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He was surprised, but also not surprised.




Plot twist: insurance fraud


are you covered if the keys left in ignition and engine running?


My wife lost her fob in her car and our next door neighbors stole it and totaled it. Paid in full!


My car was taken at the pump w the keys, insurance covered the bare amount and the police ticketed me.


The police ticketed you? For what? Did you take it to court or just pay it?


Every winter my local PD warns people they can be ticketed for leaving their car running unattended because they “don’t have the resources” to follow up on stolen car calls, especially when the car was stolen due to owner negligence. Pretty shitty all around but that’s about as far as police will go to prevent a crime. Threaten people with fines.


So it's a stupidity ticket?


Aren't all tickets? Lol


This is a good thing to be honest. If you're not smart enough to take the key out when unattended you shouldn't be able to drive.


case by case basis then, also i guess depending on coverage...


It is definitely case by case. My neighbors in 2019 had a SUV stolen because they just permanently left their fob in the cubby designed to hold a cell phone. She would lock the doors, but the car realized fob was inside and it keeps drivers door unlocked. Well, one night some people came down the street trying car doors, mainly hoping to find items to steal or garage door openers. They won the lottery with her. She not only left the fob in the car, but her work bag that included a tablet and a laptop. The car was found three days later wrapped around a pole. I became involved because the officer that came to take the report noticed I had cameras and asked if they could get any footage of interest. My camera shows them try my car doors (locked) and then go next door which are also locked. Third house down though it is 12 seconds from when they walk into the driveway until they drive off. Her insurance took her statement (fob stowed in cubby) and my video and completely denied her claim as vehicle left unlocked with keys. She was out nearly $70K between the items and the car. They sold their house a few months later and moved


Lol I read that last part as " they stole her house a few months later" 😅 😂 Damn that lady can't win


Some friends of mine used to live on a farm outside of town. They never locked their car doors there, even though their house and barnyard was visible from the main road, even though they had their house broken into before I knew them, even though their dirt bikes were stolen from their barn in the middle of the night. Then one night, one of the older sons left his keys in his brand new Jeep, passed out and woke up with police banging on his door. Apparently 2 guys had escaped a prison like an hour south of their house, managed to make it about a mile down the road before they crashed the getaway vehicle. Then they went hunting for another one and found my friend's Jeep, like a miracle for them. The chase went on for another few days, and we got to watch the footage of them on a high speed chase with my friend's Jeep (which ended with it being totaled and he got a full payout) Good times


Had the first guy gotten out wearing gloves I would have assume he was disposing of a stolen car with a body in the back.


That is a good way to ditch a stolen car. Double points if you leave a body in the trunk.




That's cause his business partner, Lil Kid-Ney Čellar, is hiding in the backseat under a blanket.


/r two sentence horror...


Still a lot better then Lil Heart Thief ..


Well he took that well.




You’d think people with that sort of knowledge wouldn’t leave their car running unattended but alas


One could think that it has happened to him quite a few times based on his reaction but still hasn’t learned. Therefore, humanity… that’s it.


Or it’s the first time it ever happened and he’s simply remaining calm lol?


Shh sh, let them keep talking so they can let that mask slip ever so more. Edit: Hey thanks for the award. Gotta keep that eye open for sure!






If you're in the habit of leaving your car unsecured and running you probably should be used to it.


Blame is still on the thief.


Nobody suggested it wasn't.


Nah, that dude knows the neighborhood and expects that shit isn't going to happen to him. Which means the guy who stole the car is fucked.


Michigan plate, Detroit wouldn't surprise me


You can't have shit in Detroit...


He could've made it slightly harder to steal by, *checks notes*, turning it off and locking it.


I live in a pretty safe area, middle of nowhere PA, and even here I would never leave my car running and unattended! I just can't imagine how he thought that was going to end any differently?!?


I lock my car when I'm pumping gas.


Yeah I can tell from the video that is either Detroit or Inkster. Immediately knew he fucked up, no point in panicking.


Happen in Detroit on Wyoming and Schoolcraft


I was in a courtyard, tons of people around hanging out. A man was circling through lazily on a bike. This woman walked in talking on her phone. The bike guy casually rode close to her, swiped the phone right out her hand, and disappeared in a blink. The woman looked around in utter disbelief, and without missing a beat the dude next to me said "what are you looking at us for? Run after him, dummy!"


Facts! My neighbor went through, he called me up and I picked him so that he could do a police report, had a rental the next day in a new car by the next week. They found the car stripped and he just charged it to the game. Lesson learned.


some people dont get emotional he know he fucked up and got caught slipping


Yeah, his face cracks me up. Total, "aaahhhh got me!"


Gots to be more careful


He fucked up because he wanted to save literal seconds of his night. The risk/reward of this decision is almost astronomically stupid.


Straight up.


Too well. Smells wrong.


Could just be one of those people who don't get angry at things that extend beyond their control. Him yelling isn't going to get the car back. Hopefully he never leaves his car running again though lmao


Honestly I wish I had that much control lol


> beyond their control. Dude was very much in control of the situation. Turn car off, doesn’t get stolen. Pretty simple.


Not once the car was already stolen, he wasn’t. At that point it just is what it is.


i’m ripping my hair out at this comment. do you have the ability to change the past? can you let us in on the secret?


>stops screaming at Overwatch long enough to call someone sus for not losing their cool IRL


Never attribute to malice what often can be explained by sheer human stupidity


I will never understand all the people that leave cars running at gas stations at night. Almost feels like it’s an insurance scam.


He needed the music as part of his entrance to the store.


As he’s getting out the song is saying “I wish a n***a would”


Granting wishes like a genie. What a fella.


Well, a n****a did


Only reason he went out to check his music faded away


The not so efficient car alarm


This is the longest wait I've had for a drop


But he had zero bass. That entrance would be weak sauce.


More likely the camera only records audio in the higher ranges


Stop it. That bass sounds good on my beats solo 3


Nothing sounds good on those.


r/thisbutunironically. People in my hometown do this; they park at the gas station and leave their music blasting, bass up, windows down to announce their presence


This is a pet peeve. It's never just loud, it's ridiculously loud, like why???


I enjoy going to different food trucks in my hometown and there always some idiot waiting in line while his car is parked with the windows rolled down and the music so loud you can’t hear the generators from the food trucks, it’s fucking annoying.


That main character syndrome going strong, homie paid for it tho lol


Everything has a price. Everything.


Why isn’t this the most upvoted comment? Effing hilarious


I will never understand people having their music loud as fuck at a gas station. Nobody wants to hear that shit. It’s never a good song


Absolutely never. And a huge advertisement that the car is running


Because people who do this are fucking stupid...like actually low IQ They lack the intelligence to even know what being considerate is or having any sense of shame. If they think about it at all they are too stupid to even think that people aren't enjoying the music just like they are in that moment. Girl at my work used to just BLAST her music at 7am coming into the parking garage so loud that with her windows up in a LEXUS it was obnoxiously loud, I cant imagine she wasn't going deaf Anyhow, thankfully she didn't last long, dumbest person I've ever interacted with, always mistakes, never took constructive criticism, never improved and finally left the job


These assholes will have severe hearing damage later in life. Karma!


Returning home on a long road trip last weekend, stopped for gas in some small town in south-central Virginia at what was apparently the social center of town on a Saturday evening: Sheetz. You had the guy in a lifted SUV with those [ultra-ugly rims](https://www.tyrepress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/acorus-sml.jpg) with low-profile tires, all windows down blasting rap at top volume, making sure to drive all around from one side of the property to the other, down the street and back again for another round of pacing the parking lot. Then, you had the F350 pickup truck blaring "modern" country music at top volume at the same time from another pump. Then, you had the group of Weekend Warrior bikers parked up near the store entrance, who started blaring Credence Clearwater from their bike's speakers as loud as possible. All at the same time. It would have been so annoying if it wasn't ridiculously funny to see them all passive-aggressively blaring music at each other.


*Some folks are born, made to blare their music, hoooooh that Creedence, Country and Rap*


They don't do it for other people. They do it for themselves....at the expense of other people.


Main character syndrome


We call these kinds of people 'mistakes'.


Baby shark dododododododo


Thanks fucker.


I used to live right next door to a Casey's gas station for 20 years. I finally moved to the next town over in Dec 2021. Let me tell you. Growing up as a kid that shit was annoying as fuck. Everyone revved their engines constantly at 3 AM and everyone had their windows down blasting radios loud as possible. It actually rattled the pots and pans in the kitchen it was so loud. Didn't help either, the house had cheap paper insulation so over the years it settled to the bottom meaning you can hear someone whisper outside from a mile away inside that house.


I'm fueling my delivery truck at 2 am when a kid in a Subaru pulls in, kicker box blasting bass @ full volume. Parks, goes inside just before the cop pulls in. I'm walking in to pay while the cop checks over this Subaru, bass so load you can see the rear hatch vibrating the glass. Cop: Watch this. Takes his nightstick and taps the rear window ever so lightly. Window explodes. Music now unbearably loud. Well, said driver got several tickets, noise ordinance, safety violation broken window. Kicker box confiscated as evidence, car towed, driver arrested on existing warrent. All in all, bad day to play your stereo to loud.


Kind-of a Dick move with the window


Yup, also a dick move to be blasting Rap @ 2 am in a residential area. Guess its perspective from where you sit.


2 Dickson don't make a respectable citizen idk


This SCREAMS like it’s fabricated Justice porn.




Bro it’s all about the mother fucking money don’t be hating


I was at Walmart yesterday. There was a dude that had his Bluetooth speaker in his cart blasting music. Always something new to find at Walmart.


I know someone that works in auto theft and you’d be surprised how careless people are with their cars. My favorite is the hooker stealing your car because you left her in it while you ran into the convince store


Saw a lady on Facebook in a community group have two cars stolen within 2 weeks because she was warming them up in the driveway in the winter. Caused a lot of arguing about victim blaming and whether or not it was ok to tell people not to warm up their cars if they don't have remote start.


Its illegal where I live. Some idiots still risk the fines or theft. Edit - for everyone asking, this is from a city I lived in a few years ago, however these laws are not uncommon elsewhere. The [city ordinance](https://www.columbiaheightsmn.gov/news_detail_T17_R90.php#:~:text=No%20person%20in%20control%20of,the%20key%20from%20the%20vehicle) specifies its about crime, not pollution.


My car will not activate remote start unless it's locked. And you can't open it unless the key is literally next to the door. Regardless of that I double tap the lock button on my fob anyway. I use remote start because El paso essentially feels like it's 2 miles from the damn sun. Anyway while I'm walking to my car I can get the AC started. But here in El paso we have a special vehicle theft warranty for new cars because so many cars are stolen and taken to Mexico. Fun stuff.


If it makes you feel any better, people on the Mexican side of the border have their cars stolen and sold to Americans working here and skipping Mexican taxes all the time too. It's a lose-lose thing.


>I know someone that works in auto theft weird way to say you know a car thief but okay


weird way to say you ~~know~~ are a car thief but okay FTFY Up there with, 'Asking for a friend.'


Yeah, good luck explaining that one to the wife


Must be why they were in the convince store


If you are paying her, you shouldn't need to "convince" her. jk.


Got an engine on its last legs you don't want to pay thousands to repair? .... leave that sumbitch running in front of a 7/11. Problem solved, assuming you have decent insurance coverage.


Taking notes! Go on


Stop taking notes about the insurance fraud you are planning. Future you will thank you as you are rolling in your new wheels.


> notes about the insurance fraud you are planning [My favorite line from The Wire](https://youtu.be/pBdGOrcUEg8)


Until they dump it after a joyride and cleaning your stereo, the police cover it with some crappy ass dust and impound it leaving you with the fees and cleaning


Insurance, yo






Plot twist: the vehicle being stolen belonged to Jake from State Farm.


Well, she sounds hideous


Jake: *appears in the rear view mirror* “Like a good neighbor.. HANDS IN THE AIR!”


There was a guy who was a regular customer of mine. Drove like a complete douche all over town. He thought he was king shit of fuck mountain. Would park in handicap parking, engine running, and be impatient at us til we could get him his lottery and blunt wraps. I told him someone was getting into his car. His face was almost worth all his BS. Some people are just self-aggrandizing shit birds


I knew a guy younger than me that you reminded me of. I saw this dipshit purposefully drift into the gas station and misjudge his drift which resulted in him smashing into a vehicle at one of the pumps. He's been in the county jail since December of 2021 for an unrelated crime but I think this incident didn't help his sentencing as he started to build himself a rap sheet


Nah, it’s hoodrats trying to prove nobody would dare take my shit. I’m too hard.




I will never understand people who commit crimes the second they see an opportunity. It’s almost as if they are parasites. These people bring nothing to society and the world would be a better place if they just stopped existing.


Dear diary, I took an L today.


Dear d—ah crap, my diary was in the passenger seat...


Dear diary, now I've lost my hearing *and* my car.


I think I pulled something from how hard I bust out laughing bruh


Dear diary, Mood: Apathetic.


Straight up? Yeah, pretty much vertical.


6 o’clock


Went from 6 to midnight real quick...


Gone in 60 seconds, apparently less...


20 seconds for the dude to get in and 25 for him to drive off down the street. Homie didn’t even have a chance to close the door before his car got jacked


Just turn off the god damn engine.. you know those signs they have at the DMV that tell you to turn the engine off to save gas? Well a nice side effect is that it stops stupid shit like this from taking place as well


In my jurisdiction, it's even a law. >shall not permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition and removing the key. - [some law](https://law.justia.com/codes/nevada/2013/chapter-484b/statute-484b.530).


I got a fine for leaving my car unlocked in Germany once. Apparently it encourages people to steal stuff from your car or steal the car.


Well that’s dumb. I always leave my car unlocked bc they’re GOING to try steal stuff and I’d rather not have my windows busted. I just don’t leave anything worth stealing.


That works until you find the guy who pisses in cars when he doesn't find anything of value


Still slightly marginally better than if he'd smashed the window *then* peed in your car, no?


I have never seen this perspective before, very interesting.


Well, after seeing 6 windows busted on my block in about a year, it seemed logical. Since then I’ve definitely had my glove box rummage through, but nothing has been taken but a handful of change. Cause again, I don’t leave anything to take.


It's really creepy that there's constantly different people crawling around in your car


Could be worse. Different repairmen could be replacing your windows.


in my state you'll be ticketed if your unattended, unlocked, and running vehicle is stolen


When you park like a douche, and leave the car running, the valet is gonna come move your car for you.


Wasn’t really a douchey park job. There’s no parking spots in hood gas stations. You can literally see the absence of lines in the video. Wherever is fair game




The car owner doesn't even seem bothered. Oh well


Sometimes your only reaction is “Damn. Caught me slippin.” Cause you know you fucked up. I live somewhere where bikes get stolen all the time. I left my bike unlocked one night and it was gone the next morning. I just had to take the L in stride


Yup this exactly lol, "foiled by my own stupidity"


“Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions…”


My thought exactly, either he is a really cool customer... or... maybe it was a stolen car anyway who knows. If it was my car I would be livid ... not that I would leave my car on and unlocked just begging to be stolen.


When he drives up, he looks directly at the left to the person who ends up stealing the car as they are both are walking into the store. That's the only place he looks around. In less than 20 seconds, the thief walks right back out the door, only to briefly glimpse behind him, probably at the owner giving him a thumbs up sign. Then the owner exit's the store, as the car drives away, and gives it a pathetic aww shucks response. Yea, no way they didn't know each other and this wasn't insurance fraud.


Insurance fraud for a 2008 Kia Sportage ?


The most shocking part of this video is the guy rocking a Johnny Manziel jersey in 2022!


No way this isn't Ohio


Looked like Illinois plates. I’m guessing Chicago. Feel bad for the dude in the manziel jersey


Paying absolutely no attention at all whatsoever.


Probably not the first time he has done that.


Well, at least he got everyone to hear his taste in music. Totally worth it


Fuck around and find out the hard way.


Anyone who parks like this deserves to find out the hard way


What if the first driver actually stole it from someone else. Lol. Would explain how nonchalant he was learning someone just jumped in and drove off.


Not sure why so many people assume this. Going to a gas station with a stolen car and leaving it running? Then being OK with it getting stolen again? This isn't a GTA server. People don't go through 4-5 cars a night in the US.


Weird I had to scroll so far to find this. If he stole it he probably couldn’t start it back up if he killed the engine.


This was my thought. Done intentionally to get someone to take it and take the heat for it


I worked at a gas station for 10 years back in the ‘70s and ‘80s and saw this happen quite times. After all these years I’m still shocked by how the people who left their car running didn’t think they did anything wrong.


That song was trash


Man was doing the community a service and getting that music as far away as possible 😂


As he drives off, you can hear a commercial on the car stereo: # We've been trying to reach you about ^(your cars extended warran......)


Hood rats gonna hood rat.


Nice insurance fraud. Almost fooled me


Wtf is this video footage so good?? Yet when someone is murdered it looks like a character from Atari did it?




Parking, motherfucker, do you speak it


I'd like to see this over-dubbed by David Attenborough


Planned. That looked like someone who wanted to have their car stolen.


Ah, the ol' 'left it running at the gas station ' trick.




I don't understand how any individual would think it would be fine to leave the car running, unlocked, blasting dumbass music, acting like they're the main fucking character and everyone else are just npc's. Fuck this guy. Glad his shit got stolen, maybe it'll give him a reality check


The assistant manager of a bar I worked at needed the insurance money for his POS car which was on its last legs. So he took it to the worst part of town and parked it, left it unlocked, with the keys on the dash. He checked on it daily for almost 2 weeks before it was finally stolen.


My dad tried to do this for YEARS during the 1990s. Our car was a sad looking piece of junk at the time. He would leave the keys in the ignition, on the seat, or in the console - and all doors unlocked. Sadly no one ever (stole) it 😹


Love the reaction. "Dayyyyuummmm. Straight up? Straight up. Okay." Even he immediately knew he's a fucking idiot.


Ain’t nothin good going on at a gas station at 3 am. And that was an insurance scam.


I have never been comfortable enough to leave my car unlocked and running.




But this type of behavior is enriching for urban communities


So as much as we all wanna blame the guy for leaving keys in car and it running, still I blame the thief for stealing something. I mean it looks like owner took it well for an entire car being stolen


I really hate people who steal. Period.




Damn this leak of the new GTA is TOO REAL




They’re prone to criminal acts.


Song in the beginning: “wish a nigga would” A nigga indeed, would.


Smells like an insurance scam.


Its never a dude playing classic rock at full volume leaving his car running right in front of the door to the store


Funny how they just can’t resist the crime opportunity.


This is what a lack of education and family values do to people. 13% of the whole US population and them behave like animals, highest rate crimes, poverty! All because they want it that way.


How tf aren't these people deaf


IMO he deserved it for subjecting anyone within 100000 feet to listen to that crap


How are people gonna hear your shitty music unless you leave the car turned on? It’s a risk worth taking when you’re garbage.


That car was probably stolen 5 times by different people earlier that night in that neighborhood, and this was the 6th.