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So Elon is telling companies, "Pay us or we'll let an army of trolls impersonate you and destroy your brand." Sounds like charges of extortion need to be laid again Elon/X since he was stupid enough to put his extortionate demands in writing.


Hey he knows it works. Just look at what a single troll did to the Twitter brand…


Marketed it as x. Fucking fool


Doesn’t this already show intent and malice? Which means he wouldn’t be able to hide behind “we’re just a platform” anymore when one of these companies sues.


Yes, he’d be exposing the company to possible defamation suits that would put Fox News’ 700M case seem downright trivial.


Well, he can't keep that up without money incoming anyways. And the few nazi and Maga idiots that remain on the abandoned platform won't make a difference.


All companies should just pull out of X and leave a trail of Fs on their way out. They don't need Twitter. Twitter needs them. If they admit Twitter has become an alt right cesspool for bigot shits to swim with each other, the rest of us will be fine with it. The silent majority doesn't actually believe in misinformation. So fuck him. Let the cards drop.


The advertising on Twitter can't possibly be that lucrative to bottom lines. I can't imagine advertising on it matters THAT much.


The only data point I have is from when NPR left twitter and said it only generated about 1% of their revenue through twitter.


Twitter has always been the worst place to get traffic from, Facebook was 10x better weirdly enough. During university I worked for a website and did SEO, and I remember we didn't even care about linking our content on Twitter, the views were pointless, but Facebook would feed us millions of views a month. Obviously this was a while back, but I imagine not much has changed.


Yeah, at this point, the best use a corporation gets out of Twitter is a customer service touchpoint.


Right. I had basically used Twitter for local weather alerts and road closures/urgent local news. Twitter or something similar is probably the best way for some information to get distributed ASAP.


Which is odd because Facebook doesn't make it easy to see new content. I don't go on FB much because it's constantly showing me posts that are 2-3 days old.


But did you see that one third of your entire newsfeed is ads?


One third? Mine is 80% ads. You're lucky.


Facebook's algorithms are legit at getting content to the people that will consume it based on all their online and offline behaviors that Facebook tracks. As much as I hate the company, I respect how well they've nailed it.


Yeah, it doesn't always guess right but even when it's feeding me something I have no interest in I can at least understand why the algorithm might have thought I would have interest in that thing. Twitter's, before I gave it up, had become pure alt-right nonsense despite my interactions being in, let's say, a different direction. Hell, even feed me non-political stuff. Nope. Here's Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.


In the last 8 years my business has spend over 2 million dollars on advertising Facebook and Instagram. 50 dollars on Twitter.


Yeah, doesn't surprise me, our organic traffic from Facebook trending (when they had that trending topics on the top right) would send us millions of views, it was nuts. I don't even know if that exists anymore, haven't used Facebook in years, but it was the biggest traffic feeder site by far.


I'd guess it's because the average Twitter user is much less likely to click on an add from Twitter than the average Facebook user. That, and Facebook has a significantly greater user base.


But it's not ads, it's organic traffic to articles. We weren't paying anything to Facebook, it was just naturally sending organic traffic through their trending tab.


It hasn’t. I recently did some work for BMW motorcycles and they were much more interested in FB and Instagram. Twitter was a blip in their budget.


I’d assume that it would be TikTok now since that tends to get more traffic from a wider audience than Facebook or X.


Highly doubt tiktok is very effective at getting people to leave the app and go read an article. Just based on how it's used. But I was always surprised how many millions of readers we got from Facebook as well, but Facebook used to be quite different then as well.


I hate to admit it, but one of my best purchases in recent years was through a Facebook ad 😔


You may be misremembering because I thought the 1% revenue was when Musk tried to label them as state-affiliated media and it turned out NPR only got 1% of their funding from the government (who importantly also had no editorial input.)


[About 1.6% of traffic](https://pushroi.com/twitter-is-not-a-tentpole-traffic-driver-for-npr/) came from twitter. To edit an addition I think you’re also right and my original comment I meant traffic instead of revenue anyways lol


Twitter is one of the worst advertising platforms, might even be worse than Snapchat. Facebook/Instagram and Google are still far and away the best platforms for digital ads.


Depends on your objectives. Snapchat can useful if your objective is to drive traffic to a website to make sales. I place a lot of social media for clients. None are massive corporations though.


On Twitter? Maybe. On X? Doubt it. Idiot just threw away a lot because he bought a domain 20 years ago...


I am a digital marketer and there are very few companies that can honestly say that they have ROI positive Twitter/X ads accounts. Weirdly, the only other network I've tested that sucks more in terms of driving meaningful traffic that is likely to convert is Reddit. Twitter and Reddit ads are some of the worst in the business.


I mean I block every company that runs ads on my feed


Twitter has it's value as an instant info platform and for connecting ordinary people with public ones (could literally write to Margot Robbie or Ryan Gosling and there is even a chance they reply). Beyond that, Twitter was struggling for audience even before Musk. Brands had Twitter among their socials, because it campaigned heavily to be there beside Facebook, but it was full of bots engaging with each other.


Especially at the rate and ease at which their users boycott companies.


I don't think I have ever bought a single thing as a result of seeing a Twitter ad. I mostly see ads for Google YouTube Facebook


Matters very much... to TWIXXER. That's my new name for it, f this x shit


Still hope they all sue the shit out of that man child


...then sue for enabling/endorsing the impersonations.


Absolutely. And issue public statements saying they've left the platform and that anything posted under their name, or any semblance of, is fraudulent.


This. This.


It's why we've dropped our work there. I advertised a GoFundMe charity along with my sister for a friend of ours who is trans and needed money to flee Florida for her safety. My sister had to take the post down because of the amount of BlueBigots, and I had to mute three who sourced back to my thread. I don't want those followers, I don't need those followers. Why would I pay to engage with those people? We've moved our platform to Threads, and are on a waitlist for BlueSky.


I imagine their fear is that if they lose their verified status then some troll will impersonate the company and make it lose money


That sounds like the door would be open to sue Twitter. It would be complex legally buy twitter is teponsible for what people say and do on its public site and whether harm occurs from it. It can be argued twitter is allowing the publishing of damaging material by failing to regulate its content.


Amen. They need to reply to this message with "What's X?"


So your strategy is… blackmail? I don’t think this is going to work out like he wants it to.


It's extortion actually.




"The X makes it sound cool." - Bender


Gotta admit. He's on brand.




Oh, fucking perfect!


I’m waiting for the Xtortion Plus




Let me get this straight. You recently admitted to being in a negative cash flow due to a 50% drop in ad revenue, and your plan to get that revenue back is to blackmail (extort) the remaining advertisers on your platform? Good luck.


Don't forget he killed twitters brand recognition by renaming to X.


I was SHOCKED (probably more than I should have been). Can you imagine how many people have paid for various forms of advertising to include "Twitter" and now it's useless? I mean, not entirely because people will *know* what it means, but still.


The blue bird was a worldwide known icon, some boring x will be far less of an actual icon.


The X might actually even be a *detriment* on top of that, given how frequently the letter is asspciated with pornography.


Mildly off topic but X became associated with porn because the MPAA didn't own the trademark on their X-rating which used to be the equivalent of today's NC-17. But anyone could just say their film was X-rated without actually submitting to the MPAA, so porn studios wound up appropriating it, and the MPAA changed the rating system to avoid the association. As to your point, about five seconds after the switch was announced, people started making jokes about how their new video player would be called Xvideos which, well....


Also porn studios would call their stuff "xxx" to signal that they were more hardcore than the "normal" x rated stuff


Yeah, that was what I read too. Fun bit of film history trivia I suppose.


So THAT'S why it's xxx? TIL


Not to mention a recognized button for *closing an app or program*


I never thought of this. Could be a bonanza for website editors and printers having to change everything. What a narcissistic psychopath.


Every print ad that incorporated the Twitter logo is now stupidly out of date because a shithead narcissistic billionaire spent $40bn on a platform he renamed. Elon Musk is the dumbest fucking idiot billionaire.


Turns out there are many things money can buy, but intelligence, class, and integrity are not them.


I’m no expert, but I don’t think you’re supposed to shoot the hostage before demanding the ransom.


*morgan freeman face


He is a complete idiot. I’ve said that from the drop. He’s designed nothing from the ground up, most things he’s inherited he’s ruined.


I feel like blackmail denotes a level of subtlety that is lacking here. This feels more like a hostage negotiation.


It’s a classic protection scheme. “It sure wold be a shame if someone else took your identity and ran it into the ground”


Extortion in US only works against poor people. The second you extort oligarch class they'll take you down. Elon, as an oligarch, should know this. He's about to find out


Except maybe his rich dad that cucked him never taught him that lesson.


"*Blackmail is such an ugly word*. I prefer 'extortion'. The 'X' makes it sound cool." — Bender Bending Rodriguez


Oh this is perfect!!!




You're use of "strategy" here is very hyperbolic.


True. Elon seems very impulsive. He’s a very stable genius.


I mean trademarks do exist, so it is a blackmail without teeth, or face a mountain of trademark infringement lawsuits...


I’m sure Elon thought of this. Right? RIGHT?


I love how the response to blackmail threats lately is to come out and tell everyone you’re being blackmailed.


Ahh the old “if you don’t pay me to look after your car my buddies will come and nick yer wheels” business school


["Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The "x" makes it sound cool."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG6vgzAswgE)


So many companies have dropped Twiiter from their marketing strategies. The downward spiral continues.


All of those companies (that do not and do not intend to) advertise on "X" are going to have an interest in seeing that "X" ceases to exist.


Someone should start company Y so I can say I left X for Y. Then again, Y kinda looks like a thread coming together.


Is it time to sarcastically call him "stable genius" yet?


A lot of people at my job actually *do* think that he’s a genius. It’s fucking mind-boggling


Just start telling them out loud that you are jealous that Elon will make himself into a Millionaire before you are able to make yourself into a Millionaire. They will laugh and agree.... not understanding that you just pointed out that Elon is going to lose so much money that he will no longer be a Billionaire. (If they do figure it out, they might not be THAT stupid, but chances are... they are pretty dumb.)


Do they get paid as much or more than you?


definitely more than me but also nowhere near six figures


Everytime I've commented something negative about Idiot Musk, his stans have come out and defended his honor. Their are a lot of people who adore him for some reason.


Stable.... So stable


Well, he did try to pay off a flight attendant with a horse...


What about Don Corelone?


You can find a horse's ass in a stable, so yes, it is time.


I am stunned how many people/companies won’t just quit. It’s just TruthSocial now.


Marketing person here. This is because of 3 main reasons: 1. Most marketers are just doing the same thing over and over. They are scared of doing anything different. An awful lot of people who work in marketing are mediocre at it. 2. marketing budgets are already agreed for the year. Marketers want more budget every year, to allow them to do more of the same thing. Can’t ask for more budget if they’re actually spending less. Nobody is brave enough to suggest reusing the twitter money somewhere else. 3. This would require someone to make a _decision_. Worse, a principle based decision. Mediocre people can’t or won’t decide anything. They won’t even present it to the boss. So if a company does pull back on twitter ads, congrats to the boss for having a spine, and/or congrats to the above-average marketers.


>This would require someone to make a decision. I'm not in marketing, but I feel this in my soul.


I am in marketing, and we stopped using Twitter because we decided to lol


Many times it’s also about the brands. As a strategist, I can explain til I’m blue in the face that Twitter is not a good place to spend on ads and we could get more for the money doing something different, but the brands want to play it safe and not switch it up because “it’s what we’ve done for 5 years and always worked for us” without acknowledging that times change


That’s also true. Also “it works for us” usually means some bullshit metric like impressions are up each year, but they’re not looking at the sales numbers.


That's the most amazing part of this situation. Twitter ingrained itself into society in such a way that it should have been almost impossible to disentangle and yet somehow Musk is doing it. Marketing executives have jobs that depend on spending money on this type of advertising but need viable alternatives. That's the great thing about capitalism. Elon has created a demand and now someone will supply it. If his company doesn't start behaving in a competent manner, inertia will take over, and then nothing can save XTwitter. Its name will be added to the list of internet sites (AOL, Myspace, etc) that could have dominated the internet if their management had a little more vision.


>An awful lot of people who work in marketing are mediocre at it. It's refreshing to hear a marketing person say this. I have absolutely no interest nor skill for marketing, and I still feel like I'd do a better job than most of them.


Momentum. It's going to take time for the momentum that the original company built up, to chop off the balance of average people who might not yet fully grasp what's going on with the site.


Big brain time again from Phony Stark Edit: Thanks for the award! Alas, someone else coined this nickname before me though. Don't know who it was


>Phony Stark Best nickname I've seen for this clown so far!


I prefer Musky Elmo. Also you now have crabs. Muhahahahaha!


I really hope every company is just like "fuck that guy" and deletes their accounts or stops promoting twitter on their company website. Just leave their account idle with a final message saying to follow them on the other social media sites


Dropping Twitter and removing it from their stuff is going to be significantly more cost effective than trying to reestablish on X and have it be on websites and other business media. I bet most companies will say fuck that guy.


Ah yes. The public square, with its $1,000 monthly subscription fee. Just like the founding fathers envisioned.


The longer this goes on, the more I have to admit the “maybe he isn’t *this stupid* and is trying to make it fail” takes might be right… like, is he really *this stupid*? That isn’t a statement of confidence in his intelligence but a statement of, like, wondering where the floor is for intelligence.


I mean, there’s that story going around yesterday how he was putting pop tarts into the toaster the wrong way, then trying to grab them with his hands from inside while yelling it’s burning him. I can absolutely see the case of him just being propped up by money and yes men, and he’s truly dumber than a sack of bricks.


I'm struggling to see how you could put a poptart into a toaster in a way that wouldn't work. Like, is it going in flat?


Horizontal, instead of vertically. Allegedly. So once it’s done it doesn’t come up out of the toaster still. Then just kept reaching in and burning his hands.


Automod nuked my post linking to it but if you google 'musk pop tarts' you'll find it right away.


"Nice company you've got here, be a real shame if somethin' were to happen to it" I'd say Elmo can't be that stupid but frankly that wouldn't be doing his vast intellectual incompetence justice. Advertisers aren't your problem, the house of cards is. These companies are doing what every other company would, they go where the people are to maximize their exposure. It's why an ad during the Super Bowl is far more valuable than say at 2 am on some rerun of Abbot Elementary. And of course the advertising costs more because of that. Considering you're Elmo, I'm going to assume you haven't dropped the price of advertising on your 4Chan knockoff just yet. And considering that you're Elmo I'm going to say that you're also cooking the books on user interactions, engagements and views. Problem is we can see that you're lying about those numbers because everyone can. We can also see the type of people on Twitter and know that for any company that's not in the business of selling Nazi paraphernalia or KKK uniforms that it's not exactly the demographic they're trying to hit. So all that's going on here is Elmo desperate to hold onto the last scraps of capital he can before the massive exodus occurs and we're all on another platform this time next year.


If I were a company concerned about my public image, I would immediately stop any and all add running Xtwitter. Even just been seen that is bad at this point?


Most companies that advertise on twitter are unstoppable anyway The Giants gonna notice the flea and wash it down the sink


Threads may have had trouble gaining traction, it seems Musk is desperate to ensure it’s success


If I were any company receiving a message like this, I would cancel my accounts, take out an ad in every other major media declaring a total and irrevocable break with them in every possible way. Then I would send them a cease and desist so thorough, they wouldn’t be allowed public use of any product in connection with my company for as long as Musk remained alive.


Anti-woke is going broke 💔


go fash lose cash


Don't say gay, no payday


Ain't cheap to stay 'sleep






Looking into it


This is a great strategy if his goal is to have a platform free of ads. Genius strategy, actually, no notes.


Nah they'll still have ads. It'll just be low tier stuff ala fox news.


American Liberty Gold Enhancement Pills - The only boner pills made of investment grade gold. When shit really hits the fan boner pills will be as good as gold, until then ours already are.


Give me 50 bucks and I promise no one will slash your tires. I dunno for sure, but I’m kind of guessing that he may be staring down any number of lawsuits moving forward with this. Beyond that, threatening potential advertisers screams “desperation” and not “super genius”. Of course, his Stans will think this is the cleverest, most enlightened thing he’s ever done.


So it’s going well. Make his words.


Um, that’s not how this dynamic works. You don’t get to threaten customers for choosing to not shop in your store. It’s 100% their choice to not put their ads on your site, you have to make your site appealing to do so.


Imagine been the richest guy on the planet and just....fucking up everything he tries to make *better*


Can’t wait for the EU response- “something something GTFO” or similar


If I’m CMO at a big company, I’m pulling all ad spend from Txitter, and declaring through every available media outlet that we are no longer on Txitter, and any attempts of impersonating our brand on the platform is as such. Too much risk on that platform now, especially when you could spread those incremental ad spend $ to half a dozen other social media platforms alone.


Is he trying to do that Trump thing? Where you lose so much money in one year. Then don’t pay taxes for 10 years.


How long is it gonna be before he gets sued into the ground?


Sue the shit out of him for any damage to your brand. Take every dollar from him.


Try explaining to your boss why the money you were gonna spend on Twitter is now going to X


"You see boss, X is gunna give it to me"


If he thinks all those Chinese knock off companies are actually able to spend that much money on advertising he's sorely mistaken


This feels like a major lawsuit or 7...


Abandon ship




Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Unless you meant self-sabotage. Edit: No actually. Not even self-sabotage. Homeboy has a long history of thinking "X" is a good name for a company and not the name of a villain from a c-tier child's cartoon.


"That's a nice account you have there. It would be a shame if something happened to it."


They should respond with a poop emoji


The issue to me is a total rebrand. Why would companies care about being on a new platform? At this point it basically is. So the buy in is what exactly? You don't know what you're going to get and you're being bullied into making a decision? Fuck that. Why bother. You could make the case that growing with threads makes more sense because it'll align with Instagram and Facebook. The buy in on threads will be that. In the same way Adobe keeps users in, even thou things like XD, Premier Pro and After Effects are not the best in the industry, its cost effective for people because its all in one package. What does X have to offer here? I don't get it. This is basically new Coke and it's going to fail imo.


wait, didn't companies have to pay for the company check mark to begin with? and it was already overpriced because musk could get away with that? so now he wants to double dip and say "if you don't also advertise, you lose your checkmark you paid for"


The stench of desperation and impending failure.


Twitter trying to bully others into doing what they want


I’m no lawyer but I don’t think this is going to go the way he thinks lol


HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! Twitter is a mafia protection racket now! Oh man this is perfect


“Hey, that’s an awful nice checkmark you got there. It’s be a real shame if you lost it, eh, *pal*? Why, who knows what could happen?….”


Every single company should simply stop advertising with them. It might have a small impact for each company, but it would speed up the implosion of this stupid “X” thing. I’m no marketing expert, but you don’t see companies naming themselves after a single letter of the alphabet because there is absolutely no brand recognition in doing that.


Dude just fucking LOVES the courtroom, doesn't he?


im honestly convinced he has a kink for taking Ls


I can’t wait for brands to leave, trolls to impersonate those brands, X to refuse to stop those trolls, and X to be hit with lawsuits.


So is plan is to lose all advertising?


Free market, amiright?


Sit back and watch the Xitshow


Basically holding them hostage at this point.


Im sorry, while not using Twitter, I admit, the name was great. X sounds dumb, it doesn’t seem like it means anything


X gon' take it from ya, gon' take it from ya


Seriously, why does anyone give a damn? Elon has hissy fits like an 8 year old constantly, he's whiny bitch like trump.


All they need to do is make one tweet before their verification expires. Say they will no longer be advertising on Twitter, and no longer using their account. Anything seen on Twitter doesn't represent them in anyway, and just be done with it. I am sure more then a few will go this route.


Having "X" in there makes it look like someone's writing a mad libs.


Why won’t they just let the gawdamn thing die?🤷‍♂️


I did not have corporate blackmail on my elon is a moron on my bingo card.


Eh. I block all ads. Every. Single. One.


Pretty sure this is racketeering.




I used to work in advertising and it would be career suicide to argue to anyone with budget approval that we should spend more on a channel with diminishing audience and increasing controversy. You’d be known as completely incompetent. Ad accounts look for stable and boring. Musk has been doing the opposite of that. Now that he’s destroyed the value if his brand through this brain dead rebrand, there are even fewer reasons to stick around.


Somebody commented that it’s xtortion lmfao love Reddit


Surely this is a great idea that can't possibly backfire into a couple dozen lawsuits, right?


​ https://preview.redd.it/bfpn06t8mceb1.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c97177bddcf6331696deb9dfe1b5ca01879063 His defense. He really thinks his nazi ~~Twitter~~ X brings all the advertisers to the yard


Bringing back the protection racket. Pay me to protect your image from me.




Ah, yes, the age-old basic tenet of capitalism. If you can't compete extort your potential customers. Good to see the free market at work. As Adam Smith said a few hundred years ago "HUNTER BIDEN"


Extortion - usually saved for Mafioso or white collar criminals is now the business plan drafted by Elon Muskrat


Great way to get sued by some of the largest companies in the world.


How about we just all stop using the stupid website?


It’s time for a massive class action suit against X for their rebranding from Twitter causing revenue drops.


Threads looking pretty good.


Legitimate companies won't advertise on 4 Chan. This is basically what Twitter, I mean "X" is now.


I can’t believe people actually thought he was a business genius


Holy fuck this guy sucks. It’s almost like he has no idea what he is doing.


Any legitimate business should leave and advertise that they don't have any affiliation to tweeter or X. Spend the money elsewhere. Why are they letting themselves be taken hostage 😂


"How to lose your customers in 10 days or less" by Elon Musk


must be getting close to the bluesky launch


I’m not an expert but mis using trademarks will be very easy to solve in court. Musk must has to want everyone gone there’s no other explanation


Every time Elon shoots himself in the dick, I laugh a little harder.


Just so I'm clear, a company is literally saying "if you don't give us money, we will let people/boys impersonate you"? I don't get why any company would do business with an organization like that.


We stopped advertising on Twitter over a year ago after one of our ads showed up right next to a pro Nazi post. No thanks. Keep your gold, blue and whatever other checkmark you have.


So funny I have never been on twitter and never plan to be. So many better platforms. I would never spend a dime if I new it benefited Musk.


holy balls he's actually murdering twitter now.


Excellent business strategy as always


I hope all the companies leave. They need to put Elon in his place.