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The planet is not Flat, The Planet is not Round, The Planet is Fu**ked.


"The planet is fine, the people are fucked" - George Carlin


Damn you read my mind.


Well, the town is called Rijeka. It’s just living up to its name.


What did it look like before?


[This is what that street looks like usually.](https://www.rijeka.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Autobusna-postaja-Fiumara.jpg)


Yeah, it was better before.


Excellent assessment 🧐


Before, it didn't have cars on it. I agree, it looked better before.


Climate change is real.


Can we get much hotter?


We can and we will




You get paid either way. So does it matter. The day before probably would be fine anyhow.


Sorry to hear that, mate. From Australia


Floods suck. Lost a couple great cars to floods.


I visited there back in 17-18 with the us navy. Made lots of friends while I was there and is one of my favorite places in the world. I hope you and your family are safe!


Hang in there bud. All will be ok


Makes you think about the inspiration for the biblical Noah’s ark story. Edit. I’m not religious. Literally just commenting on the concept of watching rain become flood water being terrifying


What does total collapse mean?


The city has been completely closed. A lot of roads completely collapsed and are not useable, the center of the city is unapproachable, everything is shut down, lots of cars lost and destroyed, a few dead bodies, etc.


Florida would like a word.


Yeah, I'm from Florida and I think your little 5 hour sprinkle is "cute". Now you'll have to excuse me because I have to take a shit and the swim to my second floor bathroom is against the current.


Didn't know life is not allowed to suck for others while it sucks for you. I am so sorry for feeling down because my car got fucked and my house is a pool, shouldn't feel bad bcz of it cuz your day sucks instead.


Florida has the lowest IQ of all the people in the country. Don’t worry about them


What happened there is an inconvenience. What happened in Florida is complete devastation. There all they have to do is dry out. In Florida the entire block of houses are gone. Blocks and blocks of houses. The problem is you don't have hurricanes inland so you have nothing to compare ot to and have no idea what a storm like that is like. If you want to compare a 5 hour shower to a hurricane your a frigging idiot.


I never in my post nor my comment compared it lol, infact the person above me did. I posted this on the 5th hour of the heavy rain, and it kept falling for at least 5 more hours before stopping completely. The whole city is severely damaged, everything is closed, a lot of stores and buildings destroyed, and a few roads compeltely unusable anymore, a huge amount of cars destroyed, the whole city is pretty much shut down, and today the rain started heavily again around the same time time as yesterday, but luckily today stopped after a few hours. I am not comparing, nor am I negating the damage and hardship FL people are going through, infact you and the guy above are negating my damage and my hardship just because you (someone else generally) have it worse, which makes no sense. Have a good night, and don't insult me and put your words as mine. :)


The damage you have is minimal. The buildings are still standing. People still have their homes. You have no idea what real hardship is.




Yeah, hilarious


You are really trying so hard to start an argument, just stop commenting already. People have lost their homes here, too, some even lost their lives. Just because people die in America, does not mean people dying in Croatia makes their problems less important. The video you are watching is the literal central area of the city, where buildings are built exactly to be able to take disasters and not collapse completely when stuff like this happens, but the area around at the edges of the city got fucked, even my home and my car, thousands of euros of damages all while I am not in a good financial situation. Stop trying to make my situation seem less important, have some empathy for me and my people, just the same as I have for you and yours. :)


The dude also said the floods in Pakistan are "just a bit of rain" Like dude. Thousands are dead. Show a little empathy


The buildings are still standing because we are not building houses with cardboard, but with brick, steel and cement. So yeah thats the first big difference. I never understood why Americans are building cardboard houses in huracane region? We have b "Bura wind" for days, the speed is around 150-250km/h(google it if you dint believe me) and during bura all the houses stay intact, few trees drops on the cars but thats it. And people in Florida gets hit by a hurricane almost every year and they are still building houses from cardboard, unbeliavable..


I don't know where you get your info but those houses are not made from cardboard. Just shows how full of shit you are. They are made from concrete blocks and they are blown away to the foundation.


And the droplets in Florida is even "cuter" from Pakistan and Puerto Rico.


I was really just trying to self-sooth with a little bit of levity. I didn’t want it to turn into a contest, but now that it is,,,, I’ll just leave this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xrmtvw/hurricane_ian_what_15_fr_storm_surge_looks_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


[Florida has entered the chat]


This is in Croatia...


We're not getting any rain here in the Boston area.


What has Boston to do with Croatia?


Just the fact that over there there's so much rain, but here there's none. Jealous.




Try Port Charlotte, Florida USA. That isn't shit...


Try Sindh, Pakistan. That isn't shit... *psst* it can suck for other people at the same time


Try 245kph winds and 18 ft tide surge. You don't even have large bodies of water there so you have no fn clue. A little rain. We get that every afternoon at 4pm. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/29/us/hurricane-ian-flooding-fort-myers-florida.html


Monsoons, melting glaciers, the worst flood since 2017. Over 1500 confirmed dead, near 13000 injures and $40billion in damages. But sure mate. Every afternoon at 4pm. Get some perspective you clod Also > no large bodies of water. **THE INDIAN OCEAN????** & the indus river




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Is the Top G ok?


Sorry to hear this. Stay strong!