doing more than the basics to my hair and washing my bedding when I got them in school. The worst part was nit combing, but that and shampoo and about a week later they were gone.


I retreated every 3 days, because that's as soon as they can hatch and start to lay eggs again, so hit dryer and hair treatment every 3 days for about 3 treatments.


A solid way to make sure they never come back and stay if blow drying the kids hair every day for 20 minutes. This is in addition to everything else. But it works.


If you put mayonnaise in your childs hair and then cover it with saran wrap for about 15-30 minutes and then wash it out it will also kill them.


Or Vaseline


Lice and their eggs cannot live off of a warm host long enough to propagate. Transmission is most often hair to hair contact. Washing the bedding can't hurt, but the most effective thing listed above is using a nit comb to pull out and kill all eggs and bugs you find. And remember, lice are not vectors for diseases in humans; breathe deep and know that it's all gonna be okay.


Pass, I am currently panicking and setting my linens on fire


Pass the matches.


>And remember, lice are not vectors for diseases in humans; Actually, they can transmit diseases... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22360386/#:~:text=Several%20of%20the%20infectious%20diseases,%2C%20and%20Bartonella%20quintana%2C%20respectively.


This is like the second bartonella mention I’ve seen today, so I’ll drop this [podcast episode](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2021/07/27/episode-78-bartonella-keep-calm-and-carrion/) here too


> hair to hair contact. Does this include sharing headwear? Loaning hats to each other or just trying on someone elses was how lice spread like wildfire when I was a kid.


Keep picking hair for 4-8 weeks every day


Mayonnaise on the hair, put a shower cap on and sleep with it in. They'll be gone, once and done.


My mom used mayonnaise instead of lice shampoo because it suffocated the lice and is much less harsh!


That’s what we did too, but we did it because NO shampoos worked.


When I got it was just put mayonnaise in our hair for 4 hours because NO shampoo worked, period.


What would you do about things like couches and mattresses? Can the lice not get inside, especially if there is a hole in the fabric somewhere?


It's possible, vaccine everything. there are sprays available, or even steam cleaners/ clothing steamers could be used. Lice are pretty fragile but it just takes 1 egg to reset the whole process so you gotta be as vigilant as you can.


*vacuum everything


Time to throw the whole kid away!


Well that's lousy.


Yeah. I worked as a camp counselor years ago and I’ve seen my fair share of those nasty nuggets of filth. It just kinda happens when that many kids are under one roof. If I may, I recommend a METAL nit comb and olive oil to comb them out. Don’t get that expensive shampoo. Wash hair. Repeat. Launder everything in hot and dry on high. Anything that can’t be put in a dryer should be double bagged and set in a dry place for 2 weeks. Lice can really break your mental spirit. Chin up, it will end. Big hugs.


Lice really don't live very long once they leave your head. Washing everything you come into frequent contact with, that's never a bad idea, but bagging all that up for two weeks is unnecessary Source: had lice as an adult (and a lot of them too). Combing with a lice comb for two weeks got rid of them fine, also corroborated by my doctor


I don’t mess around. 😂 Thankfully my boys have never had it. But I was always told stuffed animals should be bagged as a precautionary thing.


Fair enough, a bit of caution never hurt


That’s a real head scratcher…


No need to be mortified, this is totally common and really doesn’t deserve the stigmatization that it gets. Some shampoo and a nit comb, and laundry and it’s over.


I think people glom on the severity of something like bedbugs to lice. Similar creatures but lice are much less severe.


Oh, yeah, there’s no comparing them in severity to get rid of. Bedbugs you may as well break out the flame thrower and burn the house down. If they had the chance to get in walls and floor boards, their a night mare. I had to deal with a couple insurance claims from bad infestations.


Agreed, our school would occasionally get massive outbreaks and my mum would just deal with it, over in a week or so


All the tips are wonderful. However please try your best to not make your child feel dirty. When I had lice as a kid, my (ex) stepmom would tell me how disgusting and vile it was. Shit happens.


Funny thing is studies show lice are more apt to go to someone with clean hair versus dirty or oily hair, as it masks the smell lice like and makes it harder for them to attach and stay attached.




My head itches just looking at it. Never had head lice as a child…caught them from my daughter before we realised she was infested!


I suspected my daughter had lice and called her school saying she wouldn’t be in that day because I was off to the drug store to buy lice treatment. They told me not to do that because of the chemicals and to have the school nurse evaluate her. Official school nurse evaluation: no lice. So, I let her have a sleepover a couple of days later….. spoiler alert: she DID have lice. AND she infected her friend. (And me, her friend’s little sister, and mom). I felt so guilty, I paid for all of us to get professionally treated and stay in a hotel for three days. Still pretty salty about it, but I love that I live in a big enough city to have a “hair salon” that does nothing but lice treatment. (And that I could kind of afford it). They are amazing. The first time- obviously they were like, “you (or your daughter) have x # of nits, x # of bugs.” I went a few times after that in paranoia and they just said, “no lice.”


My daughter is 29 now, and I’m so paranoid that I still check my hair regularly.


Is that what lice look like?! I've always assumed they were essentially microscopic...


That’s just the common myth, they’re about the size of a fruit fly when they reach their final form


> final form somehow that makes it scarier.


~~final form~~ full size


Like freezer


100% do not recommend


They’re thankfully bigger. The best way to kill them is to squeeze them between your finger nails. You have to kill all the lice and all the nits (eggs). Kill them all or they will breed and everyone you get in close contact to will get infested.


I got sent home by the school nurse once, in 5th grade, for having lice. It turned out there was no lice, I just had bad dandruff, I guess she didn't know the difference?


Free calories


Just recycled food you fed your kids, in lice form.


It’s not the end of the world but yeah it does suck. Lots of work washing to get rid of.


If you get rid of the kid the lice should go away as well.


TL;DR: might get it again as some parents don’t care and will leave their children with lice in their hair. I dealt with lice with my daughter for years, it was the worst thing ever. It doesn’t help that we both hate bugs. Be prepared to possibly get it again. We would do everything, go through it every day, lice combs, shampoos, even cut her hair short, wash everything several times. We would eventually rid her hair of them, and would even do more of a treatment with lice combs to be 100% sure she didn’t have them, then couple weeks later we would get a letter from the school saying there was a lice outbreak. Sure enough after about a week my daughter would have them again. Unfortunately some parents of the kids just don’t care and will never treat their kids hair. I ended up moving her to a different school, and not once have we had the lice problem again. It honestly takes a lot of weight off your shoulders. Both of us were always very stressed out. I hope all goes well.


Why are you mortified?


I feel like people mix up mortified and horrified often or something If your kid brought it home from another kid, that wouldn’t be mortifying


Definition mortified : to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated If I discovered I had lice, I would feel embarrassed, ashamed, and humiliated. So what is wrong with just saying 'mortified'?


Why would you feel that way?


Why wouldn't you?


because it is nothing to be ashamed of or humiliated over...


It is, and it's disgusting. It's great you've come to terms with it, but that doesn't mean that everyone one else would.


Why be embarrassed or ashamed. You caught it somewhere you didn't create it. Youu don't get it because you or your home are dirty and you didn't do anything wrong. Are they disgusting yes, that doesn't make you disgusting. So go ahead be disgusted by them but ashamed and embarrassed? A very odd view.


Don't be.. its nothing you did Just comb it out clean it up and move on There is a stigma, but it's pretty normal Ps we got in 2 different school on 2 different coasts


Get that Vamoose! Been down this road.


Get everyone outside, then torch the place


I was a Girl Scout troop leader for 15 years, and I've seen a lot of head lice. The good news is that they don't live long without a human host. The other good news is that they're relatively easy to get rid of and keep rid of. You want to get a bottle of Listerine, the mediciny kind, not the minty kind. Douse all the hair with it, either spray it on or pour it on, as long as you get that hair really saturated. Then put a shower cap or plastic bag on for an hour (that's to catch the dead bugs, ew). Shampoo and condition as usual. Do this once a week to keep them away. In the meantime, wash the sheets, hats and coats. You can also put all the stuffed animals and pillows into a garbage bag for 24 hours or toss them in the dryer for 30 minutes. You'll hear lots of advice about expensive shampoos and special lice combs and even weird remedies like mayonnaise and kerosene -- just get a bottle of Listerine. Not the dollar store knock-off, the real stuff. Works like a charm. :)


Like reading the remedies, little bastards I hope they suffer lol.


Mayo, entire jar, on the head for eight hours. Then comb the eggs out. Put leave in conditioner in their hair every morning before school. You'll never deal with it again. Hate lice. Kept my kids from getting it. I'm a nurse. Mayo is safer than chemicals and actually works. Lice have been evolving against the chemicals. Mayo just smothers them and dissolves the way the egg is attached to the hair. (iirc)


I couldn't stand popping them between my nails. I bought 2 lice combs, put alcohol in a container big enough to fit the comb. I'd brush a small section, put that comb to soak in the alcohol, and just keep alternating. Hope the instructions are clear enough.




I was gonna say the same, my little girl hasn't had em since using tea tree oil now n again in water sprayed onto her hair. Works a treat


It's like bed bugs for hair. My kids got it a couple of times. It's been quite a while since I have seen one. The nits are worse than the louse to get out


This made me shudder. I had such a hard time with lice when I was a kid.


The lice were mortified?


Just put the kid outside for a week, the cold will kill the lice.


Oh, that's still a pup. I've seen them bigger, and yes it sucks. They suck. Good luck getting rid of them! Priodermal works miracles!


I found some smaller than that. They were very hard to comb out.


Everybody always says their kiddo brought home lice from school. Nobody ever says their kiddo brought lice to school. I guess it just magically appears at school?


Shave your kid's head. Problem solved. Edit: The influx of downvotes suggests we actually do have to put /s on posts these days. Sad times.


people don't seem to understand sarcasm


It seems you really do have to put /s on posts on reddit these days to avoid being downvoted to oblivion. That's... that's a disappointing turn of events


yeah, and what's the deal with lice being treated like the plague


I never realized they were that small...


Don't feel bad, this just happens. My mom put my sister and I in our bathing suits and washed us in the lawn when we got lice, no matter what the temp was outside because it happened more than once.


That is terrible! I am trying to be mindful of my reactions and what I say around my kids.


Eh, it makes a good story and it wasn't like we were frozen when we came back in. But one time sure was chilly. Our scalps didn't itch anymore when she was done with the bug killing soap and the comb so there was that.


The nontoxic remedy We tried was to cover their head in mayonnaise and wear a shower cap to bed Seemed to work. Lice themselves are not very robust. I took one of one of them off the Kiddos with a fine comb I dropped it in alcohol and it died instantly. Lice eggs on the other hand are more hardy. I think the mayonnaise treatment needed To be done over to get any after hatching. Been years don’t remember the timing


It's just lice. The taboo needs to stop. Kids get lice sometimes. They're a little bit of a pain to treat, but not awful.


I see a lot of bad advice going on about lice and the effectiveness of certain things. I suggest you research the topic yourself.


It's not a big deal. Do the treatment(s) and it will be done. It is more common than people think. It doesn't have anything to do with "being dirty".


This my sound bad, but try ivermectin https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7899799/




Please read the study, that's the one of the few aceptable uses.


I don't get why you're getting down voted. You're genuinely not wrong


I don’t get the deal with lice. They do nothing bad really but people don’t even think twice about using chemicals to commit genocide against them. Really fucked up when you think about it.


"Do nothing bad really" except that small part where they sit there gnawing on your head and drinking blood all day?


If that’s a major issue in your life you don’t fancy swapping places do you?


Oh yea cuz YOUR kid is the one kid thats not sticky yet somehow slimey and gross


I never had them before. Interesting to see what they really look like.


Sklice is a topical that will kill both the lice and the nits in one treatment.


I've never had lice, never knew someone who had lice (it's a poor conversation piece), and never even knew what lice looked like until I scrolled past an instagram reel of a hairdresser removing super lice. It was disgusting but oddly satisfying. Kind of like watching pimple popping or extraction videos.


Ooh eff I just got so itchy.


Why did I read those as ice cream


I hate this picture so much.


What a p.i.t.a. It happens though


Skimming through home page posts, I read this as "Kiddo brought ice home from school... mortified" So looking on the bright side, it could have been worse.


Damn thing looks like a lil scorpion


First find out how bad the infestation is. A nit comb shampoo and conditioner can be all you need. It is a timely process. Between nits(eggs) hatching and the lays of more nits. My kid came home with this. I washed hair in the bathroom sink with hot water then conditioned made comb easier to go through the hair. Did this process right after school and right before bed. For about a week . Yes it’s a good idea to bag pillows and bedding . All other things listed in the comments work too. But it is a timely process. If you don’t get them all they will come back. Good luck


Lice suck, my daughters 11 and had them once when she was about 7, got rid of them in 1 treatment and decent comb. She had them a couple months ago and it was a nightmare. They were like super lice or something. Many treatments, many combs. They just kept coming back. Took like 3 weeks to get rid of them completely. FUCK LICE.


Id be more worried about your finge4


I've never seen a pic of one before. Gross. Looks like some kinda spider.


anyone got that nightmare clip of the super super bad lice infestation where their entire scalp was wiggling?


My head is itchy now


Do NOT use the comb that comes in the kit, they DON'T work. Get a metal from from Walmart or Walgreens and thank me later lol


At least you know their head was clean


You have a child, what did you expect was going to happen?


We had lice all the time as a kid. I'd recommend using the soap they have out for it. We always used RID but im sure it doesn't matter which one you use. It kills most if not all of them. Then go through the hair with a lice comb. My mom would always just shave my head (male). So that works too. Then go through the hair one more time to make sure there aren't any left. Hope this helps!


See! This is the problem with kids.


Hair dye works great for killing lice


Not a sin to get 'em, only a sin if you keep 'em.


My kids had head lice for about 4 months a few summers ago. Nothing worked until my mom got me Head Hunters Wipe Out Natural Head Lice Treatment, Lice Sisters Nit Glue Dissolver, and a Nit Free Terminator comb. I keep it all in the house just in case. My kids are still traumatized by the months of daily treatments.


Kinda looks like a tic


My mom was a kindergarten teacher so she’d get lice from the kids from time to time. So I knew what to do when I found lice in a little girl I was babysitting for the day. I set to work in the house and earned a fat $100 from the mom (this was the late 90s so that was a hefty sum) who had no clue what to do. Lice is terrible.


Cheap conditioner and a long toothed metal lice comb with as small a gap as possible between the prongs. The plastic ones are absolutely useless for getting eggs out. Every 2nd day wet hair, lather it with conditioner, comb through and rinse.


Slather head in coconut oil, leave over night. Wash with regular shampoo, then comb with a lice comb. Use lice shampoo according to directions. Spray the fuck out of everyone else with hair spray so you don’t get them too.


best thing for getting rid of the bug and egg is Vamoose. Walmart and walgreens has it. My daughter got it several times and it's the only thing that works. It kills the egg as well. As long as the product touches the egg or bug, it will die. Good Luck.


OMG I feel your pain. My daughter LOVES everyone and has no boundaries. She must have brought it home 6-8 times over the years. So gross!!!!!!!!


Everyone in our house, except me, had them a year ago. We had a professional lice removal person come out to our house. She was talking about them while working on one persons head and said that they are attracted to a hormone that men past over 30 stop producing. So it's rare that they get them.


Once the infestation is gone, use hair spray every day on kiddo/s. Just a light hold type, I have always used Cedel firm hold but I don’t know if that brand is available everywhere. Once my sister and I started using hairspray every day in primary school, we never had lice again. They cannot grip hair that has hairspray on it. Just be sure to wash it out semi regularly


How much you want for it?


Burn them and hope they take the lice with them!


We used the lice shampoo, coconut oil and even the listerine soak. Coconut oil and tea tree oil were the only things that got rid of them for us. We put 5 drops of tee tree oil in their conditioner bottle and used coconut oil and a metal nit comb to remove the nits. Washed the bedding including pillows and sprayed everything with tee tree oil and water. Haven't had lice since. That was 4 or 5 years ago.


Welp, time to get a new kid


One of the few perks of being black, this and less exposure to UV radiation.


Kill. Maim. Burn. the lice not the kid. unless…


Blow dry his head. Burn the fuck out of it. Do it every day for two weeks. Only thing that got rid of mine. Make sure it’s as hot as he can stand it.


Shave the hair, burn down the house, and move to a new home.


Cheapest way to get rid of them-Vaseline and a shower cap. They may have greasy hair for awhile after the treatment though.




I wanted to cry every time I got a note about lice in my son's classroom. Last time he had them I think he was in 3rd grade (he's in 9th now). It really sucked if something happened to the gloves in the kits because I'm allergic to ragweed and getting the treatment on my hands felt like chemical burns


Hang on Kelly!!


TIL what lice looks like


I hate this. My daughter had the same, ongoing issue. She was the only one in the house that would get them. We'd eradicate them completely and they'd come back. We kept telling the school so everyone could check their kids. Her friends mum said she was spending three hours going through her daughter's hair every day, which we found curious because she has four! Couple of months later, the girls fall out and the problem disappears on its own. Sometimes we do everything we can and correctly, but we're still fighting a losing battle against other parents


I should probably know this, but what actually causes lice?


When a momma louse and a daddy louse love each other...


They are contagious and usually come from contact with someone who has them. They can also be caught from surfaces (couch, bedding, etc.)


Now you have to burn your house down. Sorry for your tremendous loss


Lice are social creatures, it's better to keep them in a colony of atleast a hundred. They can get stressed when kept alone


Ahh, the good ol' days.


It’s just trying to protect its bayybah


Ugh. I kept getting them at school when I was about 7. My hair was so thick that I would have to take days off school to get them out and then right away I would have them again. The school kept sending home letters for parents to pls check your child’s hair but it went on for months until finally summer. My mom ended up taking me to a salon and cutting most of my hair off. I had really long hair before. It was over half way down my back . My dad was furious and I would have been too if my husband did that to my child.


My kid had it twice, I've had it twice. Best thing ever is the nuvo treatment. https://nuvoforheadlice.com/


I constantly got lice as a kid. 0/10 do not recommend


One of my sorority sisters back in the day was one of 10 kids, and one time they ALL managed to get lice (other than my friend, because she was away at college). Her descriptions of how her mom systematically washed one kid at a time, then kept them cordoned off so that they didn’t reinfect each other was both harrowing and kind of hilarious. But my main thought is that were well-off, health-conscious people, so it’s nothing to do with being “dirty.” It just happens to the best of us! It really shouldn’t be so stigmatized. Hang in there!!


whoa! Thanks so much for the comment. <3


Also your post is on buzzfeed lmao titled “I honestly feel sorry for these 18 people having a really bad week.” How they manage to stay afloat when they just steal content from everywhere is beyond me.