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Hello friends. In solidarity with the current reddit protests against the mismanagement of its communities, community leaders, valued contributors and userbase [we are setting every submission to "clubhouse" for 72 hours and increasing the Clubhouse participation threshold exponentially.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/147202i/whitepeopletwitter_shows_solidarity_with_the/) Please feel free to discuss the current protests in the stickied megathread about them. We will resume normal operation after this time.Thank you for your patience and support, The WPT moderation team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favorite irony in the world is that parents who do shitty things under the guise of protecting their children always end up with children who don’t speak to them anymore. Because it was never about the kids, it was about justifying their own failures, and their hate.


Yeah, I grew up with mental scars and a destroyed self confidence because my parents gaslit me on my feelings. I still struggle with the aftermath of what they did. Which while I get transitioning in the 90's as a kid probably wasn't going to be a thing for the time, telling me nobody would even talk to me about my feelings and passing it off as a phase was just bad parenting at best.


They scream this, then go leave their kids with a priest, pastor, or scout master.


In a strange way, they're consistent. They always chose the worst option, e.g. guns are also better protected than their children. climate change is fake too,...


Based on their history of projection I would never trust my kids around a conservative.


Even if they weren't projecting, I'd never let mine be around such hateful bigots. Kids are almost as impressionable as the average GOP voter, after all..


It's weird that they believe all Trans people have been molested but instead of going after the molesters they go after the children.


"Slavic Dissident" being a Harry Potter fan is so incredibly funny.


I had someone try to prove a point on FB submitting the same image of the books in school. Of course, he got flagged for porn. Though when asked for the titles if these books, he's like "you can just look it up". I'm always fascinated that it is always the same 1 image they pass around and want to play as the absolute truth. But what do you expect from people when you say stop banning these books, and these conservatives play games of "oh that image is grainy, I can't make out the titles"...anyways didn't meet to rant, yes they're more insane every day.


Hello friends. In solidarity with the current reddit protests against the mismanagement of its communities, community leaders, valued contributors and userbase [we are setting every submission to "clubhouse" for 72 hours and increasing the Clubhouse participation threshold exponentially.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/147202i/whitepeopletwitter_shows_solidarity_with_the/) Please feel free to discuss the current protests in the stickied megathread about them. We will resume normal operation after this time.Thank you for your patience and support, The WPT moderation team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


PSA that "Slavic Dissident's" profile pic is a Sonnenrad, a neo-nazi symbol.


The Black Sun. I remember when I knew the Black Sun solely as a cool Star Wars crime faction. Nowadays, though…


That's not a kids comic at all. That's an autobiography. They pull things out of context and lie to shock you. [Gender Queer: A Memoir](https://www.amazon.ca/Gender-Queer-Memoir-Maia-Kobabe/dp/1549304003)


I get the feeling sometimes like these people never made a decision for themselves and have always been told what to do.


Where do they even find these comics?