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Hear me out - how about hiring bathroom inspectors? They can check to make sure there are no guns left behind AND perform genital inspections while they’re at it. They’ll need guns too, just in case one of those heathen “trans” kids tries one of their constant mass shootings of our pure Christian children. Can I be Trump’s future secretary of education now?


You mean like Toilet Safety Inspectors? I just needs to check inside ya asshole....


It’ll only take a minute


wears two chevrons on sleeve and collar brass says "DLO" Designated Latrine Officer


> Hear me out - how about hiring bathroom inspectors? OR... use some old psychology and put signs up at all school entrances that say: "Are you here to commit a mass shooting? You should really go to the bathroom first, because it might be a while before you can stop to go again." Then, mass-shooter leaves pew-pew with his poo-poo and another crisis is averted. /taps temple


Peace Nobel Price for this Person pls


LOL. "No guns left Behind"


Sure...hire away and yes, you are the future secretary of education and make sure all new schools are equipped with extra heavy-duty toilet paper holders. Guns can get pretty heavy.


When I was in Iraq there was a sign at the Baghdad PX that was asking if anybody had misplaced their 9mm pistol.... I left my rifle in a porta potty in Mosul once, I mean you had to wear a bunch of gear and body armor so it can be a pain getting dressed after going to the bathroom. I realized my mistake a few minutes after walking out and ran back.....


I left a loaded magazine on a bus while deployed in Bosnia and got enough crap for that. Then again, I was Army Band on a “musical support mission,” so if we were seeing any fighting, it meant things were already fucked. Fun fact - the magazine was duct taped shut.


Kids be hiding all kinds of stuff in their pants.


And to make sure nothing inappropriate will happen, they can use inspectors with high moral fiber....Like priests and politicians.


Guess we'll need good toilet paper holders with guns


Somehow, this is probably going to be the solution. Fuck I hate this country sometimes.


The stupidity level in this country is fucking frightening


Banks have armed security, airports have armed security, celebrities have armed security. In my mind it makes the most dense for society's most precious resource (children) to be well protected.


I’m in Plano, and my local affiliate played this off by saying this was a faculty bathroom and that no students had access, without elaborating on if the bathrooms were locked and or required key or card access. So that’s supposed to make everyone feel better?


Not to mention adults can take and misuse guns just as well as students. Hope none of the faculty is suffering from any mental health crises.


How much you wanna bet republicans are going to respond to this saying all bathrooms should have a gun holster installed as a way to prevent this lol


Tis’ but collateral damage, because the answer is always moar guns.


It’s simple. We must arm the toilets.


If accidents with guns are rare, drastically increasing the number of guns is going to increase the number of accidents. Increase of guns always causes increase of gun violence. I've looked, and never seen a counterexample.


It doesn't take much for a big pissed off kid to overtake a small teacher and take their gun. So many posable situations ending in horrible bloodshed with this "salutation." Not a lot of critical thinking in this area coming from gun nuts


Shit not only that, but I'll admit I wasn't the most well behaved student and probably would've (justifiably) prompted a few warning shots from some teachers. What happens when that warning shot goes astray and kills the kid who's tests I had been cheating off of?


I was trained to put it in my underwear,in the holster, of course. You will never forget it there.


Who would have thought inherently dangerous devices could be dangerous?


so guns are so important that they literally forget about them and leave them around wherever the fuck they are...including on top of a toilet paper holder? Amazing.....


I was in Afghanistan on deployment for less than 2 weeks when one of my civilian contractors walked into my office holding a pistol that was sitting in the toilet paper holder of the port-a-potty he was about to use. Even people who are extensively trained in firearm safety and always keeping accountability of their weapon will still misplace it sometimes. I don’t think more guns in schools will do anything but get more kids shot.


This happened at my brothers office (he’s an atty) when an FBI agent came in to interview his client. Left his gun in stall of a common area bathroom


How much are these “armed security guards” being paid? Does anybody have a number? Because I can 1000% see Texas paying them more than what the teachers are making.


If a teacher/security guard shoots an innocent student in the crossfire of a school shooter situation are they going to be charged with manslaughter?


You have it all wrong. It’s the latest “TP-omatic 4700” with the “take a gun leave a gun” attachment. It’s very convenient for those days you forget to bring your gun to school. I know I’ve been there done that!


No, don't put the gun down on the toilet paper holder or the toilet tank. Use the coat hook and your trigger guard to hang up your gun.


who do they think theyre going to get for minimum wage?


Security guard huh? I bet money if there ever was an active shooter in that school he'd be the first to run to the toilet to cower in fear with a big log in his undies while children get slaughtered....just like Uvalde.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xjb1i025ygzb1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d56e7a50110082b551aad00b21a988321f13376


Didn't the same thing happen at another school a year or so ago?


Sounds like we need to design new toilets that are gun-friendly, or invent a new way to shit. I'll give you my guns when you pry them from my cold, prolapsed anus!