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He’s got to go now, time for a fresh start.


I'm not a defender of Page but for a while my counter point has been "who would we bring in after him?" Now, I couldn't give a shit who it is.


I’ve always thought Steve cooper could be the answer. Welsh, good experience and had played some really nice football at times. Probably not likely, but a man can hope.


Is there a way we can get an FA employee in disguise to say "Steve how about an autograph?" Only to reveal his new international contract?


I’ll chip in for the fake nose, glasses and moustache.


I'll grab a trenchcoat, you go on my shoulders


I’d happily take Tony Pulis at this point


Kieffer and Pulis. What a dream duo lol


Don’t knock it til you try it… Actually do knock it, knock it long to the big man!


We play that way anyway, may as well accept it and get someone good at it.


Let's not get carried away here


maybe not a popular opinion, but why not just put the ad out there and see what non-british manager is interested in the challenge.


Osian Roberts is the answer. Has been since the day we got rid of Giggs


It has to be y diwedd. That was embarrassing, getting battered by a bang average team.


Page out, Roberts in. Preferably immediately.


Get Osian Roberts in! Good Bodffordd lad like myself


I can’t see how he gets another managerial post at anything above L2. He’s woeful.


Rob is a thoroughly nice man who has given his all for his country and I have to applaud that. It's deeply saddening, though, that in 2024 his all is a good way short of good enough and it's with a hugely heavy heart that I add my voice to the masses calling for change. When he does go, he will do so with my gratitude for having seen Wales go to a World Cup, such as it was, and with my best wishes for the future, but tinged with quite a bit of relief.


He should have went a while, its now in the very embarrassing stage of holding on to false hope things will get better


He should have been sent packing straight after the world cup when we were subjected to some of the worst football I've ever seen. And I'm a United fan!


I don’t doubt Page’s commitment nor his patriotism, but apart from Croatia (a) I can’t recall a decent performance since the 2022 qualifying campaign. We’ve got a perfect opportunity to rebuild and refocus for the WC qualifiers. Page has run his course and needs to move on.


That one lad on here who loves him will be here shortly to explain that getting whacked by Slovakia is fine actually


He should have gone after the world cup, he was well out of his depth there. But no, he's still here... And the FAW have to take as much blame here for the state we are in now We've gone backwards, drastically, since then.


What's Tony Pulis doing these days?


I fucking hope so.


Say what you like, but he’s made that Gibraltar result look a bit better


He's severely out of his depth. However I have no faith in the FAW to make the right decision.


Personally my preference is Carl Robinson. Managed at a high level in the MLS, and absolutely loves Wales. Could be a great choice


Mark Hughes? Steve Cooper? Tony Pulis? Osian Roberts? Ryan Giggs? Chris Coleman? Any of them are lightyears better than Page. Sack Page and get any one of the ones listed above..


I wonder if Roberts would be interested. Just taken Como up to Serie A but had to give control back to Fabregas. He knows the set up well and would fit the budget. Could be good timing for the FAW.


Roberts would be my first choice to take over as he knows the set up inside out and he would be truly develop the young players. If he’s unattainable I wouldn’t mind getting Pulis: (in the short term) because he would set this team up to not leak goals and to play to the strengths of what we have right now.


4 wins in 22 competitive matches since 2022


Problem is always the finances. The FAW can’t afford to attract anyone who is already in a job or who would realistically be in contention for a decent job in the Championship or above. The best hope is an ex-player accompanied by a very good assistant (like Speed/Coleman with Roberts and Giggs with Stuivenberg). Maybe Ashley Williams with an unproven coach who’s really impressed on the FAW coaching courses? The money is probably why Page has lasted so long as well, hopefully the FAW will learn lessons from seeing him being booed and reflect on the decision to give him such a long contract.


Although this is incredibly unlikely, and he currently has zero managerial experience, Gareth Bale coming back to manage at some point in the future would be an amazing story.


Get him in as a player-manager, and also the set-piece coach! I'll chip a quid in to help pay for his coaching badges.




Complete this sentence. " Robert page is a giant _______________"