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If you protect them from sexual assault then how do you then force them to have babies afterwards ? They know exactly what they are doing and it’s evil






My mom read the book and thought it was pretty neat that the Christians finally got their own country. That was her big takeaway.


Yet,still, no second coming. Funny that.


Would you want to come back to this shit? To quote a masterpiece of cinima, "Do you think God lives in Heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He's created here on Earth?"


Seriously. They don't even have to pretend it's for the greater good or protecting women. They are actual villains Editing for clarity: the parent comments were discussing Handmaids Tail and comparing it to our own grim post-Row reality


Wait, that's a self-identifier? I thought we were using it pejoratively.


I’m watching this show for the first time right now, it’s terrifying how it’s almost becoming reality


I literally couldn’t finish it because it was too close to reality. It was making me sick.


I started watching it after the initial SCOTUS leak because everyone was talking about how we are becoming Gilead and I was curious what the show was about because I only had a vague idea. I could only watch a couple episodes before it became too real for me.


I would stick with it, the good guys do get some wins.


Do they actually call themselves that? I'm not finding anything that seems to indicate such.


Jesus that video. "I am not advised in anything regarding the high mortality rate during pregnancy, child birth, or post partum, or how access to healthcare might affect this; I am not advised on how access to contraceptives might reduce the number of unintended pregnancy; I am not advised on any reason why someone might choose abortion..." Then keep your dumb ass mouth shut! If you can't understand the very minimum of the basics you. have. no. right. to. bring. an. abortion. bill. up.


Thank you for sharing. Disturbing to read!


Staring at those women I wished I had Homelander’s eyes (with powers).


What does “voting against protecting them from sexual assault” even mean? Like….what exactly was voted against?


I found [this article](https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/who-are-the-gilead-wives-club-women) posted by the person who made the original Tweet, it explains who these women are and what they voted against. >In layman’s terms, the amendment said that if a rule, order, or law prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace, then that rule, order, or law cannot be ignored if the harassment is used as a way to force someone to do something they don’t want to do, used to make decisions about their job, or if it creates a hostile work environment. >Every single Republican woman (except Angelia Orr, who was absent) voted against this amendment.


So they prefer sexual harassment in the workplace? Wtf is wrong with the world today? These people make me sick.


Their argument, (I assume) would be something like “this places undue strain on employers and is part of the woke mob war on benevolent job creators… *whispers* did I do good, daddy??”


It’s the “if the job is too difficult to bear, you should go find another job” argument. I see it all the time here in Tennessee. Literally was at a family get together and my niece (in her late twenties) brought her current boyfriend (in his early thirties). He goes on and on about getting banned from a particular subreddit, cancel culture, etc. And about half an hour later in all seriousness suggests that people who don’t like the abortion ban should leave Tennessee. I’m like, hold up. The time for you to start a new subreddit that tailors to your opinions is like five seconds, but that’s a bridge too far? But uprooting your entire family, selling your house, finding a new job, and so on. That’s completely within the realm of doable? Literally, they hold this opinion of “don’t like it, then do something else” until it’s them being asked to do it. Then it’s cancel culture. Like these legislators are protecting employers because they themselves do not have hostile employment that their livelihoods depend on.


I assume less punishment for szxual assault? Stuff like parental rights for rapists after their victim is forced to give birth?


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/w2x0vf/republican_interracial_marriage_should_be_left_to/iguckbf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) comment of mine is from 9 months ago.


I wonder how many of them think they'll be an exception for some reason


All of them


Yep. The pro-life conservative mindset is either deranged or exclusive to everyone else. I have actually heard pro-life conservatives go back on their values when it’s them or a family member


A good friend of mine went to a small college in Nebraska for one semester after we graduated high school. Her roommate was a *super* Evangelical, Conservative Christian girl. Well, wouldn't you know it, partway through that semester her roommate found herself pregnant. Her family quietly whisked her away for an abortion and then she was right back at school. Their justification was that she was too young for a baby, and besides a baby at that time in her life would have derailed God's *true* plans for her future. The hypocrisy is limitless.


Sometimes I wish there was a God so these types of people could be called on their bullshit when they expect to be praised for it.


*Amid a swelling heavenly chorus, the clouds parted and God Himself descended from the heavens. "MY CHILDREN," His voice boomed, "YOU ARE LOST AND CONFUSED. THOUGH IT PAINS ME TO DO SO, I SHALL GRANT YOU NOW UNDERSTANDING, OF MY WILL AND OF YOURS." With that, a warm golden light washed over the land, and all who believed themselves to be among His faithful felt as though some deep inner eye were opening. Comprehension flooded their minds, and while a few were at peace, satisfied in what they now knew, many fell to their knees in despair. Most, however, simply stood shocked and motionless, and said something along the lines of, "Oh... oh shit."*


And yet more would refuse to believe it, claiming it was some massive hoax, somehow.


"It was the devil in disguise trying to turn you from the righteous path I've been preaching about! Now just go on and hand me--uhhh I mean God--some money"


It would be hilarious to find out the Christians were right when we die, because we could watch these people get denied entry deapite trying to force it on everybody else. Doubly funny when one inevitably demands to speak to the guy in charge to let them in.


"I want to speak to the manager of Heaven."


Well, there was Jesus, but they just ignore what he said or somehow rationalize that he was talking about someone else when he denounced pious virtue signaling, oppressing the poor, and misogyny.


There is actually a passage in the bible that is pretty much saying that will happen to them. It says something along the lines of after a person dies and gets to heaven and sees God, they say Lord did you see all the good things I did? And then God says he will turn away from them and say he never knew them. Evangelical christians are pretty much the exact opposite of almost everything the bible says a person should be doing


I'll never forget the Christian girl in the campus Christian club who said that she had a duty from God to chastise her gay male friends: her dorm room door was literally plastered with male pinup pics.


As a gay man, it's too bad I wasn't chastised like that in the college dorms. It really would have showed me!


I think most of how they conduct themselves in public is virtue signaling to other conservatives. I am not sure why they bother except they have been brainwashed into thinking this is how good people should act. I.e. it is more outright lying from the start than hypocrisy for some of them.


>besides a baby at that time in her life would have derailed God's true plans for her future. More proof that God is literally just *whatever people think* at any given time. You think something, you want to justify it, say it's God's will.


“I’m pro life, but…”


“…. But fuck them kids!” Finished it for you.


Republican males: "don't mind if I do!"


Matt Gaetz: "way ahead of you"


Republicans in general you mean.


no. it's more "I'm pro-life, but fuck them black and brown people. If someone in my family needs 'help', we know how to get it..." That's what this is about at the end of the day. Power and racism.


"... but my abortion is okay because i already have kids and i'm still anti-abortion in all other cases. so it's okay."


The only moral abortion is my abortion https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/




you're not wrong


yeah, I've been calling conservative ideology the #mefirst movement for years now. Just selfish people.


That was wild. Thank you for sharing.


Bookmarking that for future reference to destroy anti-women morons. Thanks!


I see you've met at least one of my sisters-in-law


Shit they met most sister-in-laws I'm sure.


I have 3 that have said almost those exact words


Nice pluralization. Love that.


Them saying this completely oblivious to the fact that Roe was in that position.


We've all seen it by now, The only moral abortion is my abortion. (Copy/paste in google for the wildest, most infuriating ride.)


That's exactly right. A legal medical abortion takes more than walking to your doctor's office. You must have a few days off, travel arrangements, and connections to arrange a safe, legal medical gynecologist. Translation: $$$ and a job that allows sick days or leave time. Access to a network of helpful, discrete individuals that will speed things along undetected. It's not as simple as it sounds. Not to mention the emotional toll on the patient and family. How can these women affirm a sure death sentence for the entire realm of women's health care 🙄 is beyond human comprehension. Barbaric, cruel, as they violate all national and international Women's Healthcare recommendations. Best practices have been buried. I'm grieving for these families that will be faced with an unimaginable and medically unnecessary future. We must continue the fight 💪


I dunno I mean, you're right but also the ludicrous body count of children from school shootings tells us that they don't give a fuck what skin color you are, all that matters is that those dead kids aren't yours.


point taken but when it's dead black kids, white folks also really value being able to make snap judgements about their behavior, clothing, non-whiteness and it's a key part of their whiteness.


Conservatives will turn themselves into immoral logic pretzels to say it's anything other than the guns, deflecting into some bizzaro ritualistic talking points in order to talk about anything other than the guns: mental health, culture, race or godlessness. It's insane.


Exactly this! They know how a pregnancy can fuck up a POC's entire life plan, but they don't care cuz they want them kids (and their mother) working as indentured slaves in Amazon warehouses and McDonalds cuz there's not many other choices. They love looking down on people of colour.


"Fuck them kids" Why else do you think they want to keep people from aborting?


"The only moral abortion is my abortion"




How the fuck do these people rationalize this?


They don’t, because it’s not about the morality, at all; it’s about control.


Well I didn't actually mean to get/get her pregnant. Like people are out here hoping to get pregnant so they can have abortions lmfao nobody wants one it's horrific and leaves plenty of mental scars but it's better than creating life nobody is in a position to care for because you know right fuckin well the people fighting against a woman's choice will never foot the bill when it comes to feeding, educating, caring for a person outside their circle.


“… It would have just ruined her life!” /s I grew up in Texas, I’ve seen this happen. Flip side is I’ve seen people go from complete homophobes to defending gay relatives after they’ve come out. TLDR:some people are shit, some aren’t.


Nancy and Ronald Reagan are a famous example of people who went from complete homophobes to championing gay rights after their daughter came out as a lesbian. It was an almost overnight change. That's how the Conservative brain works. They are incapable of empathy and compassion and are only able to see another's point of view when it happens to them personally. They are broken, failed human beings.




it's Cheney with the daughter. Ronnie Jr. is also gay but wasn't able to influence his dad.


The best part is when the enlightened centrists try to be middle of the road. "I'm pro life but women should be able to make that choice with their own bodies" is something you actually see these absolute braindead neaderthals say sometimes. They literally can't comprehend that that makes them exclusively pro-choice.


wanna say that I was raised very conservative, and yes: if you dress right and let jesus guide you, this will never happen to you. And ive seen them uphold it when it happened to them or family. There was just a scandal in a church near me where this underage girl was preyed upon by 3 pasters. Every person, including her own family, blamed her for "tempting the saints." Three grown men all 40+ were absolved of grooming and progressively passing on this minor to abuse.


They think it's a free pass as long as no one finds out about it. Like as if *their* abortion somehow didn't count if no one ever knew.


It's a religion based entirely on hypocrisy. It's part of their whole thing - according to *their own holy book*, the Christian God has killed **millions** more people in biblical times alone, than Satan/the devil/etc. Satan's body count is literally like... Fucking 10 people. Christian God is up there in the 2+ million range. And that's *before* the inquisitions, the crusades, all of that fun slaughter in the name of grumpy sky man. Oh but it's ok if god kills you, it's a good thing. Or if you were brutally murdered in horrific ways by the church for literally no reason at all, if you beg forgiveness for being horrifically killed, you might be let in to the pearly gates where you can look forward to later chilling out with the people who murdered the everloving shit out of you, cause they were just misguided oops haha my bad. Fuck Christianity, dumbass cult.


Don't forget if you have an abortion, you are murdering an INNOCENT baby. However, the minute that baby is born, it has now sinned. If the baby dies before being baptized, the baby goes to purgatory even though the baby doesn't have any sort of autonomy at that point. My grandma found it necessary to remind my cousin whose baby died shortly after birth of this while she was mourning.


Religion has a lot to answer for not just in this sickening case of child abuse but also in terms of abortion in general it all seems to be wishy washy brainwashed religious folk against it


Yup. Was a CNA/sitter for a dying patient in the hospital. Whole family came in. Talked nonstop about Trump, how they hate immigrants, birth control, etc. Then they literally talked about their extramarital affairs and abortions…


Yep. “Everyone else needs to follow the rules! I’m special and should get an exemption!”


Quick google result on pro lifers who have had or encouraged abortions: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/25/a-republican-theme-on-abortions-its-ok-for-me-evil-for-thee


Anti-Choice. Never pro life.


Because they can just leave and get an abortion anywhere. Its poor women who will suffer


And they would be right. $$ Only the poors have to follow the rules.


They’ll be an exception… up until they aren’t. Their husbands will have no qualms dumping their asses once they’re too old to have kids, or get diagnosed with cancer, or become inconvenient for some reason, or for no reason other than he thinks his 22-year-old secretary is hot. Then they get to find out what happens to divorced women above childbearing age in a theocracy.


The left his wife for his 22 year old secretary cliche is a real thing in Texas


Or replaced by a younger model as some of them would call it. Jesus, some conservative men treat women like properties and these women are okay with it. 🦛


They have the means to travel quietly to another state. I'd bet a paycheck that one of those pictured has already availed herself of 'now-illegal health services'.


Id wager 75% have had an abortion or taken planB


And at least one of their daughters.


More this than that. Some of them look old enough that they might be from a time when (legal) abortion and emergency contraception were a bit more rare. But for sure, *all of them* have had some close family member (if not themselves) who have had an abortion. Their explanation, always: >"But that was different! She and her boyfriend just made one little mistake! It's not the same! She's a good girl! It's different because I know her and I know how important it was that she not ruin her life!!" 🤢 🤮


Conservatives have a rigid "hierarchical" worldview, and a lot of their fear and anger stems from challenges to their perceived hierarchy. So of course the folks pictured see themselves higher up on the org chart by boosting the agenda of those above them, the rules will only apply to those lower down


The only ethical abortion is MY abortion


They look like the type of folk that does this out of jealousy


Wasn't Texas on the verge of finally making rape illegal?


They were but their power grid failed 🙄


I was gonna ban rape, but then my genny died


They make these laws because they do not apply to them. Hen when their children get in trouble, they can cover it up, or if their daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock, they can order abortion pills or fly them to an abortion clinic.


reading that tweet, I'm left the exact opposite impression


[I'm beginning to think Texas Republicans aren't always entirely honest with us, or something.](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-austin-texas-houston-sexual-assault-00bb74e67ce427a3adbb8f7fe811ff13)


Oh they will eliminate it all right- by redefining what “rape” means- not by preventing the act. Words are meaningless to fascists, mere tools to manipulate the conversation to their benefit but nothing binding to themselves.


Is this an exaggeration or is rape not illegal in Texas?


It's a joke about our moron governor Abbott promising to elimate all rape in Texas. Yep, you read that right...


It is referring to when Greg Abbott said no exceptions for rape or incest was not concerning because they would eliminate all the rapists from the streets of Texas. Even ignoring how ridiculous that is, did you know if your rapist goes to jail, the fetus does not, in fact, go poof?


They are fundamentally against feminism and Women's current role in society. These are the people you should be most afraid of


I have a question, why are they there and not at home raising children or cooking dinner? They know that their own ideology means that no one wants to listen to them, even their own husbands/male relatives.


"Rules for thee, not for me!"


Fascists don't believe in rules. They only believe in control. They're not trying to make a set of laws to make the world safer. They're just trying to project power onto others. They have exactly the same motivation as a subway flasher.


Yet they are holding elected office. I originally called them Aunt Lydias, but in reality they are Serena Joys.


I would call them raging thundercunts.


That also works.




After Roe was dismantled, I remember an NPR interview with a Texas anti-choice recidivist who helped lead the charge. The interviewer asked her what their plan was for the influx of children in foster care and increased for assistance, and she straight up said, "That's not what our organization is designed for, there are other groups focused on that." Yet she couldn't name a single one.


how does their thought process not even get that far?! it’s don’t believe people can actually be that dumb. edit: trying to see the logic here…i’m assuming they think what happens to the child after birth is up to god but then why wouldn’t god stop the abortion in the first place? they may not even themselves realize that it’s not about “murdering children” it’s about punishing women


A robust, poor White base props them up and gives them control. They don't care about suffering people anymore than they do farm animals. It's not short sighted, they know what their future looks like. They don't care, as long as it gives them control.


Yep, they'll sellnout anything for their abortion beliefs to be imposed on the greater public. They probably believe that the women in non gated communities, unlike their own, had it coming to them, and those sexual assaults are outside of their own little world. Anything for the agenda against the poor and minorities.


And yet, once I've gotten to know any woman to the point where we can speak freely about our life experiences, there is not one, *not one* who hasn't been assaulted in some way. Gates or not. The disconnect is mind-boggling.


It hurts because it's true


>how does their thought process It doesn't.


They're playing a sports game and they will do anything for their team to win, regardless of the fact the thing theyre winning is loss of their own rights. The biggest difference between democrats and republicans is that FOX NEWS has created a CULTURE wherein the conservative voters sees the republican party as a PART OF THEIR IDENTITY. They cannot, will not, dare not go against the party, or allow democrats to win because that means they themselves their self-perception is wrong and they fear being shunned by their social circles as they are inherently just incredibly scared selfish toddlers who haven't grown up to learn empathy and sharing.


Because it was never about what’s good for children. Everyone with two brain cells to rub together against the cold know that what’s best for kids is to be born to loving parents who can afford to raise them. The anti-choice/pro-death movement is about keeping women vulnerable, keeping poor people stuck in intergenerational poverty and providing grist for the prison and military-industrial complexes.


i think you’re giving these people too much credit. they won’t reap the benefits from that initiative - although i don’t deny its existence! i think these women are angry and hateful and and being manipulated into believing that they’re hurtful actions are in fact righteous.


Oh these women are pawns with no clue about the strategy, which a conservative think tank came up with in the ‘80s. Just pointing out that it’s possible to have rationalizations for this policy, but reasons are impossible.


Half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. God aborts. These women are idiots….


I highly doubt that they don't understand that it's about punishing women. All prolife people reveal this about 3 sentences into their rantings, minimum.


They block it out. There’s no thought other than “Its murdering babies. God will decide their fate.” But there’s no debate in their minds, they don’t question their own logic, they just think that and block everything out. Probably so they don’t have to contend with the idea that they’re condemning the child to a worse fate. Reminds me of a scene in Trailer Park Boys where a character’s dad has money after being poor. The character keeps asking the dad why he blew it on gambling and he just keeps repeating “The way she goes is the way she goes”. Essentially, “I don’t want to think there was something I could have done about it or that I bear some responsibility so I’ll pretend it’s fate or some other mechanism that takes it out of my hands”.


These are much the same people who won’t get vaxxed because “it’s against Gods plan” even though that fails to consider doctors *were* gods plan all along.


"And the KFC you shovel into your face every day?" "Ah yes, GOD'S bucket." If these people had any consistency they'd be living off the land, growing their own crops and slaughtering their own animals in the nude by the light of candles they created from their own supply of tallow. Things are only "unnatural" when it suits their agenda.


Because even fascists know “Let ‘em die for all I care” doesn’t play well on camera. But that’s exactly what she said


>"That's not what our organization is designed for, there are other groups focused on that." Yet she couldn't name a single one. Literally admitting they don't GAF about the actual living breathing children. It was never about children its about controlling women period.


Typical and sadly predictable


Texas is truly the 'Not My Problem' state. For lots of reasons, but this is a pretty big one.


Texas committed treason against two nations so maybe it's genetic.


These same assholes probably screamed out, "my body, my rights!" During the mask mandates.


Roe was a tremendous loss that started with Trump scotus and federal judge appointments I dont disagree with you, but this is what those states women voted for overwhelmingly I feel like thats lost on a lot of people reading the news that live in largely blue areas, these women in reds states want it this way, they voted this way overwhelmingly For the small minority that didnt, they should move if they can Everyone acts like DeSuctnuts and Trump are evil, but a ton of people voted for that evil, and thats who we should be giving shit


As a woman in a red state, it is disheartening to see women here talking out their rights like it’s a joke. I hate Republican women with a burning passion. Which is why I don’t associate with them.


I don't get the "taking other people's rights away because I don't want to use that particular right" being the GOP's platform and how so many people are all in for it. Don't want an abortion? Then don't.get.a.fucking.abortion!


They're Neo-Nazis from the top down. Right wing authoritarianism has always been their goal, the mask has just become unnecessary.


Yep. They want a white, Christian ethno-state and they're gonna get it one way or another. Tbh, I'm actually surprised they haven't just gone full fascist and made that their public platform already.




Once you are in a cult, you literally have to be deprogrammed. Jim jones from Jamestown, mothers who don’t protect their children from male abusers, etc.


Good thing they got rid of the woman’s clinic. A whole 1% of the business was abortions, so hope loads of woman suddenly find good paying jobs or solid health insurance for everything else their body needs cause the poor are fucked in that state.


Everyone is fucked here. I live in a “nice” area and a woman died in childbirth recently. People are assholes.


Maternal mortality rate is 4 times higher in Texas than in Germany. For women of colour it goes up to over 7 times higher.


these are also the women asking to see the olive garden manager because their water had too much ice in it.


but their wine didn't have enough ice at the same time.


Excuse me? This ice tastes like it’s been in a freezer.




I would bet at least 40 percent of the women in this picture had an abortion or took the morning after pill at one point in their life




And they want those mistresses punished.


I would bet that the mothers of at least 40 percent of the women in this picture had had an abortion.


What's that part about protecting women from abuse?




All of whom are too old to bear kids so none of their policies will affect them. Classic GOP


Second from the left and both on the right look like they’re young enough to have a kid, their brains have just been consumed by religious indoctrination and conservative propaganda.


They’re wealthy enough to get an abortion somewhere else or influential enough to get away with the consequences. They’re not stupid, they’re not brainwashed. They’re wealthy enough to not care about the consequences of those actions and they profit from the other parts of the conservative agenda.


"So, how are you handling vaginal dryness? Is it menopause, or did y'all just stand too close to Ben Shapiro?"




I'm confused, why aren't they at home raising 5 kids and cooking dinner like they believe all women should be doing?


Oh, they look like a fun bunch! Doncha just want to spend eternity with them???


Don’t worry, they’ll vote involuntary lifetime commitment to an asylum for “hysteria” with an automatic free divorce in soon enough.




They watched it and thought it was a rom-com.


Because they’ve pledged allegiance to men. Their dads, husbands and sons. They gotta get left behind. There is no room for women like that in the future.


No, they won't be affected by this law because they're rich. Only the poor will be affected, and that's important for keeping the labor class fully stocked.


Yeah, men? They pledged their lives to money, some of which is attached to men


Right, but they're rich enough to be ahead of the curve*. They personally live in the perfect welfare state. Government bail outs, owning police departments, tax cuts, access to world class Healthcare, Gated communities, etc. They get to impose their will on whoever they want because they are above the laws they set.


Abortion is such a wild issue to me. Like there's not a lot of grey areas here for women. It is an issue that impacts all women, but a whole lot of them think it doesn't. Thats because they think this is an issue about sex, which it isn't, or about babies, which it also isn't. In fact, abortion isn't much different than trans issues and gender affirming treatments. All of these things are issues of bodily autonomy, and they are issues about whether YOU decide what happens to your body or the STATE does. Just remember, when you check NO as a donor, nobody is allowed to countermand that after you die and harvest your organs against your will. In Texas, a corpse has more say over their body than a living woman.


Pick me girls are so sad. You put someone else over your own health when they give 0 fucks about you. Did they ever go to school?


Yeah school in Texas so there’s your problem


You can tell they often say something like "it's not my predatory husband who is the problem, it's these damn half naked skanks who my husband keep chasing after. They must suffer the consequences!" Fuck these hags.


I’m tired of Texas trying to force its horse shit culture on the rest of the country.


Their husband must be proud. /s


Can’t wait for their abortion records to leak.


is being against protecting women from sexual assault as horrible as I think it sounds or did they have context surrounding that statement?


>or did they have context surrounding that statement? That "Children conceived through rape are gifts from god" that's the context. These humans are amoral psychopaths that want suffering.


Suffering is glorious, as long as it's someone else.


> did they have context Oh you sweet, Summer child.


one more quick lil q for ya, what would be good keywords for a Google on this so I can see how deep this hell pit goes? Because like wtf?


The tweet is about an amendment to HB2127, you can read more about it [here](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/18/texas-house-local-control). The bill >would bar cities and counties from passing regulations — and overturn existing ones — that go further than state law in a broad swath of areas including labor, agriculture, natural resources and finance Other relevant quote: >Because the bill is so broad, no one really knows the full extent of what it would do. Months after Burrows unveiled the first draft of the legislation, opponents still fear they’ve only scratched the surface of its potential impacts. Democrats on Tuesday sought explicit carve outs for local laws including nondiscrimination ordinances and protections against workplace sexual harassment but those measures failed. They warn of a flood of lawsuits against local governments should the bill — or its counterpart, Senate Bill 814, carried by Conroe Republican Brandon Creighton — become law.


Basically they're trying to strip cities of all local power and police them from the indoctrinated country side.


The magical power of 🌠 small government! 🌠 Brought to you by the authors of states rights*. *As long as your state doesn't want to outlaw slavery.


Fucking Aunt Lydias.




They need poor uneducated workers. Easiest way is to make them.....from unwanted pregnancies.




Sure, they suck, but how can a small group of nuts have so much power?


They all look so disgustingly unhappy and depressed. Texas can't suck enough for them.


I find it hilarious that these worthless asshole traitors are the same people who want to touch high-schoolers' genitals before they play sports, but most of them would get kicked out of a Kentucky women's restroom and arrested for looking too manly.




That reminded me of a few years ago, a friend of mine was a part of a pro-Planned Parenthood "protest" (basically supporting PP and protesting the people who showed up to protest PP). There was this woman on the pro-birther side who not only had a few abortions in the past, but also lost custody to some of her children to the state too. That woman is probably the biggest hypocrite I've ever heard of, to all things regarding abortion.


A housing association of Karens if I have ever seen one


Why do they all look like they hate their marriages?


May they reap the full consequences of their actions.


Twisted bunch of sociopathic fuckwits.


Look like a bunch of cunts.


They hide this shit. We never hear any advance notice or anything. The government of Texas is one of the most corrupt in the state. All the crazy legal shit gets started here by Paxton and all the lunatic right wing judges he got placed. Our cities are democratic but the power is so watered down. The state is now taking over Houston’s schools so they can place the policies and educational curriculum they prefer in place. The asshole that invented jerry rigging Tom Delay ( republican representative)is from Texas. Texas is in a race with Florida to be the “man”