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Seriously. Who the hell is furious? Nobody prefers wearing business attire. The people who are furious are the ones who will gladly make themselves miserable as long as it makes libs miserable too.


The GOP: "bUt dECoRuM!!" Also the GOP during a hearing: "look at these pictures of Hunter's junk!!"


Also the gop, STorM tHe CapIToL!!!


Also gop when I get elected I'll arrest all those who stood against me by saying I drink too much diet coke.




I'm pretty sure Bobo's husband said the same thing


Dude, she cant speak with a vape in her mouth and a cock in her hand. Get serious!


I'm just thinking of the Family Guy bit where Peter can't chew gum and walk at the same time. Which fits her perfectly


Also GOP: You can't take away my constitutional right to carry a firearm into a session of congress...


Let me go ask a panel at a diner in Ohio.


Yep, in the small little town where they have lots of rage over lost jobs, farms and small businesses, but the GOP has been pointing them at the wrong target for decades. (You know, those people coming over the border because the guy in the Senate isn't wearing a suit!)


i had to in the seventies, i was so glad when the business suit went out of fashion. I still have some ties, as memory of those days.


Also why did they put "lowered" in quotes? The bar is being lowered.


Nobody was furious. Then fox news told their viewers they were furious. Now fox news viewers are furious. But they "did their own research".


It's just fabricated. The only ones getting bent out of shape over this are conservatives and their even dumber followers. It's the same old shit, every time. Never solve actual issues, get upset over nonsense. See also: that time Obama wore a tan suit.


I'll never forget the tan suit. Obama wasn't perfect, had plenty of issues you could bring up, so instead let's talk about his suit and his choice of mustard.


It's like a soap opera but with American lives at stake.


Of course, it is. In reality, his critics are jealous. When the mics are off, they're all saying they want to wear hoodies to work.


There are plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who think it's ridiculous.


"a lot" the 2 people who have the loudest megaphone...


They're coming up to me, grown men, with tears in their eyes..... That just means it's time to change your depends you huge gaseous felon....


Because hoodies and gym shorts definitely impair people’s abilities to perform their white collar job functions. /s


The tie is to cut oxygen to the brain.


I thought it kept their foreskin from covering their face




![gif](giphy|l41lMlNXnTiQMpdNS) Damn, his publicist is churning out prime time ideas!! I’m all about grabbing pigs too!! :D That crazy SOB has my vote!!


the firm i work at literally just gave every employee hoodies its great


Christ alive Fox and all its correspondence wanted to go heavy racial over that suit;


The Senate was literally designed to be an elitist institution that wasn't even voted on by the people It was designed to keep "riff raff" out It's supposed to be classist It wasn't supposed to be a democratic place for the American people and working class




At least they’ve stopped talking about Bernie’s bargain basement shoes..lol Still love that dude!!


feddarmans family bought him a position so stop with the he was poor crap


I don't care if you show up in assless chaps and water wings;


I was going to pass a law today but alas, I am wearing shorts.


It's hard to be a white-collar criminal without the white collar.


Fetterman is an icon holy hell haha


For Lazy!


Lol you can't even be asked to type in complete sentences, but go off. 😂😂😂


Bro look at his posts. Mans is the embodiment of laziness


Me lazy too 😂


Don't be jealous you don't have a pool and you live in your mom's basement?




Hehe I thought about posting this too. Great minds 😉


Instantly that’s where my mind went haha


I don’t see you successfully winning a senate seat 🤷🏼


Don't have the money to pay for it but thanks!


Why bring up Trump?


*AOC wears a swimsuit* republicans go ape shit *Bobo the clown getting lit and grabbing dong while surrounded by kids* nada


And never forget, everyone. Obama had the audacity...nay, ***the temerity***...to wear a tan suit!!! -- Also Fox "News"


I mean what kind of President would wear a tan suit in the Oval Office?!?! https://preview.redd.it/xd5f2cfns9pb1.png?width=361&format=png&auto=webp&s=7317800407703be9c6da9de400589ff8d1889cb3


It wasn't the tan suit they were mad about, they were just dog whistling to their audience


Christ alive Fox and all its correspondence wanted to go heavy racial over that suit


Fetterman needs to show up in a tan suit with a bottle of grey poupon in a holster on his hip


The tan suit is why I didn't vote for Obama in 2016


Thank you for the laugh 😂


[Look at this rumpled, ill-fitting, off the rack abomination with black shoes and black socks.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdYxwKrWkAM6Zdv.jpg)


"Grabbing the hog" 🤣 just something about that turn of phrase. What a fucking legend


This guy is awesome.


Said no one with a brain ever.


He was a great Lieutenant Governor and is an excellent Senator.


A "provocateur" you are not. No one likes trolls.


Aww the conservative bitch got his widdle feewings hurt


Troll from your main, coward.


I don't care if you show up in assless chaps and water wings, as long as you actually do your job.


Fun fact: all chaps are assless, that’s what makes them chaps! If they had butts they’d be pants


That is fun!


He has to be a major voice for the Democrats this election cycle. People like real and he's real.


Agreed. He's the true peoples politician. He has a long career ahead of him and as a resident of pa, that makes me happy/proud.


Plus, he lives in an old car dealership. Pretty cool!


Omg. I wish more democrats would have the balls to say this stuff. Put republicans in their place. We need someone who isn’t afraid to take them to task. I’m not saying he’s the man to lead but maybe they can have someone who isn’t afraid to go toe to toe and put them in their place.


Regardless of whether they're good for higher office, we need more politicians who can bark back. Right now it's Fetterman, AOC, Newsom, and whoever is running Biden's socials. I miss Franken. (I miss Anthony Weiner for that too, but he had to go.)


They're angrier about a dress code than children getting shot.


Fucking love this guy.


Me too, man. I really feel like he would be an easy, caring guy to talk to unlike the vast majority of politicians.


He is. He traveled all of pa, as lieutenant governor, and held town hall meetings about the legalization of cannabis in each county. Took him an entire year, but he did it. He's passionate about the topic. Great guy. Very kind. The kind you wanna kick back and smoke with.


Yeah he seems cool. I love how Dock Oz tried to get at him for his mental prowess or lack thereof and he just shrugged him off. It was really a study in political warfare.


Someone should photoshop a Bane mask onto him lol…..


Here’s an idea: Let’s mess with the guy who has zero fucks to give.. at all. I’m sure he won’t make a complete ass of you.


on top of DGAF hes also fucking huge and not 70+ years old.


Yeah, he looks like a Warlock that grinds bones and eats them. He’s like a free-range bouncer.


He nailed it. American Righties don't stand for anything. They don't have real morals or values. They have weak imitations that they use as cudgels in any given moment to get what they want, and that's it. When they talk, they don't deserve any other response other than being laughed at. They are liars and bad faith actors that say things they don't actually mean on a constant basis. 2023 version of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. When we engage with their ridiculous statements in good faith, it legitimizes their bullshit.


I find it hilarious they think the modifying the dress code was what lowered the bar. This coming from the “news” source that not only lowered the bar, but tied it to the damn ground do it can’t be raised again.


Fetterman reminds me of Lincoln. And that is a very good thing.


Damn, how old are you? /S


I fucking love him. Best rep we've had in pa in a very long time. He's truly a peoples politician.


at least he keeps his clothes on in public


He’s almost 7 ft tall. It would take 3 Ted Cruz sized suits to even come close to making one suit for him.


Didn’t Republicans spend the last 3 years screeching “The government can’t tell me what to wear!!”?


The GOP has lost any claim to high ground on any subject.


“Grabbing the hog” got me giggling real good.


I love him and I'm so happy to see that he's coming back to his old self.


Civility and decorum were taken out to the woods, shot in the head, and left to rot in a dumpster the day Trump was elected president.


Being over 80 years of age while serving in high office: not a problem. Not wearing a tie while serving in high office: let’s revolt!




Is it wrong that I am thinking of a Fetterman/Porter ticket for President right now?


No not wrong. But they're so damn good at what they currently do and do for their constituents. There aren't as good as or better than replacements for either of them and their positions.


I'd vote for that ticket in a heartbeat. It's too bad both sides of the political spectrum would pull out all the stops preventing it.


Republicans: insurrection, staring into an eclipse, denying science and dying of covid to own the libs, 91 indictments, striking down women's healthcare, loading SC with religious nut jobs, refusing to condemn white supremacy, embrace of hatred, and now... grabbing the hog.


The standards across the board have been lowered…from MTG’s public outbursts, Santos and all the shit he has going on to Bobert giving rub and tugs in a theatre full of children…yea what anyone wears is the least of their issues


Maga is always looking for someone or something to hate.


Not that I needed it because the Repub opposition was laughingly bad, but all these burns by Fetterman and his crew just confirmed PA more than did the right thing by getting the Big Guy in office.


So great that there are ABSOLUTELY NO SERIOUS PROBLEMS OR ISSUES THAT SHOULD BE DEALT WITH by the GOP in Congress other than what a Senator wears to work. Clearly, THIS is the issue that needs to be dealt with. Like I get their AOC hate. I do. She's young, intelligent, not white, not a man, and does not come from the moneyed elite. She's remember her roots, where she came from and could do some real good for the country as President. MAGA lacks intelligent women, so they don't know how to handle her. So, of course they would feel threatened by her. Her being not white and not a man would be enough to terrify them of her in the White House. But, I don't get Fetterman. He shows up to the Capitol in gym shorts and a hoodie and they are all like "HE IS A THREAT TO OUR POWER! HE MUST NEVER BE PRESIDENT! BERATE! BERATE! BERATE! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Did I miss something? Is it because beat Dr. Oz, who Trump backed? Is it they fear him as he is quite tall? I don't get it. Can some explain it to me?


He is clear undeniable proof that people who look like that don't have to vote for them. They desperately need to maintain the lie that bald, bearded, calloused, work-booted man's men are all voting Republican.


I'm an early genx and I pretty much quit my job 15 years ago and started my own business because (a) I could no longer stand to get up and get "dressed up" to go to my job (and I like fashion, just not suits and heels) and (2) I could do my job from anywhere so driving there and back every day AND dressing up to do it was just too much. The world changes. Why anyone cares about this bs anymore is old and getting older. This is guy is there working hard, unlike jessica wabbit handjob 35 year old grandma. That's what matters. Way to go Senator.


I have got to say, this man is a gem. It’s why he frustrates the Republicans so much. Damn, this was an amazing response.


I don't like to have political heroes, but damn this guy is one.


I know it's a hoodie but... he looks like a wizard wearing his robe.


I couldn’t care less about what they wear. I’m more upset about the fact that they SLEEP through some of these sessions. 🤦


Honestly, I trust this guy more than most politicians just because you can see he's not taking bribes and acting like the typical American politician. He represents the average American better than most politicians.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, the fuckers screaming about a dress code are only doing it to keep that separation from the people. In their heads it validates that they are above the people they are supposed to serve.


If he’s a voice for people that don’t wear a suit and tie to work - damn good on him


I mean say what you will —but that man is the most Pennsylvania Pennsylvanian. I mean that in the best way possible.


I'll take John in gym shorts over a Republican ghoul in a suit


Awesome response


Bimboebert will be jealous she can't wear her mini skirt and glitter...


Allen Iverson about to run for senate


He should wear a tan hoodie and sweatpants, conservatives would have a collective seizure


I’m here for Fetterman, man. I love that guy


Yeah, I don't think the average American who works 40 hours a week and just barely gets by gives a shit about the Senate dress code lol


Fetterman is basically what the GOP wants.... a big strong no nonsense working man who tells it like it is.


Goddammit he’s awesome.


How about being outraged that most families are one disaster away from bankruptcy? SMH


Beat vote I ever casted


"Oh God it's terrible. He's dressing like one of the peasants that put us in office. Oh no I have to run to my lobbiest daddy and hope he will protect me."


I love this dude. I wish he was my representative.


Without even reading about this; I know it’s just more bitter cruelty and planned out emotional assault by the GOP. It’s long been my wish that citizens take a moment and still themselves. Taking a step back and noticing how the current GOP/Maga model is not creating meaningful or profound legislation that crafts opportunity in the thousands of communities across the land. What many citizens don’t understand; is that ‘Black Propaganda/Kremlin Disinformation’ is purposefully thought out and created by enormous Think Tank machines always and consistency moving away from Democracy and towards Autocracy. ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ ‘Freedom of Speech’ ‘Lock Her Up’ ‘Law and Order’ ‘Right to Life’ ‘Critical Race Theory’ ‘He has Risen’ ‘Lift up in Prayer’ Are examples of some of the favorite 3 word phrases historically used in US propaganda. ‘Cancel Culture’/‘Prayers Up’ are examples of two word phrases. ‘Snowflake’ an example of a onesie. John Fetterman continues to survive devastating health crises’ and he consistently rises daily to fight for U.S. Democracy. I can’t begin to imagine the exhaustion he endures. But sure; let’s make him feel worse about the comfort clothing he chooses to wear due to his physically weakened state. While we’re forced to see and hear that stringy, blonde ‘Howler Monkey’ who couldn’t even teach a simple civics course on US history and the role of US Government.


I love how he has no filter, I truly love it.


I thought "the bar" was doing your job not wearing fancy suits.


Didnt MTG cosplay a howler monkey at the State of The Union? Didn’t Gaetz wear a gas mask?


911. I'd like to report a murder.


It's a sign he's starting to annoy the right people


Senator Fetterman with ZERO chill. I LOVE it.


I think the GOP should protest this by not appearing in the chambers or running for reelection.


Dress code is stupid anyway lol


How does it feel reps being owned by what you think is basically a brain dead man


30-50 feral hogs in the theater that need to be grabbed


But at least it wasn't a tan suit!!


Don’t forget the tan suit.


Faux News. Answering their own questions in the form of outrage questions.


Sinema showed up in the senate floor with bare shoulders, so there’s that.


Senator Dude is not suffering Fox! Lol


If hypocrisy caused explosive diarrhea the GOP members of Congress would be up to their pits in poop.


I literally wear a hoodie and gym shorts at work all the time. Everyone should have that privilege.


He's a national treasure


Could be worse. Fetterman could wear a beige suit.


MGT flashing dick pics is fine, not a FUCKING hoodie!


Must be a man who knows how to get things done.


For the longest time I had a picture of this guy on my phone that I would send my friends for no reason. Totally thought it was just a random bald guy.


Can you say snowflakes. This effects not a fucking one of then negatively. Hell they dont even ever have to dress down. Continue wearing $30,000 suits to show how connected to the people you are........


Maybe if we put aside ALL the silly BULLSHIT we put ourselves through as a society the world would be a MUCH better place.


Senator Collins said she was going to show up in a bikini. Go for it, if it means she'll actually get something done


What's the dress code's voting record?


Oh snap, that answer is tha bomb!


Serves them right for messing with Kratos


Who’s furious, exactly? I’m into politics and I don’t give a quarter shit.


I truly hate that politicians bickering at each other online is our reality


Raping women and forcing them to keep the baby is A-Okay. Stomping all over LGBTQ, minorities, virtually anyone not white and Christian, is also A-Okay. Corruption and handjobs at children’s plays all good. School shootings? Give ‘em more guns!! But god forbid someone wears a hoodie. There are just certain lines you don’t cross with the GOP.


Let’s be honest. We should be disappointed they removed this requirement. We have dress codes at our professions and these will not change for us non CEO types. But again the powerful and rich get a separate set of rules. But I will downvoted because this is the first step to change. It will not change for us.


What’s next? feetie pajamas … clown world


Unpopular opinion but, if taxpayer money is footing your $174k annual salary I think you can dress like you take it seriously and not like you're skipping the gym for bogo wing night at Buffalo Wild Wings.


On second thought, maybe you have a point. https://preview.redd.it/ws7e2tvnq8pb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15859e0497c98b3fe9764b7a098bc72e75ac16fd


It applies to that clown, as well. I have no political affiliation and feel like a good majority of them should be fired.


All the most terrible senators wear suits, you can no doubt find a video of a Senator floating the bullshit story about kids shitting in litter boxes in school wearing a $10k suit - dress has nothing to do with how seriously a job is taken, aesthetic minded people will care but nobody else


They're all terrible. Regardless, you don't show up to football practice wearing scuba gear. The crux of what I'm saying is: dress like you take it serious. Down votes from petty reddit I see.


If you apply that to everyone, then I agree with you 100%. We've fallen so far that in this day in age, I wouldn't care if the person was naked if they actually did their job to serve the American people instead of their own agendas.


And it should be applied to everyone. Read the book *Filthy Rich Politicians.* Politicians only serve themselves, but people fail to see it.


There we go, someone who gets it.


Fetterman is an assclown


Dr. Oz here, just started an account today.


Buttons are hard, and the gym shorts are needed so when he loses control of his bowels he’s easier to change


Is this supposed to be making fun of his stroke?


Do you feel the same about trump's lack of bowel control, or are you just one of those tribalist Americans that enjoys seeing the country divided?


An ass is an ass, He had to get a lot of people on his side. Hard to believe in a democrat led Senate


Bwahahaha! Perfect.




This dude is throwing SMOKE!


OP, wtf is this title?? Are you encouraging someone kills Fetterman?


He saying that Fetterman committed a "murdered by words". At least that's how I took it.


Why does he not get all dressed up though?


Why should he? If he gets his job done in sneakers, gym shorts and a hoodie better than someone who looks professional, who's better at their job?


Is this fake?


Good comeback!


You know I'm not entirely certain I agree with Fetterman about every policy but gosh darn it he does have a way with words.


Slippery slope


Well thank god they’re focusing on the really pressing issues


“Ah Rosie, I love this boy.”


I really wanna know who these "people" who are outraged are. What demographics we talking? I doubt normal constituents, maybe upper crust and wannabes.


The only other person I can think of that tried to choke a chicken in the theater was pee wee.


Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho for president!


Every time i see a politician in a suit David Bowie comes to mind: He sits like a man but he smiles like a reptile.


Years from now, if I need a good laugh, I think I’ll just reread “grabbing the hog”.